Qin Official

Text Volume Chapter 437 Shanyu Wangting

Sha Niu Shou and Hu Luo Huai were both military generals from Dayuan, and they were all headed by Fu Zhiguan, the chief of five hundred, who carried two pot helmets on his back. Although they are Rong Di in the broad sense of the Central Plains people, after being ruled by Qin for a hundred years, the Dayuan Rong are more similar to the Qin people than the Huns and other barbarians.

Since receiving the promise from the emperor and Beijun Commandery Heifu that the Rong people could obtain pastures by decapitating soldiers, almost every household in Ohara Rong sent a son to join the Northern Expedition team. They were the main force of the Northland cavalry.

As the scouts and vanguard of the army, the cavalry always explored far ahead. After leaving Huamachi, they trekked in the wilderness on the edge of the Yellow Sand for ten days. Except for a little vegetation on Shenquan Mountain, it was difficult to see any greenery. .

They were walking on the edge of the desert, a dry and desolate land full of dead poplars and riverbeds as dry as bones. Forage is hard to find, and the horses rely on tough, brown and yellow grasses that grow in clusters under rocks and at the bottom of dead trees. There is less drinking water, only shallow, stagnant, bitter pools exposed to the scorching sun. The deeper you go into the wilderness, the pools you find become smaller and smaller, and the distance between pools becomes longer and longer.

Until ten days later, after climbing over a mountain, the two generals Sha Niu Shou and Hu Luo Huai who were walking in the front were stunned by the large greenery that suddenly appeared in front of them!

They saw a large pale yellow river flowing more than ten miles away, and both sides of the river were covered with lush green grass! It is dotted with sparkling swamp lakes. The east bank is already rich in water and grass, and the west bank is an endless grassland. Adjacent to the snow-capped Helan Mountain, from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, there are large tracts of forest!

The Yellow River is the mother of this blockage in the south of the Yangtze River. It brings plenty of fresh water, and the Helan Mountain is like its father. Its tall body blocks the eastward movement of the desert and weakens the invasion of the northwest cold current. It is the natural source of the Ningxia Plain. barrier.

This is the place where honey and milk flowed as promised to the soldiers of Ohara by the emperor and the captain?

Looking at everything in front of them, Sha Niu Sang and Hu Luo Huai couldn't help but get off their horses, with tears streaming down their faces.

Although Oyuan in Beidi County is good, it is too small to support many herdsmen, and the Qin Dynasty government does not allow the Rong people to move out. Therefore, the five tribes in Oyuan fight and kill each other every year to compete for water sources and pastures. Reduce your own population.

Ordinary Qin people longed for farmland, and they also longed for fertile pastures where they could domesticate cattle and sheep.

The green plain in front of us continues to extend north and south along the river, and is at least ten times the size of Ohara!

If the Xiongnu entrenched here can be driven away, all five tribes from the Great Plains will migrate here, and they will not occupy even one-tenth of the pasture!

Not only the troops of Ohara, but at least 10,000 families can settle down and thrive here!

Fu Zhi then climbed to the top of this mountain. This was a place that Qin soldiers had never set foot on. They only knew from the descriptions of Chen Ping and Wu Shiyan that there was such a plain with rich water and grass on the fortress, but they all knew that there was such a plain with rich water and grass on the fortress. Some don't believe it.

Now, their seeing is believing. Several new counties can indeed be established here for immigrants to open up fields!

Hundreds of Qin cavalry appeared on the hilltops on the east bank of the river, which immediately attracted the attention of the local cavalry who had been wandering for a long time. Hundreds of cavalry came roaring from the plains. Fu Zhi immediately put his subordinates on guard until they could see clearly from more than two miles away. The flags of the Qin army carried by those cavalrymen...

He's one of our own, a soldier from Longxi.

Fu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and led his men to ride forward to join the Longxi cavalry who were coming.

Longxi Cavalry General Qiang Huang! On orders from Lieutenant Li, we are waiting here for the Northern Army!

The young general announced his name as he came over. Fu Zhi was stunned for a moment. So, the person in front of him was the cousin of his good friend Qiang Hua. No wonder his face was somewhat similar, and even his arrogance and determination seemed to be carved from the same mold. from. But Qianghua was injured by the Huns' vulture shooters in Shenquan Mountain and could not come to the front line.

He did not want to tell Qiang Huang about this for the time being, so he only reported his name.

General Wei is one day behind us. He will arrive at the river tomorrow and join forces with General Li!

That's very good. General Li has led his troops to station on the west bank of the river. Something happens to happen. I hope Lord Fu can report back to General Lieutenant as soon as possible.

Qianghuang cupped his hands and said: Things have changed. We have been exploring for two days, but we found that there is not a single felt tent or a single Huns in the huge Helan grassland!

Twenty miles away, at the advancing Northland army, Heifu, whose lips were dry due to the wind and sand outside the Great Wall, stood in the military vehicle and frowned after reading the bulletin from Longxi Houqi.

Che Yougong Ao, who was beside him, optimistically guessed: The Huns must have gone through the last battle at Huamachi and were burned and killed by the Longxi army all the way to Qingshan Gorge. They were afraid of the Qin army and fled after hearing the arrival of the army.


But Heifu shook his head: Chen Ping reported all the details of the interactions with the Huns, so I know that although they each have their own land, because Wuchengguo is often used for farming, and cattle and sheep live there chasing water and grass, so every year In China, it is common for a clan with tens of thousands of people to move hundreds of miles.

Therefore, we must not speculate on the actions of the Huns based on the thoughts of the Qin people.

When Qin fought with the Six Kingdoms and sent out large armies, the enemy would definitely defend themselves at a pass somewhere and would never let them into the country. Although their people would flee their hometowns because of the war, they would have no choice but to do so. In an emergency, people from the Central Plains rarely leave their homes, because that means abandoning all their property and family fortunes accumulated over generations.

But the Huns were different. For the Huns, the most important property was cattle and sheep, and cattle and sheep had to migrate to graze. Wherever the cattle and sheep went, the Huns would settle down.

In the past six months, the Qin Dynasty had been hoarding food and recruiting soldiers in preparation for a large-scale exodus. The Huns, who were aware of Qin's intention to destroy themselves, were not idle. They would not just stay in place like the Crown and Belt Kingdom, guarding every pasture. They had enough time to move the population and herds to other places.

Not to mention the Helan Grassland, the Huns were forced to panic, even if it was Touman City, even if it was Shanyu Wangting, they would probably give up at the drop of a hat.

This method has two advantages. Even if our army takes Helan, it will not be able to obtain livestock from the local area as supplies. On the contrary, it will lengthen the supply line.

The Qin army is mainly infantry. The longer the supply line, the fewer soldiers can advance.

This gave the Huns the opportunity to concentrate their forces and defeat them one by one...

There is no need to take care of the strength of the family. You can mount a horse, carry a bow and arrow, gather somewhere at the call of the Xiongnu Chanyu, follow the direction of the Chanyu's eagle flag, and roar towards it, enough to travel a hundred miles a day. , launch a surprise attack...

The Huns are famous for bullying the weak and fearing the strong!

Thinking of this, Heifu felt that except for the armies of Shangjun and Yunzhong, the other three partial divisions were in danger!

He ordered Hou Qi: Go and inform General Li immediately that the armies of Longxi and Bei will gather in camp tomorrow and slowly advance north together to find the whereabouts of the Huns!

After thinking for a while, he called Gan Chong, the son of a good family, and said, Gan Chong, take Baiqi to the northeast and go two hundred miles away to the oily Dou Tu River that Chen Ping said Upstream, inform General Feng Jie in the Aries Division and ask him to be careful!

When he heard the sound of horse hooves and whistling in the distance, the vulture shooter Ulan raised his head warily, with scales still on his lips.

After all the Huns in the Helan Grassland migrated west and north, it was not a wise choice to stay and reconnoiter. The Qin people had too many troops, more than all the Huns on this grassland combined. They also trained excellent cavalry troops. With one enemy against three, the Huns scouts were completely defeated. Only Ulan, a mounted archer, Only a skilled vulture shooter can escape.

His subordinates were either dead or dead, leaving only Ulan who escaped into the forest and escaped the pursuit of the Qin army's cavalry under the cover of night. Thanks to his many years of hunting in this land and familiarity with the terrain, Ulan bypassed the Qin army's dense scouting force, hid day and night, and rode north along the river.

When Ulan passed through the territory of the Aries tribe, he met a group of Aries people who had fled from the upper reaches of the Oil River. They were panicked and said that warriors wearing black clothes and holding shields had invaded their tribe and were marching here.


Wulan made an oath to the sky and Helan Mountain that he would kill a hundred Qin people and avenge his people. However, he had only killed thirty-three people in several battles, and there were still many more to go. He resisted the urge to go upstream and ambush the arrogant Qin cavalry, and continued north. He was going to find Danghu and tell him that the Qin people had occupied Shenquan, Helan, and Aries!

They were like ravenous black crows that wanted to devour all the grassland where the Huns grazed.

With this in mind, Wulan shot a black fish swimming by the river, as if it was also his enemy. He cut off its internal organs with a knife, tore off the scales with his mouth, and began to chew the pink meat. .

The Qin people's scouts may be not far behind him. Living slowly here is asking for death.

While Wulan was eating raw fish, two Huns who came to the river to draw water discovered him!

After that, one person traveling alone became three people riding together. The two young riders knew that he was Wulan, the famous vulture shooter on the Helan grassland. They were very excited and kept sharing about the migration of the tribe during this period.

Wu Lan listened carefully and did not mention a word about his own experience. He was afraid that it would damage the courage of these two young people.

Not everyone can face the rolling, overwhelming black wave calmly!

They encountered more and more scouts, and there were Huns camping everywhere: only men taller than a horse's shoulders, and few women, old people, and children.

Knowing that he was the last group of Duan who came back from Helan, the people who led Ulan changed several times. They finally passed through the ten-mile felt tent and arrived at the center of the camp...

Outside the big tent, a tall flag was planted in a pile of stones. On the top was a silver disk. Tassels made of silver stallion's hair were fixed on the edge of the disk. In the center of the disk, stood a bird spreading its wings and ready to fly. Golden Eagle…

Ulan is a eagle shooter. Even when facing a powerful family, he only needs to bow. But when he saw this flag, he dismounted solemnly, knelt down on one knee, put his hands on his chest, and lowered his head.

He said something that all true Hun warriors are familiar with!

Don't ask where the royal court is!

As long as Chanyu's eagle flag is there, it is the royal court!

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