Qin Official

Text Volume Chapter 585 Child’s Play

In the thirty-third year of Qin Shihuang's reign, at the great court meeting in February, the Prime Minister and the Censor's Office had drafted an edict declaring war.

In the past, the Song Dynasty killed the Chu envoy Shen Zhou. When the king of Chuzhuang heard about it, he threw himself into his arms and jumped up. He approached the emperor with his arms, his sword reached outside the bedroom door, and his chariot reached the market of Puxu!

This means that when King Chuzhuang heard that his envoy had been killed, he was furious. He stood up and ran out barefoot. The man holding the shoes chased him to the courtyard before he caught up. He put on his shoes and the man holding the sword The man chased him outside the bedroom door and hung his sword on him. The man driving the car chased him to the city of Puxu. He asked King Zhuang to board the car and went straight to the military camp to send troops to surround the Song Dynasty...

Today Qin is ten times stronger than Chu, and Ou Yue is small and weak, not as good as Song Dynasty. However, Bian despises Yue and dares to despise the heaven and kill my travelers. This is a great shame and humiliation. If you don't punish it, it will not be able to promote the power of the emperor!

The emperor had originally planned to use troops against Baiyue. This was a good move. Even the reason for the war was justified. However, the emperor did not want to send out a large army to fight a small battle and destroy a small tribe. Instead, he decided to use all the Yue people as a blow. and objects of conquest...

As the place where the incident broke out, Xiou naturally bore the brunt and became the focus of military deployment. Xiou was destroyed first, and then other Yue countries were wiped out.

Correspondingly, the choice of general, which had caused the emperor to hesitate for a long time, was decided.

Heifu and Tu Sui each have different emphasis on their strategies, and it can be said that they are equally matched. Putting aside the issues of strategy and competence, from a political perspective alone, Qin Shihuang would prefer Tu Sui rather than Heifu.

The emperor personally inspected Yuzhang County. The local censor secretly reported that there were many old Heifu troops in Yuzhang. At the county level, the troops were basically controlled by the Heifu Township Party. Although there was no excessive clique for personal gain, But letting them connect with each other is not a good thing in the long run.

Qin Shihuang heard these secret reports, but he just said lightly: I know. The matter was settled.

Although Qin Shihuang gave a free hand, it would probably not be a good thing to let Hei Fu be the main general again, to be the boss of his old subordinates, to be in charge of hundreds of thousands of troops, and to live in the south for several years.

In addition, Heifu is young. If he is the commander-in-chief, he will definitely be made a marquis after this battle! Hou is in his early thirties, what happens after this? There is no way to seal it.

Qin Shihuang was not afraid of imbalance. Although Wang Ben had an old injury after returning to Xianyang, he might have to die with his father. But there are still Meng Tian and Li Xin, these two mature generals who have been enfeoffed as marquises, guarding the top. What can Heifu do?

The emperor just felt...

It is not a good thing to be granted the title of Marquis at a young age, and it is difficult to reward him for his high achievements. If I appoint him as a general at this time, I will not trust him and respect him, but will harm him...

During times of peace and chaos, Hei Fu was a chicken-killing knife and Wang Ben was an ox-killing blade.

However, during the Southern Expedition, Heifu had already upgraded and became a butcher's knife that the emperor was reluctant to use lightly.

He is a person who can become a general in the future, not a disposable consumable...

On the contrary, it would not be a bad thing to promote the fifty-year-old Tu Sui to give the empire another late general with great military exploits.

So Qin Shihuang announced the final candidates:

Take Changsha Guard Tu Sui as the general, Yuzhang Lieutenant and Kuaiji Lieutenant as the assistant general, and Nanjun Supervisor Shi Lu as the supervisor. Command an army of 150,000 people and civilians to conquer Baiyue in the south!

When he heard this candidate, Li You smiled and looked at his father Li Si. When Li Si glanced at Tingwei Ye Teng aside, he found that the old man was also relieved! He even loudly agreed with the emperor’s choice!

Li Si frowned, feeling that things seemed not as simple as his son thought.

Although Tu Sui was the general, Qin Shihuang also changed some strategies based on Heifu's suggestions.

For example, the emperor began to send envoys to the south intensively to plan a plan to recruit Dongou to surrender.

Although they all call themselves Ou and are from Yue, the East and West Ou are not related. Dong Ou is a country established by the descendants of King Gou Jian of Yue. It has cities, towns, and towns. It uses the Chu bird and insect script. It has a high level of civilization and can at least communicate.

Although it was already at war with Ouyue, it was still necessary to send merchants to South Vietnam, Minyue, etc. to conduct bribery and infiltration in preparation for a large-scale march.

From now to September, more than half a year will serve as the preparation period for the war. Qin Shihuang ordered Xulu, the censor of Nanjun, to be responsible for improving transportation conditions and transporting stored grain to the border.

At the same time, conscription began. In addition to tens of thousands of elite Qin people in Guanzhong, the emperor specifically named more people from Chu in this war. The reason is that Chu people are accustomed to the southern climate and are not prone to getting sick when they go to Baiyue. During the severe crackdown by the imperial court, all the young chivalrous and evil boys caught were sent to Changsha, Kuaiji, and Yuzhang to become militiamen for the Southern Expedition. cannon fodder.

When the summer heat in the south dissipates, it's time to use troops!

The emperor's request was simple: In this battle, Baiyue must be surrendered, and the territory of Qin will be completely exhausted from the south to the north!

The so-called Northward House refers to the place in the extreme south that people in the Qin Dynasty knew. It is said to be south of the sun, opposite to the Central Plains. Local residents often open their houses northward to receive sunlight, so it is called, and the location is probably within the territory of Luoyue.

Although the emperor wanted to bulldoze Baiyue immediately, he also knew that sending troops to the south would not happen overnight, it would take at least a year or two...

He could only suppress his anger at being offended by the little chief of Ouyue, and turned his gaze to the north. There, there was also a city-state that did not know whether to live or die. It dared to assassinate the emperor and had to withstand the mighty thunder of the Qin Dynasty!

The South needs to use its troops slowly, but the North needs to use its troops quickly!

Qin Shihuang's plan is that before autumn, North Korea must be conquered, and before winter, Canghaijun's small state of Zuer must be destroyed!

The Prime Minister and the Yushifu reported that in the land of Yan and Zhao, 30,000 soldiers and civilians had been recruited and were being trained by the local captains. As long as they wait for the emperor's order, they can set off from Yuyang, pass through Liaodong, and cross the Mazishui (Yalu River) in a majestic manner.

Jiaodong County Governor Heifu and County Lieutenant Ren Xiao also came to report that hundreds of sailing ships had gathered in Qingdao and Zhifu ports, and the sea routes had been discovered. They could sail across the sea at any time, besiege Canghai from the sea, and provide the land division with Food and fodder supplies.

Everything is ready, except for the emperor to appoint the generals, deputy generals and supervisors. Although the number of soldiers used is very few, less than one-tenth of those in the south, the necessary configurations are still there.

We will appoint two generals, one each for the land and sea. The land division will be Yang Duanhe, the chariot commander, and the boat division will be Ren Xiao, the captain of Jiaodong County.

Yang Duanhe?

Li Si and others were a little surprised. Why did the emperor suddenly think of this retired veteran who was over sixty years old?

As early as more than 20 years ago, when Qin Shihuang came to power, Yang Duanhe served as a commander of another department to attack Wei and take over the Yan family.

In the eleventh year, Yang Duanhe, as the captain, attacked Ye with Wang Jian and Huanjue and captured nine cities.

In the 18th year of the Qin Dynasty, the Qin State mobilized a large number of troops to attack Zhao. Yang Duanhe, who was already the general in charge of the troops in Hanoi, cooperated with Wang Jian and Qiang Yu to besiege Handan.

During the wars to destroy Yan and Wei, he still served as General Bi. This man was very similar to Wang Jian in fighting, very safe, and even more cautious. Although he could not achieve great achievements, he would not make any mistakes.

After unification, Yang Duanhe guarded Zhao Di for several years. He retired last year and lived at home. His son Yang Xiong became a captain in the Lieutenant Army.

Now that Wang Jian and Qiang Yu have passed away, Yang Duanhe has become one of the most senior generals in the Qin Dynasty, second only to Feng Wuze. It's okay to let this veteran be the head coach, but it's not appropriate to just serve as a general, right?

Although something didn't feel right, the important ministers did not dare to object. It was just as long as the emperor was happy.

Needless to say, as for the boat master, it must be Ren Xiao.

But Qin Shihuang still hesitated for a long time about who should be the general and supervisor of the army. When playing chess with Li Si, he picked up the chess pieces several times and put them down again several times.

Li Si has followed Qin Shihuang for so many years and has never seen the emperor be so indecisive.

In the end, Qin Shihuang was cruel, dropped the chess pieces heavily on the chessboard, and said two names.

Fusu, Heifu!

The left and right prime ministers and imperial censors present looked at each other. Fu Su was the supervisor of the army, and Hei Fu was the general? Is this the emperor's compensation for not using Hei Fu as the main general in the Southern Expedition?

But this time, Yanzhao soldiers were used, not Jiaodong soldiers. If General Heifu went to the front line, who would be in charge of Jiaodong County?

Furthermore, although he is a concubine, it is still not appropriate to be Yang Duanhe's boss.

Li Si and Feng Quji were thinking about this, but Wang Wan was worried about Fusu.

Prime Minister Zuo, who had lost the emperor's trust and might be dismissed at any time, sighed, intending to do his best for the empire one last time, and came forward to persuade:

Your Majesty, the eldest son will be the supervisor of the army again. He is going to Liaodong. It is bitter and cold and far away. It is not as good as Saibei, which is not far from Guanzhong. As the proverb goes, a son of a rich man will not sit in danger...

Born in a deep palace and raised in the hands of women, I think everything in the world is easy. If you don't sit in a dangerous palace, how can you know that the difficulty of military warfare is nothing but a child's play? How can you understand that not everything can be done with kindness and hard work? Will the good guys solve it?”

Qin Shihuang's stern gaze glanced over, causing Wang Wan to lower his head and hesitate to speak any more.

Also, did I say that Fusu is a supervisor?


This sentence was so shocking that the chess piece in Li Si's hand fell on the chessboard with a clatter. Feng Quji was stunned, almost screamed, and quickly covered his mouth. Wang Wan was so frightened that she even backed away and almost fell down!

This sentence is enough to make all the courtiers' hair stand on end, to make countless people's imaginations wander, and to make the empire's already unclear successor even more confusing!

They no longer know how to respond, child's play? Nonsense? But this is the emperor’s decision...

Qin Shihuang stood up, put his hands behind his back and said, I have made up my mind. Hei Fu will be the supervisor of the army and he will be in charge of logistics in Jiaodong!

As for Fusu, he will serve as the commander-in-chief this time, with Yang Duanhe as his assistant, and will accompany the army to Liaodong!

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