A corner of the rockery about seven or eight meters away was directly blown down by this shot

And the branches along the way were blown out into a neat funnel-shaped hole. The starting point of the funnel was exactly Lu Yun.

This is the first skill of Piltover Policewoman's sniper rifle, Powerful Shot

Chapter 38: It's all right! (for collection)

Chapter 38: It's all right! (Favorites) Chapter Directory Chapter 38: No misses!The gravel in the forest splashed, making the leaves rustle, as if it was raining stones.

The kidnapper who was ridiculed by Big Bear before had buzzing sounds in his ears, and looked at all this with a dull face.

He was one of the kidnappers with the highest military literacy, and it was this ability that saved him.

At the critical moment just now, he instinctively made a rolling action, avoiding the strike range of the powerful shot.

It is precisely because of this that he is the most shocked of all, because he has never seen such a weapon.

rocket grenade launcher

neither.He clearly saw the overwhelming bullets just now, and the neat and weird hole between the rockery and the parking lot at this moment also reminded him of this.

What kind of weapon caused the kidnapper to feel cold all over his body.

"Fox hunting, black wolf, how are you?" A voice suddenly sounded in the forest, waking him up from his trance.

The source of the sound was an accomplice hiding on the other side of the rockery. Fortunately, he was not injured due to the shelter of the rockery.

But I don't know if it was because he was also frightened, or because his hearing had not recovered, the accomplice's voice sounded a little trembling.

The code name of the kidnapper who escaped the blow was Fox Hunting. He subconsciously looked behind the rockery. Hei Lang and another kidnapper had just been hiding in a recess in the corner of the rockery and shot towards the parking lot under the cover of rocks.

Seeing the destruction caused by unknown weapons again, the corners of his eyes still couldn't help but twitch.

One side of the rockery has been completely collapsed, as if it had been hit hard by an invisible sledgehammer. At this time, a corner of the originally rugged rockery was missing, and large and small stones were scattered all over the ground.

The mountain is already like this, the two people hiding in the valley

Hunting Fox struggled to shift his perspective. Through the dust and smoke that did not dissipate completely for a while, he found the silhouette of Hei Lang and another kidnapper among the rubble five or six meters away from the rockery.

Hei Lang was already dead, and his body was twisted out of shape.

As for the other one, it was obvious that he was still breathing at this time. As the tinnitus subsided, Foxhunter could even hear a cat-like purr echoing in the forest.

This is the breathing sound caused by the sternum being crushed, causing damage to the airway.The two of them were not smashed into pieces by the powerful and weird blow just now, but the powerful impact still blasted the two of them, even the rockery.

Hei Lang died on the spot. As for the other injured person, he must be treated as soon as possible to help him recover his breathing, otherwise the accomplice will suffocate to death within a minute or two.

The habit developed in the army made Foxhun subconsciously crawl towards that accomplice.

He carefully hid in the dust and smoke, his whole body pressed against the ground, not letting any inch of his skin be exposed to the line of sight in the direction of the parking lot.

The scene where the bear was shot in the head was still vivid. Foxhunting didn't know how the enemy accurately locked the bear under the cover of trees. It may be an infrared thermal imaging sight.

But now covered by dust and smoke, he lowered his posture to the lowest position, no matter what kind of scope he used, he couldn't lock his figure.

At this moment, Foxhun suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and at the same time a faint electric current came from his outstretched palm.

The power of this electric current is not too great, and it can't cause much damage to the human body, but Hunting Fox feels that his whole body is suddenly paralyzed, unable to move.

He took a closer look, and somehow his palm touched a silver light circle that he had seen before.

This faint silver light itself is not very eye-catching, especially when there is dust and smoke blocking the line of sight, you have to concentrate all your attention to notice it.

Aperture, paralysis, big bear with headshot

An unprecedented sense of crisis suddenly emerged in Hunting Fox's heart. With all his strength, he turned the corner of his eyes to the direction of the parking lot.

A mysterious red line suddenly appeared in the forest, like a red laser beam emitted by a laser pointer to indicate the target.

It's just that this red light is not going in a straight line, but through all kinds of unimaginable turns, precisely bypassing all the obstacles along the way, and pointing squarely at his head.

"Ah!" Foxhunting suddenly let out a stern roar. He twisted his body desperately in despair, trying to avoid the red line. The corners of his eyes even burst due to excessive force, and blood oozed out.

However, all of this was in vain. With a "bang", the gunshot rang out again, and what came with the gunshot was a bullet that would never fail once it was fired.

Lu Yun watched another figure dim with the aperture in the scope, and said silently, "Four."

At this time, he was still burdened with the task given to him by the system, and the completion progress of the task was four tenths.Originally, he planned to develop black-tech weapons and let other special forces complete tasks for him, but things backfired. He didn't expect that he would personally complete the first task of the system.

Now that he had killed four of them, Lu Yun didn't know how many bandits had attacked the manor, but he didn't think there were too many, and he had probably killed nearly half of them.

There should be another gangster in the cherry blossom forest, because when they shot randomly before, Lu Yun could clearly see that there were still four lights in the forest. He killed two with a powerful shot, and killed another with a trap shot. Leave a single seedling.

Lu Yun even knew where the single seedling was hiding at this time. Unfortunately, his powerful shooting was cooling down, the trap was charging, and the opponent was hiding behind obstacles, so he couldn't use normal shooting to kill him.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yun bent over and trotted while holding his sniper rifle, and began to shift his position.

The gate is a very critical position. Whether it is the rescue of the next rescue troops, or if you are lost and run away, the guards in the direction of the gate are a great obstacle.

Therefore, Lu Yun decided to find a way to kill the bandits in the direction of the gate first.

As for the remaining gangster in the forest, Lu Yun was not worried that he would suddenly touch him and attack him.

The four accomplices died strangely one after another. He must have been completely frightened at this time and dared not move.

In the process of running, Lu Yun accidentally touched the wound on his shoulder. He bared his teeth and reached out to touch it.

Chen Suyan was well bandaged, and the wound on his shoulder did not affect his actions, except for the occasional pain.

I don't know how my father and sister Chen are doing now

But Lu Yun didn't know that the special forces were about to arrive at the manor, and he didn't even know that a small military drone had already flown by not far away just now and captured this scene.

Chapter 39: Under the policewoman's sniper rifle, the routine is invalid! (for collection)

Chapter 39: Under the policewoman's sniper rifle, the routine is invalid! (For collection) Chapter Directory Chapter 39: Under the policewoman's sniper rifle, the routine is invalid!Lu Yun quickly completed the transfer.

There are a series of auxiliary buildings between the parking lot and the gate, such as a rest room for drivers, tool rooms, servant rooms, etc., and a corridor.

While these outbuildings make the manor feel larger and deeper, they also hinder the shooting range of sniper rifles.

Lu Yun's current location is next to a small house on the east side of the parking lot.

This small house was probably the former stable in the manor, but it was forbidden to keep large animals in the capital, so the stable was abandoned.

Huang Qixing really didn't let go of any opportunity to show his background. The horse tie post and manger were still kept, and they were cleaned up. Some haystacks were specially piled up in the stable.

The direction of the gate can already be seen here, but due to the obstruction of flowers and plants, if you want to see the whole picture of the direction of the gate, you have to climb on the haystack.

This position was also specially chosen by Lu Yun. He knew that he was completely incomparable with these bandits in terms of real military skills, so once he exchanged fire with the bandits in an unobstructed place, it would be extremely disadvantageous for him.

However, the environment around the stable decided that once Lu Yun did not show up, the other party would not be able to know his existence, and the initiative was completely in his hands.

He got down on the haystack, moved the scope to his eyes, and began to look at the situation near the gate.

Lu Yun's previous guess was correct, there were indeed gangsters guarding the gate.

One of them was directly exposed to several big trees near the gate.

Looking through the scope, the gangster was wearing a doorman's clothes, the brim of his hat was pressed down, and there were huge sunglasses on his face. He relied on these ordinary clothes to cover his face as much as possible.

After all, he is exposed to the sight of people outside the manor. If he wears a hood like everyone else, it will be no different from holding a big sign with the words "I am a gangster".

He wandered around the door with a defenseless look, as if a bored doorman was moving his hands and feet.

This looks like an excellent target, especially for a long-range precision fire weapon like a sniper rifle.

But Lu Yun smiled coldly, moved his focus away from the gangster, and began to search for another kidnapper hiding in the dark nearby.

When Lu Yun was in the research institute, he had a close relationship with An Ran and Chen Suyan. The three of them often appeared together. Lu Yun, who was accompanied by two beauties by his side, earned a lot of attention. I don't know how many men secretly cursed him.

And An Ran was a special soldier, and after getting in touch with her a lot, Lu Yun vaguely knew some of the experiences he had learned from the hail of bullets on the battlefield.

For example, the current situation.

The kidnapper hanging around the gate seemed to be defenseless, and he could be killed with a single shot, but he was always in motion, and his movements were erratic, and he was always moving around among several tree trunks Therefore, it is difficult for an inexperienced shooter to calculate the amount of advance and shoot him accurately with one shot.

This is a decoy. The two kidnappers in a group are tasked with guarding the gate and observing the movement outside the gate, so they cannot participate in the encirclement and suppression of Lu Yun.

But from the three previous communications with the leader, they knew that a sniper had already appeared in the manor.

Whether this sniper was one of the few people who escaped from the flower hall before, and where he got the sniper rifle from, these are no longer important.

The key point is that whether the people inside want to rush out, or the people outside want to rush in, the gate is the key that cannot be missed.

Therefore, the gangsters at the gate set up such a trap. One gangster was exposed to a possible gunpoint, attracting the sniper to shoot, while the other gangster hid. Once the sniper shot rashly to expose his position, Immediately there will be a devastating blow.

Lu Yun scoffed at such a routine.

If you give him an ordinary sniper rifle, there is indeed no possibility of hitting the decoy, not to mention that the opponent is still moving skillfully, even if the opponent is standing still, Lu Yun is not sure that he will hit it with one shot.

But at this moment, what Lu Yun is holding is the black technology developed by himself, the sniper rifle of the female policewoman in Piltover.

This gun has a mind-locking function. When using the female police sniper bullet, it has a certain tracking ability even in ordinary attacks without using skills.

It's just that it can't be like using a trap to shoot. Even if you can't see the enemy at all, you can still complete the locking step, and the bullets fired are absolutely impossible to dodge, and hit the target [-]%.

The reason why Lu Yun let him go temporarily was because he needed to find out the gangster hiding in the dark first.

As for the bait, let him jump around for a few more minutes. Anyway, he didn't even hold a weapon in his hand in order to pretend to be more like him.

The muzzle of the gun was slowly moving away, and Lu Yun carefully looked for the bandits who were hiding and preparing to fight back.

After a while, the corners of Lu Yun's eyes suddenly twitched, and his face showed joy.

found it

The other party directly hid in the guard room, using a hat and clothes to make a camouflage, while he hid aside, the black muzzle of the gun secretly pointed in the direction of the depths of the manor.

This camouflage has nowhere to hide in the scope of the sniper rifle of the Piltover policewoman, because when Lu Yun moved the muzzle of the gun, a green light circle suddenly appeared in the scope, and the entire body of the ambush The shapes are outlined.

It's just that the position where his body is blocked by the wall is outlined with a red line, indicating that this part of the body is behind the obstacle.

Under the female police sniper rifle, all cover is useless

Lu Yun gently moved the muzzle of the sniper rifle, and when the crosshair coincided with the green aperture and the aperture began to flash, he pulled the trigger forcefully.

"Bang" The long-silent gunshot sounded again, and a hot muzzle flame burst out from the front end of the sniper rifle.

Then there was a sound of glass shattering. Looking through the scope, the gangster who was in ambush was blown away by the huge impact of the bullet, and the broken glass cut his body into a bloody mess.

This gunshot touched the reflex nerves of the kidnapper who was acting as a bait. He quickly hid behind the tree trunk, staring dumbfounded at the spurting blood in the guard room.

He didn't need to check, he also knew that his accomplice was dead, the sniper saw through his identity as the bait, and even the carefully arranged camouflage in the guard room failed to play any role.

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