Qin Official

Text Volume Chapter 515 Wildfire Can’t Burn It All

Heifu's theory of historical evolution was very convincing. In other dynasties, he would have been scolded bloody, but in the Qin Dynasty, no one criticized him verbally or writing.

Wang Wan and the doctors could not protect themselves, so they could only stare. Li Si couldn't find anything wrong with it, because the Legalists also held the same view. When Han Fei presented the book Five Worms, Qin Shihuang felt a great sense of confidant after reading it. After many years, he still often used it to ponder.

Speaking of this, Qin Shihuang also understood. Heifu's views were basically the same as Li Si's. They both tended to fa Jinwang and scorned the Confucian scholars and scholars who frequently praised the rule of Yao and Shun. He agreed that these people should be punished Remediation.

The only difference between them is the way they handle this matter...

Li Si's method was simple and direct, burning and killing, while Heifu used a little more twists and tricks.

But I heard Hei Fu continue: Your Majesty, the reason why the scholars in the world think that the present is not as good as the past is because they have read the wrong history books and been misled by distorted knowledge. Prime Minister You wants to make the scholars no longer follow the ancients and praise the three generations, but slander the current generation. Although the court has good intentions, it only collects history, poems, and books and burns them, which is only treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

Ideology is of little use if it is just pushing the old but not bringing out the new. Scholars would not spontaneously learn laws and regulations from Qin officials, but would have to be forced to teach them.

If we want to cure the root cause, it is necessary for the imperial court to come forward to revise the history and make up for the shortcomings of the Qin Ji. First, let the world know that the Xia Dynasty has the same ancestors and declare that the Qin Dynasty is the orthodox successor to the Yin and Zhou Dynasties.

Secondly, we will clarify the historical facts, expose the falsehoods, and delete all the slanders against Qin in the history books of the Six Kingdoms, so that the world can know how the six kings were ignorant and decayed, and killed their loyal ministers indiscriminately, and how Qin wiped out the six kingdoms with a hundred battles and put an end to the rebellion!

Unlike Qi historians who pay attention to straight writing, Qin historians do not tamper with history once or twice: Qin Ji has a very bad tradition of recording only victories and not keeping taboos on defeats.

The third purpose is to reconstruct the history of the Five Emperors, Three Dynasties, Xia, Yin, and Shang, and tell the world's scholars that the so-called rule of the Three Dynasties is just an illusion. What were the real Three Dynasties like? How did the Zhou Dynasty die as a feudal society, and what happened to the Qin Dynasty. The prosperity of counties and counties must be explained in the history books!

This is to define the dispute between feudalism and counties. There are many people who advocate the restoration of feudalism. Those people are bastards who are determined to eat weights, but they can brainwash young scholars who have not yet finalized their three views.

After a year and a half, when the history book is completed, it will be published to the world, and all students in public schools and private schools will learn from it... In this way, in a generation, no one will be able to meet the ancestors again, and the past will no longer be the present!

Heifu knew the abilities of the historians of the Qin Dynasty, and they could be said to be the worst in the world. Qin Ji is very sloppy, and the time and process of many events are unclear. It is not expected that they can compile a masterpiece that can be passed down to future generations. What Heifu wants is a simple, thin history textbook that readers can understand. With everyone's wisdom, it should be ready soon.

The core value that runs through this book is that the world must advance, and the present is better than the past. It’s funny to say that when this principle was put forward again more than two thousand years later, it was actually in Yan Fu’s translation of Tianyan Lun, which was shocked by the world. Who knows, the legalists of Shang and Han Dynasties have long regarded this as a consensus, but they did not say it so clearly. After the Qin Dynasty for two thousand years, people basically regarded restoration as their political pursuit.

The picture shows clearly that Heifu's purpose is obvious. He not only wants to stop the burning of books, so that those schools of thought with scientific potential can escape this unnecessary disaster, and preserve some seeds for the ideological world, but he also wants to give retroism a hard blow!

Historian culture is a unique tradition in China. A country should learn from history, but it must look forward instead of living in a dream of restoring the past! Heifu believes that for two thousand years, dynasties have been rising and falling, history has been cyclical, and the inability to get out of the circle defined by the past is also a long-standing problem in this country.

But now, everything is different.

In this way, even if there is still a Wang Mang in future generations, retro reform will no longer be possible!

The future life is terrible!

Li Si was amazed at Heifu's talent and began to look at the young man from top to bottom. He was filled with admiration for a long time, just like Han Fei's Lonely Fury and Five Worms, which made him admire and hate him!

Heifu is no longer fighting with Xini this time. He has a set of logical and rigorous strategies for governing the country. He does not confront Li Si head-on. Instead, he climbs up the ladder and proposes countermeasures that have been tried in Jiaodong and have good results. To achieve the effect of public opinion, it is milder than Li Si's method and more acceptable to people...

The more this happened, the deeper Li Si's fear became.

He found that the emperor was lost in thought. In today's debate, he was already in danger and could only try his best to save the defeat!

So Li Si said: The Jiaodong County Governor's strategy is novel, but it takes too long. I'm afraid it will take ten or twenty years to bear fruit. Moreover, the history books issued by the imperial court can only allow a few disciples to see how to deal with those people with ulterior motives. Excerpts of it are circulated, and people talk about it in the streets?

In Li Si's view, books are the source of ideas, but the main way of dissemination is still folk speech.

The history books of the Six Kingdoms have been compiled for a long time. Great scholars like Mozi once observed the Spring and Autumn Period of the Hundred Kingdoms, and copied some of them and spread them among the people. After coming into contact with these manuscripts of history books, folk experts and advocates selected the stories in them, told the stories of Shi Kuang, Yan Zi, and Chunyu Kun, and then told them to the people.

Similarly, Confucianism and Mohism each had their own inheritance of books. Holding a copy of Books, Poetry, Spring and Autumn and Yi in their hands, they began to brag about the rule of the Three Dynasties, which had a deep foundation among the people. It is not easy for the newly compiled history books by the government to compete with these hundreds of years of knowledge.

Heifu thought otherwise. Even if there are still some old history books left, it is difficult for ordinary people and most scholars to see them. As long as the government pays attention to education, starting from children, they will often read whatever the rulers present to them, and they will learn whatever the rulers teach them.

But Li Si shook his head: The governor of Jiaodong County lives in Beidi and Jiaodong. He doesn't know the situation outside. A new situation has already appeared in the world!

Li Si began to report the new situation to Qin Shihuang: Thanks to the hemp paper produced by Jiaodong County Sheriff, in the Liang and Chu areas of the Central Plains, the papermaking method was not strictly controlled and has flowed into the private sector. There are also privately made papers on the Linzi market. Paper came out. Many people in the Kanto region used paper to copy miscellaneous histories of the Six Kingdoms, Poems and Books on it, and then passed it on to each other. As a result, it was passed from ten to ten and passed on to hundreds of people, and it has become a weed. It is very important at this time. At this time, it is useless to screen them one by one. They have to be treated with cruelty and burned completely...

So fast!?

Heifu was surprised, but thinking about it, it had been five years since he made paper in Xianyang. The production technology of hemp paper and leather paper has been very mature. The official documents of the imperial court basically use paper, and each county has successively established paper mills. Initially, the government I didn't pay much attention to it. As people came in and craftsmen left, the process flowed into the private sector and was controlled by some wealthy and powerful families. Seeing that selling paper was profitable, they set up private workshops.

Scholars in the Central Plains often carried books with them when traveling among themselves, and heavy bamboo slips were pulled on the carts. Therefore, there is a saying that learners are rich in five carts. If it were replaced by paper books, it would only take half a cart.

In addition to being lightweight, paper also has advantages in writing. These days, copying books is the only way to copy knowledge. Most of the scribes were financially poor scholars who relied on copying books to make a living. The employers are officials and scholars. When the writing carrier was bamboo slips, the scribe had to copy them one by one. If there were any mistakes, he had to use a knife to trim them and correct them, and finally compiled them into a bamboo book. This process was time-consuming and laborious.

Paper is convenient. As a substitute for silk, it saves a lot of effort and time for those who use swords and pens to copy books. As a result, hemp paper gradually became popular in the Central Plains.

As a result, the private collection of books increased several times. This small butterfly effect turned out to be the biggest obstacle to Li Si's book burning.

Hei Fu was amused in his heart, now it was really like the wild fire cannot be burned out, but the spring breeze blows it again, so he said: Right Prime Minister, in this way, the difficulty of burning books will be increased ten times.

Li Si responded tit for tat: It is not only ten times, but probably a hundred times more difficult to compile history and teach it to scholars than to replace different theories!

This was what Hei Fu was waiting for, and he laughed and said: Prime Minister, don't worry, I have a plan that can reverse this hundredfold difficulty in one fell swoop!

He carefully took out a piece of paper full of words from his sleeve, walked over respectfully, and held his hands to Li Si for reading.

Li Si took it over and took a look, but it was an article on The Way of Being an Official promulgated by Ye Teng in Nanjun. Looking horizontally and vertically, there was nothing strange except for the neat brushwork and fonts, which were a little weird. ah.

He frowned and handed the paper to Tingwei Ye Teng who was standing aside.

Ye Teng glanced at it and didn't know why. He coughed and asked, Hei Fu, what do you mean by this? Are you entertaining the Prime Minister and me?

How dare you...ask the Prime Minister to look at this piece of paper again.

The second piece of paper was handed over, and Li Si took a look at it. It was still The Way of Being an Official with the same opening chapter, which made him a little impatient.

But in the flash of lightning, he discovered something strange!

Not only are the content and handwriting of these two articles the same, but the size and spacing of each word, and even a certain typo, are exactly the same!

Li Si Shen Yun is a master of calligraphy. He knows that although each person has a unique handwriting, it is almost impossible to write a word exactly as if it were carved from the same mold!

One word is not enough, let alone a hundred words? While Li Si was thinking about it, the two pieces of paper had been passed to the hands of Qin Shihuang. After comparing the two papers, it was proved that Li Si was not dazzled. The words on them were indeed exactly the same.

But Qin Shihuang couldn't see the reason, so he flicked his sleeves and said, Don't try to sell me off. What's the mystery? Tell me quickly!


Heifu was about to solve the mystery, but Li Si had already figured it out.

He murmured: If I guess correctly, the words on these two pieces of paper were not written by humans, but were printed in wooden inscriptions!

The Prime Minister is right, it is exactly what was printed on it.

Sealed on it? Everyone suddenly realized that no wonder the shape of the characters was a bit weird, but a normal seal can only print a few characters, and this is a whole article...

Hei Fu did not explain how to do it, but first asked his father-in-law: May I ask the court officer, who will win when the soldiers of copper and iron fight against the soldiers of wood and stone?

Ye Teng replied: Of course the copper and iron soldiers will win.

Heifu smiled and said: However, even if the history books of the princes are scattered among the people, most of them are wooden tablets and bamboo scrolls. Although paper books have appeared recently, they still have to be copied by human hands. It is not easy to write a thousand words in a day.

But recently, Jiaodong craftsmen made something! The Shilling craftsman carved out the Yangwen template and engraved the entire book on the wooden board. Once it is carved, only two people are needed, there is enough paper and ink, and the book can be produced as fast as It’s a hundred times faster than handwriting, and it can print hundreds of books in one day, as many as a million words, far exceeding the speed of handwriting by swordsmen and pens!”

Heifu bowed to Qin Shihuang: I call this technique printing, engraving printing! I present it to your majesty now!

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