"That's really good." Chikage Kuroba applauded, and she said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "So you actually know Chinese, I really didn't expect it, it seems that my intelligence work is not good enough!"

Although Liu Xu's relationship caused You Xizi to leave for Shenmeishan ahead of time, but because Kudo Shinichi and his son disappeared in Shenmeishan one after another, so before the action, she sent a message to her two friends and uploaded it on the Internet.

If Akiko does not enter the password on the Internet at the set time, the information will be automatically sent to Chikage Kuroba and Belmode.

The two women got in touch, so they went to Tokyo to find out what happened.

Who knew that just in time for the explosion of the solar storm's big move, many hidden modulators, in order to save their lives, were forced to disregard the horror of the world, and directly turned into beasts. Photos and videos were taken by people, and many of them have been circulated on the Internet, so there will be previous The aliens mentioned in the dialogue between the two women.

After a long taxi, the plane finally stopped on the runway.

Belmode sighed lightly, obviously having a serious mind, and his brows were full of worry.

"To be honest, Qianying, I don't know why since I arrived here, I feel more and more uneasy..."

"Still worried about Yukiko's safety? The biological GPS positioning system in her body is still working, so her life should not be in danger for the time being."

"hope so."

"The time is too short, I don't know if I can find a suitable weapon."

"It doesn't matter, it's the same with a sword."

"With a sword?"

"Well, this is it."

Belmode flipped his wrist, and a Western sword appeared from the black robe.

The scabbard was very old, and the broad tsuba looked like a cross.

"This is not an ordinary sword, is it?"

Kuroba Chikage took a closer look, and sure enough, the fencing was trembling slightly in the scabbard, as if wanting to jump out by itself.

As a master of fighting, Chikage Kuroba will not underestimate the power of the sword just because it is the age of guns.

However, what she was concerned about was not the sword itself, but the mysterious forces behind Belmode.

At this time, Kuroba Chikage didn't know that Belmod was from the Black Organization, otherwise it would be hard to say whether the two women could sit together.

Of course, the Black Organization has already been destroyed. Regardless of what Belmode's previous identity was, that has become a thing of the past. Now she is the American actress Sharon Wynyard, and she will continue to exist in this identity in the future.

"How did you pass the security check?"

"Security check?"

Smiling at Chikage Kuroba, Belmode blinked and said mischievously: "An antique appraisal certificate!"

Watching Belmode's slightly childish naughty movements, Kuroba Chikage fell into deep thought.

"Bermod, who are you?"

Chikage Kuroba understood that the fashionable girl's attire was just Belmode's disguise when she met her.

The usual Belmode looks like a gentle and kind female star with a gentle smile like an angel.

But when she throws away the fashionable women's clothes and reveals the inner clothes, the whole person will suddenly change her temperament and become a completely different person - she has seen this point the night the two met.

Although they are both friends of You Xizi, friends of friends are not necessarily friends. Both women have their own criteria for choosing friends, and it is obviously not easy to rescue You Xizi. If you want to participate in it, you must decide The method is very simple.


Therefore, the two women had already fought against each other when they first met and recognized each other's strength.

The cabin door opened, and the two beauties stopped talking, smiled at each other, got up and picked up their luggage, got off the plane and walked to the special car that came to meet them.

In the current Tokyo City, there has been a clear polarization. On the one hand, there is a normal city that barely maintains order, and on the other hand, the lawless Shura Hell.

Liu Xu contacted Yaria and knew that she and Li Mi had already hid in the safe house. Many big families have such shelters, so they should plan ahead.

Liu Xu decided to use it as a base for the time being, and then put all his women there. The first woman to be placed there was Fujisaki Shiori who was with him now.

At this time, Tokyo is in chaos. Although Kronos is powerful, it is not yet time for them to launch the final plan, so the accident caused by the recovery unit is also in a state of distress.

However, since the accident has already happened, we must find a way to remedy it. If Kronos really does his best to do this, the disaster will be suppressed to the smallest extent.

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Chapter 302 Disaster Area

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If Kronos took the shot, that would be the best ending, but Kronos' rescue operation was soon suspended, because the top management of the organization discovered that this was the best place to experiment with beast soldiers.

Others may not know it, but as the high-level beast gods, they are very clear that the training of beast soldiers is not to fight against human beings, not even to rule the earth, but to fight against the descendants.

Beast soldiers are weapons, and it is the fate of the weapon to go to the battlefield, and the strength of the weapon is doomed to the victory of the war.

The change in front of him is the best place for weapons experimentation.

The high-level leaders unanimously agreed that sending more beast soldiers into the area of ​​this accident is not for rescue, but for fighting and collecting more data.

Of course, the development of the matter far exceeded Kronos' prediction, and the final result made them collectively lose their voices.

Liu Xu took the opportunity to take all his women together, and he didn't need to find any excuses. Now that there is a lot of chaos outside, it is everyone's wish to take a safe place, so that everyone can gather in one place, and it will be convenient for Liu Xu to be together when the time comes Take away.

He still has some dimensional crystals that can bring people and things into the dimensional space, but thinking about the huge team of beauties in Conan's world, Liu Xu feels that it is unrealistic for Alexander to bring all the beauties into the dimensional space , so we still need to find a place to house them.

As for foreign countries, of course they are the best refuges, but because they don’t know the truth about the Tokyo incident, all countries have imposed restrictions on Japan, and they will not accept their plane’s request to land in their own country, worrying about the Japanese nationals on the plane It may be the virus carrier of the suspected biochemical virus leak.

As for Kuroba Chikage and Belmode who voluntarily flew to Japan, the Japanese government welcomes them very much. Even if they don't welcome them, they don't have time to manage them now.

The entire Tokyo has been under martial law, but it is only in the area where no disaster has occurred. As for the disaster area, monsters are now swarming. Maybe there has been a genetic mutation or other changes. Something like a zombie in a movie novel.

For the same reason, the safe area does not accept the refugees from the disaster area, fearing that they may carry the virus in their bodies. For the increasing number of human beings in the martial law area, they arranged to distribute some relief materials, but they did not let them cross the martial law line.

For the woman in the disaster area, Liu Xu arranged for Yaria to find someone to take them to the shelters in the safe area one by one, and he went to the disaster area by himself.

Although he had tried his best to avoid the known places where the women lived, Liu Xu could not guarantee that they would be at home at that time.

Tokyo is the city of cherry blossoms, the most famous is its red.

Every year in April, the city begins to turn red - the leaves on the cherry trees all over the city will change to the first color visible to the naked eye on the spectrum at this time.

Finally, the most beautiful and largest red leaf tide will be formed after three months.

As the temperature drops, countless red leaves roll and fall in the autumn wind, "hanging" waves of red one after another in the air.

But this year, Tokyo at this time is redder than in previous years-replacing the color of cherry blossoms with a brighter blood red.

This world-famous Tokyo is now also soaked in blood red. The dye is not cherry trees but human blood, and it is not seasons but monsters that splash the dye.

Ten hours ago, this place was a world-famous tourist city, but ten hours later, it turned into a hell, with all kinds of cannibalistic humanoid monsters walking all over the place.

But not everyone is running away, Liu Xu is just the opposite, now he is standing by the fountain pool of a department store in the city center, surrounded by three humanoid monsters, the high frequency sword on his elbow exudes beauty Dangerous light.

Liu Xu, who seemed to be in a desperate situation, did not feel any fear at this time, because the prey was not him, but them.

He arrogantly said to the monster blocking the way: "Can you still understand human language? Let me go, you three defective products are not worth my hands at all, the one in McDonald's is my fancy. "

Liu Xu came to the disaster area to find his women who were lost in the disaster, but when he arrived in the disaster area, he dealt with a few unsightly beast soldiers. No, it should be more appropriate to call them wild beasts now. Liu Xu found that he actually They can absorb gene fragments from their bodies and evolve their own bodies.

Thus, the battle began to become more joyful.

Within a radius of [-] meters around Liu Xu, there are no less than a hundred monsters surrounding the roadside, shopping malls, and holding human flesh feasts on buses.

Unpalatable or inconvenient large intestines, human heads were thrown everywhere, and it was hard to hear the cries of human beings for help and the screams of the dying.

Although human flesh may be the most unpalatable type of food on their menu, ordinary monsters have no right to be picky when there are more wolves and less meat.

Compared with the fishy smell of human flesh, junk food made by humans, such as McDonald's, Kentucky, and Decos, are more popular with monsters.

It's just that the world of monsters is similar to the world of animals. According to the dining rule formulated by the monsters that "the boss eats chicken leg burgers, and the younger brother only eats human flesh", the McDonald's burger shop is now exclusively occupied by the little boss among the monsters.

Along the way, Liu Xu has already slaughtered more than a dozen blind monsters. The increasingly dangerous aura emanating from him has already made many monsters dimly feel that this is an existence that cannot be provoked, so they avoided it early. far away.

For those monsters that were avoided, they were not eligible to be hunted and absorbed by Liu Xu.

However, in the army of monsters with mixed good and bad, there will always be stunned green.

There are three stunners, one is a cat person and the other is a dog person, both of them are like cats and dogs, lying on all fours, ready to attack at any time, the third has a sharp horn on his forehead, Like the one-horned ogre in the game, he stood upright and walked on two feet.

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Chapter 303 Hattori Shizuka

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Compared with the first two whose clothes Yue Dui Guangguang returned to its natural form, this one is ashamed and keeps the clothes from a few hours ago.

The three guys surrounded Liu Xu just like that, wanting to attack, but hesitated hesitantly.

The dog man behind Liu Xu's left was the first to be unable to bear it any longer. He attacked Liu Xu's back from the side with a vicious dog attack. At the same time as he made the move, the cat man directly in front of Liu Xu jumped up. Using the civet cat to attack the mouse, it rushed straight to Liu Xu's throat.

Facing the front and rear pincers, Liu Xu just made a low body forward roll towards the cat-man, but his timing was just right, just before the cat-man kicked hard on the ground with his hind legs and jumped up.

The catman's pounce swept through the air, and Liu Xu's back almost passed under him with his sharp claws, avoiding his pounce and also avoiding the dogman's attack from behind.

When he passed under the cat-man, he still held a long blood sausage in his left hand, and the other end of the intestine was connected to the cat-man's lower abdomen.

At the moment when the bodies of the two sides crossed each other, Liu Xu put away the Gao Zhoubo sword on his elbow, ready to kill the enemy with his bare hands.

He is now able to partially reproduce, which is a new ability obtained after rebirth.

His right hand stretched out like lightning, and directly cut open the lower abdomen of the cat man with his fleshy palm, then scratched and pulled, and with his forward movement, he pulled out the whole string of intestines like pulling a tape.

According to the analysis of the physiological structure, in terms of body shape, the dog or cat shape is the best carnivore body shape. The human-shaped one-horned ogre is obviously a bit slower in this respect, and his attack has just launched at this time.

Facing his pounce, Liu Xu dodged all the attacks with just a slight side of his body. From the outsiders' perspective, the ogre's attack seemed to be done in conjunction with his dodge for the sake of evasion.

During this process, Liu Xu wrapped his intestines around his neck in a wicked way, and stabbed his right hand in the back of his head at the position of the brainstem, and then the ogre's own body inertial movements automatically wrapped the intestines around his neck. The intestines around his neck were pulled tight.

The empty ogre died as soon as it hit the ground, the cat man whose intestines were almost pulled out screamed and rolled, and died slowly due to excessive bleeding, as for the dog man who kicked the iron plate, he fell into a witty wit and died. escaped, but Liu Xu, who was unharmed, only had a little blood on his hands.

The battle broke out like lightning and ended like lightning.

Organic organisms made of protein are actually very fragile, even monsters are no exception.

Human beings' fear of monsters stems more from their ignorance of unknown things.

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