Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth suddenly became ferocious, and his right hand was tightly clenched into a fist. Liu Xu fully aroused his strength, and rushed to Jin Sen like a gust of wind.


Seeing Liu Xu who appeared in front of him in an instant, Jason was slightly taken aback for a moment.


With a bang, Jason only felt that he was hit in the stomach by a truck, and he spit out a mouthful of sour water, screaming and flying backwards.


Just arrived in the thirteenth district by train, that is, Shibuya district in Tokyo, Liu Xu suddenly had a bad feeling, the air here was filled with an unpleasant smell of blood, as if the place was full of blood all the time. It's like a fight is happening.

In fact, the thirteenth district is also such a cruel area. The ghouls here will never understand what mutual aid is. The ghouls living in the thirteenth district fight like wild beasts every day and every moment. , to determine the strong one.

"Hey, is there a place where Jason might appear?" Smelling the bloody smell in the air, Liu Xu frowned and said, "We don't seem to have that much time to find it slowly."

"There is...but more than one."

"Then look for them separately."

Saying this decisively, Liu Xu and Bai quickly rushed out separately.

Soon, Liu Xu met Jason, who seemed to be a psychopath, on the street. Hearing what the latter said, he punched the lunatic without hesitation.

Walking slowly in front of Jason, Liu Xu said coldly, "What did you do to Dr. Dikou?"

"Heh...hahahaha! Doctor Dikou, I didn't expect you to come to trouble me, Master Jason, just for such a trash ghoul!?"

He stood up with a grinning grin. Jason, who had just spit out sour water, had fully recovered in an instant. With his strength, if he hadn't been too surprised by Liu Xu's strength just now, how could he have received such a solid punch.

"answer my question."

Seeing Jason's abnormal recovery ability, Liu Xu was also a little bit entangled. These ghouls don't need to talk about combat power, just the ability to defend and recover is no longer human.

From this point of view, it is a complete victory over the beast soldiers!

However, Jason is a strong man among the ghouls, so he is naturally not comparable to ordinary beast soldiers.

"Huh?! A mere human being, what kind of tone are you talking to this uncle! You just got punched and let you get carried away?! It's just a piece of garbage!"

Roaring loudly, Jason swept towards Liu Xu with a whip kick. Seeing this kick that took into account both strength and speed, Liu Xu's eyes froze. ...

I don't know how many fighting masters I have fought!


Chapter 563 All together, He Zhe

With a slight backward movement, Liu Xu gently caught Jason's leg with his arms, and this little strength could not stop him at all.

Seeing this scene, Jason was even more satisfied, as if he could kick Liu Xu to death in the next second.

But at this moment, Liu Xu's body suddenly turned strangely, and then, Jason was surprised to find that the strength of his whip kick was completely borrowed by the man in front of him.

The next moment, the world in Jason's eyes turned upside down, followed by a sharp pain in the back of his head.

He was surprised to find that the blow that he had confirmed to win was actually cracked, and he was knocked to the ground! ?

Thinking of this, the way Jason looked at Liu Xu suddenly changed. A mere human can suppress himself as an S-rank ghoul to such an extent.

Although he didn't really hurt himself, it was sensational enough.

If those "white doves" heard about it, they would definitely take this genius under their banner at all costs, right?

"Genius, you are a genius. In combat, I have never seen a human being who is more talented than you. Even those special investigators, if they don't use Quinke, they can't do better than you!"

Lying on the ground, Jason's arm was controlled by Liu Xu, but he laughed like he was okay.

"But... killing geniuses is one of my favorite things to do!"

Hearing Jason's roar, Liu Xu jumped back instinctively. Sure enough, in the next second, a red tentacle-like thing pierced the concrete floor where he was standing just now.

Looking at the tentacles protruding from Jason's back, Liu Xu clapped his hands in admiration and said, "Oh...is this your Hezi? It's so powerful, I almost got caught!"

"Are you still laughing? I'm afraid you won't be able to laugh after a while. Human beings, my uncle who used Hezi, even a special investigator can't easily defeat him. With you, a piece of garbage that doesn't even have Quinke, I'm afraid it will take a while." It's going to be a delicious meal on my plate!"

Staring at Liu Xu closely, Jason's big mouth was opened. Under Liu Xu's calm gaze, Jason's right hand suddenly reached out to Liu Xu.

At the same time, that hand suddenly stretched out, forming a huge red claw.

"Is this Hezi's way of fighting?"

Seeing this scene, although he was very surprised, Liu Xu was not in a daze, and dodged the blow several times in a row.

He touched his chin curiously, and said, "I remember, isn't there only one kind of Hezi for a ghoul? Are you special?"

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Jason laughed proudly, and said, "That's right! Of course this uncle is special! For the sake of your eyesight, I will consider killing you painlessly later." die!"

With that said, Jason was about to kill him again.

At this time, Liu Xu said disdainfully: "It's just a little ghoul who has passed by together, how dare you say it!"

Sharing ghouls is a way of evolution of ghouls. By devouring their own kind to obtain their ghouls, ghouls can grow into powerful ghouls with multiple ghouls...

That kind of thing is called Hezhe, and it is a very strong profession!

"Get rid of Jason, study its Hezi, maybe you can become a Hezi too!"

Thinking of these words, Liu Xu's eyes lit up.

Hezi, of course Liu Xu wants it, but if he wants to be a ghoul for such a little power, it's not worth it.

Therefore, studying Hezi was the only way. When he thought that he would get Jason's Hezi for research soon, Liu Xu's eyes on him changed suddenly.

Just now it was still on guard as if facing a big enemy, but now it directly turned into the excitement of looking at the prey.

And this, of course, was also noticed by Jason. Realizing that he was underestimated by a human being, and seeing such an underestimation, Jason was instantly burned with anger.

Staring at Liu Xu's body full of flaws, Jason rushed over with a "boom" like a fired shell.

"This is the strength of an S-rank ghoul!"

Liu Xu frowned slightly, moved his feet, and quickly dodged to the side for a distance. Even so, he was still hurt by the wind pressure brought by Jason.

"Hehehaha... It's really good to dodge once, but once is no problem, what about twice? Three times? Kid, let me see how long you can last?"

Opening his mouth and laughing, Jason waved his giant claws and rushed towards Liu Xu again with a roar.

"The speed is more than three times faster. I didn't expect the ghoul with Hezi to be so strong?"

Liu Xu felt that Yakumo, who had activated Hezi's daikumo, was already able to pose a threat to him.

"Oh oh oh! What's the matter? I'm already powerless to fight back, are you exhausted? Where did the guy who was clamoring to knock me down just now go? He turned into a prodigal dog who can only run away?"

Laughing loudly, seeing Liu Xu gasping for breath, Jason couldn't help but feel a jolt in his chest.

That was playing with a genius between applause. Although it could kill him, it was just playing with the opponent like a cat and a mouse.

Ignoring Jason's barking, Liu Xu narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Growth!"

At this moment, Jason rushed over again. Seeing that he didn't dodge, Jason's expression suddenly became excited.

"I've run out of energy, can't I hide? Hahaha! Go to hell, trash human!"

Lifting Hezi's condensed claws high, Jason slammed Liu Xu's head hard.


Hearing the loud explosion, those nearby quickly ran over.

Just like that, standing on the edge of the open space where the two had just fought, Bai stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

The billowing smoke has not completely dissipated, and in the center of the smoke, a man stands there quietly.

Although his body trembled a little, he didn't show any signs of falling down. Even if he could tell that this man was at the end of his strength, it didn't affect his aura in the slightest.

"Your Majesty..."

Seeing Liu Xu's miserable appearance, he subconsciously thought about it, but before he could take a step, the next person who caught his eyes made him freeze there.


Chapter 564 He Bao, Lin He

Jason from the thirteenth district, an S-class ghoul nicknamed "Gecko", Yakumo Oshou, is lying at Liu Xu's feet with his eyes rolled...

From Jason's huge blood hole running through his chest, he could tell at a glance that it was the size of Liu Xu's fist.

The corners of his eyes twitched and he looked at Liu Xu, feeling that his three views had been rewritten at this time.

An unarmed human, a pure human, actually defeated the ghoul in hand-to-hand combat, and it was the ghoul who had activated Hezi, and it was the S-rank ghoul who had activated Hezi.

What's even more frightening is that, from the several spots on Jason's body, Bai added a sentence helplessly, and he was still an S-class Hell who had turned on the spots!

At this time, apart from admiration and curiosity, Bai looked at Liu Xu with a hint of awe.


It took some time before Liu Xu opened his eyes.

After using the strong colony armor, all the strength in Liu Xu's body was drained at once.

Although this also allowed him to successfully defeat Jason, he still couldn't avoid lying in bed for a few days.

Of course, in Baiyan's eyes, he couldn't see the colonization armor.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes couldn't help bursting out with excitement, because he found that there was an extra organ in his body.

Ghouls have the same appearance as humans, but inside their bodies there are special organs that humans don't have - the Hebao.

The content of Rc cells in the blood of ghouls far exceeds that of humans, and a large number of Rc cells are stored in the sac-shaped organ "Hebao" in their bodies.

When the ghouls fight, a large number of Rc cells stored in the Hebao come out through the body, forming various shaped limbs to assist in the battle.

This kind of alien limb is called "Hezi", which is the weapon (predatory organ) of ghouls.

Liu Xu punched Jason in the chest, took out his purse by the way, and launched a devouring capture.

Hebao is located near the kidneys and has a strong regenerative ability. It is an aggressive Hezi with high attack power but weak defense.

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