Qin Official

Text Volume Chapter 598 Sinister

Chen Changshi.

In late June, several merchant ships from the North Korean coast docked at Xi'anping at the mouth of the Yalu River. As soon as Wei Yang got off the ship, he saw a smiling Chen Ping not far away, and hurried over to greet him.

Chen Ping was the person closest to their family except Zhang Cang. Wei Yang knew that his father Zhong valued Chen Ping very highly.

I got a bit more tan at the sea.

Chen Ping spoke to Wei Yang in a familiar tone. He smiled and said: With the monsoon, the new sea route is indeed far better than the old sea route. It has only been a few days since I settled down safely in Xi'an, but you have already surrounded this sea. After two laps, he came back again.”

That's right, after the first voyage in early May, Weiyang has already experienced two more voyages. On the second time, their ship passed by Chen Ping's grain ship at the mouth of the Yalu River, and they only said hello. This third time, I specifically docked in Xi'anping, but there was news about Jiaodong that I wanted to give to Chen Ping.

Weiyang presented Heifu's autographed letter, and Chen Ping opened it and read it in person. The content inside, in addition to asking about Xi'an Ping's current situation and whether Chen Ping had connected with Fusu's army, described the Jiaodong Marine Division's next plan...

After Chen Ping finished reading, he laughed loudly: This is indeed what a county prince would do, but don't scare the Ji family monarch of North Korea!

Putting the letter in his arms, Chen Ping asked Wei Yang: What were the gains from these two voyages?

Once raw, twice familiar.

Wei Yang said confidently: Only three ships went there the first time, five ships the second time, and seven ships this time. We have become more and more familiar with the cross-sea route. Even if Zhongfu ordered When the captain sets out on a long voyage, I can also guide him.

Compared with the first time when a ship disappeared directly, the last two times were near misses. The second time, a ship's mast was blown off by strong winds, and Lushun repaired it. But this time, a ship leaked midway and stopped at Manfanhan.

We also secretly measured the latitudes of various places, and found out the suitable anchorage points along the coast one by one, but...

Wei Yang gritted his teeth and felt unwilling to give in: It's just that the missing three hundred Dendrobium ship and the hundreds of Pao Ze whose whereabouts are unknown still have no news.

During these two trips to sea, the fleet specially divided two ships to patrol near the coast where the 300-hu ship might have crashed. Wei Yang even took the initiative to ask for orders to find it. But they walked along North Korea's barren coastline for a long time, and even landed on several unnamed islands to check, but still found nothing, not even the wreckage of the shipwreck.

This is very unusual. Xu Fu guessed that the ship may have broken its mast and its rudder failed, and was swept further south by the sudden northwest wind.

The North Korean coast is hundreds of miles long, winding and winding. Further south, after rounding a large promontory, you will reach a vast bay. It was a deserted land, with uncivilized tribes everywhere on the shore. The scenery was similar to that of southern Liaoning.

The city-state of Canghaijun, whose reputation spread to the Central Plains, was located on a large island in the bay a few miles away from the land. He built a city and gathered thousands of barbarians. Scholars from the Six Kingdoms who were anti-Qin came here to admire its reputation. He voted and became a tyrant...

As a result, what we need to worry about is not only the life and death of the hundreds of crew members, but also the risk of the soldiers being captured, unable to withstand torture, and revealing the Qin Dynasty's intention to use troops!

In this case, there is no other way but to speed up the pace of the war.

Who said that in this battle, Jiaodong and the Zhou division must be side troops, and they must not steal the limelight of General Gongzi?

Chen Ping was so secretive in his heart that the small country in the sea could use the Jiaodong Boat Division to take advantage of the southwesterly wind to cross the sea and launch a sudden attack. Even if they could not completely annihilate them, they could still be severely damaged. But all smart people can see that this battle must be left to Young Master Fusu. Anyone who is eager to take credit will be careless.

But when the young master arrives at Canghai City with his expeditionary force, Lord Canghai may have heard the news and abandoned the city with his troops and fled. Tens of thousands of troops have traveled a long distance, exhausted, and have exhausted the money and food of several counties. In the end, it was all in vain, what a joke...

Chen Ping felt somewhat conflicted. He hoped that this battle could be settled once and for all, so that Jiaodong would no longer have to make expeditions. But I hope Canghaijun can run away. In that case, Heifu can raise the bandits to respect themselves and control Jiaodong for a long time!

At this time, Wei Yang saw the changes in Xi'anping. A month ago, when he passed by here for the first time, it was just an ordinary coastal town. The wide Yalu River estuary had slow water and ships could go upstream. enter.

Nowadays, this small city has been widened a lot. The dock has doubled in size. A simple outer wall has been added outside. Between the inner and outer walls are mountains of granaries. From here on, the army's supplies will have to be Jiaodong took the responsibility.

To the west, civilians from Jiaodong were cutting down forests to create open space for the army to camp. To the east, craftsmen were visually measuring the width of the river. With the help of a fleet of boats, they could build a pontoon bridge at any time.

Under the command of Chen Ping, everything was going in an orderly manner, and he was worthy of being Heifu's chief adviser.

The only fly in the ointment is that Fusu's army has not arrived...

Chen Ping sighed: According to the scouts who arrived first, the young master led his troops to leave Xiangping more than half a month ago. Now more than twenty days have passed, but he has not been seen yet.

The nearly 500-mile journey from Xiangping City to Xi'anping has no roads, only paths trodden by humans and animals, and the rolling Thousand Mountains in the middle. It has thousands of peaks and peaks, stretching from the west bank of the Yalu River to southern Liaoning. . May and June are also rainy times in Liaodong. Tens of thousands of people braved the heavy rain to cross the mountains and thorns, and it was expected that they would be delayed for a long time.

While he was talking, a crisp golden sound came from the wall!

The sound of drums, the trumpet to attack the enemy, and the ringing of gold means the arrival of friendly forces.

That young master's army has arrived.

Wei Yang was very happy. This way, he could return to Jiaodong to inform his father Zhong that Fusu's army had arrived.

Finally we're here.

Chen Pingping seemed to be relieved on the surface, but in his heart, he felt a little regretful.

A moment later, when Chen Ping led people out of the city to greet him, he saw a team in the distance that was stretched into a long snake and slowly approaching, but there was a hint of sarcasm on his face.

How can this be the invincible Qin army?

This is obviously a group of rebels who were put together temporarily to go to a foreign land to die!

As soon as the army approached, Chen Ping could tell that they had a problem.

At the front were the solemn Guanzhong soldiers. Although their pace was slow and their faces were full of fatigue, the queue was still neat and their basic morale was maintained.

The rear army was also a soldier in Guanzhong, and they were similarly disciplined. The flag of Prince Fusu was proudly raised high. He was wise enough to hold the formation at the rear to prevent the soldiers from escaping.

But the nearly ten thousand people caught in the middle were different. They should be soldiers recruited temporarily from the land of Yan and Zhao. They were all dejected, and their clothes and shoes were often damaged. After all, they had been trekking for twenty days in the old forests of Liaodong where wild boars and blind men were infested. It was really hard and the number of people was estimated to be at least a thousand less! I don’t know whether to die or run away.

Chen Ping has read the Art of War: During the march, those who lean on their weapons and stand weakly are a sign of hunger among the three armies; those with uneven flags are a sign that the command has been chaotic; those who are serving food and fighting with each other are a sign that the order has been shaken. Performance……

This expeditionary force, especially the people of Yan and Zhao, succeeded in almost all three points.

Chen Ping asked people to deliver food and water immediately, but it caused a commotion. The chaos caused by fighting for water and food did not stop until Prince Fusu's chariot came from the rear to the front.

As a young master general, he still had the majesty. As the ordering soldiers shouted, the soldiers of Yan and Zhao stopped fighting for food and retreated one after another, leaving a few unlucky ones who fell down and were caught by the military judge.

Fusu came here on foot, and the chariot was damaged when it crossed thousands of mountains. It also lost a lot of baggage and the grain on it.


The military judge came forward to ask for instructions. Young Master Fusu looked at several Yan and Zhao soldiers who were snatching food, gritted his teeth, waved and said:

According to the law, anyone who robs us of food or disrupts our march will be beheaded!

While begging for mercy, these people were beheaded on the spot and their heads were displayed to the public!

This made Chen Ping, who was watching, marvel. Compared with when he was in Beidi, this young master is more than a little hard-hearted!

He immediately stepped forward and saluted:

Shi Chenping, the warden of Jiaodong County, was ordered by the supervisory army to cross the sea to supervise the grain supply to welcome the young master!

Fusu had met Chen Ping when he was in the north. He immediately helped him up and said, It turns out that Mr. Chen is the man who infiltrated the Xiongnu and made extraordinary achievements. I haven't seen him for a long time. Please get up quickly.

When he raised his head, Chen Ping found that compared to the last time they met, Young Master Fusu was a little thinner and tanned. His face had sharper edges and corners, and his eyes were filled with deep worry and some uncertainty. Faded bloodshot eyes.

I've met the young master.

Chen Ping bowed again and looked sideways. Except for Fusu's staff and guards, he didn't see anyone, so he asked: I wonder where the deputy general, Old General Yang, is? Ping also pays homage to him.

Fusu sighed and said sadly:

Yang Duan and the old general...he suffered a heart attack while crossing the mountain ten days ago and passed away...

How could it be like this! The true star has fallen, and Great Qin has lost another veteran general!

Chen Ping was shocked and bowed deeply: My condolences, Sir!

But there was no trace of sadness on his drooping face. Instead, he revealed a sinister smile!

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