The magician of the age of gods seems to be quite adapted to modern life, and has completely turned into a well-dressed housewife.

And under her guidance, Nightmare's dress is more in line with the trend, and seems to be more cheerful, at least he can have a normal conversation with the shop assistant - Ye Qing is very pleased with this.

By the way, whether they are going to buy ingredients, clothing, or daily necessities, they basically don't need to bring a wallet, because...they go to the "New Uruk Cosmic Department Store" under Jill's name.

Ye Qing secretly complained about this tasteless name, and almost got hanged and beaten by Jill (Ye Qing has a divine nature, laughing).

Karen hasn't come for a few days, don't worry for now, on the contrary, Xiaoling's reaction is far beyond Ye Qing's expectation.

Because she and Michela have become best friends!

Strictly speaking, Jill, Xiaoling and Michela get along very well, often playing games and poker together.

According to Jill, Michela, like Xiaoling, is a "shining" human being, so she is qualified to communicate with her...

But Ye Qing always feels that the reason why Jill and Michela are so close is because Michela's game skills are top-notch, and she often pulls Jill intentionally or unintentionally.

In contrast, Xiao Ling simply treats Michela as a friend.

She has always been a girl with no scheming and troubles. It is normal to make friends with a beautiful girl like Michela who is also cheerful, kind, and generous—especially when the people around her are generally abnormal.

But to be honest, seeing Jill's smile when he was with the two girls, Ye Qing was always a little uneasy... This guy always has bad intentions!

In order to break the deadlock at home, Ye Qing made a decision: date!

Literally dated every girl except Jill—with Jill, there was always the illusion of being a jerk.

Of course, the time must be staggered, otherwise even the Immortal Da Luo would not be able to help him.

But despite the fact that he has provoked so many girls, he is actually far from being "experienced". How to date a girl is a very complicated issue for him.

"...That's it, so I came to you to ask for help." Ye Qing put down his coffee cup, looked at Shirou with a smile, "As a friend, you will definitely not refuse to do me this favor, right?"

The way Shirou looks at Ye Qing reveals a hint of contempt, but as Ye Qing said, he is one of Shirou's few friends, and he really can't ignore such a life-and-death matter.


"Why did you come to me?" Shirou was puzzled. "It's better to go to Shinji for this kind of thing. His experience is much richer than mine."

"No, no, no matter how rich his experience is, he still has experience dealing with ordinary girls. He probably won't be able to help me with my affairs." Ye Qing smiled bitterly, "Because I'm surrounded by people who are not 'ordinary'. girl."

"Then I won't be able to help you much!" Shirou took a sip of the juice, tilted his head and said cutely, "I don't even have experience in dating ordinary girls, let alone so many... ..”

"You guy... Seriously?"

Ye Qing was shocked and said: "Leave aside Saber, Illya is living in your house now, and the Tohsaka sisters should also go there often... With so many beautiful girls day and night, can you keep your heart calm?" ?”

You must have been preached by Yicheng, right? !

Faced with Ye Qing's doubts, Shirou showed a subtle expression: "One percent? It has nothing to do with one percent, right? It's not like monks can't fall in love... As for me, it's not that I haven't been tempted, after all I'm also a straight puberty boy."

Shirou said embarrassedly: " see, isn't Illya living in my house? As a brother, you have to set a good example, and you can't let her think that your brother is a playboy."

Ah, this guy's younger sister is hopelessly ill... Ye Qing's eyes revealed such information.

"It's so strange... women are beasts, especially girls in love." Ye Qing asked Shirou seriously, "How did you let these people live together in harmony, and it didn't happen?" Anything contradictory?"

"Contradictions? Well, I didn't do anything."

Shirou scratched his head: "Everyone has their own things to do, Sakura occasionally comes over to help me with housework, Saber just eats rice, ahem, and is responsible for the security of the house... usually just eating It's time for everyone to get together.

Oh, by the way, everyone is always in harmony at the dinner table, and everyone has the best smiles on their faces. "

Shirou was inexplicably proud: "This is the charm of food. Ordinary food can expel hunger, high-quality food can eliminate unhappiness in the heart, and real food can warm people's hearts and ease conflicts between people.

Well, getting everyone to understand each other while enjoying a meal together is probably the best way to peace - just kidding.

My craftsmanship is not that good yet, but I really hope that there will be no more hunger and war in this world, no matter what race or religion, everyone can sit down and taste the heart-warming dishes together. …”

Shirou's smile unconsciously carried a trace of loneliness: "It's a little naive, this idea."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Even he, who considers himself immature, understands that this kind of idea is absolutely impossible to realize.

Contradictions and conflicts in the world cannot be resolved simply with food.

Ye Qing stared blankly at him for a while, until Shirou felt uncomfortable before closing his eyes.

"You are really amazing..." Ye Qing looked out the window, "Although you are innocent, it's not funny.

That alone is a big deal, and most people, including me, don't think about 'world peace' at all, let alone imagine a way. "

"That's why I say I'm naive..."

"Not naive at all!" Ye Qing interrupted Shirou coldly, "It is precisely because they know it is impossible that most people give up without going back and trying.

Failure is scary and pointless...that's why the image of 'going to failure' is so fascinating..."

Shirou fell silent, and after a while forced a smile: "I seem to have dragged the topic away, just now we were talking about love, why did we suddenly talk about this kind of thing?"

"You're not just talking about food." Ye Qing obviously didn't intend to end this topic.

"What you're really thinking is 'replacing bad things with good things so that everyone is happy and the contradictions are eliminated'.

This is indeed a very good idea, but considering the factors of resources and emotions, it is obviously impossible. "

Ye Qing changed the subject: "But maybe I can help you realize this dream."

"Huh?" Shirou was taken aback, Ye Qing's words were a bit confusing.

"This world has 'magic', 'methods', and 'miracles'. Although the resources are limited, they may not be able to 'increase' in other ways." Ye Qing picked up the cup and smiled slightly.

"If everyone's needs can be met, then the fighting will naturally be greatly reduced. Of course, human greed is endless... But if there is 'food' to guide these negative emotions, dispel them They, uh... sound good."

Ye Qing drank the bitter coffee in his cup, made up his mind and said: "Let's make a deal, Wei Gong-jun."

It was rare for him to speak so solemnly, so Shirou couldn't help but become serious.

"As long as you can help me solve my troubles, I will help you realize your wish, how about it?"

"Huh?!" Shirou almost thought he had lost his hearing.

What Ye Qing meant, could it be that he equated such a major event as "world peace" with "family harmony"?

"For me, the two are equal, no...Family harmony may be more important, because it involves my personal safety."

Ye Qing smiled and asked: "How, do you want to?"

To be honest, Ye Qing's tone was like joking, it was difficult for Shirou to take it seriously, but his eyes told Shirou again: He is serious!

"Uh... well, it wouldn't be a bad thing to try anyway, would it?"

Just treat it as a part-time job, Shirou thought.

After getting the desired answer, Ye Qing nodded in satisfaction.

Of course he wasn't joking!

Although Shirou's thoughts are naive, Ye Qing is not stupid enough to make fun of other people's ideals, he really wants to help Shirou.

And the reason why he has this idea is that Shirou is one of his few friends, secondly, he really needs Shirou's help, and thirdly...

The back view of advancing towards failure - it is indeed admirable.

Ye Qing is not such a noble and selfless person, but it is still possible to provide him with some help.

However, until then...

"I'm counting on you, Master Chef and Guard Palace!" Ye Qing clasped his hands together and said very seriously, "I want to have a family dinner with my family, so I ask you to prepare the recipe!

As long as this is successful, if you think the reward is not enough, let alone save the world, I can help you destroy it once—well, just kidding. "

"Forget about destroying the world." Shirou wiped off his cold sweat, "Don't you think it's a hasty decision? After all, it's a big deal."

"No, it's a big deal for you, but not for me."

Ye Qing said seriously: "This is the path you chose, and you will carry it through to the end, all I have to do is provide tools and necessary conditions.

Mr. Wei Gong, my help to you is limited to providing you with a 'feasible plan', how to do it specifically, whether you can stick to it, these are all things you have to consider.

That said, I didn't have to make too many trade-offs to decide this, because what I was going to do was only a small part of the 'big thing'.

The one who really has to think twice is you, Shirou—what on earth are you thinking?Have you realized this? "

"Are you serious?" Shirou frowned, "Do you really think cooking is so attractive? Although many people say it's naive, I know it's impossible."

Ye Qing curled his lips irrefutably: "Oh, you think so?

But I can give you a very clear answer, the effect of cooking on world peace is much better than those who wear suits and sit in meetings all day long!

In the final analysis, only interests and force can make the big men sit down and have a good talk, and when these two weights are out of balance, war will emerge as the times require.

So there can be no peace in this world - history has proven that this is the theme of human development.

They say they are working hard for world peace, but in fact they are just dividing up interests. For careerists, the disappearance of war is a kind of trouble.

So never expect to solve problems by holding meetings. What really matters is people who are willing to put their beliefs into action and carry them out—for example, you, Emiya Shiro.

You may think that your own efforts are insignificant, but I think that even if you can only help one person, you are more amazing than many people who are on a vegetarian diet—at least you have done your best, and they are just wasting resources. "

Ye Qing took a bite of the coffee pine nut cake recommended by the store, and frowned slightly: The taste is so bland.

He continued: "In fact, the way to make the world peaceful is very simple, as long as two problems are fundamentally solved.

One is limited resources. Human beings will continue to expand, and they will inevitably encounter bottlenecks in resources, which will lead to conflicts.

Second, they cannot understand each other.

Believe in God or the Son, is Mary a virgin, whether women wear black gauze when they go out, whether pork can be eaten, whether tofu is salty or sweet...

Compared to the difficulty, this one is ten times harder than the first question!

Of course, even if we can understand each other, it will not work without sufficient resources.

A man once turned to the Holy Grail because he couldn't solve those two problems... and he failed. "

Ye Qing took a deep look at Shirou: "I can help you solve the first problem and provide a solution to the second problem. The key is whether you are willing to do it."

Shirou pondered for a while, and said seriously: "To be honest, I'm not too sure that you suddenly brought up such an important matter... But I will still help you, who made us friends.

As for the 'remuneration' you speak of, let me think about it..."

He said thoughtfully: "However, anyway, it's not something that hurts nature, and there is no harm in trying it. And..."

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