Qin Official

Chapter 364: It’s not over yet

Thank you for the advice, otherwise Mr. Hei would not know so many allusions to the country and dynasty.

After the discussion in Qinian Palace, Hei Fu caught up with Nei Shiteng and thanked him after leaving the main hall.

Nesten looked at his son-in-law, stroked his beard and said: You came up with the idea yourself, I just added a little bit.

Having said that, Heifu knew that if he did not communicate with Nei Shiteng, the answer sheet he submitted would only get seventy points at most. Ye Teng taught him some wording and allusions to the country, which made him much more convincing, at least. There are ninety points.

He secretly said: What I meant at that time was that my father-in-law could offer suggestions as an internal historian. As an internal historian, it is natural for him to propose proposals to consolidate Kansai. But he asked me to find an opportunity to make suggestions on my own. Am I paving the way...

Nei Shiteng knew that he was a Korean, but he surrendered to the Qin Dynasty to destroy Han, and was hated by the Koreans. The only thing he relied on in the court was the emperor's trust. Once this reliance was gone, Ye's fate would probably be terrible. It will be miserable.

He has no son, only an only daughter. Although there are several nephews in the clan, they are all untalented. Therefore, as the half-son, his son-in-law Heifu has become the family's only hope for the future.

It was because of Hei Fu's rising potential that Ye Teng agreed to the marriage without hesitation. He had a political foundation accumulated in Nan County for many years, and Hei Fu had an unlimited future. The two of them hit it off immediately.

Now, he felt more and more that his decision was right. Heifu once proposed to establish Yuzhang County south of Penglize and build Nanchang City in order to expand the southern border. This was only a one-county policy. But during the journey westward, Heifu found Nei Shiten and proposed the idea of ​​consolidating the foundation, which can be regarded as a strategy for the country!

However, Qin Shihuang still had his old habit and did not agree on the spot. Instead, he asked the ministers to express their opinions to Shangshu after they came down. He also issued an edict back to Xianyang, allowing the prime minister, imperial censors, court officials, etc. to participate in the discussion.

After all, it is a national policy. Once it is determined, it will have a huge impact.

So Hei Fu was a little unsure. After returning to his residence, he visited Ye Teng again, sat opposite him, and asked, Do you think your majesty will agree to this policy?

Ye Teng said: Your Majesty likes to speak quickly, and what you say hits the point. His Majesty will not be disgusted.

As for whether he will agree to it, His Majesty will generally consider two things. The first is His Majesty's desire. Once he decides on something, he will continue to do it until it is completed. The second is the views of the ministers in the court.

Next, Ye Teng showed the pros and cons of his old politician, and helped Heifu analyze one by one which ministers in the DPRK would support this policy.

The people who support this policy the most are undoubtedly the Meng, Xi, Bai and other Lao Qin families.

For these local forces, the emperor's national policy focus has deviated from Kansai for a long time. It was okay to annex the six countries, but after conquering the six countries, they had to transfer their own children to the distant and hot south. They found it incomprehensible, but they did not dare to resist, so they could only reluctantly embark on the road.

But now, Heifu, who was the first general to defend the south of the Yangtze River, has betrayed the Southern Movement faction, which had little support, and instead advocates westward advancement, first consolidating Longxi, Beidi, and Shangjun, and then leaving the Great Wall. Develop the land of Ronghu.

For the Qin people in Kansai, these places are just like the doorstep of their homes, and they can get used to the customs and customs, which is much better than going to Jiangnan. Moreover, once the westward march was made a national policy, the disciples would also have the opportunity to use the familiar chariots, horses, bows and horses to perform meritorious deeds.

So just now in the palace, Meng Xibai, the third elder, desperately seconded his opinion, and looked at Hei Fu with extremely kind eyes. The Meng clan leader even asked if he was married, and then left in anger when he heard that he was married to the daughter of an internal history official.

Whenever troops are raised on the border, good generals must be sought. The second batch of ministers who may support Heifu are the border generals.

Ye Teng said: Li Xin, the captain of Longxi County, heard that since the first attack on Chu and the humiliation of the country, he has become depressed. He is in his thirties, and his hair is all white. Although he established the throne at the time of the destruction of Yan and Qi, He had great military exploits, but he had lost his ambition and was driven to Longxi to guard the border. He is probably the person who most supports the use of troops against Hexi!

There is also Meng Tian who stayed in Shangjun for three years. When the Dai Dynasty was destroyed, he led Zhai from Shangjun to Yanmen to confront the Xiongnu Chanyu who supported Dai. When you and Zijin returned to Nanjun, he also wrote a letter proposing to Go to the county and prepare for the border, and compete with the Xiongnu for the land in Henan.

If nothing else happens, these two people will go to Shu to second the proposal.

Hei Fu nodded, and Li Xin let it go. As for Meng Tian, ​​in history, he was the main general in Qin's Northern Expedition against the Xiongnu. However, Qin Shihuang is not very interested in using troops in the north at present. Meng Tian holds the position of Shaofu Shaojian, responsible for weights and measures and other matters.

Heifu smiled and said: Will the old man also support me?

It's natural.

Ye Teng said matter-of-factly: If I were the governor of Nan County, I would definitely support the southward march, defend the south of the Yangtze River, and conquer Baiyue. But now I am an internal historian, and the south has nothing to do with me. Instead, I want to consolidate Guanzhong, open up the borders of the three counties, and raise food. , recruiting soldiers, I will have many more places to use them!

From being an internal historian to becoming a nine minister, or even getting a glimpse of the positions of censor and prime minister, it depends on the next few years!

Hei Fu understands that my father-in-law is really the one who puts interests first...

However, he was still a little worried and hesitated to speak.

Ye Teng saw Heifu's thoughts and laughed at himself: If I objected deliberately to avoid suspicion, it would be too deliberate. Your Majesty can see it at a glance. Who in the court doesn't know who doesn't know about your relationship? It's better to be open and aboveboard. What he is doing is a conspiracy, and what he is seeking is the great interests of the country, who can say that it is not the least bit wrong?

In any case, there are obviously more ministers in the DPRK and China who support the westward expansion. Judging from public opinion alone, this matter has been stabilized.

At this time, Ye Teng said: But don't be too happy. I know one person who will definitely oppose this matter! At least he will oppose the conquest of Hexi.

Who? Heifu asked.

But Ye Teng smiled and let it go: Every bustle in the world is for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. Who do you think it is?

Hei Fu suddenly understood and whispered: The woman is referring to... Wushi Luo?

Wushi Ruo said, Qin has always been in harmony with the Qiang and Yuezhi, so why should it attack them for no reason? Every year, they exchange silk and silk for cattle and horses, which brings great benefits to the Central Plains...

Ten days later, in Qinian Palace, he put down the memorial in his hand. Qin Shihuang shook his head and commented: Sure enough, no matter how big a businessman is, he is still a businessman. He only sees petty profits in front of him, and Wushi Luo is not as good as Tao Zhuyuan!

He turned to look at Zhao Gao, the commander of the CRRC who was drafting an edict for him in front of the desk. For ten days, he had not expressed any opinions on the Qinian Palace discussion.

Zhao Gao, what do you think?

Zhao Gao laughed and said: I dare not go beyond my duties and talk about political affairs.

The emperor grimaced: Hei Fu is the Young Master. With my permission, he can also make suggestions. Why can't you?

Zhao Gao quickly asked the emperor to atone for his sins, and then said: I think that the words of the Shaofu Cheng can be said to be a mature man who plans the country. They are reasonable and well-founded. It is really not like what a young man in his twenties can say. When I think of him again His origin makes me even more surprised...

Qin Shihuang heard Zhao Gao's unfinished words, but didn't take it seriously: Although Hei Fu is not good at writing, his foundation is not bad.

He pointed to the thick hemp paper-bound book on the case and said: When I returned to Xianyang this time, Hei Fu presented the revised Southern Expedition. The entire book was written for more than three hundred days and contains hundreds of thousands of words. Although the writing is simple, , but it is really not easy. Only by relying on this book can I know the customs and customs of Jiangnan.

Furthermore, from the time when the honorary title was discussed, Heifu frequently went to the Censor's Mansion's Tibetan Room, and became friends with Zhang Cang, the official under the pillar. He was so influenced by what he saw and heard that over the course of a year, he was able to quote scriptures when speaking. I asked him why. Being able to do this, he replied, 'During the last discussion between feudal counties and counties, your Majesty ordered his ministers to read the book. After reading it, I learned about the three rebellions of the Marquis of Shu. I felt ashamed of my ignorance and could only work hard to make progress.'

Then Qin Shihuang pointed at Zhao Gao and said: Speaking of which, this son's eagerness to learn and make progress is a bit like that of Qing. More than ten years ago, I said that Qing's handwriting was ugly, so Qing practiced calligraphy day and night. He didn't care about the cold or heat, and he became one of the top three in the court. Calligraphy everyone!”

Zhao Gao smiled and said: I see, given time, your Majesty will probably have another doctor.

But the emperor shook his head: Wouldn't it be a waste for a man with all-round talents in civil and military affairs to become a useless doctor?

Wei, Shaofu Cheng has the ambition to become a marquis.

Zhao Gao smiled and only agreed, but in his heart he was even more afraid of Hei Fu.

Yes, just like him, he came from a humble background. Like him, he is good at figuring out the emperor's heart. Like him, he is quite motivated.

But the difference is that Heifu has solid military exploits, novel ideas, and strategies that the emperor praised, which Zhao Gao does not have. At such a young age, you are already dictating national policies. In a few years, what will happen?

Zhao Gao shuddered when he thought of Hei Fu's murderous intention when he was in Chen Ying.

What if this guy really has murderous intentions towards me? When he reaches a high position of power, won't I just have to sit back and wait for death?

But in the face of Heifu's proposal, Zhao Gao discovered to his dismay that it was really watertight. Cutting corners, quickness, and foresight were all matters that the emperor cared about. Coupled with the politically correct policy of consolidating the foundation, it made it impossible to correct. wrong.

So he could only follow the emperor's words, and after praising the black husband, he seemed to say unintentionally:

I'm just curious. The Shaofu Cheng was originally a Sima of another department to open up Yuzhang and guard the south of the Yangtze River. He built the city of Nanchang and asked for the establishment of Yuzhang County. He also proposed enfeoffing his children to Shanggan and Cangwu. He obviously supported the southward advance. But why after getting married and returning to Nanjun, why did he suddenly change his mind and think that Guanzhong should be consolidated and the Hu Rong lands should be expanded to the west first? This is unreasonable...

Having said this, Zhao Gao stopped talking and said, I am over-concerned. I hope Your Majesty will not blame you!

Although it was just a slight touch, it was enough. It would certainly not be fatal, and would not even affect this decision. However, it could plant some seeds of doubt in His Majesty's heart: Heifu also has selfish motives and is not completely loyal to the public. country!

Be patient, it will take several years or ten to slowly water and germinate the seeds, and eventually they will grow into a ferocious vine that can hang people alive!

I think back then, he relied on this invisible method to cause several heroes of the Qinian Palace Incident to alienate His Majesty, and eventually, triggered by different reasons, they turned traitor one after another! Afterwards, His Majesty would only feel that his reminder, intentionally or unintentionally, was a sign of knowing the traitor.

Qin Shihuang glanced at Zhao Gao and pondered for a moment, but did not mention the matter again. It was not until Zhao Gao was about to retire that the emperor issued an oral edict.

The day after tomorrow, the imperial chariot will set off, leaving Longguan and entering Longxi County. Since he is leaving the territory of Neishi, and Neishiteng is already old, there is no need to accompany him anymore. Let him go back to Xianyang!

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