It seems that the popularity of the two works is quite different, obviously the blood world has done a good job......

Based on everyone’s feedback and considering the progress of this book, I decided——

I want all .jpgs!

There is no way, it is really hard to turn down everyone's hospitality, no matter which one you give up, someone will be disappointed.

I have been able to follow my cute new book until now. Every reader is like my friend. I don’t want to make everyone unhappy, so I decided to write all of them.

But this order...I thought about it for a while, and I still write the Blood World Front first, and then F/A.

Friends who like F/A calm down first, I made this arrangement out of consideration for the protagonist's strength.

On the set of the Holy Grail War, facing Heel, Brother Fei, and Little Sun, if Ye Qing can't break the defense with a single slash, he will be so embarrassing 233

So we need to improve our strength through One World.

Readers and friends who haven’t watched the Blood World Front, don’t worry, if you are interested, you can make up for it (absolutely no loss, a conscience work), there are blood and fantasy world fronts on station B.

It’s okay if you’re too lazy to make up for it. I’ll try my best to popularize the science in the article so that you won’t be confused.

Besides, the blood world is a comic change, and the setting itself is not that complicated. Everyone who is familiar with the setting of the Xingyue series should not have any pressure to understand it.

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Seven

As a law-abiding, helpful and good citizen, Ye Qing was brought to the police station today. The kind-hearted bearded policeman had a cordial and friendly meeting with him. Ye Qing also actively cooperated and confessed all kinds of information. In a harmonious atmosphere, mutual benefit and co-

"Don't play tricks with me!" The slightly obese Mr. Police made an exaggerated expression, and the spit almost splashed on Ye Qing.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to this country and city? Are there any accomplices and where are they hiding? Is it drug trafficking, human population, or a private arms dealer?!"

Pinching his nose to block the smell of sewer coming out of his mouth, Ye Qing turned his head away in disgust.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qing pinched his nose and said in a low voice, "Mr. Police, I am a good citizen who abides by the law. What happened just now was really just self-defense. That kind of injury should not be regarded as an injury in the United States." Are you overly defensive?"

The corner of the policeman's mouth twisted.

Indeed, the opponent has already moved his gun, even opened fire, even if Ye Qing killed someone in this situation, it was pure self-defense, let alone he didn't kill anyone.


"You said you were a good citizen?" He took off his hat and fanned the sweat from his face, showing a mocking smile, "Which city are you a good citizen?"

"Fyuki City."

"Which country?"


"Hey!" Mr. Police sneered, "This is the United States of America!"

Ye Qing: "..."

Fuck, why is the United States amazing?I'm still an honorary citizen and alternate executive officer of Uruk!

By the way, the conversations between them are all in American English, and because Ye Qing's English is not very good, he doesn't like to deal with this aggressive man with mottled curly hair, and he will attack him as soon as he comes up. Mr. Cop defined as a criminal.

Things started a few days ago.

Ye Qing, in order to relax and increase his life experience, to avoid the eyes and ears of the women at home, secretly opened the star gate and came to this world.

Judging from the degree of technological development, it should be in the near future. Armaments such as power mechs have become popular, but civilian technologies such as communication equipment and transportation have not made much progress.

It can be inferred from this that the world situation should be in a state of local war or cold war, so the development of armaments has achieved a leap, but it has not been popularized among the people.

In fact, the information Ye Qing collected in the past few days really proved his speculation.

A Pan-East Asian Union headed by China and centered on the four East Asian countries.

The Holy Liberty Alliance, headed by the United States, with NATO member countries and Brazil as the backbone.

Although it is not called this name (politicians will always choose some more high-sounding words to cover up), these two forces do exist and are opposed to each other.

The complex relationship between these two forces, which is half cooperation and half confrontation, has been given a new term by politicians and scholars, "Cold War on Steam", and some simply call it "Hot and Cold War".

Both sides have the ability to "absolutely, completely, and completely destroy each other", so instead of wars of practical significance, there are only occasional "proxy wars" in places such as the Middle East, parts of Northern Europe, northern Africa, and the Pacific Islands. , to determine the distribution of benefits.

Not to mention the independent British Commonwealth, which acts as a shit-stirring stick everywhere.

The situation in this world is that the two major powers are competing to cut the wool of small countries. Only those countries that take the slant of their swords and build nuclear bombs under pressure can survive.

(Before the nuclear bomb, you were a pest of the dirty world. After the nuclear bomb, you were a righteous ally who needed to be won. This has always been the case from the last century to the present.)

The root cause of this situation is the super-large-scale natural disaster that happened three years ago—the day New York disappeared!

Three years ago, on an ordinary day, New York (New York City), located on the Atlantic coast of the United States, was surrounded by a sudden thick fog and was conceptually cut off from the world.

And what fell with the thick fog was neither the giant monster Godzilla, nor the alien invaders, nor the dimensionality reduction attack of a certain Soviet red ghost, but it was ten times more terrifying than this, or it could be said that these factors combined in A high-dimensional existence together - a world!

Not exaggerated descriptions, but declarative sentences.

A completely different civilization, living in a completely different race, a mysterious alien world far beyond human imagination, because of the dense fog and the collision with the human world, the first point of contact is the world metropolis" New York"!

This would have been a planet-level disaster that would affect the two worlds and destroy the civilizations of both sides, but with the joint efforts of many human warlocks (superpowers) and some people from other worlds, a huge barrier enveloped New York, The dense fog was bound here, and the collapsed city gradually returned to order.

The old laws have collapsed, and New York and some other worlds have merged together, and new laws have naturally emerged, thus giving birth to a border city that contains the characteristics of the two worlds, but is independent of the two worlds.

The magical city that connects the different world and the present world - "Hershalemz Lot (abbreviation: HL)".

The city built on the remains of old New York has become the focal point of the two worlds, and some even say that mastering it can gain the hegemony of King's Landing for a thousand years!

Leaving aside whether this argument is reliable or not, the "thousand-year hegemony" has not yet come to fruition, but the "hundred-year hegemony" is about to disappear.

After World War II, it became a pole that dominated the world, and successfully flirted with rabbits to kill polar bears in the long Cold War (the disintegration of the Soviet Union). I had the biggest somersault that day!

What New York is to America is what Shanghai is to China, the Vatican is to Europe, and Jerusalem is to the Jews.

Losing this largest and most prosperous city is undoubtedly a great loss for the United States. Although there is still Washington, there is a White House, and the president...but who cares about the president? !

Citizens (capitalists) are the masters of this country, okay? !

Wall Street is gone and still playing with a hammer! !

The U.S. economy has had its darkest three years...

Unlike previous economic crises, this time it is an irreparable loss. If the previous economic crisis was blamed on the general public by capitalists, it would be equivalent to bloodletting the country.

Then this time, a car crashed and broke a leg for no reason, and had to be amputated, and there was no rule of law!

However, the United States has been in power for such a long time, and the accumulated strength is still considerable. It has provoked armed conflicts in various hot spots in the world, increased the amount of arms exports, and successfully replaced the original financial giants with military industry and energy trade. New financial pillar.

I have to say that America's technological reserves are terrifying!

In the case of such heavy losses, some technical materials were opened up, shared with allies and sold to neutral countries, and even tried to squeeze their ideas into the hands of hostile countries through disgraceful means.

It seems crazy, but in fact it successfully set off a new round of arms race, and at the same time increased the tension in the world, making a world war imminent!

But at such a time, those powerful countries dare not move, for fear of blowing up the earth if they are not careful... Instead, they have to be careful to appease the nervous America.

Some second-rate countries with a bit of force and influence were rubbed against by the bosses several times if they wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. The change of domestic leaders is like a revolving door.

Very few big countries wanted to improve their status and "restore the glory of the never-setting sun", but they were cheated by the joint efforts of France and Germany in the European continent, and they have not recovered so far...

The United States knows that it is strong in the outside world, and there is a bomb in the country that does not know when it will explode (the border city HL). In this case, it can only shrink its power to ensure the stability of the homeland.Almost surrendered the status of overlord by default.

At this time, Japan, an island country with a fine tradition of "down to top", taught the Americans a good lesson, telling them what it means to be a "competent second-five boy".

The Prime Minister flew to Washington in person, wept in front of the President, and begged the United States not to withdraw its troops, otherwise he would not be able to face the terrifying dragon across the sea.

He also said that considering the problems left over from history, the other party will definitely not give him good fruit to eat, and they will be over if the US military withdraws...

The president expressed embarrassment: We are unable to deploy overseas bases.

As a result, the Japanese Prime Minister stated on the spot: I have covered the site and funds (in fact, Japan has always been in charge). In addition, I will also call on domestic chaebols to invest in the United States. I can also designate a few blocks in Tokyo for you to rebuild in the Far East. Wall Street!

Tokyo is one of the few large cities in the world capable of serving as a financial center. It would be nice to have Tokyo as a communication window when the mainland is about to be semi-closed.

Besides, Japan can also check and balance that big eastern country a little bit, and maybe it can delay until the United States becomes great again!

So the president and the Congress finally decided to keep the two bases symbolically, but they withdrew most of the troops and sent many technicians.

Firstly, the United States cannot afford to support it now, and secondly, it can stimulate Japanese armaments (American arms dealers can also make a fortune) and check and balance the Chinese Empire, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Then...then these scientific researchers were sold by Japan...

The relevant department of the Chinese Dynasty who received them said: Meidi Technology is a hooligan!

But that's okay, soon we'll have...

Japan handed in the nomination certificate, in order to obtain the protection of the nuclear power of the Celestial Dynasty, and took the opportunity to get rid of the reins of the United States. This operation made the world political circles at that time dumbfounded!

And the Japanese Prime Minister who "bited" the US emperor quickly resigned and went to the field, and was subsequently assassinated... But the losses suffered by the US emperor cannot be made up for.

And the situation in East Asia, with Japan's rebellion, has naturally become a situation in which the Chinese dynasty dominates.Under the general trend, the original regional frictions and territorial disputes subsided almost instantly.

North Korea and South Korea have confessed to reconciliation, Taiwan's bloodless coup, East Asia has undergone earth-shaking changes in a short period of time, and a major power in the world has thus been established, and it has begun to fight against the Western system.

And today, three years later, China's domestically produced individual mechas have even expanded their market to the continental United States...

(It appeared in the animation that the old military supplies of the Chinese Dynasty were sold to the gangsters of HL - and the TM is wholesale, it's just...)

In East Asia, Europe and the United States, the old and new forces are facing each other half-heartedly. Polar bears and the Commonwealth (including India) are watching with cold eyes. The world pattern is gradually stabilizing. Z Roth).

However, due to the particularity of this city, it is difficult for state power to intervene directly, and it is more likely to infiltrate through various underground organizations and secret societies.

Speaking of this, I have to mention several mysterious side organizations in the world view of "Blood World Front".

The first is the Thirteen Kings.

As the name suggests, this is a mysterious organization composed of thirteen "kings"... In fact, it is not appropriate to say "organization", because the internal relationship is quite loose.

They have different races, different personalities, different ages, and different genders (if there is a gender), but they have one thing in common: they are all supernatural, they are both idlers, and they are all mysterious.

It is very appropriate to call them "shit stirrers" and "troubleshooting organizations". They don't care about the impact of their actions, they only care about how to act to bring them pleasure.

And since the thirteen people who behaved recklessly and lawlessly have been able to live freely until now...their strength is self-evident.Maybe it doesn't have too much combat power, but it must have something more terrifying than "power"!

Basically, no matter whether it is a country, organization, or individual, no one will take the initiative to be an enemy-this shows the degree of terror.

(It can be compared to the twenty-seven ancestors of the world view of the forming moon, but it is the invincible version.)

The second is the "heterogeneous residents" of the other world - the family members of the blood world.

The blood and genes have been written into the magic formula, the people of other worlds who live by sucking blood are immortal.

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