Qin Official

Chapter 328 What weapon?

Qin's ambition to conquer the world was all upstream of Liuhe. He established laws and decrees but did not enfeoff his children, so that the princes and common people would be brave enough to fight openly. Every time he captured a land, he abolished the enfeoffment of the emperor and established prefectures and counties. Therefore, Qin became stronger and the power of the whole country became a public weapon. also……

This is not the case in Chu. There are too many lords and too many nobles, and Wu Qi cannot control them. In the battle of Yanying, Lord Wu'an went deep alone, but the lords of Chu each loved their homes and fled. As a result, the Chu state became increasingly weak. There is a place five thousand miles away, and there are millions of people holding halberds, but they cannot defeat Qin's hundred thousand warriors. Why? This is why the power of the country is divided into private weapons.

That's why the enfeoffment will make you weak, while the counties will be strong. Although your majesty now unites the whole country, if you divide more than half of the world into feudal states, how do you know that a hundred years later, your descendants will repeat what happened to the Zhou Dynasty?

After reading the memorial submitted by Li Si overnight, Qin Shi Huang rarely smiled.

Li Si, Li Si, you have written another volume of good articles that can be spread throughout the world.

No, it should be said that as long as Li Si writes his articles with care, people can read them unconsciously and be amazed after reading them. He is worthy of being a disciple of Xun Qing.

But in terms of position in Qin Shihuang's heart, another disciple of Xun Qing was still higher.

Li Si is just a great talent that can help him become an emperor, and he can use it to his satisfaction, but the words Han Fei wrote can be followed as the way to be a king.

Qin Shihuang remembered that when he first saw Five Beetles and Gu Ang, he was so shocked that he exclaimed: Wow, I will hate you to death if I see this person hanging out with him!

Unfortunately, things are not always as expected.

Qin Shihuang dispersed his distracting thoughts and looked at the memorials piled up in front of him. In addition to Li Si, Wei Zhuang, Wang Wan, Feng Quji and Jiuqing, as well as the internal historian Ye Teng, all wrote the memorials and handed them in overnight. Although compared to Li Si, , the literary talent is much worse, but at least they did not remain silent.

Some of them, like Wang Wan and Zong Zheng, insisted that feudalism was good, or some, like Feng Quji, held similar views to Li Si.

Only the old prime minister Wei Zhuang dared to say ambiguous nonsense, because he knew that what the emperor wanted to retain him as prime minister was not his talent, but the position that one person under one person had above ten thousand people. To the people behind.

Phase, in the eyes of the emperor, was nothing more than a fleshy bone used to lure hounds to perform desperately in the hunt.

In this dispute between feudalism and prefectures and counties, Qin Shihuang had already made a decision. He allowed the court to debate and watched Wang Wan and Li Si compete. He just wanted to see what the officials thought.

If everyone's heart is feudal, it will be dangerous...

However, the situation was similar to what he expected. Confucian scholars and doctors came from Shandong, and their minds were made stupid by reading. They stuck to the Zhou Gong's government that Confucius longed for, and did not change the past.

Among the ministers in the court, the civil servants have the side of the civil servants, and the military generals have the selfish motives of the military generals. They are eager to make the princes kings, so that they may be able to restore the stopped real titles and break the earth to become kings.

Everyone put forward their own opinions while guessing the emperor's thoughts, and Li Si was no exception.

After reading the memorial, Qin Shihuang raised his head, rubbed his sore neck after staying up late at work, asked his attendants to put on a fox fur to keep out the cold, and asked the visitor:

Who's on duty tonight?

Lang Wei was on duty and had to keep his eyes open all night and be on call. If he fell asleep, he would be severely punished. Therefore, after being summoned, Hei Fu quickly followed the visitor in.

It was already quiet outside Zhangtai Palace, but inside the inner court, there was a hint of busyness in the silence. Heifu saw visitors coming in and out holding bamboo scrolls, probably memorials sent from various counties.

Heifu had only been a guard for a few days, but he had also heard that the emperor's habit was not to rest until he could finish all the government affairs for the day. The time has now passed (23 o'clock to 1 o'clock), and the leader of Guizhou has had several dreams for a long time. Who would have thought that their emperor is still struggling in front of the paperwork.

The reason why Qin Shihuang didn't live long was because he died of overwork, right?

With this thought in mind, he also stepped into the depths of the inner court. When the chamberlain on duty saw Hei Fu being brought in, he gently rolled up the beaded curtains with cat-like movements, allowing him to bend down and enter.

A faint fragrance spurted out from the beast stove and filled the palace, probably Xingnao's burning incense.

Passing by another wooden screen, Mr. Hei saw clearly that the emperor had taken off his crown, wearing black uniforms. He was sitting behind the case, flipping through the slips. Two palace maids were waiting on the side of the imperial case from a distance. The huge hall seemed extremely spacious.

The visitor led Hei Fu all the way to the imperial court and whispered: Your Majesty, the minister has announced that Hei Fu has arrived!

Your Majesty, Heifu, pays homage to your Majesty!

Heifu bowed down. At this time, the emperor read another scroll of slips. He leaned over the imperial desk, sucked the ink from the book, and wrote something. He did not pick up his head, but just moved his head slightly and nodded, saying I understand. , and gently waved his hand to let Hei Fu off the hook.

Qin Shihuang looked extremely serious when working, either frowning or nodding, so that for a long time, he forgot the existence of Heifu beside him.

The emperor was speechless, and Hei Fu could only stand with his eyes, nose, nose, and heart in mind, not daring to express his anger. He felt that Qin Shihuang should be a person who hated being interrupted in his work process...

It wasn't until he had read through three more volumes of bamboo slips, finished writing the instructions, and had no more work at hand that the emperor raised his head and said:

I previously asked the ministers to discuss the title, and the memorial written by Heifu was quite to my liking. Only then did I realize that you, a military official from the capital of Guizhou, actually have some skills in swordsmanship and penmanship. Today, the ministers are discussing the feudal and prefectural affairs. What do you have to do with it? view?

His Majesty.

Hei Fu said quickly: I am no longer a councilor, but a household order. I only serve as a guard and do not dare to discuss politics!

Heifu had heard about the fact that Dian Guan covered Han Zhaohou with clothes, but was punished together with Dian Yi afterwards. According to Legalism, dereliction of duty is a crime, and overstepping one's authority is also a crime! As a supporter of Han Fei's theory, Qin Shihuang should also hate people who exceed their authority. The Xianyang court is in deep water. It has been in the limelight once, and it is enough to get practical benefits. What Hei Fu needs now is to talk less and watch more, not to be a dog. Keep your nose in other people's business.

It doesn't matter.

Qin Shihuang put down the bamboo slips and pen: I asked you to say it!

Although it was the principle of Qin officials not to overstep their authority, under the emperor's order, the dogs that were supposed to watch over the households had to learn to catch mice, and the hens that were supposed to lay eggs had to learn to catch mice.

This is the supreme monarchy. If the emperor asks you to speak, then you have to say it.

Fortunately, after listening to Li Si and Wang Wan debating there today, Heifu also thought about it after he came down, and he still has something in his stomach.

The so-called feudalism means that the monarch allocates land to the royal family or meritorious officials, and it can be hereditary. The recipients enjoy the right to rule within the fief. This is a real feud. There is also a category of virtual titles, which do not grant land, but only grant titles, salaries and privileges to nobles.

For counties, the central government divides the land into counties and counties, and appoints county governors and county magistrates to govern them. They have tenure and are not hereditary.

The Zhou Dynasty was a typical feudal system, and the Qin Dynasty was a typical county system.

When it comes to historical development, from feudalism to prefectures and counties, it is an inevitable process, but the pros and cons are repeated, which has been an enduring topic for two thousand years. Some people often say that the rapid demise of Qin is related to the lack of feudalism, and this is the starting point. , and it will cause countless controversies.

But Heifu, standing at this turning point in history, was not thinking about how to come up with a complete solution for Da Qin, but was thinking about his own gains and losses...

Qin Shihuang must have favored counties. My answer may not have any major changes in national policy, but it will have a great impact on my personal career.

Heifu didn't think that just a few words from a small person like him could change Qin Shihuang's mind.

So what I say next must follow several principles.

First, don’t offend Li Si! Let alone let the emperor feel that Hei Fu deviated too much from what he wanted.

But he couldn't completely agree with Li Si, he had to have his own opinion and let the emperor remember it deeply!

After sorting out his thoughts, Hei Fu lowered his head and said, I am from a humble background and worked as an official in Nanjun, so I know what a county is. In the battle against Chu, I saw Hu Jun Dou Ran and Di Jun Sun Feng, and fought with them, so I knew what a county was. Feudalism. Therefore, today Prime Minister Zuo said that he really does not know how good the feudalism of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties was, and he dare not speak nonsense about the quality of feudalism and counties.

I don't know what's better. Just say whatever you think. Don't worry.

Qin Shihuang stroked his beard and thought to himself that he had heard the political opinions of almost everyone in the clan, civil servants, generals, and doctors.

Although he has made up his mind, he plans to agree with Li Si's suggestion, abolish the old system, completely cut off the wheel of feudalism and division, and let the world drive on a brand new road under his driving!

But this time, he also wanted to know how a young man who had risen from the head of Guizhou Province, fought two battles to destroy Chu, and expanded thousands of miles of territory for himself, thought of this matter?

This is not a consultation, let alone a question, but an attempt to examine this young man's political opinions and considerations.

Everyone is an artifact with different functions.

Confucius said that Zigong was a hulian, a ritual vessel in the ancestral temple, and a talent for governing the country and bringing peace to the country.

In Qin Shihuang's talent pool, Wang Jian was a strong sun-shooting bow that could be used to shoot down powerful enemies. However, after the swans were exhausted, they had to be shelved in a high cabinet. Those crows that occasionally flew by were not worth using.

Li Xin was originally a sharp knife for killing cattle, but it was accidentally broken once, and now it can only be used as a knife for killing chickens.

Li Si is a rope. The wooden rope is straight and the rope is shaped like a wheel. It can be used to bind lawless people and regulate the world, but one end of the rope must be firmly held in the hand.

As for Han Fei, it was a piece of tortoise shell enshrined in the temple so that Qin Shihuang could read it at any time. The inscriptions engraved on the tortoise shell could help him achieve the path to the south, but the tortoise shell was only useful if the tortoise was dead...

The rest, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi and Li You, are all utensils.

Heifu has caught the eye of Qin Shihuang, but there is something strange about this boy. He seems to be both civil and military, but not proficient at it. Sometimes he has novel ideas, and sometimes his performance is mediocre. What kind of weapon is he?

I thought...

After hesitating for a long time, Heifu finally gritted his teeth and said, In my humble opinion, feudalism and prefectures and counties may seem to be contradictory, but in fact, they are not incapable of coexisting. Why not...

He secretly took a look at Qin Shihuang's face. He was neither happy nor angry, and he boldly said: How about just like the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty in the past hundred years, feudalism and prefectures and counties coexist and implement one country, two systems!

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