The child of artificial man and natural man?

Human desires are so ugly that people want to laugh.

The little Holy Grail named "Human"... reminded her of a certain divine weapon named "Human", so she felt a little bit of compassion.

It is not that she is incapable of saving the girl, but it seems that she should not play the role of "rescuer".

Since Illya was not killed on the spot, it must be of some use, so safety can be temporarily guaranteed.

So, don't disturb the course of the incident, let the story of the knight saving the princess continue!

"Well, I am really lucky to be able to see such a kingly story in this era—no, I am still interested in this kind of old-fashioned plot... I am really a little bored."

...After thinking about it, there is still some time before the wonderful ending, anyway, I am very free-let's go back and assemble the newly bought racing car model!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Here is a world without sunlight, with leaden gray clouds covering the sky, isolating the high sun from the earth.

The poor are as humble as weeds, crawling and struggling to survive, and naturally cannot touch the sun. They gather in groups in the corners of the city, in the humid, dark and harsh environment, like carrion insects, relying on the handouts of decent and bright "citizens" live.

In theory, they are also "citizens", but they are determined not to live a comfortable daily life. This is not determined by individual brains and hard work, but by origin, education, connections and family members. The first rule largely determines the second.

In the legal definition, everyone is equal, but in actual social life, those who have more resources must be in a higher status.

Squeezed into a corner to live with rats and cockroaches, the meaning of their existence is only to highlight the superiority of the upper class and to dispose of garbage for this bustling city.

Ladies with leaden faces and whalebone tunics and gentlemen with high collars who need servants to command and street boot-shine boys, so these dirty, vulgar , Inferior people who are only interested in profit also have a meaning of existence.

In this way, even in the eighteenth century, when the sun never set at its peak, in a metropolis like London, the capital of the empire, there would still be homeless people, beggars, and slums.

In the final analysis, if there is no labor force that can be used to drive and squeeze, then no matter how much wealth and status you have, it is meaningless.

Therefore, no matter in what era, what country and city, the superiors who occupy most of the wealth and the poor who rely on "carrion" for their lives are bound to exist, at most, the forms and names are slightly different.

In the eyes of well-dressed people, ragged people are like domestic animals, except that they can be eaten and only reproduce quickly. This is worthy of recognition.

So they don't care about the life and death of "livestock". Anyway, even if more than half of them die, they will quickly return to the original number, or even more, so they only need to consider how to reduce the cost of employment and improve work efficiency.

People living in slums cannot have extra resources to educate their children, so these children will naturally not have good jobs when they grow up-sorry, it should be said: no one can start working until they are adults.

In this era, child labor is very common. Although the strength is not strong, as long as the number is raised, it can replace adult work.In contrast, only one-third or even one-fifth of the salary is paid, which is really the most suitable labor force.

So what capitalists want most is a potion that can make children never grow up, so that they can earn more wealth.

In fact, they succeeded, but they did not benefit from it.

The found potion is called "Young Death", which is a kind of raw materials such as hunger, disease, fatigue, disability, malnutrition, pessimism, discrimination, etc., which are concocted by the evil god of death, and finally delivered to the elegant and noble In the hands of a gentleman, a potion that was spread to children.

Children who take the potion will remain in this position forever, never having the chance to grow up...

Compared with boys, little girls actually have another choice-child prostitutes.

The young girls are painted with poor-quality heavy makeup on their faces, and their clothes are revealing and simple, and they put on skillful or jerky smiles to attract customers.

Ravaged, demanded, beaten, humiliated, discriminated against, asked for anything, treated like wild dogs...

Under the sky covered by thick black and gray clouds, this kind of scene happens all the time in the streets and alleys, and it is really a common scene.

Because it is too common, there is no pity that can be used to mourn, and there is no room to lament the misfortune of fate. Whether it is a client or a girl, apart from desire and pain, there is only numbness on the face.

No matter how miserable life is, it will be no big deal if it is repeated thousands of times.

The little girls born in the dark corners of the city are different from those daughters born under the warm lights. What they face is an extremely rough and cruel life.

Maybe the mother is a prostitute, maybe the parents are unable to support them, maybe they are orphans, maybe they were trafficked, maybe... just because they were born with the original sin called "poverty".

Before they reach adulthood, at the age of [-], [-], or even [-] or [-], they start a skin and meat business and endure rough treatment from men in order to obtain the money and food they can live on.

Most of them will die in endless torment, sexually transmitted diseases, beatings and kicks, infectious diseases, extortion by gangsters, discrimination and deportation of righteous people, no food to satisfy their hunger if they do not do business for a day, and sometimes a small cold will Took their lives.

Every day, the bodies of a large number of young girls were thrown into the Thames River, which was still a stinking ditch at that time. There were a large number of bruises from the beatings on the corpses, as well as cracked nails and mouth corners, and damaged and bubbling private parts... ..

Some lived to adulthood, struggling to get by.

In the nineteenth century, when there were no effective contraceptive measures, pregnancy and abortion were common things for them.Very few people choose to have a child born and raised - so what?

Will you continue your miserable life?

Only prostitutes and thieves are born from my own (prostitute) stomach. Why must this kind of tragedy continue to be staged?

As a result, a large number of fetuses died in the mother's womb without even having a chance to be born, and came to the world in the form of a cloud of blood and flesh, and then were thrown into the river.

The number of dead babies... is a large number that makes people hate humans.

It is said that there were too many corpses of dead babies at that time, and the river was blocked as a result. The scene must have never been seen by the demons of hell, but it appeared in the world, in Europe after the industrial revolution. , Great Britain, known as the empire on which the sun never sets, and the representative of human civilization in an era-London.

After understanding, it is so ugly that it makes people laugh!

It is not the fault of any of the clients, prostitutes, or dead babies, it is the distortion of the entire society that has shaped this region.

This is London, the capital of the British Empire in the nineteenth century.

A highly developed industrial city, a city without light whose sky is obscured by factory soot, a capital of desire where luxury and poverty coexist.

Here...forget it, there is no need to continue the introduction, there is only one last question - to what extent can human beings degenerate?

"She" was born in this twisted, crazy, funny world.

There is no mother who gave birth to her, because she doesn't even have a physical body in the usual sense, and she isn't even a "human being", just a vengeful spirit.

From the resentment of countless fetuses who died before birth, the existence of negative aggregates, this is her.

No name, no home, undead wandering under the dark sky.

When she met a woman, she instinctively called her "Mom", and was insulted afterwards. Without common sense and ethics, she killed the woman in grief.

Then on the heart that was pulled out, she felt the warmth...

It's an incredible feeling.

She continued to look for her mother, but every woman she came into contact with rejected her without hesitation, and she also took their internal organs.

The incident could no longer be concealed, a series of brutal murders attracted public attention, and for the first time she had a name - Jack the Ripper.

It's really not a nice name, and I can't tell it's a girl at all...

Before causing a phenomenon-level panic, Jack the Ripper suddenly disappeared from the world, and the case became an unsolved case that never ends. Since then, there has been no news related to Jack the Ripper, and she has become something like an urban legend , so it has been handed down.

The reason for her disappearance was simple. She was noticed by a passing magician as a weak girl, and then she was easily eliminated without any suspense, that's all.

But even if his own existence is wiped out, the obsession with countless fetuses who have died will not disappear.

Composed of distorted obsessions, the sad thing longing for maternal love, crying, lamenting, laughing, waiting... the existence called "Mom".

Jack the Ripper is a murderer in the foggy city, a monster born from the hell city, a wraith with twisted thoughts, and at the same time... just a mother who has never felt maternal love, but pursues it all the time Poor little girl of this unreal thing.

That is happiness that does not belong to her.

—I had such a dream.

Karen slowly opened her eyes, and looked at the sleeping little girl in her arms through the moonlight shining through the window.

She gently stroked the soft short silver hair, and the sleeping Jack moved a little, getting closer to Kallen's body, and murmured "Mom" in his mouth, with a sweet and happy smile on the corner of his mouth, and fell asleep again.

"My daughter... Jack, mother is here..."

Involuntarily increasing the strength of the hug, Karen's expression was flat, but her body movements seemed to be rubbing Jack into her body, for fear that she would disappear accidentally.

"Jack, you must always stay by your mother's side, and you must never be separated from your mother."

Kallen bit her lips secretly, feeling an unspeakable feeling in her heart, but she was afraid of waking Jack up, so she had to bear it silently.

For the first time, Kallen had the idea of ​​trying to seize the Holy Grail.

If the information obtained in the church is correct, the girl named Hyacinth seems to have the ability to reverse the Holy Grail. If it is a colorless white Holy Grail, then it is the universal cauldron that can realize all wishes—naturally, it can also keep Jack forever. In this world, instead of disappearing after the war.

"I... absolutely want to get the Holy Grail!"

The hot and humid feeling flashed from the corner of the eye, tears?

Eyes are stinging...

Karen stared at the bright red liquid in her hand in a daze: "Blood?"

Why do eyes bleed at such times?

Kallen has a special constitution inherited from her mother - the tortured spirit medium constitution.

To put it simply, when approaching an existence like a "demon", the body will respond similar to "injury", with inexplicable wounds, bleeding, bones protruding out of the body, and nerves being burned...

However, her father, Ma Po, protected her very well, isolated her from the influence of the "demon" with various spiritual equipment, and never let her get close to the devil, so Karen has not had this kind of injury yet.

but now......

Seeing Jack, who was breathing steadily, Karen suddenly said, "This like this."

Jack is essentially a collection of vengeful spirits, which is different from "demons", but the malice contained in it is no less than that, and it is quite close to the existence of demons.

Even because of the contract, malice was poured directly into Kallen's body, and the spiritual outfit couldn't prevent Kallen from being hurt.

If she continued to make a contract with Jack, Karen would be maliciously killed sooner or later.

But even knowing this, Kallen did not feel any disgust towards Jack, but hugged her even more tightly.

"Hmm...Mom?" Jack woke up and looked at Karen strangely.

"My Jack..."

Caroline lowered her head and approached Little Jack, their foreheads pressed together.

"Mom will definitely save you and never make you cry again! So—"

It may be the first time since I was sensible that I cried.

"You must always be by your mother's side..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"That's how it is. I'll send Xiaoling back today. Take good care of the one who fainted."

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