Just like that, I, Emiya Shiro, started the most uncomfortable English class...

After a day of study, I came to a part-time restaurant after school. The owner is not only a chef, but also a security guard, and also my Bajiquan teacher.

I respect him a lot, maybe... I like this man.Oh, in a personal sense.

He was a priest...sorry, still is.

The fire ten years ago... It is said that he saved many children and transformed part of the church into an orphanage.Later, I opened this Chinese restaurant to subsidize the family, although the business has been in a very delicate state.

He and my father had a very good relationship during their lifetime. They often drank together to relieve boredom. After my father left, he took good care of me and taught Bajiquan with all his money.

"Be happy, boy, there aren't many guests today, so your workload will be greatly reduced. Be happy in the laziness with a slight sense of guilt, haha."

...It's his way of speaking, I haven't gotten used to it for so many years! ! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I, Kotomine Kirei, was hated by my daughter.

What a failure!

Even though there were only three spoons of sugar, I actually poured three and a half spoonfuls of sugar. Such a big mistake is a shame!

Heavenly Father will never forgive me!

Alas...probably because she was not with her when she was a child, her attitude towards me has always been between intimacy and estrangement.

Oh, that doesn't mean she's not close to me—my baby girl isn't that simple.

She is sometimes close, sometimes estranged, hot and cold like a stray cat who does whatever she wants... Should I say that she is my daughter?

Although I am generally regarded as an old-fashioned man, I am more or less self-aware and clearly understand my shortcomings.In order to have a good relationship with my daughter, I have also worked hard!

For example, exchanging experience with old friends, asking juniors about trends among young people, and so on. By the way, I even bought a few girls' manga for research... Not to mention, it's really pretty good.

It turns out that these methods are useless for me.

The point is that my daughter is not an ordinary young man. After all, girls’ comics are all pre-set roles, and it is difficult to apply them in practice... But after all, they are bought with money, and it is too wasteful to throw them away. So I hid it under the bed in the church loft - it's not good to be found.

After all, in the eyes of others, I am an old-fashioned guy with no other expressions on my face, but everyone has an unknown side...to maintain the image.

Dad's majesty is also very important!

What can really come in handy is the advice of a friend.

It's a little embarrassing to say, but even a person like me has a close friend, and to me, he's a close person next to my wife and daughter, and on the same level as my father.In some future (past) possibility, he also saved me.

His name is Emiya Kiritsugu, he used to be a mercenary, and he settled in Fuyuki after a certain war.

Similar to my situation, he has also been separated from his daughter for a while, the difference is that I am in the past tense, and he is in the present progressive tense...

According to him, before his daughter was eight years old, he was inseparable from her, and their relationship was like a lover in a previous life——Damn guy!It's really enviable and jealous!

He once said a wise saying to me: Daughters are for pain, not the same as sons.

According to him, as long as he stays with his daughter long enough to let her adapt to her existence and even form a habit, she will no longer be hated.

I took his advice seriously... and my daughter looked at me like a water flea...

Isn't it just a little closer!

The scary thing is that I actually feel that the gaze is quite comfortable...

Realizing that I might deviate from the way of God, I stopped the plan in time, and after careful analysis, I found a fatal flaw!

That's the difference in objects!

According to what Kiritsugu said, his daughter is a lively, cute, silver-haired little girl who likes games, and my daughter... only has silver hair in common.

I made a directional mistake!

The last hope is my teacher's two daughters, who are also my disciples.

One is a red little devil who reacts very funny after being teased, and the other is a white cut black who has the same temperament as his mother and Yamato Nadeshiko.

The relationship between the two of them and my daughter is not bad-at least not to the point where they don't meet each other.

Through the information I got from them, I finally got closer to my daughter little by little, and cut down the thick wall of my heart.

Then one day, my daughter who never knew how to go into the kitchen suddenly wanted to learn how to cook with me!

Feeling gratified for her growth in my heart, tears almost fell down, and at the same time, I was also a little curious why she suddenly thought of this.

It happened that my old friend's adopted son was injured at that time. I tentatively asked the three girls if anyone would take care of him.As expected, my daughter refused, but her reason was, it was, she wanted to learn how to cook and make lunch for her sweetheart!

She flaunted and told Sister Tohsaka that she was one step ahead and already had a sweetheart.




Because it is very important, I have to say it three times!

It's time for my black keys to come out and see the light...

Let those of you who are ignorant experience the horror of the Black Key Ten Company!

No, calm down, calm down, me!

Such a rash call will definitely be hated by my daughter, maybe she just said "I hate my father the most", and such a long time of hard work will come to naught.

I took one hundred and eight deep breaths, which lowered my boiling brain by about one degree, and I regained some sanity.

Oh, cooking, right?

Okay, daughter, I will give you the cooking that is my father's best... Haha, haha, hahahaha... Pleasure!

...and then over a year later, that kid is still alive and kicking...

I, Kotomine Kirei, doubt life.

And, start learning alchemy!


Kotomine Kirei came to Mount Enzo after finishing his day's work to appease his daughter who was having trouble with too much sugar.

Well, to be honest, he's in a good mood, after all, his daughter had a quarrel with him today.He is clear that his daughter is not good at expressing emotions, and she seems to be embarrassing him, but she is actually communicating with her father in a unique way—although the way is a little distorted.

His efforts over the years were not in vain. His daughter had indeed accepted him and cared for him in her own way.

For Kallen, who lost her mother and was abandoned by her father since childhood, it is impossible to directly forgive her irresponsible father, but this kind of teasing of her father is also an important channel for her to express her heart.

But the way this father and daughter get along is really too much... Stomach hurts!

The reason why Yanfeng came to the mountain was because he was entrusted by others.

His old friend Emiya Kiritsugu asked him to do one important thing before he passed away: take good care of the Holy Grail!

Kiritsugu once created a "tumor" in the dragon cave where the Great Holy Grail is stored. It will continue to grow over time, and it only takes a few decades to grow enough to destroy the Holy Grail system. Before the Holy Grail War begins, this tumor can destroy the Holy Grail, thus completely ending the Holy Grail War!

Mine Kirei is the successor caretaker of this "tumor", and he will find time to look at it every once in a while.

He doesn't have a deep knowledge of magic, so he was relieved after a week of inspection and found that there were no obvious signs of damage. It seems that the tumor is growing normally...Huh?

What is this handle?

It seems that you have never seen it before?

After looking carefully, it turned out that the surrounding rock walls were too dark in color, which was not found when I came here because of the angle of light and the depth of the cave.

Since it's something that already exists, it's better not to touch it casually.

Kotomine Kirei was about to let go and leave, when suddenly an itchiness welled up in his nostrils...

You know, some things are unavoidable even by gods, and God cannot stop them.

He just sneezed instinctively, and as a result...the handle broke...broken...

"There shouldn't be any problem..."

Kotomine Kirei carefully settled back, patted his clothes, and went back as if nothing happened.

Well, I didn't come today...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Holy Grail War, it was seven magicians and their followers..."

"Killing each other, right?" Karen coldly interrupted Kirei, "I've known about this kind of thing for a long time."

Kirei was taken aback, he protected Kallen very well, because he hoped that she could lead a normal life, so he never took the initiative to instill the knowledge of that world.

Although due to physical reasons, Kirei needs to use various sacred dresses to protect her, causing her to know the existence of the mysterious world, but a specific term like "Holy Grail War"...

"There's nothing to hide about that kind of thing." Kallen's mouth curled up slightly, "Just a little bit of effort, and Rin told me everything."

Kirei was silent for a moment: "...She lost to you again?"

"Pocket money for half a year, and it would be terrible if Aunt Kui found out. I just want to know a secret or two to satisfy my thirst for knowledge. I didn't expect to hear such boring things as 'Holy Grail War'."

"Boring?" Kirei was surprised, "Are you bored? That is the universal cauldron that can fulfill all wishes!"

"Things like wishes—you have to realize them yourself to be meaningful."

Just like a man, it is more fulfilling to snatch it by yourself!

"As expected of my daughter..."

Kirei nodded in relief, and then said relaxedly: "But that's just information on the surface, the truth is that even the Tohsaka sisters don't know. The so-called omnipotent cauldron has actually become a vessel for disaster , this war is pointless."

"Also, because of someone and Dad's efforts, the Holy Grail War should never start again."

Karen pointed to the downstairs restaurant after hearing the words: "Then what's going on with this girl with a big stomach who said she came to participate in the Holy Grail War?"

On the first floor of Kotomine's, the most (not) famous Chinese restaurant in Fuyuki, a beauty in men's clothing with short wine-red hair was sitting there, attracting the sideways glances of the guests.But it wasn't that the guests were impolite, but that the mountains of plates on her table were too conspicuous.

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