"Me?" Ye Qing smiled, "Ye Qing, what's wrong?"

"Ye Qing... blue leaves, green... represents the color of life..."

The boy laughed.

"Then, I'll call 'blue'."


"Green actually represents life." Ye Qing still didn't know how to look at the atmosphere in the end, "And blue and blue are not the same color. Although English doesn't distinguish between the two colors, they are actually quite different."

"Let's think about Goldan Lee!" He looked at the boy expectantly.

The android boy—Bru, looked at the bright face of his savior, his expression and mood became complicated together.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This Holy Grail War (as always) has a problem. Originally, seven masters led seven servants to fight, but now there are a total of fourteen masters and fourteen servants in the Holy Grail War!

The Thousand World Tree family is the "black" camp, based on Mirenia Castle, and the "red" camp is facing it.

But different from "Black", the situation of "Red" is more chaotic, because the manpower was hastily recruited. Although the magic quality can be guaranteed, the tacit understanding is extremely low.

The red Saber and her master left their own camp and wandered alone. This almost split situation is also a proof that the "red" has no unity.

But unexpectedly, the five masters from the Magic Association jointly appointed the same person as their agent—the priest "Shiro Kotomine".

Well, according to Toyo's naming habits, it should be called "Kotomine Shiro".

He is the master sent by the Church of the Holy Church and also serves as the supervisor. He is not only the master of the assassin, but also the agent of the masters of the Magic Association, responsible for conveying the will of the master to their followers.

In short, it is a "person in front of the stage", like a scapegoat being pushed out.

Generally speaking, if this happens, it is nothing more than the fact that the masters of the association are afraid, so let the priest come forward instead of everyone.

But...is this really normal?

In any case, a very strange fact hangs in the hearts of all the followers - they have never met their Master.

In the red camp, except for the assassins and swordsmen, all the followers have never seen their masters, and only the priest is giving orders from the beginning to the end.

Although I will get corresponding instructions from the master through reading words, and the magic channel is well connected, but there will always be a kind of uneasiness...

At this time, Father Yanfeng was browsing through the collected information.

This was the Servant information obtained by Assassin by manipulating pigeons—not familiars, but natural creatures—to monitor the two battles so far.

Oh, please don't wonder why assassins do this druid-like enslaved animal magic-this is a fairly common operation in the follower world.

In this world, there are archers and mages who love melee combat, assassins who can't hide their breath and open Wushuang directly, and cavalry who can only jump on the sea. Why can't there be assassins who can use magic?

Well, the truth is that the Red Assassin's special inherent skill [Dual Role], she can switch between the roles of assassin and magician at will.

There have been two Servant battles so far, black Saber and red Lancer, black Archer and red Saber.

What surprised Shiro the most was the battle between the black Saber and his own Lancer.

"As expected of Siegfried?" Shiro recalled the scene of the battle.

The strength of the black saber is beyond the conventional limits, and his strength is comparable to that of the red Lancer, "Karna", the son of the sun god Surya.

Although Karna, who possesses the golden armor bestowed by God, will never fail, Siegfried is indeed an enemy that should not be underestimated.

According to common sense, once a heroic spirit like Karna standing at the apex of the Holy Grail War is summoned as a servant, it is almost equivalent to securing the victory in advance.

(Unlike a certain king, Karna listens well to others.)

It is really unbelievable that this kind of trump card can still be blocked-but if the target is Siegfried, then this fact can be accepted.

The character of this hero is not inferior to any heroic spirit. As a famous undead hero, it is normal to have a defense that can wrestle with Karna.

In this way, in addition to Lancer Vlad III summoned by the black side, there is another top-level servant Saber Siegfried......

Thinking of this, Kotomine Shiro suddenly laughed.

Yeah, how can you not make people laugh?

The Tree of Thousand Worlds has owned the Holy Grail for half a century, and Danic can also be said to have been planning for a long time, but the strength of the servants gathered in the end, except for Lancer, Saber and the unnamed Archer, is only "average".

The average quality of Servants is not as good as the Mage Association who is in a hurry.

(On the one hand, the power of the Magic Association is really unimaginable. On the other hand, Danik did not expect it to turn into a red-black war at first, so in order to ensure his victory in the civil war, he intentionally or unintentionally suppressed other clansmen.)

"Is there anything to be happy about, my Master?"

Materialized in the mysterious magical radiance is Assassin, a black witch with elf-like beauty and mature femininity all over her body.

Before being tempted by her beauty, please note that the prefix of this peerless face is "degenerate and deadly".

"No, I'm just expressing my feelings." Shiro smiled at his followers, "I never expected to meet such a great hero as Siegfried."

"Heh, as expected of my Master, have you already mastered the real name of the enemy?"

The assassin showed a smile that could easily charm the monarch: "For a hero like this, as long as he knows his weaknesses, there is nothing to be afraid of - because heroes are always killed by villains in the dark, aren't they?"

She doesn't deny that she's an assassin, and she doesn't think there's anything shameful about intrigue—perhaps that's what's scariest about her.

"...Don't put yourself on the opposite side of justice so lightly." Shiro scratched his cheek, a little troubled, "We are participating in the battle on behalf of the Church of the Holy Church this time, so of course we are on the side of justice, right? "

"Moreover, when one's own strength is superior, it is more appropriate to put aside the conspiracy and run over it with an upright strength gap."

Shiro said indifferently: "The strategy is used by the weaker side to equalize the gap, and the purpose is to make the enemy who has no openings open up.

And the powerful side only needs to give full play to its "power" and not give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

As long as it does not waver, the strong side can always push the weak side into a desperate situation. "

He used to be the "weak" side, trying his best to use tricks, but in the end he was defeated by the huge gap in strength.

Therefore, no one understands the simple truth of "one force reduces ten meetings" better than him.

Although the black side has two top followers, Vlad III and Siegfried, the red side also has Karna and another hero who can rival them, so they are not at a disadvantage in terms of top combat power.

And the remaining servants are of higher average quality in the red camp!

"In addition to Saber, I should also know the real name of a servant——Archer, where is he a hero?"

The tone of the assassin was as if it was a matter of course that his master would know the true name of the servant.

Generally speaking, the real name of a hostile servant needs to be judged from various aspects such as gender, clothing, appearance, skills, and Noble Phantasm.

But because of well-known reasons (mythological and historical records are very different from real people, for example, King Arthur cannot be a girl), so it is actually quite difficult to judge the real name.

But the assassin didn't seem to doubt the accuracy of his Master's judgment at all.

At least, the question was asked on the premise that the real name was known.

...Does she have that much confidence in her Master?

Or is there some reason why Kotomine Shiro will definitely know his real name?

In response to his servant's question, Shiro showed a troubled expression.

"Huh? Does it have a Noble Phantasm that hides its real name like Saber?"

The assassin was referring to the red Saber, who was also a servant whose real name was unknown.

"No, I already know the real name, but..." Kotomine Shiro was a little embarrassed, "I have no way of knowing what kind of heroic spirit he is."


This is really strange, knowing the real name but not knowing which Heroic Spirit it is?

Heroic spirits are all "renowned", it's better to say that one cannot become a heroic spirit without popularity (the guardian's situation is special).

If you know the real name but can't remember who it is...? This heroic spirit is so unknown that it makes people pitiful...

"What the hell is it?" The witch's interest was aroused instead.

"Qing Ye," Yan Feng said, "ah, to be precise, it should be 'Ye Qing', it seems to be a heroic spirit of the Eastern Department.

...Although I don't remember his real name, his appearance is somewhat familiar...but I confirm that I have never seen him—not before or after. "

The assassin gave Father Yanfeng a meaningful look, smiled "hehe" and disappeared as a spirit.

Black Archer Ye Qing, a strange servant with unknown body and strength, even if he knew his real name, he was useless.

It's a little troublesome - Shiro thought so.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Wow, what a big guy." Ye Qing looked at the magic projection on the wall and sighed, "There are too many muscles, but there is no beauty at all."

In the image is a giant man with blue-gray muscles, advancing through the forest. Judging from the route, the target seems to be the castle of the Thousand Worlds Tree.

Ye Qing looked at this strange follower, but what appeared in his mind was another stalwart figure.

It was a black giant that seemed to be made by kneading ten lions together. Although it was huge, it was not bloated. Every muscle was full of violent beauty.

In the past, the sea was difficult for water, and I have seen the existence of that level. When I saw the blue-gray giant in front of me again, Ye Qing was surprised at most, and it was difficult to have any fluctuations.

"It seems that he came straight here. Could it be that he lost his mind and wanted to challenge the enemy's base camp alone?"

Fiore turned to Danik and asked, "My lord uncle, what are you going to do about this servant's invasion?"

"The opponent is probably Berserker. He has no so-called rationality, so he moved forward recklessly." Danik smiled ambitiously, "I plan to capture him and turn him into one of our (chess pieces)!"

This sentence surprised everyone present, but after thinking about it for a while, they felt that there was a great possibility of success.

Originally, the assassin of the black side lost the news with the master for some reason, and it can be preliminarily concluded that it was an accident, so it cannot be counted as combat power for the time being.

In this way, the black side is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, but if they can capture the berserkers, they can successfully turn the situation around and gain the upper hand.

Although a berserker is irrational, it is easier to capture because of this, and it is easier than instigating a noble knight.

(Red A, Old Sword, Shining smile without saying a word)

"So you want to capture it alive?" Ye Qing curled his lips, "It's not easy."

"This strategy can be tried." Lancer agreed, "Danic, let us hear your plan."

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