Qin Official

Chapter 256 Wang Jian

In early September, soldiers recruited from various counties in Nanjun gathered in Yan. There were more than 10,000 soldiers and tens of thousands of civilians. The county captain Li You was appointed as the captain. Although he was the captain like last time, this time he led an extra staff. The military, which has been trained for several months, has a completely different quality.

After Heifu came to report, Li You asked him to stay in the big tent and discuss military affairs with the military commander Feng Jing and several leaders, and discussed the strategies that General Wang Jian might adopt to attack Chu this time.

When Heifu heard that General Wang Jian had always sought stability in his military deployment, and that this time the confrontation was likely to advance slowly, one of the leaders couldn't help but raise objections.

I think General Wang's use of troops cannot be expressed in terms of 'seeking stability'.

Hei Fu looked at him and saw that this man was in his thirties, with a yellow complexion and a long beard reaching to his chest.

Who is this?

This is the Lieutenant of the County, Duke Meng Jia.

Feng Jing introduced him: Leader Meng is also from Pinyang. He is from the same hometown as General Wang Jian and served as General Wang's general.

Meng Jia claimed to be Wang Jian's old tribe and talked about a war that took place in the eleventh year of King Qin's reign (236 BC).

General Wang led the troops to attack Zhao Guolanyu, and I was also serving as the commander of the army at that time. This Lanyu is an important place in the Taihang Mountains, and the road is long and dangerous. During the reign of the late king Zhao, Zhao She, the general of Zhao, once came here to The strategy of meeting on a narrow road and the brave prevails resulted in a major defeat of the Qin general Hu Yang. At that time, the Zhao army adopted the same tactics as Zhao She, occupying the high ground of Yan and Beishan first, and commanding a commanding position, while our army was unable to attack from behind...

Although General Wang has been a general for many years, his reputation is not well known, and the world does not know his abilities. At that time, he had only led the army for eighteen days, and he ordered the army's officers, who were full of hundreds of stones, to come out and select ten men from the one hundred thousand army. Select two people to stay in the army, and finally got 20,000 elite soldiers, and captured the north and Yanyu in one fell swoop, then rolled up their armor and marched hundreds of miles, and attacked eastward and captured nine cities of Zhao!

I was lucky enough to be selected into this elite army, and I was promoted to the rank of non-commissioned officer for my meritorious service.

That was Wang Jian's famous battle. It can be seen that the old general Wang's military use at that time was not only unstable, but even a bit radical.

Meng Jia was from a typical Guanzhong military meritorious family. Not only did he have experience from the bottom, but he also knew some tactics. He said: Furthermore, the tactics of war are the same. If you use them in battle, you will win. Over time, blunt soldiers will defeat the enemy, and if you attack the city, you will win. If the strength is weak and the troops are violent for a long time, the country will not be able to use it. Therefore, the soldiers have heard that they are clumsy and quick, but they have not seen the skill of the army. It is impossible for the country to benefit from the army for a long time...

Therefore, I think that General Wang's autumn harvest march will be like the battle between Yan and Zhi, attacking the Chu land quickly, trying to quickly occupy Huaibei before the snow falls, and wait until next year to slowly advance into Huainan.

But Hei Fu shook his head: This battle is different from Yan Yu. It is a battle to destroy the country. The Chu army is far from being defeated and can only be defeated slowly. The last time General Li Xin attacked Chu, he It was because he was too hasty and rushed forward, so I thought that General Wang should act cautiously, just like the battle to destroy Zhao, he used right combination and won by surprise!

The two of them were arguing here, but they couldn't come up with any results for a while. Li You stopped them and said with a smile: It's useless for you to argue about General Wang's military intentions. You can do it when we meet the army next month. Got it!

Then he pointed at the map: The general has an order. The troops from Nanjun, Ba, Shu, and Hanzhong counties will gather in Wancheng in mid-September to join forces with the Nanyang County soldiers! Wait for General Wang's order!

The total number of soldiers and civilians in these five counties is 150,000, which can be regarded as the southern legion of the army attacking Chu.

With so many people, they need to eat 200,000 shi a month just for food, not counting the loss of food transported along the way. The consumption is huge.

Hei Fu was moved. After the military meeting was over, he stayed and asked Li Youdao: Jun Lieutenant, I heard that Nanjun's rice and millet production increased by nearly 600,000 dan this year. Most of this grain is produced in public fields. It can be directly If they are used as military rations, do we also have to escort them northward?

This is the effect of the compost retting method. County Shou Teng will definitely come out on top in the county preparation competition this year. Although it is far less than expected, it is still enough to feed 150,000 people for three months.

Li You shook his head: Although Governor Ye intended to do this, General Wang refuted this proposal.

Why is this? Heifu was a little surprised.

General Wang sent an envoy to tell Nanjun to store grain.

Li You asked him to come over and whispered: Maybe it will come in handy when the army attacks Huainan and Jiangdong!

Hei Fu was stunned when he heard this.

The flag is up! It seems that Wang Jian is confident that he can win this battle!

At the same time, Wang Jian had also taken 200,000 Guanzhong disciples out of Hangu Pass and headed for Yingchuan County. The old general had done nothing else in the past half month and sent him back to Xianyang to ask the King of Qin for an increase in rewards. There are five groups of messengers from the field!

Even Wang Jian's general Qiang Yu couldn't stand this behavior. When the army arrived in Luoyang, Sanchuan County, he advised: Since the general is at the pass, the envoys who have returned to the good land for five generations are like begging for a loan. Somewhat passed...

Wang Jian sighed deeply and told his old subordinates something.

Qiang Yu, you should know the deeds of Gan Mao, the prime minister during the reign of our late king Wu, right?

Qiang He lowered his head: Although Qiang He is a rough man, he has heard of some.

Wang Jian put his hands behind his hands and talked: Back then, King Wu and Gan Mao got along well with each other. One day, he told Gan Mao that I have a wish. I want to drive through the three rivers to get a glimpse of the Zhou Dynasty. But if I want to get through the Zhou Dynasty, I must break the Han Dynasty. In the western border, Gan Mao was ordered to lead troops to attack Yiyang, a large county in South Korea. He was well aware of the dangers of the Qin army crossing Weihan. They would have to travel thousands of miles to attack the fortified city and would be unable to disembark for several months. So before leaving, he told King Wu that Zeng Shen had killed someone. He Leyang slandered the book and swore an oath with King Wu on the ground. I hope King Wu will not doubt it.

Sure enough, during the five months when Gan Mao attacked Yiyang, many ministers in the court slandered Gan Mao. King Wu also hesitated several times, and finally insisted on not recalling Gan Mao because of the Xirang Alliance. Only then could Gan Mao capture Yiyang. Positive……

After Wang Jian finished talking about Gan Mao, he told himself again: A few years ago, I destroyed Zhao and defeated Handan, but Zhao Jia moved to the throne; I also attacked Yan, ruining both the upper and lower capitals, and took away the king of Yan to Liaodong; and my son Wang Ben Destroying Wei, irrigating Daliang, and razing the century-old capital to the ground. Looking at the past three generations, how could a father and son destroy thirty thousand people in a row? With such a minister, even a holy king would have some concerns, right?

That's why, when the king first attacked Chu, he didn't want to use me, so that I could destroy more cities in the country and make achievements that are hard to reward. The reason for trusting Li Xin was to promote young people and compete with the king in the army. It was not until Li Xin was defeated that he had no choice but to come to Pinyang in person and ask me to lead the army. Although he agreed that I would only destroy Chu with 600,000 soldiers, he still had doubts in his heart.

Following the example of Bai Qi who refused King Zhao of Qin to send troops to attack Zhao, and ended up committing suicide by Du Ting, Wang Jian did not dare to refuse the king's order, so he could only accept the tiger talisman.

Only to Qiang You, who had been with him for more than ten years, could Wang Jian tell the truth that he had been holding back for a long time.

Now, the king's entire army of 600,000 men has been entrusted to my hands, which is worse than the 100,000 troops led by Gan Mao. The king's trust in me is not as much as Zeng Shen's mother trusted Zeng Shen, and even less than Qin Wu's trust in Gan Mao. Destroy Chu. It's ten times more difficult than conquering Yiyang! It's okay for now, but when the army stays out for a long time and spends a lot of money every day, there will be more than three people in the court slandering the king!

In this situation, I have been forced to the edge of a knife. I am afraid that the king will be like my great-grandmother who threw herself into a tree and doubted me. I can only visit fertile land and beautiful houses again and again, pretending that I will continue to provide for my retirement after the war. , and use the sons and grandsons in Xianyang as pledges. Only in this way can the king's heart be at ease... When the king's heart is at ease, I can also command the army with peace of mind. If we use the right combination to achieve a surprising victory, then Chu will be destroyed!

After talking for a while, Qiang Yu suddenly realized it and bowed down: General, you have thought carefully!

But then, he raised his head again and expressed his doubts: But as the following officials know, the king is a wise king rarely seen throughout the ages. His ambition is enough to take over the world, and his mind is broad and can accommodate people. Even the South Korean surrender General Ye Teng can also be trusted. Let him be the governor of Nanjun and let him govern freely. How can he doubt the general? Is the general overthinking it?

Wang Jian also smiled: That's right, maybe the old man is worrying too much. The mulberry trees have fallen, and they have yellowed and fallen. The older people get, the more suspicious they become. What I said just now is just that the old man is confused. Don't spread it. …”

It wasn't until Qiang Yu resigned that Wang Jian stopped smiling. Qiang Yu was a Qiang from Longxi. He was simple-minded and was willing to take out his heart after receiving courtesy and grace from the King of Qin. But he didn't know the king's true temperament!

It can be said that Wang Jian has watched the king grow up, so he knows that the king trusts people, but the king is ignorant and distrusts people!

The king liked Han Feizi and liked to use skills and power to control his ministers. He can trust those who can control it, such as Nanjun Shouting.

Ye Teng betrayed South Korea and rebelled to destroy South Korea. In the eyes of Shandong scholars, he was considered to be of low moral character. Although he was a capable official, many people in the court despised him. But why did he gain the trust of the king?

Because Ye Teng sent his troops to destroy Han, the old Korean nobles in Yingchuan wanted to eat his flesh raw, and the world despised him. Without the protection of the king, he would have no place to stand, so King Qin could use him with confidence without worrying about Ye Teng. Teng will betray.

Ye Teng is also smart. He knows why he can gain the trust of King Qin, so after going to Nanjun, his escape route was cut off again! Within a hundred days of taking office, he went on a rampage to seize thieves, kill clan leaders without mercy, and was violent in administration, offending many local clan leaders.

This method was even better than Wang Jian's, and directly blocked his Three Cunning Rabbit Cave. As a result, King Qin trusted Ye Teng more and more. Seeing that Nanjun had a good harvest this time, and an extra 600,000 shi of military rations had been donated, King Qin might have Ye Teng. Transferred to serve in the DPRK...

Contrary to Ye Teng, Wang Jian now has an army of 600,000 and is thousands of miles away. He has become an uncontrollable person for the King of Qin. He can only tell the King of Qin by asking for the land: The old minister has no objection!

I believe that the King of Qin, with his wisdom, can understand and identify the increasing slanders.

Wang Jian couldn't help but sigh: It's an inferior method after all. It would be great if he could be like Zhang Yi and attribute the credit to the master every time. With the land of Bashu in the west, Xihe in the north, and Shangyong in the south, the world I don’t think this is Zhang Yi’s contribution, but he is a virtuous King Hui of Qin, so he will not be suspected until the end of King Hui’s life.”

After thinking about this, Wang Jian couldn't sleep. The burden of 600,000 people was not light on his shoulders. He began to understand why Wu'an Jun Bai Qi often couldn't sleep at night and his health deteriorated before and after the Battle of Changping. Sick.

The old general simply stood up again, lit the anointing lamp, spread out the map, moved his fingers along the roads, and traveled from city to city.

It is now mid-September, and 200,000 people from Guanzhong have arrived in Luoyang, and 150,000 people from Nanjun, Bashu, Hanzhong, and Nanyang have also gathered in Wan.

One hundred thousand people in Sanchuan and Yingchuan have been waiting for a long time.

Fifteen thousand people from Hedong, Taiyuan and Zhao also arrived at Baimakou and could cross the river at any time to garrison in Dangjun.

Qin's war machine was roaring, and its 600,000-strong army was gradually approaching the Chu territory.

Wang Jian also knew very well who his opponent was.

Xiang Yan, I'm here. I'm bringing Qin's armored soldiers with me. The attack is fierce. Are you ready?

The deceased was like a man who never gave up day and night. Thirty years have passed since Xiang Yan came to Xianyang with Lord Chunshen to pay homage to the temple during the funeral of King Zhaoxiang, and met Wang Jian, the palace guard. Thirty years have passed...

Back then, the two young generals chatted about military matters for a long time in the cold palace. They felt that they had met at a late date, but at that time they also had a feeling that the other party would become their enemy.

Now, they are all in their twilight years. They thought they would miss it, but they never thought that they would finally have a chance to fight!

Wang Jian knew very well that this was a battle that would determine the final trend of the world.

If he wins, the nine states will be unified, and the five hundred years of chaos in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods will end; if Xiang Yan wins, Jingchu will survive, and the state of Chu will be able to continue for eight hundred years.

Although Wang Jian complained that King Qin's trust in him was far less than that of King Qin Wu in Gan Mao. However, it is not as good as the previous one but more than the inferior one.

Looking at Shouchun, the capital of Chu, on the map, Wang Jian showed a gloating smile from his gray beard.

Xiang Yan, how much does King Chu trust you?

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