Qin Official

Chapter 249 Kindness but no seed

That night, after everyone left, looking at the messy cups and plates at the banquet, Heifu smiled.

The look on everyone's face when they left must have been shocked by my bold words...

Brother, not only them, I am also still immersed in brother's words, and I haven't recovered yet. said the man on the side in shock.

He raised his head and looked at Hei Fu, with a trace of uneasiness in his eyes: Brother Zhong, aren't princes, princes, generals and prime ministers really destined to be born? Why do people always tell me that I am born a noble person since I was a child?

Jing was still a little hesitant, because in Nanjun, which had been ruled by the Chu Kingdom for hundreds of years, the lineage theory was very popular.

All Chu kings in the past dynasties claimed to be of the Zhurong bloodline. The inscription of their name in bronze is not bear as later generations would call it, but 铓 (yǎn). Its pictographic meaning is to offer wine to the sky with cornstarch wine, which is a symbol of divine destiny. . In the five hundred years since Queen Wu of Chu, there have been only two Ling Yins who were not from the royal family. One of them, Wu Qi, was attacked by a group of people because he wanted to abolish the hereditary system of kings in Chu and suppress the ministers. Have a good death.

Therefore, this idea of ​​born noble is still very popular among the people of Nanjun.

Facing his brother's doubts, Heifu asked him: Do you still remember the stories I told you? Fu Shuo was raised among the building blocks, Jiao Ge was raised among the fish and salt, Guan Yi was raised among the scholars, these Are people born to be virtuous? It’s not like they come from a humble background!

In addition, the Yun family is also of noble birth and is a descendant of the ancient Yun Kingdom. But where is Yun Man now? I came from a humble background. I was born to the same mother as you. I was once a soldier in Guizhou and had no money. Where do I sit now? superior?

Thinking of this, Heifu only felt that he was really an inspirational model. In terms of background alone, he was even more of a loser than Liu Bang and Chen Sheng!

Fortunately, he did not fall into the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, nor did he fall into the Spring and Autumn Period, but came to the end of the Warring States Period.

China's history can be divided into the era of Shiqing Shilu with seed and the era of imperial bureaucracy with seed. In the former, birth is better than ability, in the latter, ability is better than birth. These two eras happened to be the Warring States, Qin, and Han Dynasties as the dividing points. Heifu and the others stood in the changing world situation.

The wars and wars of the Warring States Period have torn apart the high wall of ministers and nobles in the Spring and Autumn Period. With the decline of noble families and the rise of scholars, scribes, warriors, and strategists of humble origins entered and left the courts of various countries, ranking as ministers, and the prime ministers must rise. In the state department, the slogan that fierce generals must be sent to the soldiers was also shouted out openly.

Unlike Chu, which continued to follow the old hereditary path, Qin's military merit title system went to the other extreme: Those with military merit will each receive a title according to their rate. This means that anyone who has achieved military merit, regardless of their origin or class, can enjoy the title and salary. Military merit is the most necessary condition for receiving the reward of title and salary.

In addition, the clan cannot be a member unless it has military merit. This is the abolition of the hereditary privileges enjoyed by the clan nobles. They can no longer obtain high-ranking officials, generous salaries, titles and fiefdoms based only on blood relations as in the past. It is said that even Qin Wangzheng's younger brother Cheng Qi was not granted a title at first. He became a titleholder only after he went to South Korea as an envoy and obtained a lot of land and cities for Qin.

From having a seed to not having a seed, it has gone through a long process, and it was definitely not something Chen Sheng said in one sentence. The greatest achievement of the phrase Princes and generals should be contented with each other is that it has brought down the emperors of the eternal line from the altar.

Heifu doesn't dare to shout like that now. It's a rebellion. Just change it cleverly and combine it with the military merit system.

A person's achievements are made, not born. Destiny is in your own hands, and only through your own efforts can you change your unequal fate!

Having said that, in the Qin State, the average Guizhou soldiers, even if they were beheaded and promoted all the way through great luck, they could only become public servants, and then it would be difficult to be promoted. This is a ceiling for class mobility. Before Heifu, countless people bumped into it and suffered severe injuries.

Because the fifth official or above is equivalent to Qing, the place of origin begins to be recorded separately.

But Heifu threatened to break through this ceiling and set a small goal for himself first: to become a marquis! Deshi!

This ambitious statement made Li Xian, Dongmen Bao, Ji Ying, and Xiao Tao wake up suddenly, making their scalps numb and feeling that a new door had been opened before their eyes!

No one dared to have the same ambition, but they also understood that if Heifu could really get to that point, their followers would certainly benefit from it.

doctor? County captain? Maybe there is hope to go further!

So, on the second day after returning, everyone who was originally lazy had a completely new outlook on life!

Dongmen Bao stopped shouting about hugging his son all day long. After returning to the village, he took out the hand halberd that he had not practiced for a long time and started making precise gestures.

Xiao Tao also paid close attention to the training of the crossbow officer, and he suddenly found his goal: to assist Heifu with all his strength!

Ji Ying also quietly changed his ambition of becoming a doctor to becoming an official!

Li Xian was more diligent in his official duties and assisted Heifu in preparing for military training.

Even Jing, who was definitely not going to graduate before the war, picked up the boring rules and recited them again after returning to the school.

Heifu saw all this and was very satisfied.

On the day I first took office, the county magistrate Yong He said to me that government is like a chariot and officials are like horses. We are all driven by others.

But in my opinion, my ambition is like a chariot. It cannot be pushed by myself. Why aren't everyone my chariots? In terms of intelligence and potential, they certainly cannot compare with a chariot like Chen Ping. , they are just ordinary mules and horses from the county and township. They are not fast, but very loyal. They obey my instructions and move steadily. These horses have different temperaments and hobbies. They will be tired and lazy. In order to prevent them from falling behind, they must be spurred from time to time. OK!

After stimulating his men, Heifu also devoted himself to the intense recruitment work in Anlu County.

According to the county's plan, each county will prepare the recruitment list in May, conduct small-scale formation training in townships and pavilions in June, continue reorganization in the county in July so that they can recognize the golden drum flag, and distribute weapons and conduct tactics in August Training together...

However, in June, a major case broke out in Anlu County. The local order was somewhat chaotic, and the recruitment work was also delayed. The current progress is much slower than planned.

Heifu asked Li Xian to show him the draft list. The Qin State has a universal conscription system. Once you reach adulthood at the age of 17, you must be registered in your place of origin and be ready to apply at any time!

Young people aged 17 to 20 mainly perform corvées, that is, building walls and roads, transporting grain, etc. Heifu did wall building work in the county. He was also dragged to escort prisoners last time. He was a baggage carrier when the Wei Dynasty was destroyed. The army relied on connections to get into the combat unit.

After reaching the age of 20, one becomes strong and must continue to serve as a garrison soldier and a regular soldier. One year the local troops in the county, that is, the county soldiers, and the other year in the border or central garrison.

Of course, most people in Nanjun have no chance to go to Xianyang and can directly garrison nearby. Anyway, Nanjun itself is a border area. It was during these two years of military life that the loosely disciplined Guizhou soldiers were trained by military law into orderly soldiers. They acquired the concept of formation and the ability to recognize golden drums. When they heard that a war was about to happen, they would not show fear. , but will be happy to hear the battle.

After the standing army service is completed, all young people of school age will be transferred to the reserve force. In addition to serving one month of corvee service in counties and counties every year, once war breaks out and they are named, they must immediately enlist in the army. They are exempt from military service until the age of 56 (for those with a title) or 60 (for those without a title).

Different from the last battle to destroy Chu, the Qin State recruited troops hastily and haphazardly. This time, the entire Nanjun carried out this summer's recruitment work in strict accordance with the Garrison Law.

Li Xian was indeed an official and was familiar with everything in the county official's office. He presented a slip and said: County Lieutenant, Anlu County has one county with more than a thousand households, and three townships, Beijiao Township. , Yunmeng Township, and Jinshui Township, there are a total of thirty pavilions in the three townships, and each pavilion ranges from five to ten miles.

According to the old conscription rules in previous years, each hut will send out one corps of soldiers, with Wu Lao or Li Dian serving as the corps leader and commander; the two pavilions will send fifty soldiers together, and a pavilion commander will be selected as the village commander. A recruited county official will serve as the Hundred General. In this way, Bai, Tun, Shi, and Wu will all be composed of township party members who know each other well!

This is the Qin State with all the people as soldiers and classical militarism! The grassroots organizations in peacetime can transform into military organizations during wartime. According to the different titles of the conscripts, they will hold different positions in the military...

Calculated in this way, the three townships alone can send nearly a thousand troops. Together with the soldiers recruited from the county, there should be more than a thousand troops, which has reached the number required by Li You.

They will be organized into a team, led by Heifu, the county captain, with two five-hundred masters, a short-soldier bodyguard and one hundred generals, as well as medical and first-aid personnel and other supporting logistics personnel.

Heifu thought secretly: Speaking of which, the 900 men who were joined by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang to garrison Yuyang in the future were also composed of two counties, right? The two of them also became the commanders of the camp, and the two officers who were killed were actually It’s the county captain!”

Of course, Heifu would not let such a thing happen in advance, so he asked Li Xian to carefully determine the list and give priority to recruiting the property-rich people, and not to let the have-nots join the army! Evil boys and light knights are unstable factors in the army.

I want an elite army composed of children from good families in Anlu! Merchants and workers will be incorporated into the baggage team!

He made arrangements like this: Each township and pavilion must complete the recruitment before the first day of July. They will train in the township and pavilion for ten days and organize the troops. On July 10, they will take everyone with them to the county seat to assemble!

When the draftees from various townships were about to gather in the county town to receive training as county captain, Hei Fu was also involved in a private matter.

move place!

When the county governor Teng was in Xingxian County, he once praised the method of composting and retting, which greatly increased the grain output of Nanjun and made great contributions to the country and the people. Therefore, just when Heifu was finally knighted for his advice on medical care and first aid At the same time as the doctor, his brother-in-law Zhong also received a reward from the county and was worshiped as a hairpin...

Not only did his title increase, but Zhong was also recruited into Anlu County as a field official. As Tian Shifu's deputy, he was equivalent to the Deputy Director of the County Agricultural Bureau in later generations, and he would take office at the end of June.

In this case, their three brothers are all in the county. They can't leave their mother at home alone, right? So, after discussing with Zhong, Jing, and his mother, Heifu made a decision: move the family to Anlu County!

Hei Fu completed the household registration procedures at the county magistrate's office and went back to his hometown during his vacation. He saw the big leafy banyan tree in Yunmeng Township in the distance in the sunset. Hei Fu was a little reluctant to leave it. The old door, the aging yellow dog, every brick and tile, there is the warmth of home everywhere.

But he still had to leave after all, and his family and home couldn't help but move with Heifu's footsteps.

On the next day, seven or eight rented or borrowed ox carts, pulling various belongings that mothers were reluctant to throw away, set off towards the county seat. Standing in the sunset, while receiving the congratulations and congratulations from the villagers, Heifu's heart flashed. Have a narrow-minded thought.

From now on, my family also has an urban registered permanent residence!

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