Qin Official

Chapter 322 Coincidence

At nightfall, the prime minister, censor and ministers' official offices, which had been busy all day, extinguished the lights one after another, and the officials returned to their homes. Both sides of Zhangtai Street fell into darkness.

But in the Zhangtai Palace separated by a wall, the palace of Qin Wangzheng is still brightly lit. The light is emitted by more than ten bronze lamp stands as tall as trees in the palace. The fine whale oil transported from the Qidi seashore is used as fuel to let the lamp cores shine. Everlasting.

The day's work of King Qin's government has not yet been completed. With the rapid expansion of territory, the government affairs he needs to deal with every day also increase rapidly:

He needs to review and approve the selection of guards, lieutenants, and supervisors to be appointed to the newly established counties. The list of wealthy people from the six countries who are expected to move to Xianyang has also been drawn up and needs approval. There are also plans to implement the plan to collect weapons from all over the world and conquer Guanliang in the near future. Qi Chuyan implemented Qin's laws and Qin's weights and measures...

What Qin is doing is not only destroying the bronze body of the old world, but also forging the iron skeleton of the new order. There are so many things that need to be built, it is simply a thousand things.

That's why the King of Qin was so busy with his administration. He reviewed the prisons during the day and sorted out the memorials late at night. The next day, when the rooster crowed, he also took care of everything personally, reviewing the newly delivered memorials one by one and sending them to the Prime Minister and the Censor's Office. .

Working hard and sleeping long and hard, there is always a court. This sentence is a perfect way to describe the work of King Qin. If he were not in the prime of life and full of energy, most people would have been crushed or neglected.

After finally taking care of these things and letting two tall and powerful Lang Wei carry away the hundreds of kilograms of memorials that had been read, it was already dark. King Qin Zhengcai, with the palace attendants waiting on him, applied hot water on his face for a while, and then asked people to bring up the memorials on the emperor's title proposed by the ministers without stopping.

The first to be opened was the ensemble of the four officials: Prime Minister Wei Zhuang and Wang Wan, Imperial Censor Feng Quji, and Tingwei Li Si.

I would like to discuss this with the doctor: In ancient times, there were emperors of heaven, emperors of earth, and emperors of Thailand, and the emperor of Thailand was the most noble.

Therefore, when I die, I will be given the honorary title, and the king will be Tai Huang. The order is 'Zhi', the order is 'Edict', and the emperor calls himself 'I'.

There is also an appendix of a memorial written by doctors, which explains this point of view in detail.

Heaven and earth were born from Taiyi. Therefore, among the three emperors, Emperor Tai (Tai) is the most noble.

After reading it, Qin Wangzheng tapped the table with his fingers and said secretly: Zhi, Zhao, and the emperor call me good, but the emperor's title is Tai Huang...

A see-through smile appeared under his thick beard, and he said meaningfully: You Prime Minister and Ting Wei are both from Chu...

The so-called Taiyi, also known as Eastern Emperor Taiyi, is the new supreme god of the Chu people. Among the three emperors, the Emperor Tai was the most noble. This was originally the view of Confucian scholars and scholars in Chu. In the past hundred years, it has gradually spread to the Central Plains and has been generally recognized.

But Qin Wangzheng didn't like it! Not to mention adding the slightest hint of Chu Di color to his achievements.

That's it for Wei Zhuang, Wang Wan, and Feng Quji. Li Si has always been smart, why is he so confused this time...

The King of Qin threw the memorial aside unceremoniously and continued to read the suggestions of the doctors.

Doctors are mostly Confucian scholars, and Confucian scholars are divided into many factions. Confucian scholars in Chu believed that Emperor Tai was the most noble, but Confucian scholars in Qilu disagreed with them, believing that Emperor Tai was not Taiyi, but actually a human emperor, and was not as noble as the Emperor. Another group of people believed that King Qin was the monarch of the earth after all, not a god of heaven, so it was appropriate to call him the Emperor of the Earth.

But these two titles were rejected one by one by King Qin.

As for Yilang's memorials, they were even less popular. They included Emperor Xuan, Emperor Bai, and Emperor Gao, and the King of Qin was not satisfied.

In the minds of King Qin and the world, the emperor is higher than the emperor, and the emperor is higher than the king. The older he is, the more respected he is. If he is not even satisfied with the title of Three Emperors, how can he be satisfied with the emperor?

Then again, what kind of title can match his great achievements of raising righteous soldiers, punishing the remaining thieves, pacifying the world, forming counties and counties in the sea, and unifying laws and regulations. This has never happened since ancient times and is beyond the reach of the five emperors. Could it be that King Qin himself Don’t you have any confidence in your heart?

That answer had already emerged in his mind. He just wanted to see what the titles of the ministers were and whether he could understand his intentions...

But after reading a bunch of letters, they were all extremely boring. Although the officials expressed their own opinions, none of them could get close to the King of Qin's wishes.

It wasn't until the minister opened the envelope and handed over the memorial written Yilang Heifu that Qin Wangzheng's eyes lit up.

I am a vulgar person. I came from a neighboring county and the head of Guizhou Province. I have no knowledge of writing or classics. However, I heard that Shi Cang talked about the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors under the Pillar, so I risked my life to speak out.

The King of Qin knew something about Hei Fu's background, and deliberately placed his son in the position of Yilang, which was also his intention. Indeed, without Zhang Cang telling him about it, it would be really strange for Hei Fu to know about the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

But Heifu continued to write: It may be said that the Three Emperors were the beginning of development, the beginning of monarchs and ministers, but they lived in fire-fired nests and used rocks and trees as soldiers, which is really unclear; it is also said that the Five Emperors were thousands of miles away, but the princes outside were subdued by the barbarians. The emperor cannot control whether the princes are in the dynasty or not. They are called the co-rulers of the world, but in reality they are a small country with few people.

Now that your Majesty has succeeded to the throne, he has mobilized the remaining heroes of the sixth generation, vigorously pursued strategies to control the inner world, swallowed up the princes for two weeks, and acted as the supreme ruler to control the Liuhe. He looks majestic and has great power throughout the world!

I believe that your majesty has surpassed the three emperors in meritorious deeds and surpassed the five emperors in virtue. No matter the emperor or the emperor, his achievements cannot be covered. The three emperors and five emperors combined may be able to...

As I write this, the title that King Qin has long planned for is ready to be revealed!

However, Heifu actually stopped there and ended abruptly. Instead, he poured out the bitter water.

I know that I am uneducated and have no skills, so I have recently been browsing the classics in the Censor's Mansion. However, I still can't find a suitable title. Therefore, I dare not make any unreasonable opinions. I would like to pay my respects to your Majesty.

Xiao was like this, but this was the most satisfying memorial that Qin Wangzheng had seen tonight. He couldn't help but nodded slightly: I never thought that the person who is most compatible with me would be a little Yilang!

The three emperors and five emperors combined will naturally become the emperor!

This is the title that King Qin has decided on, but as a superior, it is interesting to see the ministers arguing over their title. In the end, they all overthrow it and give them a speech that makes them dumbfounded and shocked. Later, he gave a complimentary answer.

Han Fei writes well in the book that the principle of a monarch is not to be seen through by his ministers. If you want to do something and express your thoughts without fully grasping the whole situation, not only will there be no benefit, but you will definitely suffer harm.

Therefore, release a little bit of information, and then let the ministers guess what the Lord is thinking.

Let them fight. After the edict is issued, no one dares to be silent and can only speak out. In the dispute, some thoughts and political opinions that are usually hidden are exposed.

This is the art of the south face of the king. Everything is under the control of the king of Qin.

However, if someone unbiasedly guessed what he was thinking and said it proudly, Qin Wangzheng would frown again.

That's why King Qin thought that what Heifu said in his memorial was really just right. His ideas coincided with his, and he stopped at the right place.

He placed Heifu's memorial on the right side of the desk, clearly distinguishable from the mountains of rejected petitions on the left.

It's indeed a bit unfair to ask this man to be a young man with only 600 shi.

Although I found the most satisfactory memorial, the purpose of Qin Wangzheng's government was to consider the ministers, so even though I was a little sleepy, I still insisted on reading all the memorials.

When he opened the memorial from Zhao Gao, the commander of the CRRC, who had also received permission to write a letter discussing the emperor's title, the sleepiness of King Qin's government suddenly disappeared.

Your Majesty has surpassed the three emperors in meritorious deeds and surpassed the five emperors in virtue. No matter the emperor or the emperor, his achievements cannot be covered... Therefore, Zhao Gao dare not make unreasonable comments.

Except for the previous differences, the final conclusion is exactly the same as Heifu!

Qin Wangzheng touched his thick beard and was a little surprised. Zhao Gao, the commander of the CRRC, was born in a hidden official. His mother was punished and his life was humble.

However, Zhao Gao was quite self-reliant. Not only was he physically powerful, but he also gained freedom through his military exploits. During a hunt for tigers in the forest, he relied on his superb riding skills to attract the attention of the King of Qin, who selected him as a middle-aged man. Chefu warriors.

In April of the ninth year, Lao Ai launched a mutiny when King Qin was going to Yongxing for the crown ceremony. Relying on the Queen Mother's Seal, he mobilized the Lieutenant Army and Neishi County soldiers to attack Qinian Palace. At the most dangerous moment, the King of Qin only had the Lang Zhong Lingjun and the military charioteers of the CRRC beside him. Zhao Gao defended the King of Qin to the death and helped him put down the rebellion, which was quite creditable. From then on, he became the most trusted person of the King of Qin. More than ten years ago, the King of Qin People around him came and went, but Zhao Gao always firmly occupied the king's side.

Zhao Gao also lived up to his expectations. Although he won the title through force, he also taught himself prison law and could write well, so he slowly rose to the position of Zhongche Mansion Order.

He and Yilang Heifu only met once in Chen County and exchanged a few words. According to logic, it is absolutely impossible for these two people to have any intersection. Why did they write almost the same memorial?

After Qin Wangzheng thought for a moment, he felt sleepy. He stopped thinking about it and just shook his head and said secretly: This is a real coincidence!

The next day, when Hu Wujing, a former jailer who was promoted to historian because of his good calligraphy, came to the living room where King Qin worked tremblingly, he saw that on the table, there were dozens of volumes of memorials piled up on the left, and on the right Then there are only two silk books...

Hu Wujing has issued an edict for me.

King Qin had already taken a nap for two hours. While eating the morning meal, he began to be busy with government affairs non-stop.

Hu Wujing spread out the silk paper respectfully and began to write carefully according to King Qin's dictation.

The king said: I have read the matter discussed by the ministers about the title. The Prime Minister, Yu Shifu and Tingwei will give the title of Taihuang. They will remove 'Tai', keep 'Huang', and then adopt the ancient title of 'Emperor'. The title is 'Emperor'. As promised...

Hu Wujing quickly held his trembling hand. He felt that he was witnessing a great moment.

From then on, when he drafted edicts, he would write Emperor's Day!

However, after he insisted on writing this edict, His Majesty the Emperor ordered him to write two more letters of appointment.

Zhao Gao, the commander of Zhongche Mansion, agrees with me deeply about the sparse title. He has served as a guard for many years, so he has been promoted to the title of Youshu Chief.

Yilang Heifu, the change of the title of Yilang is quite to my liking. I will change him to Zhonglang household general! His rank is as high as a thousand stones! I will ban him from the guards!

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