For example, why did I choose the bow rank instead of the sword rank...

"I'll see you later, Corles." Fiore smiled and said to her younger brother, "I'll leave you to look after the house."

After saying this, Ye Qing pushed the wheelchair and left.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Entrusted by the Magic Association, Necromancer Shishi Jie and his servant Saber left Tulifas and came to Sighisoara, where a large number of murders have occurred recently.

Because of the recent abnormal incident, the simple people classified it as a public security issue, so there were fewer pedestrians on the road, and the business of the store was somewhat sluggish.

Lion Jie took Saber into the hotel. Although it was a small hotel that was not luxurious, it was much better than the cemetery where he stayed before, and Saber's complaints were much less.

Although she had a dispute with Saber because of bed allocation and space issues, in Shi Shijie's view, she was just a mischievous child who wanted to attract others' attention, so she just dealt with it casually and it was over.

And the reason why the two of them left the safe and comfortable (for Lion Jie) cemetery and came to the town was mainly because of the assignment of the Magic Association.

According to a certain Lord (Lord) II who was in contact with Shishijie, the magicians sent by the Magicians Association to monitor and collect information lost their messages one by one.

Because the battle with the Thousand Boundary Tree had already officially started, all those sent were actual combat factions who could fight, not academic factions who had never seen death.

But such an elite group was also killed silently, without even leaving a message of death.

"If you think about it this way, you should still be a follower."

Lion Jie lit a handmade "Dragon Smoke" produced in Hong Kong, and the slightly crude tobacco aroma made him concentrate.

"Father Yanfeng said that Chi Fang's servants obediently did not act, and Black Fang seems to be rectifying his army. If neither side makes a move... Only Black Fang's assassins who have lost their information are left."

If it was an Assassin walking in the dark, it would indeed be able to easily take away the magician's life without causing any damage.

As for the purpose...

"Probably to replenish the magic power."

Lion Jie explained to Saber: "Those corpses don't have any damage on the outside, but they are empty inside. In short, they have been sucked into their souls. Assassin probably used this method to transform magic power, and then allow himself to exist Bar."

He pondered for a while: "That's it... His Master should not be a professional magician, maybe even an ordinary person, otherwise he wouldn't be able to support the job of assassin with the least mana consumption."

Assassins are servants who are so weak that they can only attack the master (under normal circumstances), but consume the least mana, coupled with the characteristic of being invisible, they are very popular among second-rate magicians in the subspecies Holy Grail War welcome.

Shishi Jie has participated in several subspecies Holy Grail Wars, among which he has the experience of serving as assassins, so he has to admit that the servants of this job look weak, but they are unexpectedly deadly threats!

"Soul eater? A guy with no style." Saber said disdainfully, "It's not a serious heroic spirit anyway."

"Assassins and the like will not be my opponents, you can rest assured and wait for the victory to come, I will chop the assassins to pieces!"

Lion Jie nodded in agreement with Saber's remarks. Saber indeed has a combat power that surpasses assassins, and it is not she who needs to be careful, but herself.

Assassins are like natural enemies to the master, after all, it only takes an ordinary knife to deal with magicians (humans), and they don't need any light cannons or nuclear bombs.

In fact, a Master did use Assassin to end the subspecies Holy Grail War in three days.

"Well, maybe I'll be targeted."

Lion Jie snuffed out one-third of the smoke, leaned back on the chair and said, "Magicians who are active on the surface have been preyed upon by assassins, and if we come out to wander around at this time, we will naturally try to attack me." .”


Saber glanced at Lion Jie unexpectedly: "You, did you use yourself as bait?"

"Does that even need to be said?"

Lion Jie sighed: "Besides me, where can I find fresh and delicious 'food'? It is impossible to lure out assassins without the necessary bait."

"Are you sure, master?"

"Probably...the other party has no record of attacking ordinary people. They are all picking the magicians from the Thousand World Tree and the Magic Association. The scattered magicians in the vicinity are almost wiped out. The current assassins must be very serious. hunger and thirst."

"Oh, so you're like high-class caviar to him, right?"

"Yes." Lion Jie spread his hands deliberately, "I didn't expect that people like me would be looked at enthusiastically one day."

"Speaking of which, premium caviar..."

"What's the matter, want to eat?" Lion Jie observed Saber through the sunglasses, and the expression on his face softened inadvertently.

Although servants theoretically do not need to rest and eat, Saber is an exception. Not only does he have an inexplicable obsession with food, but he is also a bottomless big eater.

So much so that Lion Jie wondered where all the food disappeared every time?

Saber's slender completely out of proportion to the amount of food she eats!

However, Shishi Jie doesn't think such a Saber is troublesome, but thinks she is quite cute, and what arises in his heart is like an elder's tolerance when he sees a child who is too noisy.

Beneath that wildcat exterior, perhaps it was just a young child who wasn't properly guided.

Crazy like a berserker on the battlefield, his steel armor crushes everything, but in daily life he is approachable, daring to love and hate, a guy who is as abrupt and hearty as a thunderstorm.

...I also played the role of "father" before, so Shishijie saw the appearance of the saber girl inexplicably kindly.

"Want to eat!"

Saber smiled like a feline, showing her cute canine teeth: "As long as it is better than potatoes, I want to eat it!"

"If you catch the assassin, it's not that you can't buy it." Lion Jie smiled, "The big shots from the Magic Association paid a lot of money."

"That's great!"

Saber sat on the chair, happily cocking her arms and legs.

"Well, for now, let's make do with pasta first."

Lion Jie looked at the waiter who brought the food, and signaled Saber to stop discussing the assassin.

"Oh, is this the ethnic cuisine of the guys in Rome?" Saber was a little excited, and couldn't wait to pick up the knife and fork.

"This can't be said for sure. Rome is just a city now. In fact, the country that inherited Rome's inherent no longer the original empire."

Shishi Jie nodded to the petite waitress, but didn't smile or thank him—his ferocious smile and deep voice were not suitable for this.

"It looks good... um, what's the matter, Master?"

"No, nothing..."

Lion Jie looked at the waiter's back thoughtfully: "It's just a little accident, but it's normal after thinking about it."

Generally speaking, ordinary people would not take the initiative to approach Lion Jie with a terrifying face. Even if it is a job like a waiter who must be in contact with customers, when facing him, his professional smile will be somewhat unnatural.

But the waiter just now was quite calm, nothing unusual.

But she should not be the enemy.

There was neither fluctuation of magic power nor murderous aura on his body, not only Shishi Jie, who had been on the battlefield for a long time, didn't feel any problem at all, even Saber's [Intuition] was not alert.

In this case, she is just an ordinary person with a relatively strong psychological quality. Although it is rare, it is not uncommon.

"Well, the appearance and figure are quite good, the average level of Romania is really high..."

It may be a little petite for Westerners, but for a person from the Far East like Lion Jie, this kind of small bird is quite good.

The appearance can only be described as "clear and beautiful", but for some reason it gives people a sense of surprise that is above the level of appearance, as if she should be more beautiful in the first place, but she is just hiding her clumsiness.

The ratio of chest, waist, and hips...although it is not the plump type that Shishi Jie likes, it is quite well-proportioned, and there is a wonderful sensual appeal in the slenderness.

"Would you care about this kind of thing, did I also unknowingly become an annoying uncle?"

Thinking of such insignificant things, Shishi Jie rolled up the pasta with a fork...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


A silver light flashed in Lion Jie's vision, and when he came back to his senses, his fork and pasta had been blown away by Saber.

Saber held the knife and fork like a sword, and stared at the Master unkindly.

"What's the matter, do you even want to eat my share?"

This is of course just a joke, Saber will not do meaningless things, there must be some reason for her to make a move, and Shishi Jie, who understood this, gradually became serious.


"Quiet." Saber closed her eyes, "Master, let me concentrate."

Saber's [Intuition] is a special skill that can follow her instincts to avoid danger. Since she made such an unusual move, something must happen.

Lion Jie also quietly put his hand on the hidden short-barreled shotgun.

"Hello, lady."

Saber opened her eyes, remained motionless, and said to the waiter who left behind: "The steps are so light, have you learned how to dance?"

"Just a little bit." The waiter stopped and turned around, "Why, Miss Customer, would you like to see it?"

A red lightning flashed from Saber's hand——

"Then dance for me, assassin!"

The mighty magic sword was thrown by Saber, and it hit the place where the waiter was standing, stirring up dust in the sky.

Before the sound wave came, Saber had already galloped out, rushing into the dust without any scruples!

Almost at the same time, a black figure rushed out from the other side of the dust screen.

"Don't try to run, rat!"

Hearing Saber's roar, Shishi Jie sighed, calmly took out his weapon, turned the table over to serve as a cover, and started to deploy the "human-avoiding barrier".

"Really, that guy Saber, can't you find a place where no one is there to do it?"

Just when Shishi Jie was going to look for the assassin master, a burning sensation suddenly rose from his chest and lungs, which made him cough violently!

"Well, this is..."

What dripped on the ground was pitch black poisonous blood.

"Am I poisoned?"

Realizing this, he decisively took out the prepared medicine and injected it through the vein on his neck without hesitation.

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