Qin Official

Chapter 382 County Lieutenant

On August 15th, although the people of Qin do not celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, they still have the habit of taking care of the elderly in the mid-autumn month and eating rice porridge. Heifu asked his chef to make round shortbread cakes, and he and his wife got up early in the morning. I went to Neishiteng's house to meet him.

The woman was busy with her housework, while Hei Fu and Nei Shiteng were talking about playing chess in the main hall, but both of them were like Yi Qiu's incompetent apprentice. Playing chess was just a pretense, and their minds were focused on the swans high in the sky. If you want to help, take your bow and shoot...

Young lady, you think I must be transferred to another country?

When Nei Shiteng mentioned that generally speaking, once the title reaches the three levels of Zuo Geng, Zhong Geng, and Right Geng, it is the turn to be promoted to the county magistrate, Heifu immediately pricked up his ears. This is about future choices.

Unfortunately, the choice is not in his hands, but in the emperor's hands.

Having said that, I can probably guess where your position is and where you are going.

As a veteran official, Nei Shiteng began to teach Heifu tirelessly.

Before the unification, it was an unwritten rule that the concubine chiefs on the left and right would be county captains, and the three on the left, middle, and right would be county guards. But since His Majesty swept through the six kingdoms, the soldiers have made many military exploits, and there have been several The collective conferment of titles made General Wang a Marquis, and Meng Wu, Wang Ben, and Feng Wuze also became Marquises of Guannei. There were so many marquises, and the titles further down were not as valuable as before. Today's Zuo The nobles of , middle and right third watch can only serve as county lieutenants, or county guards of remote border counties in the south.

Heifu thought for a moment and realized that it was true that his old boss, Li You, commanded Changsha County to quell the Yue rebellion in Dongting County last year and was promoted to the rank of Zhong Geng. Now he is on the same level as himself, while his deputy, Changsha County Lieutenant Tu Ju, It's Zuo Geng...

I heard rumors in the court that a new county will be established in Yuzhang in the south of Jiujiang, which will govern seven counties including Nanchang. Will you transfer me to Yuzhang?

But after asking, Heifu himself rejected this idea: It's impossible. All the county magistrates in Yuzhang are all members of my old township party. Even if I can help save him, Your Majesty will not violate the rules and allow local party members to breed.

If Qin Shihuang intends to attack Baiyue in the south, Heifu may be sent to the south to lead the troops, but now, the priority is to expand westward...

However, after Gao Jianli's case, Qin Shihuang once again showed his anger at the six kingdoms legacy. In the past month, there have been several major personnel appointments. All the governors and lieutenants of Julu County were replaced, and the emperor He also issued an edict instructing the governors and lieutenants not to be too tolerant to the remnants of the six kingdoms under his rule. The speed of unifying the writing system must be accelerated. The immigrants from the Guandong counties must also seize the opportunity to expand borders. Qin Shihuang has determined to strengthen the weak branches and strong trunks With such intensity, it is not impossible for Heifu to be sent to Kanto.

Nei Shiteng reassured Heifu: Although Meng Tian, ​​Qiang Yu, Li Xin and others have more or less proposed the idea of ​​opening up the northwest, it was you Heifu who combined them into one. Now His Majesty is planning to Opening up territory in the west and then transferring you far away to the east and south is not the way to praise meritorious officials, and your majesty will not do this.

He guessed: The places where you will serve will not exceed Longxi, Beidi, Shangjun, and Yunzhong!

Li Xin already exists in Longxi.

Heifu mused: Li Xin has always been your Majesty's most trusted general in the past. Although he was ignored for several years, your Majesty still regarded him as your favorite general during his western tour. Li Xin also knew his shame and became brave. He is familiar with the situation in Longxi. I am loved by my subordinates, opened up Taoxi, built Hanhan fortress, and controlled the Qiang Rong. Last month, I was promoted to the rank of middle guard by His Majesty for my merits. It seems that there is no place for me in Longxi.

But except for Longxi, there have been personnel changes in several other places recently: the old guards and lieutenants were ordered to step down in October, but the new candidates have not yet been determined.

This gave Heif hope.

Is it possible that... Shangjun? he asked.

To the north of Shangjun in Nei History, which is equivalent to the northern Shaanxi area in later generations, it was originally the pasture of the Bai Zhai people. During the Warring States Period, Wu Qi captured Xihe for Wei Wenhou, and then conquered Bai Zhai in the north and established Shangjun.

Because Shangjun is located at a strategic location, it has always been a battleground between Wei and Qin. In the tenth year of King Qin Huiwen, Qin and Wei had a military conflict. Qin defeated Wei, and Wei incorporated fifteen counties of Shangjun into Qin. From then on, Shangjun returned to Qin. The current administrative seat of Shangjun is Fushi, which is later known as the Yulin and Suide areas.

When it comes to Shangjun, Heifu's eyes light up. In his opinion, Shangjun is undoubtedly the best place for him to go. First of all, Shangjun is not far from Xianyang. If something happens, he can rush back by riding a light horse for a few days without being far away from the center.

Secondly, Shangjun will be at the forefront of Qin's war against the Huns in the next three years, and it will be easier to gain military glory.

Third, and most importantly, what later generations often referred to as the Northern Legion of the Qin Dynasty was composed of the guards from the above counties as the main force. If he can go to Shangjun, he will lay the foundation for the northern army early. Coupled with his previous foundation in the Nanjun Township Party, even if the world changes in the future, the right to choose will fall back into Heifu's hands. At least self-protection will not be a problem.

However, Nestern just smiled softly, and Heifu was discouraged with just a few words.

Shangjun? You are not worthy!

He lectured his son-in-law: Shangjun is a strategically important place, a key military and national key point. Once something happens, Xianyang will lose the largest and strongest barrier against the enemy. Your Majesty can only guard it with veterans. How can you let a young man go?

Heifu is indeed very young, only turning 26 in November.

Title and ability do not mean everything, but also qualifications. When Qin Shihuang decided to use troops against the Xiongnu, the person who could be a county guard had to be at the level of Nei Shiteng.

Nowadays, several senior generals, Wang Jian, are old and their merits have reached their peak, so they cannot be of great use anymore. Meng Wu is suffering from illness and is recuperating at home, which is impossible. Wang Ben has to guard several counties in Qi and cannot get away. Feng Wu is unable to escape. There is no choice but to guard Huainan Jiangdong, and he cannot take up the post. Although Meng Tian has the opportunity, he still feels that his qualifications are too low.

Meng Tian was considered too shallow, and Hei Fu had to step aside.

After all the calculations, only Da Shang is left to create chaos.

Qiang Yu is from Jingyang, Beidi County. He cannot take office at the same place, so it is very likely that Qiang Yu will be the county governor!

What about the county lieutenant... Heifu still didn't want to give up.

Neishiteng rolled his eyes at him: Even if you become a county lieutenant, you still have to rely on Lao Qiang. What can you accomplish?

As a local official, Ye Teng understood one thing very well: there is no room for two tigers in one mountain! Although the county governor is nominally the chief, in charge of law and civil affairs, the county lieutenant is the deputy, in charge of military affairs. However, the power of the county governors is too great, especially the border county governors, and there are also a few who personally lead the troops on expeditions.

The governor of Longxi is just a civil servant. He can only let Li Xin lead the troops to expand the border. But Qiang Fu is different. He is a military general and has a strong personality. He will definitely monopolize power and push the county lieutenants aside. Your Majesty The person chosen to be a county lieutenant is purely gold-plated...and you, His Majesty is counting on you to do something!

Gold plating is pretty good too. Hei Fu is helpless. At Qing's level, being young is at a disadvantage.

He handed over his hand and said, I wonder who the commander-in-chief will be?

Nei Shiteng said firmly: Feng Jie is the son of the imperial censor Feng Quji!

Within a few days, Qin Shihuang ordered the prime minister and the imperial censors to decide on the candidates for the new governors and lieutenants of each county. They were in line with Nei Shiteng's prediction:

The great commander made Qiang Yu promoted to the governor of the county, the middle commander Feng Jing was promoted to the commander of the county, and the young commander made Meng Tian the commander-in-chief of the military affairs of the three counties of Yunzhong, Daijun and Yanmen...

And Heifu was placed in the only vacant place:

In the middle of the night, the black husband will be appointed as the captain of the Northland County!

After being ordered to retire from the court, Nestern said to Heifu about this result:

Although Beidi is not as good as Longxi and Shangjun, it is also one of the three counties in Guanxi. According to your proposal for westward expansion, there is great potential for both west and north. Your Majesty hopes that you can achieve results...

Heifu save the trouble.

Hei Fu was quite satisfied. The county captain was more powerful than the two thousand stone official, and he had fulfilled the promise he made when he came to Xianyang two years ago.

Beidi County is not far from Xianyang, and is connected by the Central Road. The traffic is no worse than Shang County where the straight road has not been built. However, even the junction of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia in later generations was an economically backward area, not to mention the Qin Dynasty? Life in the local Huarong district is not easy. He has to take his family with him to take up his post this time, so he may suffer a lot for his wife.

As soon as he thought about it, he asked Nei Shiteng for advice: As a Northern Lieutenant, if there is anything I should pay attention to, I would like to ask the old lady for advice!

Nestern stroked his increasingly white beard: I have nothing to give you, so I will give you three words.

As he spoke, he laid out hemp paper on the case and started writing.

The first word is Huarong.

The second word is Wushi.

However, he delayed writing the third word. He asked all the attendants and maids to go out and closed the door before writing.

Heifu took a look and saw the word Emperor's Heart...

Weng and son-in-law are both smart people. The meaning of the three words can be understood without elaborating.

Heifu will keep it in mind!

Heifu said, going to get three pieces of paper, intending to think about it on the way there.

Unexpectedly, Nei Shiteng pressed the piece of paper with Emperor's Heart written on it with his palm, raised his head, looked at Heifu, and said coldly:

My son-in-law, could it be that the close official who has a grudge against you is Zhao Gao, the commander of the Zhongche Mansion?

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