Under the bright moonlight, it was easy to recognize the figures of two girls, one in a yukata and the other in a priestess costume.

"You-kun, do you still remember what I said last time that I will tell you on the night of the festival?"

The taller girl in a yukata spoke first, breaking the brief silence.

"Well, how could it be possible to forget? Now, then what is it, you can always tell now! Could it be related to Ying?"

"Well, this matter does have something to do with Ying, do you know why I usually have such a good relationship with Ying?"

"Huh? Isn't it because of your girlfriends? Difficult, could it be..."

"Yes, just..."

"Could you be Lily?! How is this possible? Although I don't object to this kind of relationship, what should I do!"

"Yes... eh!"

"What! Yuu, what is going on in your head! I, how could we be Lily, Lily!"

"Yuu, really, how can you talk nonsense about this kind of thing? I, I am..."

Suddenly realizing that the eldest lady was right next to her, Ying immediately lowered her head and lowered her voice.

"Okay, You Jun, I'm so mad at you, I thought you guessed it so well? It turned out to be such a strange idea!"

The eldest lady didn't seem to notice Ying's strangeness, and she just complained about Liu Xu's jokes.

"Ahaha, mistake, mistake, kidding, kidding, ahem...Okay, let me tell you, Ichiyo, why?"

Although it was a bit embarrassing on the surface, but in my heart I was happy.

He had wanted to try this kind of joke for a long time, and now that he finally saw the result he wanted, it's no wonder he didn't snicker!

"Well, actually, the reason we're so good is because we're sisters, half-sisters, Ying is the older sister, and I'm the younger sister!"

Seeing Liu Xu getting serious, the eldest lady finally told the truth.

"What, what? Ying is actually a sister?!"

"You, you, are you so entangled in this? What are you surprised about? I'm really sorry that I'm a younger sister!"

The eldest lady, who was once again angry with Liu Xu, turned her head away and ignored him this time.

Even Ying covered her mouth and giggled.

"Ahem... Subconscious, this is definitely subconscious, please do not forgive me, beautiful Miss Yiye."

Liu Xu clasped his hands together and lowered his head to beg the angry eldest lady, but his heart felt dark again, it was really fun to tease the eldest lady.

"Hmph, if you do this again, I, I will...Hmph, anyway, if you stay like this, I will ignore you, do you hear me?"

"I know, it will definitely not happen, please rest assured, miss!"

"Hey, so what do you want to say after listening to Yu-kun?"

"Hmm...let me think about it, Ying and Yiye are half-sisters, so judging from Ying's situation, the Zhu family seems to dislike Ying, which means that for the Zhu family, Ying's existence is forbidden. Ji, Yiye thinks so much about Ying, it must be to make up for Ying!"

"No, no, yes, yes..."

The eldest lady was a little flustered by what Liu Xu said.

Ying here seems to have thought of this a long time ago, so the gloom in his expression is fleeting.

"I know Yiye must have treated Ying sincerely, but the meaning of making up for it is also true, right?"

Sighing helplessly, the eldest lady nodded slightly.

"What about Ying? Have you ever hated the Zhu family, your father, or Yiye? You must know that everything in Yiye should belong to you."

Liu Xu's words pressed on step by step.

"No, no, I didn't!"

This time it was Ying's turn to be at a loss, she didn't know why Liu Xu asked such a question.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 631 Blame me!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"No? Then it means that the Zhu family didn't really abandon you, right? Ying!"

"Hmm, um! My father often visits me, and he even brought me a present just now!"

Having said that, she secretly glanced at Yiye.

"What?! Ying? You, you said that your father came to see you? And brought you a gift? No, it's impossible, he won't!"

Feeling a little excited, the eldest lady was very dissatisfied with their father.

"It's true, Yiye. Father treats me very well. He always visits me secretly and brings me presents."

She knew that these words should not have been said, but since she confessed, she had to explain clearly.

"No, how could it be, no way..."

Ying's explanation still didn't convince the eldest lady.

"Okay, Yiye, let me analyze this matter. First of all, you said that it is impossible for your father to take care of Ying like this? Right?"

"Yes, he is a cold-blooded father!"

"Then, who do you think paid for Ying's expenses over the years? Don't tell me that it was paid by Sister Baxun from the canteen. How is that possible? Ying's tuition fees for so many years are far beyond what Sister Baxun can afford. Let’s get started! Besides, Ying’s food is not bad, so Yiye, if you don’t think it’s your father who would help?”


She felt that what Liu Xu said was reasonable, so she didn't know what to say.

"The most important point, don't you even believe Ying's words?"


This time she was really left speechless by Liu Xu's questioning.

"Okay, it must be true that your father took care of Ying. There is no need for Ying to lie to you, but is it important? Will you be jealous when your father treats Ying well? Will you abandon this sister Ying?"

"No! No, no matter what, Ying is my sister, and I will always treat her well!"

Only this point, she will not be confused.

What Yiye blurted out moved Ying very much, and after calling out, she went up and hugged her.

Two big beauties are hugging each other, this picture...

"Ahem... Well, now that you've finished talking, I happen to have something to say."

Liu Xu, who couldn't stand it anymore, immediately pretended to cough a few times and interrupted them.

When Liu Xu interrupted, the two women were slightly dissatisfied, but when they heard that he had something to say, they quickly let go of each other.

"This matter is very important, and it is related to both of you. Let's put it this way, Yiye, you must have never told Ying about my relationship with you, have you?"

"Ah, what did you say all of a sudden!"

I don't know why, the eldest lady is a little unreasonably flustered

"Don't hide it, actually Ying already knew it. Right? Ying?"

Liu Xu's words made the eldest lady's attention turn to Ying immediately.

Suddenly speaking of this, Ying felt uncomfortable, but she believed in Liu Xu, believed in what he said, said that she would not abandon herself, so she nodded slightly.

"Ah, Ying you, what are you, why... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't... I didn't want to fight with you, really, it's just, it's just that I can't control myself, I..."

The pretty face gradually turned pale, and Liu Xu and Ying were both shocked and puzzled by what the eldest lady said.

"One leaf sauce, you, what do you mean?"

With surprise, Ying had no choice but to ask clearly.

"I...! Ying, I, I actually knew that you like Yu, I accidentally saw your diary a long time ago, and found that everything about Ying and a boy was recorded in the diary, he is gentle, Kind, handsome... At that time, I couldn't help feeling a little curious about this boy, but at that time, there was only curiosity and no other emotions!"

Regarding the eldest lady's explanation, Ying's face showed no expression.

"I thought everything was over, and as time went by, my curiosity about him gradually faded, and finally I completely forgot about it."

"Until I met You-kun, at that moment when I saw You-kun, I didn't know why my heart beat faster. I didn't know until later that I fell in love with You-kun!"

"But the conversation between Ying and Youjun immediately reminded me of the boy in Ying's diary. After thinking about it for a while, I knew that Youjun was that boy. That curiosity once again occupied my heart. I didn't realize that I fell in love with You Jun, I just thought I wanted to see if he was as good as Ying described, but in the end, in the end..."

Speaking of this, the eldest lady seemed to be unable to speak any more, the hand holding Ying was trembling, and her clothes were wet with tears.

"As a result, you slowly discovered Yu-kun's excellence, and then fell in love with him irresistibly? Right? Yiye-chan!"

Ying's tone was very flat, and no other emotions could be heard.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't want to, I really don't want to, I will leave, I will ask my father to let me change schools, I will leave you, so I, I will... woo... woo... ..."

Doing such a thing to her favorite sister, the eldest lady felt that this was a real betrayal, even worse than her own father, grievance, fear, remorse, all kinds of negative emotions mixed together made her bear a huge heartache. pressure……

Seeing the young lady crying bitterly, Ying couldn't bear it, she never thought of blaming Yiye.

Ying knew about her relationship with Liu Xu a long time ago, but she was kind and didn't say anything at all. Ying didn't expect anything extravagantly, but Yiye's explanation made her feel a little uncomfortable after all.

But seeing Yiye's sadness and remorse, Ying softened her heart. She knew that it was only because Liu Xu was too good, and Yiye could not be blamed.

If he knew what Ying was thinking, Liu Xu would definitely roll his eyes wildly. You can't blame Yiye, you can only... blame me!

Gently hugging Yiye who was squatting on the ground and crying bitterly, Ying said softly: "Yiye-chan, I already knew about you and Yu? But it doesn't matter, because Yu is so good. I know him It can’t be mine alone, I’m so stupid that I don’t deserve him at all! So I’ve made up my mind a long time ago, I won’t ask for anything extravagantly, as long as Yu can allow me to act like a baby on him like before, comforting me , I am satisfied!"


Chapter 632

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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