Liu Xu actually didn't want to say that, but his mouth seemed to be no longer his own, and he couldn't control it at all.

"What a bad boy!"

As she spoke, she bent down.

"It's so annoying! If you want to watch it now, hurry up and watch it all! You should concentrate on it after class! Hehe!"

Just like that, she bent down in front of Liu Xu, almost spit out the nosebleed, and scanned Judy Stein's body back and forth as if her eyes were not enough.

"What? Are you still not satisfied?" Noticing his gaze, Judy Stein said coquettishly, "You can't just show me the teacher's back!"

"Then, in front..."

Liu Xu swallowed, and at the same time pointed to Judy Stein's hand that had been covering her.

"I hate it!" Judy Stein's voice became even more feminine, "You know that the teacher already has a boyfriend, but do you still want to see the teacher's place? The other students will not agree to let you watch it alone." !"

"Teacher, I want you to know the consequences of seducing me!"

Liu Xu couldn't bear it anymore, stood up from his seat with a "huh", and threw himself on Judy Stein...


"Most one, did you hear that?"

Um!I heard it, but why is this voice not right?

It's Judy Stein's voice, but...

Why is it not enthusiastic at all, not feminine at all?


Why is there a fog in front of my eyes?

A serious face seemed to appear before Liu Xu's eyes—it was her!

When did Judy Stein become so calm?

Isn't she being forced by herself?

"The most one classmate, I'm calling you."

Just when Liu Xu's mind was wandering for nine days and his heart was surging, a voice faintly sounded in his ear.

"Hello! The most one, the most one classmate..."

Suddenly, the voice turned into a sharp reprimand, which shook Liu Xu from his beautiful illusion like a thunderbolt.

"The last classmate, have you had enough sleep yet!?"

Liu Xu opened his eyes, as if being poured over his head by cold water, and returned to reality, the bottom of which also wilted like a frost-beaten eggplant.

It turned out that everything just now was just a dream.

A short but memorable dream, an extremely absurd dream.

That's right, if it wasn't a dream, how could Judy Stein call him Liu Xu, the last thing is his name as a transfer student!

I should have thought of it long ago, but Judy Stein's nude body is too fascinating...

Liu Xu shook his head hard, rubbed his temples with his hands, opened his eyes and took a look, only to realize that something was wrong.

Judy Stein on the podium had already put down her lesson plans, put her hands on her hips, and stared straight at him with her beautiful almond eyes.

The whole class watched him silently, sharing the suffocating peace before the storm.

"I'm really sorry to interrupt your happy lunch break, how is it? Did you sleep sweetly? Do you need to sleep for a while? Anyway, get out of class is not over yet!"

Judy Stein kept nodding her jaw and said slowly in a low voice.

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Chapter 269

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"It's okay, you can continue if you haven't slept enough!"


"Anyway, looking at you, you seem to be very tired, don't be shy, huh?"

Judy Stein narrowed her eyes, and while speaking, she put her hands around Yuexiong, her eyes shone on Liu Xu like nuclear radiation.

If her vision could kill, Liu Xu might have died more than a thousand times.

No wonder it is said that cutting flesh with soft knives is the most painful. It is extremely uncomfortable to scold or not to beat or not.

You don't want to destroy my nerves, do you?

", no need...I..."

Liu Xu sighed in his heart, and his head was covered with cold sweat. He is just a handsome man, so there is no need to treat me like this, right?

"Is it really unnecessary?"

Judy Stein's voice was as sweet as a devil's.

"Really no, no need..."

Liu Xu's heart has sunk to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

"Then..." Judy Stein's tenderness instantly evaporated on her face, and her eyes opened suddenly, "Please stand up for me."

After she gave the order, she turned back to continue the lesson.

And Liu Xu also understood his fate in this class - standing up.

After class was over, Liu Xu was called to the office by Mrs. Judy Steiner. He listened to Judy Steiner's endless nagging.

Liu Xu then took this opportunity to take a good look at Judy Stein. She was wearing a professional suit, with neat short hair, and she looked very beautiful. Although she was wearing a pair of glasses, it did not damage her beauty, but added to it. A kind of intellectual beauty.

The moon part is also very small, probably at least a D cup, which is not surprising, after all, it is a foreigner, the part D is normal, and those smaller than D are dysplasia.

Walking on the road, I am embarrassed to say hello to people.

If you replace that white suit with a police skirt, put on black stockings and silver high heels, and take off your glasses, you will definitely be an ideal yy object for a royal sister!

Just as she was thinking about it, Judy Stein seemed to notice something wrong with Liu Xu's eyes.

"What are you looking at?"

Because the education time is too long, other teachers in the office have already gone to class, and there is no one else anyway, Liu Xu boldly laughed and said: "Look at our beautiful teacher Sterling, can it be illegal to look at it? "


Judy Stein obviously underestimated Liu Xu's shamelessness.

"Teacher, if you have nothing to say, then I'm going to class, I'm already late."

After saying that, Liu Xu turned around and left. Before turning around, he stared hard at Judy Stein's Yuexiongbu, who was still fluctuating violently due to emotional agitation, and gave a very pertinent evaluation in his heart: "The waves are rough."

Leaving the office, Liu Xu was walking when suddenly someone pulled her from behind, it turned out to be Yuanzi.

Liu Xu kept a straight face on purpose, Yuanzi thought he was in a bad mood after being scolded by the teacher.

"what happened?"

Yuanzi, who was wearing a school uniform and skirt, stood on tiptoe, holding Liu Xu's face in both hands and watching carefully.

"She actually asked me to stand in class. This is corporal punishment in disguise. I will ask the principal to sue her."

Liu Xu said angrily.

"Forget it, the teacher didn't do it on purpose." Yuanzi pulled him, "Who told you to sleep in class."

"It's okay if you don't go. If you give me a kiss, I won't go."

Liu Xu teased Yuanzi.

Sonoko blushed, lowered her head and said nothing.

Suddenly, she punched Liu Xu hard, and said angrily, "You rascal."

Liu Xu hurriedly said "Ouch" and squatted on the ground with his stomach in his arms, "It hurts me to death."

"What are you pretending to be, you can't stand it even if you lightly touch it, aren't you a man!"

"It really hurts. My generation of martial arts practitioners all have their own traps. The place you hit just now is my trap... Ouch..."

"A cover door?"

"Yes, you have hit my door."

"Really? I'm sorry, I'll take you to the hospital!"

"It's okay, just rest for a while and you should be fine."

"Then let's sit in the English corner for a while. At this time, there is no one there."

"All right!"

Liu Xu's heart was full of joy, and the big bad wolf was finally about to show his true nature.

The first step in making Badidan High School, starting from Suzuki Sonoko, has already been passed, but practice makes perfect, and review is also very important.

English Corner, a very popular place in Tedan High School.

But now during class time, there are no outsiders except Liu Xu and Yuanzi.

"Oh, it hurts so much, I must sue her for abusing students..."

Liu Xu had nothing to say.

"Don't go, I think Teacher Stein is nice, really nice."

Although Yuanzi came from a wealthy family, he is absolutely kind-hearted.

"It's okay not to sue. If you give me a kiss, I won't sue."

Liu Xu looked at Yuanzi, and couldn't help adding dry lips. Unfortunately, she was wearing a formal school skirt, so he couldn't see more "scenery".

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