Chapter 445

"Since it can't be blown up, let this young hero come and have a go!" Liu Xu smiled, and immediately put the GN particles to the maximum, and the scarlet body turned into a bright streamer, and flew forward at high speed.

From the moment Liu Xu attacked the mothership, Aljandro and Libenz discovered his whereabouts.

Seeing the scarlet mecha, both of them looked a little ugly. They never expected that this person would attack them when the Celestial Organization was in crisis. Didn't he worry about the three Gundam pilots losing their lives? what?

They guessed this right, Liu Xu really didn't take the lives of the three Gundam pilots seriously.

On the display screen, seeing the scarlet body coming, Aljandro immediately ordered: "Send out all the drones and stop him!"

"Okay!" Liebenz nodded heavily, and the blue pupils suddenly turned into gold, gold covered with bloody veins.

After the color of the pupils changed, waves of instructions were sent to Veda via Libenz's brainwaves, and this huge mothership quickly started to operate.

Seeing the countless new machines coming from the potholed surface, the corners of Liu Xu's mouth cracked, he smiled first, then laughed, and finally laughed wildly...

"Hahaha... just let me play with you!"

Liu Xu turned the bloody angel's power to the maximum, swift as a shadow, piercing the sky and moving forward.

Flying to the attack range of the enemy plane, Liu Xu quickly drew out two beam sabers, and rushed forward while using the beam sabers to resist the laser bullets.

It's hard to tell how many mechas there are, and there are blood-red mechs everywhere outside the field of vision. The shape of the mechas is exactly the same as the bloody angel that Liu Xu drove before.

They all use the GNT solar furnace as power, although it is much worse than the complete solar furnace, but it is much more powerful than the new mechs in the human world.

Each machine body is equipped with two laser guns. Hundreds of mechas fire light bullets at the same time. The intertwined white light rays are interspersed together to form a dense beam network.

Liu Xu manipulated the mech to change its shape constantly, doing various difficult movements, flying, moving and rotating, constantly avoiding the trajectory of the laser, and he also swung the light-speed sword tightly in his hand rhythmically. to pave the way forward.

Seeing this scene through the display screen, Alhandro's face was extremely gloomy. He had seen the video of Liu Xu dodging bullets, but he did not expect that scene to be vividly displayed in front of his eyes.

This man used his own actions to prove to him that the strength of a single person can sometimes surpass thousands of troops.

"Hey! Come and eat me too!"

Taking advantage of his spare time, Liu Xu manipulated the mecha, condensed GN particles, and a thick particle cannon shot out, instantly blowing up the enemy planes in a line.

"Ha, come on!"

Liu Xu yelled wildly, rushed into the group of enemy planes along the passage blasted by him, and then held lightsabers in both hands, starting a massacre.

It was a massacre on one side. Liu Xu was so agile that the drones couldn't react. The lasers they shot not only missed Liu Xu, but hit his own body instead.

For a while, Liu Xu's mechs exploded and scattered around him with smoke.

Running wildly all the way, seeing those mechas blocking the way forward, Liu Xu laughed out loud, and the Bloody Angel's entire body quickly spun horizontally, and the two lightsabers were like a meat grinder, killing all the enemy planes in front of them. Cut into sections.


Under the obstruction of more than a thousand mechs, this man broke through the defense line so easily?

"Turn on all the defensive weapons, I don't believe you can escape!" Aljandro shouted angrily.

Those bumpy things on the surface of the mothership are actually not pits, but solar receiver pots, each receiver pot is a fort, countless laser cannon salvos are fired, and the light is extremely gorgeous.

Liu Xu opened his mouth wide. He had to admit that he really had no place to hide now. Almost all the space was filled with shells. The gap between the shells was less than one and a half meters, so it was obvious that Gundam couldn't pass through.

In the blink of an eye, there was a bang, and the endless shells instantly submerged the Bloody Angel. Without any exception, the scarlet mech was instantly vaporized by the endless light bullets.

"Hahaha...Even if you are super powerful, you still died at my hands! You Liu Xu is nothing special, no matter how powerful you are, you are still not a god!" Seeing the scarlet body turn into nothingness with his own eyes, Alhandro proudly Laugh out loud.

Liebens also heaved a long sigh of relief, this uncertain factor was finally removed.

However, he immediately changed his face, and suddenly shouted: "No!"

The screen switched, and there was obviously a scarlet machine in the endless light bullets!

"This..." Alhandro couldn't believe his eyes. What appeared on the screen was also a scarlet machine.

Unlike the Bloody Angel Gundam, this machine is much smaller, and looks not much bigger than an adult.

This is not like a machine body, but rather a piece of clothing, clothing worn on a person.

Strong colony armor.

"How could this be?" Liebenzi's eyes were narrowed slightly, and his heart sank to the extreme. After wearing this kind of thing, Liu Xu's body seemed to become more agile, and the speed was simply appalling, compared to that of the bloody angel. Up to ten times faster.

"How can a human's physique withstand such a large acceleration?" Aljandro was about to go crazy, how he wished he was dreaming, how could such a thing called a BUG appear in this world!

"At this moment, it's useless to complain. I think what we should do is to keep him out!" Liebenz took a deep breath and said.

Hearing this, Alhandro hurriedly said: "Hurry up, block all the exits. With the power of the weapon he is holding now, he can't break through the defense of the mothership."

"Already doing it." Liebenz sighed.Although he was very unwilling, the reality made him have to be a turtle with a shrinking head.


Chapter 446 Breaking through the Mothership, Tinder Technology

The fact is true. When Liu Xu landed on the mothership and stepped on the deck, he was at a loss for a while.

It doesn't matter if this thing is hard. The key is that it is so thick that a sniper rifle can't penetrate it at all.

"No, there must be a weak point in defense!" Liu Xu muttered to himself, frowning.

There must be entrances and exits on the mothership, and those entrances and exits are the weak points of defense.

Thinking back to the direction of the enemy planes that he saw before, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth. If Aljandro hadn't dispatched mechas to meet him, he would undoubtedly have to work hard to find the entrance and exit, because the mothership It is so big that it is not easy to find a small entrance and exit.

Following the memory in his mind, Liu Xu rushed forward quickly. When he reached the approximate area, he immediately flew into the air. The sniper rifle condensed GN particles, blasted them out, and then penetrated into the surface and spread to the depths of the mothership.

I don't know if it was because of Liu Xu's luck or the other party's bad luck, but he smashed through the mothership's gate with the first shot.

Jumping down through the hole with a radius of one meter, Liu Xu rushed all the way, carrying a sniper rifle and bombarded indiscriminately below, breaking open one heavy metal door after another. For Dro and Libenz, it is no less than a reminder.

"Why did this happen?" Aljandro slumped on the throne, his eyes glazed over, as if he was stupid.

Li Benz's expression changed for a while, he felt that he couldn't sit still, he had to do something to hold his life.

He thought carefully, finally gritted his teeth, and made a decision in his heart.

As one door after another was blasted open, Liu Xu was getting closer and closer to Alhandro and Libenz.

Aljandro couldn't bear it first, he stood up quickly, took a deep breath and said, "Compared with life, this mothership is insignificant, Libenz, escape with me!"

"Hmm!" Liebens nodded slightly, lowered his head and answered in a low voice.

Aljandro let out a long breath, and took a deep look at the circuit boards around him. Although he was very unwilling, he had to give up.

"I will definitely take Veda back!" He silently swore.


With a gunshot, Aljandro's expression froze instantly. He turned his head in disbelief, looked at Libenz who was pointing the gun at him, and said, "!"

Before he could say a word, Aljandro spat out a mouthful of blood, then fell to the ground and twitched, his heart had already been pierced by a linear bullet.

Seeing that Aljandro was still alive, Libenz blew on the non-existing gunpowder smoke, and sighed slightly: "It's no wonder, I can't help it, I didn't want to kill you so early, but Liu Xu broke in, in order to survive, I had no choice but to do something wrong!"

Before he died, Aljandro seemed to understand something. It turned turned out that he was the one being manipulated.




I have been a clown for so many years!

Alhandro died, leaving this world completely with a strong unwillingness.

When Liu Xu broke in, he happened to see the figure lying in a pool of blood.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xu couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then he removed the forced colonization armor, and said with a smile: "It's rebellion again, this drama seems to be getting better and better!"

Witnessing Liu Xu unarmored with his own eyes, Liebenz's pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly pointed the pistol at his forehead, and said slowly: "He is no longer useful, so there is no need for him to exist, I think... I can use a Something in exchange for my own life!"

As he spoke, Liebenzi loosened his fingers on his right hand, and the silver pistol fell to the floor with a clang.

Liu Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "You are very smart, I thought you were going to shoot me with this toy."

Libenz sighed softly, and said slowly: "I have a deep understanding of your ability to dodge bullets."

Liu Xu smiled and said: "Well, what do you want to exchange for your own life? I have no grudges or enmities with you, and I don't have much interest in your life. If you can give me something of value, Of course I won't kill you."

"The control of Veda." Liebenz said: "I can transfer the control of Veda to you!"

"That's it?" Liu Xu pointed to the surrounding circuit boards, shrugged and said, "I'm not interested in such a big thing. If you make it the size of a palm, maybe I'm still interested!"

This mothership is indeed a treasure. If it can be brought back to the armored world of forced colonization, Liu Xu will definitely not refuse, but, such a big thing, what does he use to install it?

The dimensional space of the forced colony armor can only hold conventional weapons, and it can't hold the big guy Veda at all.

Liebenz frowned, and continued: "If that's the case, maybe Veda's core can meet your requirements."

Liu Xu sighed slightly, and said lightly: "Okay, take it out and have a look, it's better to have loot than no loot, this big guy must be given to the emperor, not mine."

After hearing this, Libenz understood that the man in front of him was not very keen on high technology at all, or he believed in his own power more.

Liebenz sighed slightly. In front of Liu Xu, he was full of deep helplessness. He broke through the mothership's defense with his own strength. Even as the first reformer, he had to be convinced by him. oral.

Libenz moved quickly, and he took out a small and delicate silver Rubik's Cube from some mess.

Well, it just looks like a Rubik's Cube.

It is about the same size as the Rubik's Cube that Liu Xu has seen, and it is in the shape of a cube. I don't know what material it is made of. It feels slippery to the touch. There are many mysterious lines on the surface, and I don't know what it is for.


Could it be that the technology tree of Gundam World is the result of a shallow analysis of Huozhong's technology?

Liu Xu played with the silver Rubik's Cube for a while, and said with a smile, "Ting is pretty, and it's good to keep it as a souvenir."


Chapter 447 Super long-distance sniper killing, bloody butcher

After hearing this, Libenz was speechless again. This person's thinking is really different.

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