Qin Official

Chapter 308 Water Gu

Zhang Han's arrival not only helped Heifu plan and build Nanchang City, but also brought him two shocking news.

Yan Dai died? So quickly!

Although he had expected it, Heifu did not expect that these two small kingdoms that were still hanging on would be wiped out so quickly.

Zhang Han said: The attack on Liaodong was in February. Earlier, General Wang Ben was stationed in Yuyang and Youbeiping. The king made him the commander-in-chief. He also appointed General Li Xin, who had pursued Prince Dan of Yan to Yanshui, as his assistant general to lead the army. Thirty thousand passages through solitary bamboo, over jieshi, and out of western Liaoning.

Li Xin was once the most trusted young general of the King of Qin, but he failed because of the failure of his first attack on Chu. He was sent to Shanggu County as a county lieutenant by the King of Qin. It was really a big ups and downs, but this time, it was a rare opportunity for Li Xin to fight. It is still his best skill in riding and riding, how can he miss it?

Heifu could almost imagine the scene when General Li Xin, who was said to have turned half his hair gray after the Battle of Chu, quickly marched to attack Yan with the determination to avenge his shame.

In March, Li Xin entered the Liao River. King Xi of Yan led the last tens of thousands of Yan people to encircle the Liao River with strong walls and high fortresses to block our army. General Li Xin planned to attack the east and attack the west. He first raised many flags on the southern front. , pretended to attack the siege, attracting the King of Yan, and used the main force to covertly cross the Liao River and attack it from behind. After three battles and three victories, they took advantage of the victory and entered Xiangping (today's Liaoyang)...

After Wang Ben's army also arrived, there was no suspense about this war. Under the Qin army's strong attack day and night, Xiangping City was defeated and King Xi of Yan was captured.

Eight hundred years later, the Yan Kingdom perished.

This war allowed Li Xin to regain a little trust from the King of Qin. He was appointed governor of Yuyang County and took charge of the military affairs of the counties in the original Yan region. Wang Ben, on the other hand, led the Northern Expeditionary Army and began to attack the country of Dai, which was entrenched in Dai County and backed by the Huns...

This time, General Meng Tian served as a supporting general and sent troops from Yanmen County to cooperate with General Wang in attacking Dai. In April, General Meng set up defense lines in Shanwu, Pingcheng, and Gaoliu. The Xiongnu Chanyu did not dare to rescue Dai. Dai County was defeated. , Dai Wang Jia was also captured, and now, I'm afraid, he and Yan Wang Xi are being taken to Guanzhong.

Therefore, these two wars became a battle to clear the name of Li and Meng. Hei Fu thought to himself: It seems that Qin Shihuang still cherishes his old friendship and did not throw Li Xin and Meng Tian into the trap just because they failed once. They were completely relegated to limbo.”

Or maybe this is to cultivate heroes so as to balance the influence of Wang Jian and his son in the army?

Now there is a breathtaking thing. The destruction of the Five Kingdoms, except South Korea, was actually the work of the Wang family and his son. Dad Wang Jian fights the big battles, and son Wang Ben is responsible for the finishing battles. As a result, Wang Jian pacified the Yuejun of Kuaiji in March. After returning to Guanzhong, he was officially worshiped by the King of Qin as the first Chehou in ten years, named Wuchenghou...

Wang Jian's Chehou used a good name instead of the actual name of the city. He was still a false title and enjoyed the treatment of a city of ten thousand households.

But the word 'Wucheng' is very important.

Zhang Han lamented to Heifu: This is an article in Shangshu, which records the process of King Wu's conquest of Zhou. King Wu became the leader and conquered King Zhou of Shang. Then the Taigong asked the emperor to come and told him to take the prisoners as guo...

Heifu understood: What the king means is that General Wang's achievements are comparable to Taigong Wang?

Yes, but there is a second meaning.

Zhang Han held out a few fingers: The one who succeeds is the one who succeeds. Defeating Zhao, defeating Yan, and destroying Chu are all tough battles. What the king means is that General Wang's achievements in martial arts are enough. I want to come to General Wang. He will retire completely and will never hold military power again...

In the fifth month, the king also announced that the world would be peaceful. Seeing this, there will be no more wars today.

This is pretty good, and people everywhere can take a breather.

But King Qin is not a patient person. He can only wait until next year at most...

Hei Fu then said: According to my guess, the king will still use General Wang Ben to deal with Qi.

Now that the five kingdoms have been destroyed, King Jian of Qi and Prime Minister Qi have defeated these two people. They must be panicking now. The King of Qin is a person who does not tolerate disdain in his eyes, and there is no way that Qi will be spared. If he adds this credit, Wang Ben will probably become a Chehou from the Guannei Hou who destroyed the Yan Dynasty!

One discipline and two thorough masters.

Zhang Han shook his head: For any great king, such as King Zhao of Qin, this would definitely be a disaster. Only under the rule of this king can one family and two princes become the glory of the Wang family...

But Hei Fu smiled and said: What I want to know is, who will the grandson of General Wang, Wang Li, inherit the title of his ancestor or his father in the future?

Zhang Han couldn't help laughing: You black man, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten who said what in front of the king. Therefore, those who are ambitious must want to be generals and seek the title of marquis. Those who do not want to be generals have short ambitions. Yeah, now that the Wang family has been granted the title of Marquis, aren't you jealous?

Heifu said sternly: The achievements of the two generals deserve the reward of being a prince. I only conquered a few small border counties. What does it matter?

He ended his chat about what was happening in the distance, picked up the sketch of Nanchang City drawn by Zhang Han and several craftsmen on the wooden slip and looked at it, and was very satisfied.

What we have to do now is to build this city and make it a thoroughfare that connects the three rivers to the five lakes, controls the wild bushes and leads to Ouyue!

Along the banks of the Gan River, the first square of earth was dug up, and the first foundation stone was buried. With the work of two thousand Qin soldiers and one thousand ministers, the construction of Nanchang City began.

The first thing Heifu asked people to build in the camp was the public toilet. This was something he had to arrange personally for more than half a year wherever he went.

When Zhang Han mocked him and said that he used to be a Public Toilet School Captain and now he is a Public Toilet Sima and Public Toilet County Magistrate, Hei Fu didn't take it seriously and didn't even scold Mr. Ye Teng who gave him the random nickname first. .

He smiled and said: Although the name is not nice, it is really useful. Shaorong, when you came to my military camp, have you ever seen the rampant diseases among the garrison after Generals Wang and Meng captured Jiangdong and Kuaiji? ?”

Zhang Han was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it carefully, he found that no one had suffered from abdominal distension and disease. It is said that this strange disease was rampant among the Qin army in Jiangdong, especially those stationed in Zhenze (Taihu) area. After half a year, they had died of the disease. Quite a few.

Heifu is on guard against this mysterious but terrifying infectious disease: schistosomiasis...

The climate of Yunmengze, Zhenze, and Penglize is a natural breeding ground for schistosomiasis. This parasite has been raging for more than two thousand years, and it is no stranger to southerners.

Fortunately, the water in Nanjun is relatively clean, but the water in Yunmengze is relatively clean, but there are more schistosomiasis in Dongting and Changsha in the south of the Yangtze River.

Peng Lize was in trouble. According to Heifu's observation, some local Yue and Chu people were already showing signs of being infected. Especially since the beginning of summer, he has seen many fishermen and farmers working barefoot in the paddy fields. Their abdomens are swollen, shaking and making noises, and they often want to drink water. Their skin is thick and black, as if they are swollen, and they are getting more and more painful Sallow complexion and thin muscles...

This was a typical symptom of schistosomiasis. When Heifu saw this, his expression changed, and he immediately designated the ditch and water area where they were active as a restricted area, and his men were not allowed to set foot in it.

The locals also knew that this was an illness, but they didn't know the cause. They could only call it gu, which means a worm in the belly. However, they guessed it right.

This disease is very rare in the north, so medical officers in the army don't know why.

Perhaps it is because schistosomiasis has not spread widely yet and is only concentrated in Poyang, Taihu and other places.

Heifu knew that the vector of transmission was snails, but with his limited manpower, he could not even think about eradicating the snails. He could only start by preventing feces from causing secondary contamination of water sources and breeding larger-scale infections.

As a result, public toilets were built extensively, and no one was allowed to use them anywhere during the city's construction period. The waste was accumulated together and composted.

In addition, the nearby forest resources are rich anyway, so Heifu organized 500 people to be responsible for cutting wood, which can not only open up open space for cultivation, but also boil a large amount of boiled water for the soldiers to drink every day.

With such caution, Heifu and the others spent the summer safely. Among the two thousand soldiers who built the city, only a few dozen showed similar symptoms, and they were all properly isolated.

Fortunately, Hei Fu himself and a group of his capable men were not sick. However, many of Zhao Tuo's people were infected, but they were all quarantined on Hei Fu's order. Zhao Tuo himself was safe.

Although he relied on public toilets and drinking boiled water to reduce the chance of contracting the disease, Heifu was at a loss as to how to cure him. Schistosomiasis is a chronic disease, but the death it causes is also horrific.

This is also the reason why southern fever causes husbands to die young these days. It is not because of the hot weather, or even the so-called miasma, but because of the rampant plague, which has greatly reduced the average life span of southerners.

Now what Heifu can do for the sick soldiers is to do their best to ensure peace of mind.

So, how did Zhao Tuo live to be over a hundred years old in the south?

Heifu felt that this was really an unsolved mystery.

He also began to think: If Qin Shihuang sends a large army to conquer Baiyue in the future, this disease will be a big problem. Soldiers plus immigrants, hundreds of thousands of people will pour in, and it will be difficult to properly manage the two thousand people.

With this in mind, Heifu decided to write down his findings here on a document and submit it to Jiujiang County and Nan County, and then forward it to Xianyang, and asked to send a medical officer to study the disease. At the same time, it is recommended that Kuaiji County follow its own measures to reduce the spread of the disease.

In the document, he inherited the local people's misunderstanding and called this disease water poison, which may be caused by water poisonous insects that enter the human body and eat their five internal organs.

Heifu could not explain how he discovered the transmission principle of schistosomiasis. He could only say that he discovered by chance that the disease was less prevalent in places where public toilets were built and boiled water was available.

Although this disease has not caused a serious blow to the Qin army and there is no good treatment, it can be considered a precautionary measure.

After sealing the letter and handing it to Ji Ying, Heifu continued to think: I wonder if Qin Shihuang would wave his hand and say 'Schistosomiasis must be eradicated' like *** after realizing the dangers of this disease. Where is the great call?”

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