Qin Official

Chapter 272 The All-Invulnerable Spear and the Indestructible Shield

There is a story in Shangcai.

Looking at the Qin soldiers who climbed to the top of Ruyin City and cheered for victory, Li You smiled and said to Heifu: It is said that there is a Chu man selling shields and spears in Shangcai Market, and he praised him, ' My shield is so strong that nothing can trap it. He also praised his spear and said, My spear is so sharp that it can trap everything. Others may ask, How about using your spear to trap your shield? This person said Fu can't respond.

Han Fei once said that an indestructible shield and an indestructible spear cannot exist in the same world! I have always been curious about how the siege equipment made by Qin Mo would compare with the city defense skills of Southern Mo. What will happen if a spear attacks another's shield?

Now it seems that if Mo attacks and Mo defends, the attacking side is better!

Although the repeated crossbow chariots and other equipment arranged by Nanfang Zhimo at the top of the city caused a lot of trouble for the Qin army, Qin Mo Cheng Shang also worked with the military commander Kong Zhanghan to ask the civilian craftsmen to rush to make ladders, attack chariots and other equipment, and to He knew how to defend the city, so after Li You led 30,000 people to besiege it for two days, Ruyin finally fell.

Heifu flattered Li Youdao: No matter how good the tool is, it depends on the person who uses it. As a spear-bearer, the captain has sufficient strength and decisive orders. With the reinforcements of 20,000 generals from Mongolia, he surrounded three and one was missing, venting his morale. Only in this way can the weak shield-bearer be defeated.

Li You was somewhat proud, and ordered as a victor: Bring out Xiang Lige from custody and let him see this scene!

After the fire caused by the smoke arrows was extinguished, the Qin army began to force the still living people to clean up the city. The bodies of the Qin soldiers were carried outside the city, and under the identification of Xianglige, the three Mohists were also found. .

One was old, one was strong, and the other was thin. The three of them were lying dead at the top of the city. They were being carried to the straw mat. Their bodies were mutilated, but their faces were very peaceful.

Didn't it say there were thirty Mohists?

Heifu looked at Xianglige. After this man was intercepted by him, even though he was coerced and induced, and even threatened with execution, he did not say a word about the defense in the city. He was a man. After the war ended, he was also released and stumbled into Ruyin City, which had just ended a brutal offensive and defensive battle, looking for the body of the division commander.

At this moment, he turned around and said with red eyes: There are four people in Southern Mo, three dead and one alive, all here!

I see……

Heifu understood that it turned out that the firepower of Southern Moye was as weak as a pea grain, but they had no idea of ​​conserving their strength to wait for changes in the world, and still paid their lives in this city. They should laugh at their pedantry and lack of flexibility. Or should we admire him for never looking back?

Heifu was lucky. He was not named by Li You to attack the city in the past two days. Instead, he was responsible for covering the first troops and had been watching the city, so he had some impressions of these three people.

This old man calmly commanded the soldiers and civilians in the city to resist the enemy at the top of the city. He was hit by a catapult and died in the rubble of the collapsed turret. Xianglige said that this was Mr. Deng who preached the morality of their Mohists.

The strong man, holding a huge spear pole, swept down the city with countless people. Xianglige said that this man was called Kuli, and he was a fool who was not very good at thinking.

And the thin man with rotten teeth also controlled the machine and ballista, causing a lot of damage to the Qin army. Xianglige said that this was an ordinary craftsman who had only joined Mo Zhe for two years, and his body was full of blade wounds.

Qi Qi said that he had been mediocre all his life and joined Mo Zhe just to be a hero for a short moment.

Xianglige bowed to the three of them, tears falling down his cheeks.

He did it. The Southern Inkman deserves to die!

He is his hero and my enemy. During the battle, Hei Fu hated these three people who caused a lot of casualties to the Qin army. Ku Li asked Xiao Tao to lead the crossbow soldiers to fire at them, making them Died by random arrows.

But after the battle, facing their corpses, he didn't feel much hatred. Li Youye ordered that the heads of the three Mohists would not be counted in the beheading, leaving them with a whole body.

Xianglige found a human-powered chariot that had been abandoned by the defenders under the city wall, and carried the bodies of the three division commanders one by one, but was unable to drag Ku Li's huge body. Finally, Qin Mo and Cheng Shang came over to help. Heifu also asked his men to help them.

I won't say thank you.

Xiangli Ge looked at Hei Fu and Qin Mo Cheng Shang with very complicated emotions.

This is natural. Hei Fu smiled and said: The Qin army killed your commander, you will naturally hate us.

But Xianglige shook his head: I won't be resentful. Master once said to me that a Mohist only has duty and morality. If the city is guarded, the duty has been completed. If you say goodbye and return, you will not receive any benefits; if the city is destroyed, the morality is gone. There is no need to resist too much. For Mohists, in a war, you attack and I defend, and there is no resentment in victory or defeat. If you meet the previous enemy later, you should treat it like a passerby.

Now, Commander Heifu, Cheng Shang, you and I are just passers-by.

After saying that, he pulled the heavy human-powered chariot and headed out of the city against the Qin army that was pouring into Ruyin to occupy the city.

Li You wanted to let him go as a victor, which would also show the generousness of the Qin army. At this moment, he stood on the military chariot and looked at Xiangli Ge with some pride at the city gate.

Xianglige stopped, but still did not say a word of thanks for not killing. He raised his head stubbornly, but he was more concerned about his life than his own life: The general's hometown is also Shangcai, Huaibei, and he and Ruyin are also neighbors. , and I heard that the military laws of the Qin State are strict, at least they will not let their soldiers burn, kill and loot the local Chu people, right?

Li You said with a straight face: As far as the Qin army is concerned, those who obey will live, and those who rebel will die! Anyone who resists can be killed. Xianglizi was detained by my commander in the camp, and not a single Qin soldier was killed, so I just I will spare your life, but if you swear not to resist the Qin army any more, I will let you go!

It depends. Is there any weak or small person who will ask me for help?

Xianglige smiled: Although I am the only one who can survive in Southern Mo, I also have the meaning of being a Moist. If the captain wants to kill me, just kill me!

Foolish person.

Death can't scare Xiang Lige, and maybe he would rather die here with his teacher. Li You felt a little bored. After cursing, he gestured with his hands and asked Heifu to lead his men to blast this guy out!

After leaving Ruyin, they passed by the densely packed corpses of the Qin and Chu armies at the head of the city. The chariots were blocked by corpses from time to time, so Xianglige walked very slowly, while Qin Mo and Cheng Shang helped him from behind as if he had done something wrong and felt ashamed. Pushing the cart.

When they arrived at the place where the Qin army's siege equipment had stopped, Xianglige finally stopped and sighed to Cheng Shang:

Cheng Jun told me the day before yesterday that Qin Mo wants to make all voices speak with one voice, so as to eliminate war and finally realize the righteousness of the world.

This method seems simple, but it has endless consequences. Zimozi also said that if princes do not love each other, they will fight in the wild; if the heads of families do not love each other, they will usurp each other; if people do not love each other, they will treason against each other; if kings and ministers do not love each other, they will treason. If father and son do not love each other, they will not be kind and filial. If brothers do not love each other, they will not be harmonious. Everyone in the world will not love each other. The strong will cling to the weak, the masses will rob the widows, the rich will bully the poor, the noble will do the lowly, and deceive. They will surely deceive the foolish. In the next few days, misfortune will usurp resentment, and the reason why it arises is because they don’t love each other.”

He pointed to the mountains of corpses at the head of the city and said: In this way, the people of Chu and Qin will never fall in love with each other, but rather hate each other! Furthermore, if you blindly rely on power and the King of Qin, you will not gain the world. Datong.”

The King of Qin was greedy for the reputation of conquering and conquered, and he never stopped conquering. I heard that once he succeeded, he would wipe out his enemies, paint the princes' towers, and build a palace in the middle of the pass. Even though it has not caused much damage to the livelihood of the Qin people, That also relies on plundering the Six Kingdoms to compensate. What if the Six Kingdoms are wiped out, but the King of Qin is greedy and continues to fight foreign wars? To prepare for war, you must extract more money to recruit troops and purchase weapons. , I dare to say today that the King of Qin will be generous to the people, rob the people of their food and clothing, rob the people of their use, and destroy the people's benefits. The people will be hungry and have no food, cold and no clothes, and no rest from work. If this continues, even though the country is large, it will not be able to rest. Those who are warlike will perish.”

Cheng Shang was slow in words but quick in deeds. At this moment, he could only say with a sullen face: If this is not the case, Qin Mo will try his best to admonish the king, rest with the people, and eliminate military disasters...

Having said that, in fact, this is what Qin Mo is most worried about. This King of Qin has the most ambitious ambitions in the sixth generation. His determination is rare and cannot be controlled by them.

Forget it, the matter has come to an end, there is no point in talking more.

Xianglige sighed: Perhaps, in the end, Mohists like you and I are just tools. The Chu people use us as shields, and the Qin people use you as spears. The contradictions attack each other, and both sides are damaged.

He looked back at Ruyin City for the last time, full of sorrow: The morality of Mohist may be gone with the wind in this city! Mr. Cheng, please cherish it! I also hope that this world will be unified as you said. After the Qin Dynasty, there will be no more disasters in war from now on, and I hope that we, the Mohists, will never have any use again!

Xianglige tried his best to pull the human chariot and slowly left. There were four people who came. After the battle, he was the only one who survived. The setting sun stretched his back, making him look extremely lonely and lonely.

Heifu also walked to Cheng Shang, who had been silent for a long time.

Do you think what Xianglige said makes sense?

Cheng Shang was shocked: This is just his speculation.

However, Cheng Shang also believed that Xianglige's last sentence was right. The original intention of the Mohists was to prevent war, but now, it has been repeatedly used by others to act as a spear and shield in the war. Unknowingly, their Skills seem to exist only for war. If the war really disappears, the Mohist may really have no use for it.

Southern ink, the society they are based on is too narrow to fit in.

As for Qin Mo, the political system attached to the Qin State will be abandoned at any time once it loses its use value.

The Mohist family has been a popular legend for the past two hundred years, but now, it may really be like a superstar that has fallen and will never be able to continue.

Heifu sighed secretly in his heart. After Xianglige experienced this incident, his idealism seemed to be disillusioned, and what he said out of pessimism was unfortunately true.

Unification did not end the war. After the demise of the Six Kingdoms, the seeds of hatred grew quickly after being planted, and new turmoil would still follow.

But this is the historical process of the painful birth of a unified empire, and the only one who can slightly alleviate the pain of this process is maybe you?

Don't say any depressing words early on. Although the Southern Mo is extinct, aren't there still Qin Mo like you?

At this thought, Heifulu patted the confused Cheng Shang and said: With all due respect, Mohists are also useful in other places besides war! For example, your skills in making offensive and defensive equipment are used in the construction of Ji. Are the sharp tools for pounding water and rice worse than ordinary craftsmen?

What the leader means is.

Heifu smiled and said: Nanjun Shuidi, the Mohist may know a thing or two about it!

In early March, after the Southern Army defeated Ruyin, Mengwu left 10,000 men to guard Ruyin, and 10,000 men went south to threaten the Huai River. He personally led Li You and other six captains to cross the Ying River, defeating Chu's arrangement. The ten thousand people here began to implement Wang Jian's planned outflanking plan.

Xiang Yan also sensed the danger and still led the Chu army to fight and retreat. However, when they arrived east of Chengfu, they found that Mengwu's 60,000-strong army had appeared behind him!

On the military chariot, the Nanjun soldiers, who were the vanguard of the Southern army, reported back that they had contacted General Wang Jian to the west. The Chu army of 100,000 people had been pressed into a low-lying swamp by the Chinese and Southern armies, and had to camp and form an array. .

Where is this place?

Heifu asked Ji Ying, who was responsible for controlling the map.


Ji Ying spread out the map and replied: This place is forty miles away from Qicheng and is called Qinan!

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