"Don't trust her, trust me!"

"I, Ye Qing, have no shame above the sky, below the earth, and in this world I have no shame to my parents. I am a man standing up to the sky...so you can't wrong good people!"

"This, this, this... In order to show my heart, I decided to go back to the mountains and forests. From then on, I will never marry——"

call out!



Shirou shuddered, turning his head from side to side nervously: "...an illusion? Why did I hear the sword unsheathed and the sound of gunfire!?"

Ye Qing hugged Shirou's thigh: "In the beginning, only one person saw it..."

"Don't look at me like this, I'm actually quite strong. Even if they attack me together, I can barely handle it. My thought at the time was nothing more than being punched by her deliberately to let her vent her anger... But Who knows, who knows, it was overheard by the others!"

"The one on the bed had a calm and unhurried face, posing as if he was in the palace and talking, and my short-tempered childhood sweetheart ran home and borrowed a weapon from someone—the sword is called 'Mistletoe'."

"Fortunately, this girl and I have a deep relationship, after all, she didn't have the heart to kill her..."

Taking a deep look at the mentally unstable Ye Qing, Shirou put his hand on the back of his neck: "I'm sorry, student Qing, this is for your own good!"

A sharp knife slashed at the back of the neck, Shirou was surprised to find that Ye Qing didn't move at all, as if he wasn't affected.

He knew that Ye Qing's body was stronger than ordinary people, but he didn't expect it to be this strong.

Taking a deep breath, he secretly strengthened his tendons with magic power, and slashed up with a sound of piercing through the air.

Ye Qing, who was physically and mentally exhausted, was finally crushed by the last straw, rolled his eyes and passed out...

Tick, tick, tick... Time passed by every minute and every second.

"Uh... hoo!"

Ye Qing suddenly woke up from the dream, covered in cold sweat.

"What, did you have a nightmare?"

A familiar man's voice came from the other side of the table, Ye Qing turned his head to look, and saw Emiya Shirou in a close-fitting shirt looking at him calmly.

It was only then that Ye Qing realized that he was lying on the table, and he was wearing a school uniform of Sui Yuanqun.

"Thank you..." Ye Qing folded the clothes and put them on the table in a daze.

He dreamed of some unbelievable scenes, so his spirit is still erratic.

Shirou asked lightly, "Did you dream about anything scary?"


It's not particularly scary...

Ye Qing tried hard to recall, at the beginning of the dream, he seemed to be lying on the bed - with Qingzi.

The warm touch and ecstasy were so real, almost made Ye Qing think it was real.

In this way, the first half is still a dream!

Thinking of this, Ye Qing smiled self-deprecatingly: How lonely I am to actually have sex dreams.

Later... It seemed that Xiao Ling who broke in rashly found out, and then Qing Zi took the initiative to kiss, and then several other people also broke in, caught the rape in bed...

Everyone seemed to be arguing... What happened in the end?What happened to the ending?


If I think about it later, I can't remember anything, and if I try to recall it, I will have a severe headache, it's like trying to pull the whole head with a hacksaw!

"You don't need to work so hard." Shirou pressed Ye Qing's shoulder, "If you feel pain, you don't need to work so hard. If it's a bad memory, let it go with the wind."

In Ye Qing's eyes, Shirou seemed to have several circles of light circles behind his head, reflecting his warm and gentle smile to a noble gesture of great compassion and universal salvation.

"Although it is a rare virtue to be courageous to face, isn't it a kind of courage to dare to give up after recognizing your limits?" Shirou said, "That's it, let yourself relax, no one will blame you .”

Ah, I saw an angel!

Great Messiah, please redeem my lost lamb...

"Yes, you are right!" Ye Qing cheered up again, "One cannot be bound by the past, one must boldly look forward!"

"Isn't it just that I lost a piece of memory? It's nothing at all. I can still live well!"

Ye Qing, who decided to let go of the past and look to the future, squeezed Shirou's hand: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

"By the way...why am I here? I remember that I went home to sleep, and I should have woken up in bed."

"Who knows, probably sleepwalking."

Ye Qing rubbed his neck in trouble: "The back of my neck hurts...it feels like I was hit by a hammer..."

Shirou's smile froze, and he quickly said calmly: "Don't worry, it's probably a stiff neck, it's a common thing."

"Ah, I've been here to take care of you for so long, and I forgot about my own business." Shirou put on his clothes, and quickened his pace with some guilt, "I'm going to class, I'm sure I'll be reprimanded by Mr. Fujimura for being late for so long."

"She knew me..."

Shall I beg for a favor for you? Before Ye Qing could say this, Shirou left in a hurry, as if he was afraid of revealing something.

"It's strange, he's not usually like this."

Some doubts about Shilang's actions, but Ye Qing still adjusted his mentality.

Although I lost a piece of memory and felt a little uneasy about my current situation, these were trivial matters.

Since you can’t remember it, it’s fine if you don’t think about it!

To be a man is to think about it!


After checking his body carefully, Ye Qing verified his thoughts again.

"There is no problem at all, neither trauma nor signs of curse or poisoning." Ye Qing said happily, "As expected, all the things I forgot are insignificant, and obviously they didn't have any impact!"

"Haha, the physical condition is excellent, no, it is perfect!"

After figuring it out, I just feel that the sky is clear and the world is better!

He is now in an extremely comfortable mood, and even some of the mysteries and problems in the way of the sword seem to be easily solved.

If he met Cu Chulainn in this state, he might win!

Just when Ye Qing adjusted his mentality and prepared to go out, an untimely voice sounded.

[Friendly reminder: Congratulations to the host for the inherent skills: tenacity, level up.Upgraded from A to A+]

[Skill introduction: Toughness A+, only by combining the strongest survival obsession with a strong body that has suffered a lot, so that there is a rare ability that can be obtained with a very low probability.

The grade of A+ means that the tenacity of vitality and the determination of the desire to survive can deter even the gods of death in the three thousand worlds. 】

Ye Qing's brisk steps suddenly froze...

"When... But, forget it!"

"It's not a bad thing anyway, why bother to get to the bottom of it? Haha." Ye Qing laughed and walked out of the student union room very happily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Despite the weird incident in the morning, Emiya Shirou cheered up and devoted himself to life and study—that being said, he just dozed off in class.

Anyone who is familiar with Shirou Emiya knows that despite his appearance as a top student with good grades, he is actually a scumbag.

But what's interesting is that the Tohsaka sisters, Shinji, Issei, Meizuo and others who are familiar with him are all high school masters or quasi-student masters.It is said that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, which is a little inaccurate here.

However, his sports performance is very good, whether it is kendo, archery or track and field, he is almost at the level of an ace, even though he does not belong to a certain club.Sports clubs sometimes encounter important competitions, and if any accidents happen, they will ask him to help.

Even the judo club comes to ask him for advice from time to time...Shockingly, he even wins judo competitions with ease!

This is a man who single-handedly raised the sports level of the entire Hohara group to a higher level!

——Like a guy named Ye Qing from the high school next door.

Just as Suyou Shenji commented: Only physical strength and endurance are good enough to boast.

As usual, he didn't go home immediately after school today, but stayed to help others.

"Let me tell you, Emiya." Shen Er rinsed the rag again, and said a little unhappy, "Although you are willing to help me, I have no intention of thanking you at all. Why do you have to do such a troublesome thing, I I didn't ask you again."

From his expression and tone, it can be seen that he is not blunt, that is what he really thinks in his heart.

Today, it was Shinji's turn to clean the Kyudo Department, and Shirou deliberately stayed to wait for him... and then he joined the battle.

The two tacitly did not mention the encounter with Medea and the familiar that night. After all, they thought each other was an ordinary person and did not want to involve it.

"You are always like this, no matter who you are, you will help with any job... Your pity and enthusiasm have long been worthless."

Seeming to have thought of something unpleasant, Shen Er "cut": "Let's not talk about the brats in the lower grades, those 'seniors' in the upper grades are using you as a coolie who is free and on hand."

"Are you not dissatisfied at all?"

Shen Er's eyes turned menacing: "If it was me... I would have helped them with good intentions, not only without gratitude, but even with cynicism... Hehe, I'll let them see how the Matou family's financial resources are. fear."

He and Shirou met because of similar things. At that time, he and Shirou were not friends, and he silently watched Shirou deal with the mess for those ungrateful people when he was being used.

He watched the whole process, but he didn't help.

Since then, he has been in contact with Shirou and ridiculed him every day, but secretly uses his own connections and Matou's power to get those who ridicule Shirou to be punished as they should.

Good family, handsome appearance, and smart mind make him very popular among girls, and he is often surrounded by flowers.What he likes most when chatting with girls is to tease Shirou, but there is one thing - no one is allowed to echo.

Just nod and say yes, but if there are insults to Shirou, no matter what the other party's conditions are, he will break up immediately.

Of course, this kind of thing will definitely not be brought to the table, and can only be done secretly.So Shirou only heard about it a little bit, and didn't know the details.

With Shirou's personality, he might bother Shinji to get rid of these behaviors after he finds out.

Well, he's such a hopelessly stupid, cute guy.

Perhaps it is also because of this that Shinji, who always looks superior to everyone, treats him as a true friend.

After listening to Shinji's complaint, Shirou smiled awkwardly: "This...you may be right."

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