It may be that Perseus made Medusa feel dangerous instinctively and subconsciously seek a way to survive, or it may be that the desire for revenge is too strong, which led her to start transforming into Gorgon...

This is also because Medusa has an inherently demonic side, that is, a tendency to fall.

"It's so sad...Medusa, let me set you free this time!"

It was my fault that you became like this.

Perseus sighed lightly, stepped on his feet, turned his scythe, and turned into a shooting star to kill Medusa—the false Gorgon!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The warrior flowing with divine blood, the terrifying and cruel banshee, the snake hunting scythe that destroys all immortality, and the enchanting magic eye that petrifies everything. It can also be easily ravaged!

Just the aftermath of a battle can topple trees and shatter rocks, and with a serious impact, even the mana in the atmosphere will tremble!

The magnificence and ferocity of the dizzying and fierce battle are as exciting as the records of epics and the sung songs of troubadours.

In this corner of the Holy Grail War, fateful opponents meet, and the battle of myths reappears here!

Stepping on the boots of Hermes, Perseus flew in the sky nimbly like a bird, dodging the dense rays of light every now and then.

Although the rays of light produced by these snake hairs are purely magical aggregation products, the means are nothing more than high-energy heat and have no petrification effect.

But Perseus does not have a shield at the moment, and his own "anti-magic power" is not strong, and he will be hurt if he is irradiated.

Although he had no armor in hand, Perseus did not have the idea of ​​picking up the shield again. Instead, he held the scythe tightly in both hands and concentrated on dealing with the incoming rays.

After dodging for ten seconds, he finally found an opportunity. The flying shoes showed their speed again. Perseus put the scythe in front of him, cut off all the oncoming rays, and rushed to the false Gore like a bamboo. In front of Gong.


The sickle slashed fiercely, and the fake Gorgon dodged sideways, but the sickle did not miss, it turned an incredible angle, and cut off one of her wings with a swipe!

"Roar la la la!!!"

The false Gorgon roared in pain, wanting to take revenge on Perseus, but in a blink of an eye he had already returned to the sky, and he couldn't be caught at all!

Taking a closer look, in fact, the fake Gorgon has more than one wound on his body.

There are continuous bleeding holes on the thighs and arms, and the snake tail behind the buttocks seems to have been cut off. Together with the lost wing, it is enough to be said to be scarred.

The flesh and blood on the surface of the wound squirmed, as if struggling and fighting unwillingly, showing extremely tenacious vitality.But this was of no avail, no matter how active the flesh and blood wriggled, the wound didn't look like it was going to heal at all, and it even made people feel a lot worse.

This is the ability of Snakehunter's Scythe, which is similar to the effect of Dilumdor's Yellow Rose, both of which will leave wounds that cannot be healed.But what is slightly different is that this sickle can exert far more targeted power than Huang Qiangwei when facing heroes with divinity and immortality!

Due to the inheritance of the myth, without releasing the real name, even if it is just an ordinary slash, the pseudo-Gorgon will suffer an unbearable blow.

The surprise attack just now has gone back and forth several times, and each time the target is the head of the monster, but each time it can only hurt her a part.

Although the Petrified Demon Eye could reach Perseus in the air, it was nothing compared to the agility of the flying boots. Together with the attack from the snake hair, it could not pose a clear threat to Perseus.

To be honest, compared to the false Gorgon's eye rays, the way Medusa originally had, releasing the petrification curse purely by sight, is more threatening to Perseus.

After all, his magic value is not very high, so he can't resist the attack of the petrified magic eye.

"It's almost time, it's time to give her the final blow!"

Flying through the dense ray light net with ease like a fish, Perseus's sharp eyes like an osprey patrolled the bottom, carefully observed the injuries on the fake Gorgon, and determined that they were not camouflage and luring the enemy, but real ones. To the point where the mountains and rivers run out.

Originally, as a monster among monsters, the pseudo-Gorgon has amazing endurance and muscle strength, and is a terrifying existence that is difficult to kill completely in battle.

But this ability was completely restrained in front of Perseus' Snake Hunting Scythe, and it was a natural enemy in the true sense!

This is also an important reason why he gave up the shield and chose the sickle.

Perhaps sensing that the end was approaching, the pseudo-Gorgon began to move, using four legs like a beast, but it looked more like a snake swimming in the grass.

Perseus frowned: "Want to escape? She should know that she can't surpass these boots... Completely lost her mind, only instinct?"

Perseus didn't think that the monster could escape from his hands. He looked in the direction in which the false Gorgon was escaping, and saw a cowering figure hiding behind the pile of rubble in the distance.

"Huh? This kid hasn't escaped yet? Not good!"

A thought flashed in his mind, and Perseus hurriedly bent down.

The false Gorgon was not too far away from the hidden Matou Shinji. With her unbelievable power bursting out, her own speed was also extremely fast. When Perseus just started to move, she came in front of Shinji.

The fake Gorgon didn't slow down, and he grabbed it casually, and Shen Er was caught by her without even making a movement of resistance.


A little purple snake shot out and bit Shen Er's neck, and for some reason, he instantly turned "glowing red".

The fake Gorgon opened his mouth, gesturing to bite on Shen Er's neck, and Perseus arrived in time.The Snake Hunter made a whistling sound, and slashed sharply at Gorgon's hand that was capturing Shen Er!

The fake Gorgon had to give up the delicious food he got, and threw it away, Shen Er's body rolled to the ground, lying motionless on the ground, life and death unknown.

"Damn monster!"

Perseus was really angry now: "I thought you were corrupted by me this time, but it turns out that you are stubborn and still want to find blood food!"

Originally, Shen Er's life and death had nothing to do with him, so he didn't need to be so angry.But you must know that he fought the opponent with a sense of guilt before, coupled with the special identities of the heroes and monsters on both sides, it undoubtedly brought a trace of solemnity to this battle.

As a result, now you tell Perseus that the pseudo-Gorgon just likes to drink human blood, and wants to hurt human beings in front of him?

Even ordinary people would be angry in this situation, not to mention that he, Perseus, is also a man with the name of a hero—it is too contemptuous of others!

"Kill you—completely!"

Perseus moved to kill, the scythe separated layers of air waves, and slashed at the seriously injured monster decisively!

The fake Gorgon trembled, and there were two bangs, and the blood mist filled his back, and a pair of wings grew out of his back.Relying on the huge wings, the body suddenly moved sideways, avoiding Perseus' lore.

Then the pair of intact wings fluttered up and down rapidly, and the fake Gorgon flew up with the help of the huge wind!

Seeing this, Perseus snorted coldly, kicked his feet hard, and flew up with the flying boots, cutting faster than the clumsy pseudo-Gorgon, like lightning.

In a moment, he had already caught up with the false Gorgon who started first.


The pseudo-Gorgon let out piercing screams, and its snake hair spewed out countless high-energy rays, forming a death net that birds could not reach.

At the same time, the magic eye of the highest level also emitted two thick energy rays, and the energy contained in them was much stronger than ever before!

"sucker Punch!"

With a roar, Perseus brandished his scythe like a spear. The usually hidden superhuman martial arts showed its edge at this moment. There was a torrential rain, and the heat wave was rolling. He had torn a hole in the net of death.

With a light tap of the feathered flying boots, Perseus turned into a phantom, easily dodging the two magic eye rays.

Overcoming all obstacles, Perseus finally came to the false Gorgon, cut off the disturbing snake hair, cut off a strange arm, and finally the false Gorgon had no strength to resist him.

"This ends—"

Just as Perseus raised his sickle to prepare for the final blow, a huge sense of crisis came from behind him, and he dodged hastily, but it was already too late.

A powerful energy wave bombarded his demigod's body, and the strange curse penetrated like mercury pouring down the ground, instantly turning his body into petrification!

"This is,"

Perseus moved his neck with difficulty and looked at the ground behind him, only to see Shinji Matou with a red face and dull eyes standing there holding a shield.

He was very familiar with the appearance of the shield, it was the bronze shield borrowed from him by Athena, and this shield was now on the reverse side, that is, the mirror-smooth side facing Perseus from afar...

Oh, so that's the case——Perseus suddenly realized.

The truth couldn't be clearer. False Gorgon manipulated Matou Shinji, deliberately threw him where the bronze mirror shield was, and then reflected the petrified rays that Perseus hid during the fierce battle on him. …

No wonder Perseus thought it was too easy to dodge at that time, the original target was actually Shinji below!

According to the original scriptures, the bronze shield will inevitably reflect the petrochemical ray, and it has nothing to do with who owns it...I didn't expect this to be used by the fake Gorgon.

Knowing why he was recruited, Perseus was very surprised, not because he refused to admit defeat, but——

"So you haven't lost your mind?"

This is what surprised Perseus the most. Could it be that the pseudo-Gorgon still retains reason?


The pseudo-Gorgon, or Medusa, had a forlorn look on her face.

"I hate you, I hate you very much... I don't mean to be brave, but I really hate you from the bottom of my heart. You stupid, arrogant, and easy-to-smug kid, obviously just had better luck, and you actually defeated me ...What a vile and shameless fellow!"

Perseus was speechless: You just said that when you first came up?

"But... I'm really, really..."

Medusa smiled, no more magical charm, this is the beautiful smile of a goddess.

"Thank you very much for subjugating me—I am hopelessly degraded into a monster."

"Then, goodbye."

A huge amount of magic power surged in her body, erupting like a volcano that had been suppressed for thousands of years!

"For the Master's victory, please die with me!"

It's just that the petrified magic eye can only limit Perseus's mobility but cannot kill him. After all, he has a very high divinity and is very resistant to similar curses.

Knowing this well, Medusa is about to launch a Noble Phantasm that can definitely kill him, and it is also a blow that kills both of them!

"The Dark Seal——"

Aware of what Medusa wanted to do, Perseus gave a helpless and mischievous smile.

"Oh, what a waste. If what I saw when I landed on the island was not a monster, but a goddess or a banshee... Maybe I will stay on the island and never go back."

After all, my goal is just to find a beautiful wife——Perseus said so, closing his eyes in relief.

The last treasure unfolded, melting all life, flesh, and organic matter in the area into pus and blood, bursting out all its energy in one go, destroying all enemies, including itself!

The dazzling magical light illuminates the night sky, and the scorching storm sweeps everything around!

These two servants who had a predestined relationship disappeared into the light just like that...

It took a long time for the energy turmoil to calm down. After an unknown amount of time, a certain mound of soil suddenly moved.


A grizzled guy stood up from inside, making a dusty mess.

"Puff puff puff... what's going on? My head... hiss!"

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