Qin Official

Text Volume Chapter 572: Monarch and Ministers

At the end of June, Qin Shihuang's reward was sent to Linzi by the visitor Yang Xi...

Heifu thanked you for your kindness and respectfully took the ink-colored jade gui that was engraved with the words 大庶长.

The chief concubine was the 18th rank of the Qin Dynasty. Before Shang Yang's reform, the chief concubine praised the king of Xiang. He was roughly equivalent to the early prime minister. After that, his status dropped slightly, but he was second only to the marquis...

The visiting doctor Yang Xi also cupped his hands towards Hei Fu and said:

Wei Jun has changed more than ten jade guis like this, from rough stone jade to white jade, then to rare black jade, purple jade, from three inches to half a foot, and now to one foot. We are only two inches away from Ziyugui who is one foot and two inches away.

Yang Min couldn't help but sigh. Seven years ago, he was ordered to deliver Zuo Shuchang Yu Gui to Heifu. Although he concluded that this young military officer would become a great weapon in the future, he did not expect that he would climb so fast and so fast. Gao, in just seven years, he has completed the level of Qing, a journey from the lowest to the highest. After taking this step, you can reach the honor of being a minister: becoming a Marquis!

The most exaggerated thing is not that I passed grade 8 in seven years, but that I often skipped two grades in a row. At present, Heifu's title is equal to that of his father-in-law, Tingwei Ye Teng. If he is not too young, it would be enough to directly recall Xianyang to serve as Jiuqing or his deputy...

Looking back at myself, after so many years, my beard has grown longer, but my title has only been promoted by two levels. It's really irritating that people are more powerful than others.

It's all thanks to Dr. Yang. Every time Mr. Hei gets promoted, the doctor comes to tell him. It's actually Mr. Hei's blessing to become a star officer!

Heifu was still very humble, which was very helpful to Yang Huan, but he did not dare to have too many interactions. Qin Shihuang was most taboo about close contacts between close officials and feudal officials, so official affairs had to be handled openly...

Fortunately, Hei Fu also understands very well. He just took the concubine Chang Yugui and immediately asked someone to bring it up. Inside, there lay the gilt tiger talisman quietly, on the left and right...

The Qin Dynasty had a strict system. In order to prevent generals from becoming powerful, except for the generals who had been guarding the border for a long time, tiger talismans were only issued to the commander-in-chief and deputy generals before each war. If the talisman did not comply, the troops would not be sent. Once the war is over, it must be handed back immediately. In this way, military power will always be in the hands of the monarch.

Therefore, even if you are like Wu'an Jun Baiqi, if you want you to die, you have to die, and there is no room for resistance.

Qin's legal decree is not only a weapon for Qin officials, but also a rope to restrain them, and the person holding the other end of the rope is the monarch.

Hold one end of it, loosen it if you want, tighten it if you want.

Therefore, Shang Yang can create Dharma teachings, but he can also practice Dharma and kill himself. Fan Ju was able to escape blame once under the protection of King Qin Zhao, but when King Qin Zhao no longer needed him, he would also be punished and executed. Han Fei explained everything in his writing, always thinking about strengthening the emperor's power, but he forgot that when the perfect monarch he hoped for finally came into being, he, his confidant who thoroughly analyzed the king's mind and power, It has also come to an end.

Everything you said is right, but since you are so smart and have never forgotten Han, I'm sorry, I have to let you die!

A confidant can be a friend, but not a minister, but the emperor, who is above tens of thousands of people, has no friends.

Only Zhang Yi, a clever and clever person, can escape quickly after becoming famous. He must have a good death... Hei Fu thought to himself.

Different from the simple joy when he got Yugui for the first time, at this moment, when the lavender concubine's symbol was held in Heifu's hands, he could not feel the warmth of this warm jade, only the coldness and the slightest trace of it. Into the heart.

His heart has long been dirty.

To be honest, the emperor's rewards were very fair. Except for deliberately raising Heifu one level higher, they were strictly implemented in accordance with the laws. Under Heifu, Cao Shen, Gong Ao and others were all promoted. Gong Ao killed Tiandu in a battle at Pingyuanjin and became one of the Five Great Officials. Cao Shen also conquered Gaotang because his troops were the first to ascend the throne. He succeeded in killing Tian Heng, and then he was promoted two levels in a row and became an official official.

The officers and soldiers of the entire army who have made meritorious deeds will also be knighted according to the military regulations. Most of the newly obtained acres will be placed in the Qidi mainland and the original land of the rebel fields...

This is something that rarely happens. Previously, Qin Shi Huang destroyed six kingdoms and destroyed his country, but he did not touch the grassroots. They even promulgated a decree to make the capital of Guizhou self-contained, recognizing the original ownership of the land and not touching this piece of cake.

Most of the rewards given to Qin soldiers were sent back to their place of origin. After the war of annihilation of Chu, a total of 600,000 people were promoted to nobility. Suddenly there was not enough land, so they were arranged to open up wasteland in Yuzhang, Beidi and other frontiers, which caused a lot of complaints at the time. , Gong Ao, under Heifu, was so angry that he almost wanted to mutiny...

But this time, the emperor went against the norm and began to place the fields of Qin soldiers in Qi, a place with a large population. This sent an unusual signal:

If we say that the Taishan enshrinement represents the break between Qin Shihuang and the intellectuals of the six countries, especially Qi and Lu.

Well, this time the chaos in the fields made the emperor completely abandon his previous idea of ​​taking it slow. He was no longer satisfied with maintaining the past status, and the imperial policy was tightened in vain!

The fields may be destroyed or relocated, and soldiers and military meritorious landowners may be brought in to dilute the local power.

On the other hand, the number of people who were executed from 2,000 to 10,000 by Qin Shihuang will be taken everywhere and crucified in every pavilion in Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei. This also means that The emperor completely abandoned the possibility of kingly politics and planned to suppress the world with military style, domineering, violence and terror...

If this kind of dispute becomes too intense, it may add fuel to the fire.

But no one in Pengcheng's civil and military circles dared to persuade him. Qin Shihuang was a very vengeful man. He assassinated and rebelled. The eight thousand people who were executed multiple times represented the emperor's anger.

The emperor's wrath will kill millions of people and bleed for thousands of miles!

At this time, those who talk to the emperor about being gentle will probably be regarded as one of the five traitors who work to get rid of the prison of pardon and threaten those with deeds.

Well, except for the stubborn and naive Fusu, but unfortunately he is in Xianyang and is beyond reach.

Therefore, Heifu's self-contamination of staining his hands with blood is helpless.

The scene of the meeting between the king and his ministers was just the imagination of the literati, or in other words, the lords and retainers in the Spring and Autumn Period were bound by patriarchal clan, feudalism, bloodline, and perhaps their daring loyalty.

But in the Warring States Period, in the Qin Dynasty, at the top of the court. The real relationship between monarch and minister is actually a pair of contradictions. They are a relationship of opposition and unity. What maintains the two is more interests than so-called loyalty.

Qin Shihuang liked to read Han Feizi, and Hei Fu's father-in-law Ye Teng was also a fan of Han Fei, so Hei Fu was lucky enough to read several of them.

Han Fei once told a story: The husband who sells servants to sow the land, the master who spends his family for food, and the man who spreads the cloth and asks for money are not like mediocre people. He said: In this way, the tiller is deep, and the tiller is familiar with the tiller. . A mediocre person who works hard and cultivates the land quickly, and a person who does his best and straightens the fields, do not love his master. He said: In this way, the soup is beautiful, and the money cloth is easy to cloud.

This means that farmhands work hard, not because they have any affection for their masters, but because they can get more rewards. The owners treat their farmhands better, not because they love their farmhands, but because they hope that their farmhands can cultivate their fields better.

The master is like the emperor, and the farm laborers are like the ministers. The master sells his official titles, and the ministers sell their intelligence. This is the portrayal of the relationship between monarch and ministers in a bureaucratic empire.

Real, too real.

The two parties become monarchs and ministers because of their superiority in power. In the final analysis, the relationship is maintained by interests, but the interests of the monarch and the ministers are often different: the monarch hopes that his ministers can serve the public health wholeheartedly, but ministers often have selfish motives and want to make profits for themselves and for others. He and his family had a way out, and even for safety reasons, he wanted to loosen the rope tied to his body, and even Tai'a held it upside down so that the tip of the sword was pointed at the monarch.

This contradiction determines that no matter what the situation is, the game between the ministers and the monarch will never stop for a moment!

So facing Qin Shihuang, the most powerful big boss in history, Heifu still wants to be clean and emerge from the mud untainted. It is impossible... He must be cautious, walking on thin ice, as if he is facing an abyss!

Being within the system, the emperor's trust is the source of Heifu's ability to continue to work. If he loses the emperor's heart, he will not die, but with an order, he will go back to Xianyang and work as an apartment house.

Only by constantly doing things can we find ways to swim upstream of the potential and take advantage of the situation.

Heifu made the right bet. He made Emperor Long Yan very happy, not only promoted him to two levels, but also let Heifu go. He didn't need to continue to dirty his hands and let him go back to Jiaodong.

The Battle of Gaotang has been over for more than half a month. Almost all Tian Ni were annihilated and captured. Lu Goujian and others from Julu County also escaped into the old forests of Hejian. In addition, because the rebellion was quickly put down, Chu The heroes from , Wei, Yan, Han and other places had no time to react and could only continue to lie dormant.

The sky in Kanto, which had been covered with dark clouds earlier, started to clear up again after a gust of dark wind blew.

But the main reason is that people have discovered that the sun, that scorching sun, has not set. It is still high above, bringing light to those within the system and harsh exposure to those outside the system!

The day is still bright and the night is still early.

Under the protection of soldiers, Qin officials returned to the rebellious counties, hunted down the fugitives, tied them up, and sent them to the Great Wall, Hexi, and Lishan. Jibei and Linzi prefectures replenished their county troops and promptly cleared away the remnants of the fields. After this rebellion, the emperor has decided that the fields in the four counties of Qidi must not be left any longer! Everything followed the Jiaodong model: those who rebelled were annihilated, and those who had not yet rebelled were forcibly removed.

It is conceivable that the execution process will be rough, sporadic resistance will still appear, and this will be another wave of bloodshed...

Fortunately, while the surrounding counties were in chaos, Jiaodong was peaceful.

In early July of the 32nd year of Qin Shihuang, Heifu returned to Chunyu County with thousands of Jiaodong soldiers.

It was different from Heifu who first arrived a year and a half ago and was dangerously assassinated on the frozen river. This time, as soon as he crossed the Weishui River and set foot on the land of Jiaodong, he saw beside the pavilion, a large group of scholars, led by county officials and magistrates, bowed to Hei Fu through vigilant soldiers and guards.

They are the chiefs of the old Jiangqi clans such as the Yan clan, the Gu clan, the Gao clan, and the Lu clan in the county, as well as the scholars and public school disciples in the counties. Behind them are the common people who are eating pots of pulp. In fact, they are still those who had obtained the There are many people who have interests, such as Luzuo and Yongbao, but in total, there are thousands of people.

Seeing Heifu's flag, everyone bowed to him:

Jiaodong scholars and elders, sincerely welcome the return of the commander-in-chief. I would also like to thank the commander-in-chief for taking precautions and moving the fields to save Jiaodong from the disaster of war!


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