Neither the person you know, nor the imaginary me you imagined.

You are just looking at me with prejudice and arrogance, but what you see is completely different from reality.

Even people who get along day and night may have completely different sides, not to mention objects that are only recognized from memory and data. Can you guarantee that your views and ideas are absolutely correct?

That being the case, why can't you let go of your pride and prejudice and have a good talk with me?

Maybe, we will be very speculative. "

Amakusa Shiro smiled softly: "I think... the two of us must get along very well."


Ye Qing was a little upset, and asked: "Amakusa Shiro, you said your wish is to save all human beings, is that true?"

"Yes, this is my wish, without any falsehood."

Human relief.

Laugh if you want to.

People who will take this as their goal will not care about others' ridicule at all.

"Archer, Ye Qing, what is your wish? If the situation permits, then come true with my wish."

"my wish?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Ye Qing's eyes, but he regained consciousness in an instant.

"My memory is like the key fragments in the maze. Only when certain conditions are met will the details emerge... All I can remember is 'to win the war'. .

However, I can be sure that your wish is definitely not what I want!

There is no chance of cooperation between us! "

Amakusa Shiro clenched his fist slowly: " are too arrogant, Archer."

"I want to return this sentence to you as it is, Amakusa."

Ye Qing said coldly: "Why do you think my cognition is pure prejudice?

You think that I am hostile to you because of the past, and now I am irrational, influenced by emotions, and blinded by passion, so I stand on the standpoint of a sage and an outsider, and advise me to let go of my arrogance and prejudice—— Isn't your self-righteousness exactly [arrogance]?

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada! "

"Hmm..." Amakusa Shiro opened his eyes wide, "I haven't noticed all this time..."

Ye Qing's eyes shifted: "Well, the reason for targeting you is indeed because of the hatred in the past, so your judgment is correct... Ahem, but it doesn't matter.

As long as you know that I will not stand with you, that is enough. "

Shiro: "..."

"That, that... did you two know each other?" Rider Astolfo said the thoughts of the followers.

No matter how you look at it, the scene just now didn't look like the interaction between two strangers, but rather like enemies who broke up because of some things.

"No, I don't know."

Ye Qing and Shiro said in unison.

"It was the first time we met on the battlefield before."

All the followers were speechless, and someone's beautiful face gradually darkened.

Well, it is indeed true.

"The man I know is a little whiter than him, at least it can be seen that he is of Asian race."


The corners of Amakusa Shiro's eyes twitched, the look in Ye Qing's eyes gradually became more subtle.

"The people I 'see' are healthier than him, both in body and mind."

Ye Qing: "..."

"How do you plan to realize your wish?" Ye Qing took a deep breath, "Although I don't want to talk too much, but let's listen to your excuse."

"Ahem, what Archer said is right, the key lies in your purpose and means." The ruler came back to his senses, and quickly agreed with Archer.

The black rider Astolfo also nodded, staring at Amakusa Shiro with hostility.

"Don't look at me like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, it doesn't have any deterrent effect." Amakusa Shiro chuckled, he seemed to think that Rider's appearance was cute.

He turned around and looked at Ye Qing seriously, but at the same time announced like everyone else.

"The method I thought of to save mankind is very simple.

It is to liberate man from his most primitive fear—that is, to free man from death. "

The servants couldn't immediately understand his words, only Semiramis who knew the plan for a long time showed a knowing smile.

However, Ye Qing's complexion changed.

Cyan flames spread in memory, and a certain event came to mind.

"You... do you want all human beings to realize the third law?!"

Ye Qing let out a long breath, and showed a dangerous smile in the puzzled eyes of the followers.

"Correction, I was wrong - you really are not him.

In terms of madness, you are even worse than him! "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ah, of course. I will bring about the ultimate relief - to give all humanity the 'cup of heaven (hea*ven's feel)'."

The third method: the cup of heaven, that is a detached fantasy, which only exists in the theoretical "complete human form".

The Cup of Heaven is the magic of "soul material flower". If you exercise this magic, you will become an eternal existence that is immortal.

Unlike the physical body, which is subject to injury and ages, the soul embodied in matter is free from the karma of struggle, unbound by anything.

The original purpose of the Holy Grail is to achieve the third method, and the so-called "universal wishing machine" is just a bait.

Use the Holy Grail system to summon servants, collect the souls of the defeated servants, return one of them to the outside of the world, and then use the power of the Holy Grail to fix the resulting gap at that moment, so as to reach the root with the body, and complete the third method—— This is Einzbern's long-cherished wish.

Of course, back then, making a wish or something was a trivial matter, so it's not bad to call it a universal wishing machine.

"It is an extremely difficult feat to reach the realm of magic, let alone to affect the whole of humanity rather than individual individuals.

But as long as enough adjustments are made and enough magic power is obtained from excellent spiritual veins, it is not impossible to push the souls of the entire human race to immortality!

At that time, with a perfect body, there will be no restrictions on life span and food, and human beings will gain real freedom.

And the survival instinct will fade away naturally, and finally, meaningless bloodshed and war will be completely eliminated! "

Silence, for Amakusa Shiro's plan, many heroes can only respond to silence.

He is correct.

If the soul can be separated from the body to become an immortal existence, then naturally there will be no need for labor and competition, and the pressure of life and emotions will suddenly disappear.

If the whole human race is like this, the differences of religion, country, nationality, and even gender will be forgotten, and all conflicts will lose their meaning.

The struggle for survival - this is the fate of all living things, including humans.

But the third method can save mankind from this eternal tragic reincarnation!

However, in order to sublimate the soul of all human beings, how much magic power does it need to consume?

"All the spiritual veins of the entire land." Amakusa Shiro gave the answer.

"Is that enough?"


"What happens if you fail?"

"I won't, I won't let it fail."

Sacrificing the spiritual veins of the whole world and sublimating human beings in the form of race is really a grand blueprint that shocks people beyond words.

However, what will happen after the world's spiritual resources are exhausted?

It's okay if the third method is successful, so you don't need to care about the influence of the environment, but what if it doesn't succeed?

Can failed human beings survive the collapse of nature?

...No, that possibility doesn't exist.

If it is the "Holy Grail", it can indeed give a feasible plan, and if you follow the steps step by step, you will succeed.

Therefore, Amakusa Shiro acted only after confirming that he could do it. It was definitely not a random impulse, but a result of deliberation—the result of half a century of thinking.

"This is your answer?"

"Only this is the only way to save mankind!"

Facing the shaken Ye Qing, Amakusa Shiro asserted.

It was a belief as strong as steel, a will that absolutely did not tolerate weakness and compromise, and something similar to belief was supporting him.

"If the soul is sublimated to a higher level, all kinds of contradictions including energy, land and religion will be resolved overnight... Really convenient method."

Ye Qing calmed down, looked at Amakusa Shiro's firm eyes and asked: "You said 'all human beings', do you also include dead souls?"

"Of course, it has nothing to do with the past or the future, and it has nothing to do with good or evil, rich or poor, and it will be the primate species 'human' that will be saved.

Even you—heroic spirits are on the redemption list! "

"So..." Ye Qing suddenly laughed, "You want to challenge the entire history of mankind. Amakusa Shiro, you... If you are not a madman, then you must be a saint."

No famous heroes, no tears of misfortune, what Shiro Amakusa hopes for is a "past" where nothing is lost...and a "future" where nothing is left.

When his plan is completed, mankind will stop moving forward, or lose its direction.

A future that no one can predict that even EX's clairvoyance can't see.

From a certain point of view, a desireless and eternal species should be "perfect".

Because there are no longer desires, the weakness of human nature will also disappear, so the original sin will be washed away, and everyone will become a saint... No, it doesn't matter who they become, and no one will care anyway.

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