Qin Official

Chapter 326 The Great Court Meeting

The main hall of Zhangtai Palace is called the Four Seas Return to One Hall. It is located at the commanding heights of Longshou Plain. This hall is magnificent and magnificent. There are 120 supporting pillars used to support the dome alone, and it takes two people to surround them.

The interior is also very gorgeous, with fragrant and precious magnolia as the rafters, decorated with gilded copper shop heads, elegant and elegant patterns carved on the straight rails and cross sills, jade ornaments on the open door, and apricot wood floors. Spotless…

Heifu, as the household order of Zhonglang in Suwei, has inspected the main hall four or five times from last night to this morning. When no one is around, it looks empty. Only when the wind blows in, rows of rows of people line the side of the hall. The bronze chime occasionally made a sound.

Now, three hundred music officials in crimson robes are in place. The first thing to ring is the tinkling chimes. Then, the drums, harps, pianos, and shengs are played one after another, and a huge ensemble begins. prelude.

Those who understand will immediately know that this is the music of Daya specially used for court meetings and temples.

As the grand elegant music resounded through the hall, it was also announced that the imperial meeting had officially begun.

Enter the palace!

Under the guidance of the visitor, the ministers gathered outside the hall entered the Sihaiguiyi Hall one by one.

Since Lu Buwei's death, no one has been given the treatment of going to court with swords and shoes. Everyone handed over their swords twenty steps away from the forbidden door, came to the palace gate, took off their shoes one after another, and entered wearing only their pure white footwear. This scene would be very embarrassing if someone had athlete's foot.

Today, during the great court meeting, all Lang and Wei were mobilized. From the general of the Central Lang, Meng Yi, to the ordinary guards, everyone had to line up with flags and honor guards inside and outside the palace. Heifu was no exception. He was fortunate enough to bring a group of tall and powerful doctors with swallows and tiger heads to the palace.

However, Hei Fu's hands were empty. The men in the palace had no weapons. The warriors outside were separated by more than a hundred steps and could not enter the palace without the emperor's order.

If something went wrong, Lang Wei could only use his body to deliver a fatal blow to the emperor, and capture the assassin with his fists.

Heifu secretly said: No wonder when Jing Ke was assassinating, Qin Shihuang had to rely on a medicine bag from Xia Wuji to save him...

In addition, different positions in the palace represent different levels and degrees of closeness to the emperor. The lieutenant general Meng Yi stood directly under the steps of Your Majesty, that is, the emperor's couch. Hei Fu and Wang Li were only on both sides of the hall, parallel to the seats of the ministers. Wang Li was on the right and he was on the left.

This location is quite good, as you can have a clear view of the palace.

At this time, as the elegant music was played, the audience shouted Qiu again!

The ministers at the end of the palace immediately stepped forward, passed through the aisle composed of Bi Zhenlang, and came to His Majesty.

The generals are listed in order of rank and position to the west, facing east. Heifu saw that from front to back, they were Chehou Wuchenghou Wang Jian, Guannei Hou Wuxinhou Feng Wuze, and then the concubine Chang Mengwu, Weiwei, Lang Zhongling, etc., all wearing crimson robes and crowns.

The civil officials, headed by the prime minister, are also listed in order to the east and west. Ranking first is the right prime minister Wei Zhuang, followed by the left prime minister Wang Wan, the imperial censor Feng Quji, the court lieutenant Li Si, as well as Zong Zheng, Tai Pu, Dian Ke, Shaofu and other ministers.

Ye Teng, the internal historian who Heifu had not seen for a long time, also appeared in the column. However, Ye Teng, who was very knowledgeable in Nanjun, could only stand in the middle and back position in the palace. The old man was holding a white jade quill and looking straight at it, as if he had not seen the black husband standing solemnly before His Majesty.

Unlike in movies and TV shows, where the ministers can chat and joke when the emperor is not here, at this moment, there was not a trace of discussion in the palace.

Qin was a prince who had been a country for hundreds of years, not a nouveau riche who rose from the head of Guizhou. Although the system of rituals and music was not as prosperous as that in Shandong, it had its own rules. During the whole process, there were also law enforcement censors constantly patrolling the side, keeping an eye on everyone. If they found anyone whose manners were inconsistent with etiquette, they would be asked to leave the hall immediately!

Being in the public eye would definitely be unbearable, so even if the emperor hadn't arrived, the ministers were still trembling with fear, and no one dared to take it lightly.

Even if you have an urgent need to urinate, you still have to hold it in. Hei Fu sympathized with the veteran ministers who looked much older. There were no public toilets in the same palace from all over the world.

Fortunately, the emperor was a diligent man and did not have the habit of keeping his ministers waiting for a long time. The first to come out were the nine protocol officers. They stepped in unison and relayed paging in the form of Lu Chuan to announce the emperor's arrival. .

The emperor sat upright on the chariot and was carried all the way into the palace by eight strong chamberlains, directly entering his majesty.

This was the first time Heifu saw the First Emperor after he came to Xianyang. There was no gorgeous appearance, but a simplicity that surprised Heifu.

Qin Shihuang sought change and innovation in everything he did, and even changed his formal attire. He abolished the Gongmian attire that had been passed down for hundreds of years and replaced it with the simple Xuan Xuan. This is a kind of all-black dark clothing, which is in line with the new system of Qin Dynasty that values ​​water virtue and black color.

But under the simplicity, he was not careless at all. What he carried on his back was the Tai'a sword, which was more than three feet long. After getting off the chariot, he knelt down on the emperor's couch. In his hand was the emperor's seal carved from He's jade. …

With the appearance of the emperor, Hei Fu and other ministers raised their flags, shouted police, and led the ministers to congratulate each other in groups according to their titles.

Your Majesty, ten thousand years!

Your Majesty, ten thousand years!

All the ministers bowed their heads and Hei Fu also knelt down on one knee.

While shouting in his mouth, he secretly glanced at the First Emperor on the imperial couch. Due to the angle, he could not see the emperor's expression. He only saw the roundness of the emperor's desk and the jade, reflecting the candlelight, like power, making him dizzying...

Zhi said: I have heard that in the ancient times there were titles without posthumous titles, but in the middle ages there were titles that were given posthumously after death. In this way, the son will discuss his father, and the ministers will discuss the king. It is very meaningless, and I cannot take it!

After the emperor waved the ministers to excuse themselves, the first thing in the court meeting was for the audience wearing a mountain crown to read the imperial edict to the emperor.

Since now, the posthumous title has been eliminated. I am the First Emperor. The generations to come will be counted, from the second to the third to the eternity, and will be passed on endlessly!

All the ministers praised him, but Zhou Qingchen, Fu Sheng and others, who were at the end of the palace and were able to observe the court meeting, had their expressions stiff. Confucian scholars were best at mastering allusions and discussing posthumous titles. However, since the emperor abolished the posthumous law, they were missing a big brother. Authority.

However, this was the emperor's will. The doctors did not dare to openly oppose it and could only endure it. After all, there was a more important matter to be decided by the emperor today.

That's the real big deal that affects a hundred generations. Zhou Qingchen thought to himself, and at the same time shook his head at the doctors, asking them to calm down.

In addition to removing the posthumous title, the emperor also pursued King Zhuang Xiang as the Supreme Emperor, but he did not pursue the title of Supreme Empress. The reason was known to everyone and no one dared to say more.

In addition, the Qin Dynasty was officially declared to be Shuide, and the year was changed to the twenty-sixth year of the First Emperor. October was still regarded as the first lunar month, and all the clothes, banners and festival flags were colored black...

Heifu knew that in recent days, many Yanqi Yinyang family members recruited by Wang Wan frequently came in and out of the palace to meet with the emperor. They talked about Zou Yan's theory of the five virtues and concluded that Qin was the virtue of water.

It is also said that every change of dynasty brings auspiciousness, and Qin's auspiciousness is the black dragon that was rumored to appear in Longshouyuan hundreds of years ago. This is also the reason why the emperor held a court meeting in Zhangtai Palace instead of Xianyang Palace.

Your Majesty the Emperor is very superstitious about the art of yin and yang.

The visitor also read out: The number is based on six, the talisman and the dharma crown are all six inches, and the carriage is six feet, the steps are six feet, and the horse is riding six...

Heifu almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

This is the mysterious worship and pursuit of the number of six and six by the Yin and Yang family and the emperor, but when the visitor read it out at this moment, Heifu couldn't help but laugh...

His Majesty the Emperor is shouting six six six six six to the world?

At least Heifu didn't laugh, otherwise his story might have ended today.

When all the edicts were announced, the ministers who had been standing for a long time were finally able to sit down. The emperor treated his ministers very humanely. Not only did they have their own seats, but he also asked the chamberlain to offer them French wine.

It's a pity that Lang Wei doesn't have a seat. Fortunately, when Heifu was in the army, he liked to lead his men to stand in a military posture. It was not a problem to stand for several hours at a time...

Today's main event has just begun. According to their positions, the ministers toasted to the emperor one by one, which is the so-called longevity.

Wang Jian, Marquis of Wucheng, was the first to bear the brunt. He got up and went to the palace. After drinking wine to celebrate his birthday, he bowed down and said: Your Majesty does not think that the old minister is useless. He commissioned me to attack Chu with an army of 600,000. He delayed it for half a year and did not urge me. Instead, he gave me monthly gifts. I have countless fields, and now I have been elevated to the title of Marquis of Che. I am truly ashamed.

Now that I'm old and retired at home, the only thing I can't let go of is my only son Wang Ben. He's far away in Qidi, thousands of miles away. If one day I'm seriously ill and about to die, I won't be able to come back to see you for the last time. I still wish you the best. Can Wang Ben be transferred back to Xianyang and die for me...

Opposite Hei Fu, Wang Li's expression did not change, but his breathing became faster. Even Hei Fu could understand that Wang Jian wanted his son to hand over his military power, so as to reassure the emperor.

Qin Shihuang refused, and replied to Wang Jian: How can a general be said to be old? The old General Wang may continue to open up new territories for me, let alone the little General Wang? The land of Qi is newly attached, and it must be guarded by a general.

He also pointed at His Majesty Wang Li and said with a smile: Wait until the new General Wang can guard the territory for me, and then let Wang Ben come back!

Wang Li felt very honored, but Wang Jian sighed secretly, thanked him and returned to his seat.

Next, there was the right prime minister, Wei Zheng. This veteran, who was older than Wang Jian, moved slowly and spoke in a long-winded way. He was all praising his virtues. After the emperor listened patiently, he asked his chamberlain to help him back to his seat, and also asked the censor, Even if the old prime minister does something stupid, don't make things difficult for him...

As soon as Wei Zhuangfu sat down, Prime Minister Zuo Wang Wan couldn't wait to stand up. It was finally his turn!

Your Majesty has wiped out the world, captured and destroyed the six kings, and reunited thousands of miles. This is something that has never happened since the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors!

Wang Wan came from Shandong. He spent time in Jixia Academy when he was young and had good relations with the Confucian and Yin-Yang schools. It was he who suggested that the emperor recruit Shandong scholars as doctors. This was the Qin Dynasty's large-scale attempt to attract Shandong talents into the court.

This move achieved good results. Although some scholars were stubborn and refused to come, Zhou Qingchen, Fu Sheng, Qidiao, Lezheng, Shusun Tong and others entered Qin one after another.

They gave full play to their own strengths, listed the etiquette of the Six Kingdoms, selected the best, and combined it with the inherent etiquette systems of the Yin, Zhou and Qin countries, and finally achieved the prosperity of the etiquette and music of today's great dynasties.

In addition, some Yin and Yang families came to Xianyang. The emperor was much more interested in them than the Confucian scholars. They were responsible for determining the virtues of water and counting six as a rule.

This is also due to Wang Wan.

The Prime Minister on the Right is old and unbearable, and Wang Wan only thinks that he, the Prime Minister on the Left, will take the lead in the days when a new dynasty is opened and Wanli is renewed!

So, Wang Wan, who was flattered by the doctors, after toasting to praise the emperor's achievements, he boldly made a suggestion.

However, the world is vast, and the feudal lords have been conquered for the first time, and people's hearts are not at ease. Especially since Yan, Qi, Jing and other places are far away, it may be inconvenient to establish prefectures and counties. In the past, when Zhou Wu destroyed Zhou, he made the princes open up land and enfeoff themselves as princes. , In this way, the frontiers will be stable and the barbarians will enter the dynasty. Your Majesty has many sons, so it is better to make them vassals and guard the territories of Yan, Qi and Jing. I risk my own life to make a suggestion, and I am the only one who allows it!

The huge hall was silent. Some people looked at Wang Wan, while those who had received the news in advance looked at Qin Shihuang.

However, the emperor did not say much, and did not even show a biased expression. He just said lightly: What do you think, sir?

As if they had agreed upon it, in the queue of civil servants, one by one, the ministers came out and said: The law of Qin has decreed that the clan cannot be a vassal unless it has military merit. The sons, princes and grandsons are all included in this list. Now His Majesty has ascended to the throne of the emperor. , the leader of Guizhou Province in Guanzhong granted him a rank of nobility, but there were no rewards for his ten sons, so why not follow Prime Minister Zuo’s advice and ennoble them, so that they can not only respect the position of the princes, but also control the territory, wouldn’t it be beautiful?”

The doctors at the end of the hall were waiting for this moment, and they also cited scriptures and talked about Zhou civil and military enfeoffments, so that Zhou could live for eight hundred years. Qin Jiyin and Zhou Zhitong should also continue this practice...

Even in the queue of military ministers, except for Wang Jian who sat down and closed his eyes in silence, the generals who were awarded the title of Shangqing due to their merits also expressed their support.

For a time, most of the officials in the palace agreed, saying that it was only for the sake of feudal children.

Only Hei Fu lowered his head and felt a little bad for Wang Wan!

Sure enough, amid the roar of approval, Tingwei Li Si, who had been waiting for a long time, stood up suddenly and walked to the center of the hall.

He held a white jade gui, bowed heavily to the emperor, and said: Your Majesty, I think that Prime Minister Zuo and the officials' feudal talk are all pedantic!

As soon as these words came out, the hall where the discussion was in full swing just now cooled down in vain.

Wang Wan did not expect that Li Si, who had not objected to the matter during the previous interview, would now stand on his opposite side. He was caught off guard and felt a little angry.

The ministers' eyes widened, and the doctors cast hostile glances at Li Si. Some of those who had just spoken in agreement immediately shut their mouths and began to retreat to their seats, preparing to observe the situation again.


Only Heifu clenched his fists. He had expected this, but he didn't expect that this feudal dispute between counties and national policies would become so tense at the first imperial meeting!

ps: The Qin Dynasty regarded the Warring States period as the throne of the emperor, minus the etiquette and the uniforms of suburban sacrifices, all of which were based on Yuan Xuan. Book of the Later Han·Yufu Zhixia

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