Qin Official

Chapter 263 This is not football...

In late January, in the eastern suburbs of Shangcai, there was originally a wasteland lawn where Li Si and his son chased cunning rabbits with their yellow dogs. This year, camps full of people appeared out of thin air, with a few green spaces left in between. Nowadays, Qin is also crowded with people. Surrounded by soldiers.

They stood on a pile of walls and watched the fierce confrontation on the grassland divided into rectangles.

As the military judge who was guest referee sounded a copper whistle, Li Xian was dressed in black and covered with black leather armor. His chest, back, thighs and arms were tightly protected, and he also wore a leather jacket on his head. He took a deep breath, took a few steps back to start running, then suddenly flew up with a kick, wrapped the pig urine bubble with cow leather, and kicked it high with a leather ball filled with feathers and straw!

The ball flew more than ten steps away, over the heads of his five-man companions who were also wearing black armor, and finally landed on the right half of the rectangular grassland, where a group of Qin soldiers wearing red armor...

The tall flag-bearing soldier had been staring at the ball for a long time. At this moment, he jumped up suddenly and held his hands in his arms! Then he began to run forward with long strides, his steps as heavy as a rhinoceros, but as soon as he crossed the center line drawn by black charcoal powder, he was swarmed by five black-armored Qin soldiers who had been waiting for him, trying to knock him to the ground!

However, the man was tall and strong, and despite being pulled and pushed by several people, he still took a few steps forward. Before he was pushed to the ground, he flicked his arm and threw the ball hard, and it happened to be knocked off the lawn. Dongmen Leopard, who was running forward quickly, raised his hand to catch him. He was the leader of this red-armored team!

The Dongmen Leopard was running through the grass like a galloping leopard. Under Li Xian's command, he tried to pull and push the black-armored Qin soldiers who were blocking him, but they were all knocked over by the red-armored soldiers who were covering the Dongmen Leopard. In the end, Li Xian was beaten to pieces by this guy and fell to the ground. In the end, the Dongmen Leopards successfully ran to the bottom line and threw the ball into the goal. The ball was caught in the fishing net behind...

A copper whistle sounded again, and the Qin soldiers who were watching gave out deafening cheers. Dongmen Leopard also showed off to everyone like a hero on the battlefield...

Zhang Han, who was sitting on the earth wall, saw this scene. Although he didn't quite understand it, he was infected by the atmosphere. He laughed loudly, but turned his head and said loudly to Heifu: Captain, there is still something I don't know about. Explanation, isn’t it called football? Why do all the soldiers on the field use their hands?”

Didn't you use enough when you first served? You might as well call it football...

Heifu made excuses, but the reality was very helpless, because the game in front of him really couldn't be called football. Instead, it was like a mixture of the football field, rugby rules and gameplay.

At first, he wanted to teach everyone how to play football using the Ju used in Cuju. It was better than doing nothing all day long, and it was more interesting than throwing stones out of line or throwing kettles by throwing arms.

But everyone was like children who had never seen football before and didn't know the rules. They got into chaos soon after the game started. Not only were physical collisions frequent, pushing and pushing caused chaos, but people often subconsciously caught the ball with their hands. Dongmen Leopard was even more playful. He couldn't get enough of kicking, so he directly copied the ball into his hands and even dribbled the ball. He jumped into the fishing net that was used as a goal, and then laughed like a fool, saying that he hadn't felt this happy in a long time...

Seeing this scene, Heifu had an idea and changed the rules and gameplay of the game into something different:

The two sides compete with ten people. The game can use both hands and feet. It adopts a turn-based attack system. The defensive team kicks the ball towards the offensive team. After the offensive team catches the ball, they will try to move forward. They can run wildly with the ball or throw the ball forward. , until he was intercepted and knocked down by the defender. The offensive team then starts an attack from the point where the ball was intercepted, with a total of three chances until the number of attacks is exhausted or the ball is sent to the baseline and thrown into the goal.

Thus, in Zhang Han's eyes, a group of Qin soldiers looked like they were going into battle. They wore heavy armor on their bodies, either forming a line of five or five to defend their opponents, or holding a ball and running like crazy. Under the command, block and push each other, looking for opportunities to break through!

The most common scene is that they collide with each other with strong bodies, making the sound of armor friction, or like a leopard catching a sheep, they put each other down to the ground and press them under them, sweating and the soil and turf are messy. Flying, and the people watching were also excited to see it.

This is the football that has been popular among Nanjun soldiers in the past half month. Because Zhang Han was ordered to build another corridor, he only saw its true face today...

It's hard to say anything else, but it's a first-class way to kill time. Not only does it have a lot of fun playing, but it also makes people fascinated after they understand the rules a little bit.

This was the case for Zhang Han. Heifu explained to him that there were 10 people on each side of the offensive and defensive sides, which was just enough for the Qin army.

In the middle of the front row, there is a group of soldiers wearing heavy armor to block people, called line forwards, and two people sprinting to catch the ball, called receivers. In the back row, there is a person who is good at decision-making and serving, and the two defensive ones are called Defender.

Every time you catch the ball and make a breakthrough, you must move forward five steps until you are knocked down by the opponent. Otherwise, you must give the opponent a chance to attack. If the ball reaches the baseline, it is worth 1 point. If a player reaches the baseline with the ball, it is called a touchdown and it is worth 2 points. If the ball can be thrown into the goal, it is worth 3 points.

The offensive team should push forward as much as possible, while the defensive team should steal the opponent's ball and run as far as possible in one breath, trying to hinder the enemy's attack as much as possible.

In short, these are the rules that the black man put together randomly. Everything is simple and easy to understand. After all, we really need to introduce the complicated offside rules of rugby and football in later generations. This group of mostly illiterate soldiers fell asleep before they finished listening. It’s on…

While simplifying the rules, he also shortened the game time, all for a more intense confrontation.

What if we get into a fight over a disagreement over a fight for the ball? Zhang Han asked Heifu worriedly during an intermission a moment after the game arrived.

General physical collisions are harmless, as long as they are within the rules and don't go too far. Besides, I have arranged for medical first aid personnel to be waiting aside. Without fighting in the past few months, they will not even have a place to use them.

Heifu put away his smile: But if you start fighting because you are not convinced, then it will be considered a crime of private fighting. Everyone knows how to punish them.

He pursed his lips, pointed at Le who was blowing the whistle on the field and said: That is the military judge of my own. With him on the field to judge, let's see who dares to mess around!

Zhang Han nodded. At this time, another whistle sounded, and the second half of the game began.

Zhang Han was just watching the fun at first. Watching the Dongmen Leopards and others steal the ball, then fall down and get crushed by a group of defensive people, it made him laugh with joy.

However, as time goes by, watch both sides attack once, twice, and three times, passing away time and time again, advancing inch by inch. When their third attack was ten steps away from the baseline and it looked like there was no chance, they suddenly sent a pass to survive. When they had one step to cross the line, they were suddenly held down by the opponent, and their success was about to fail. See how after repeated failures, ten people gathered in a circle to discuss how to defend, then held each other's arms and roared, and then prepared for the next kick in a solemn atmosphere...

Looking at all this, Zhang Han felt that he had been fascinated.

Once again, they successfully dribbled the ball into the net, and the spectators once again cheered. This time, even Zhang Han couldn't help but stand up and praise them for their hand.

I once watched a human-for-human drama in Xinzheng City, and it was not half as exciting as today! This is the real military drama!

No, this football seems to be more than just a military drama.

If Zhang Han had some enlightenment, he would know why he had such a strong sense of déjà vu. Under the command of the chief, the whole team was responsible for blocking, running, and carrying. Some people died, some fell, and some Take the ball and keep going, only to throw it hard to the baseline.

He actually vaguely felt that there was a little bit of... the art of war hidden in this play?

Zhang Han was not the only one who felt this way. After the game, when everyone was congratulating the winning side, several messengers from behind shouted: General Wang is here!

There is only one person in the whole army who can be called General Wang. The Qin soldiers who were watching and the players who were sweating profusely and had not even had time to wipe them all bowed to the ground and looked respectfully at the man who had been sitting just now. In an inconspicuous step, the old general watched the whole process accompanied by Captain Li You personally explaining it...

Hei Fu also prostrated himself on the ground. When he looked up, he saw that among the black clothes and armor that everyone generally wore, there was a little bit of white. General Wang Jian looked like an ordinary old military leader, wearing ordinary common clothes, except for the towering bird on his head. The crown revealed his status. The general's once tall body has shrunk a lot, but his aura that can make the three armies stop at one glance has not been reduced by half!

The drama played by the second and third sons today really opened my eyes.

Wang Jian's voice was still full of energy. He asked everyone to refrain from courtesy, and these words also came from the heart.

Like Zhang Han, Wang Jian was initially just out of curiosity and spectatorship, wanting to see what kind of game this football was that could become popular among Nanjun soldiers and make hundreds or even thousands of people stand and watch for half an hour.

From Wang Jian's perspective and experience, this game seems very simple. It consists of passing, blocking, running, and shooting. There are no complicated rules. It is sometimes intense, sometimes dull, and sometimes tangled. Twenty people on the field are involved in defending each other, or rushing forward. , or feet deep in the mud, stumbling and stumbling.

But when he saw the back, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the spirit of war and iron horse from this small lawn of a hundred steps square!

Body and intelligence collide violently, space advancement, team cooperation, finding openings, and hitting the spot with one strike. The army was suffocating and stagnating, and a bolt of lightning split the clouds. Wang Jian was all too familiar with that feeling.

Yes, he suddenly realized that this was not football, this was the art of war, the military battles he had experienced countless times!

Five soldiers lined up in a row to block the opponent, but there were sudden cavalry on the two wings. The commander directed the people to achieve victory by coincidence and surprise.

In just two moments of confrontation, in order to defeat the opponent, the soldiers used many methods. From the attack, Wang Jian saw that the weak should be used to make the real, and the real should be weak, to lure the enemy with profit, to take the enemy with chaos, and to be prepared with the real force. If they are strong, avoid them, if they are angry, they will scratch them, if they are humble, they will be arrogant, if they are lost, they will work for them, if they are close to them, they will leave. Attack the unprepared and take them by surprise...

From defense, we can also see that if you are prepared for the front, you will be few at the back, if you are prepared for the back, you will be few for the front, if you are prepared for the left, you will be few for the right, if you are prepared for the right, you will be few for the left, if you are not prepared for everything, you will be few for everything...

Things in the Art of War, including military strength, virtual reality, military shape, and nine changes, seem to be condensed in it. Those twenty people were just ordinary soldiers and officers. Of course they did not understand the Art of War. They just subconsciously understood the art of war after playing this game for a long time. Doing it, because in this world, there is combat and confrontation first, and then there is the art of war that summarizes its laws.

But the person who came up with this game must be someone who understands the art of war and military warfare!

Wang Jian's eyes scanned the crowd.

Where is Captain Heihu?

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