Qin Official

Chapter 240 Inner Room

What Zuo Bing Cao Shi said is exactly what I am worried about...

Li Youshen agreed with Heifu's suggestion, because when it came to using space, his family was the best.

More than ten years ago, his father Li Si entered Xianyang for the first time. He first became a guest of Marquis Wenxin Lu Buwei, and then he was able to serve as a lang, that is, an official of the king's attendants. In addition to Lang Wei, there were also Yi Lang, Yi Lang, There are many kinds of ministers, ministers, and doctors. Li Si's job is to serve as a counselor, and he mainly stays with the king for consultation.

It was in this position that Li Si was able to get a glimpse of King Qin's temperament, fall in love with him, and lobby for urgent annexation of the six countries, which showed his talent for the first time.

So the King of Qin was overjoyed, thinking that he had found a talent who was very similar to his own. He appointed him as Prime Minister Chang Shi, and asked Li Si to personally preside over it. He sent counselors to bring gold and jade to lobby the princes. If the princes' celebrities could be bought with money, they would use their wealth. Make friends with gifts, but if you can't buy them, stab them with a sharp sword! At the same time, he was also responsible for driving a wedge between the monarchs and ministers of the six kingdoms. After his government was corrupted, he then used good generals and an army to attack him.

Later generations used this incident to make up the spy agency Black Ice Platform.

So now that the Chu State sends assassins to assassinate the governor Teng, it is actually just repeating what the Qin State and the princes have done for hundreds of years, and there is nothing new.

Li You once heard his father talk about it. After doing this job for a few years, he was promoted to guest minister and his future was bright. Until the tenth year of the Qin Dynasty, he encountered a big crisis...

That year was truly eventful. First, the Prime Minister Lu Buwei was implicated in the Lao Ai case and was dismissed. At the same time, under the investigation of the counselors and spies chaired by Li Si, the Korean Zheng Guo's tired Qin plan to lobby the Qin State to overhaul the ditch was also exposed! According to the laws of Qin, Zheng Guo should die. Under the lobbying of his relatives, the King of Qin also developed a sense of distrust towards the scholars of the Six Kingdoms, so he expelled the guests!

As a native of Shangcai of Chu State, Li Si was also among those expelled. However, unlike other guest officials who were dejected and ready to leave Qin, he regarded this crisis as an opportunity. A Book of Remonstrance and Expulsion of Guests made King Qin change his mind and began to Further promote Li Si. At the same time, Li Si also became the benefactor and leader of the scholars in the Six Kingdoms of Qin at that time. From then on, Li Si rose to the top of the court...

By the way, Li Si also brought his family to Xianyang, and the Li family began to completely abandon their past identities and become loyal ministers of the King of Qin.

That year, there was a Daliang native from Wei named Wei Liao who arrived in Qin at about the same time as Li You and others...

Wei Liao studied military strategism and belonged to the branch of military power planners. He improved Li Si's strategy of using time to destroy the six kingdoms, recruit their talents, and alienate their monarchs and ministers, and further challenged the King of Qin. propose:

With the strength of Qin, the princes of the six countries are like the kings of prefectures and counties. However, I am afraid that the princes will unite again and attack Qin together with an unexpected force. This is the reason why King Zhibo, Fuchai, and King Min died. I hope that the king will not If he loves wealth, he bribes his powerful ministers to confuse his plans, but if he loses only 300,000 gold, then the feudal lords will be wiped out!

You can get the world by paying 300,000 taels of gold. This account is simply more cost-effective than Lu Buwei's deal, so the King of Qin asked Li Si and Wei Liao to jointly take charge of this matter and cultivate internal affairs among the six countries.

What is inner room? Sun Tzu's Art of War said: Inner room is used because of its officials. It refers to buying the enemy's dignitaries and officials as spies, or using them to collect intelligence, or to encourage them to surrender.

Since the inner circle is mainly the enemy's officials, these people often hold core secrets, have a deeper understanding of the enemy's politics and military aspects, and even hold certain military command rights. Once they are ours, If used, it will cause huge, even fatal harm to the enemy!

Guo Kai of Zhao State and Hou Sheng of Qi State were both within the Qin State. Guo Kai helped Qin get rid of Li Mu, a serious enemy of Qin. When Qin conquered Han and Wei and swept across Yan and Zhao, Qi Wangjian blindly pursued isolationism. While the fighting was going on outside, Qi seemed to be a An ostrich dug its head deep into the sand and said: As long as I don't resist Qin, the King of Qin will not destroy me...

Under the auspices of Wei Liao and Li Si, the Qin State spread throughout the six countries and tasted the sweetness of this strategy. So when Heifu said that the Chu State might have left a lot of internal affairs in Nanjun, Li You, the former spy chief of the Qin State, suddenly became vigilant.

Li Youjie did not believe that the other counties and counties were within the Chu Kingdom, because he had great confidence in Qin's legal system, but Nanjun was an exception.

Nanjun, as the former inner territory of Chu State, is still called Western Chu by some today, and its folk language, culture and customs are consistent with those of Huaibei.

What's even more terrible is that in addition to the three long-term officials of Shou Ling, Wei, and Cheng, there are also many former Chu nobles in the counties and counties. After surrendering to the Qin State, these people suddenly became Qin officials, controlling the actual power of each Cao Cao and each township. Although after two or three generations, they have regarded themselves as Qin people and took Qin laws as their teachings, but what happened in the Shangsi Festival can be seen It can be seen that the Chu poems and poems were popular among local scholars. The officials were honored to wear Chu-style high crowns. Many people even cherished the Chu style and felt that it was a good time for the nobles!

The subordinates also think so.

Heifu continued to encourage: Last year, Qin was defeated by Chu. Those who don't know the general situation may have strange thoughts and accept bribes from the Chu people to become their insiders...

In this way, Li You, who was surrounded by his father and knew the dangers of the insider, finally made up his mind: Thief Cao, you and the prison officer will continue to investigate the assassination case thoroughly. You must follow the clues and find out the insider behind it. !”

Then Li You looked at Heifu again: If those people inside resist with the help of their guest tribesmen, and Cao Tie, the left soldier, you will lead the county soldiers to wipe them out!

Cao Cao, the master of theft, is similar to the Provincial Public Security Department in later generations. Tang Qian is the father of Tang Jue, who was dumped by the woman in yellow at the Shangsi Festival blind date party. Tang Jue has now joined the medical and emergency personnel, and is regarded as Hei Fu's subordinate, so Tang Qian also has some friendship with him. After leaving the prefect's mansion, he complained to Hei Fu:

Zuo Bing Cao Shi, it's not easy to catch him here.

Tang Qian has his own difficulties. Nowadays, most of the officials and subordinates in the county are descendants of the scholar-bureaucrats of Chu State. The connections and accumulation left by the family cannot be easily eliminated. People like Heifu who are from common people , on the contrary, it is a strange thing.

Therefore, Tang Qian thought that if a large-scale investigation was carried out, new turmoil would be triggered. By then, all the officials in Jiangling City would be in danger, and the local clans would also be uneasy. Wouldn't the order of Nanjun be disrupted?

Heifu's real purpose is not to track down the inner world. Anyway, once the Chu Kingdom is destroyed, everything will not matter. The original inner circle had to settle down as officials of the Qin Dynasty. It was not until more than ten years later that a new storm broke out in the late Qin Dynasty, and they had the opportunity to reappear...

So Hei Fu comforted Tang Qian and said: Of course most of the officials are good officials of Qin, but there are a small group of people who have Chu State's inner circle who are causing trouble. Didn't the county lieutenant just say that while handling the assassination case, he will follow the clues and secretly investigate That’s it, don’t make a big show of it to scare others away.”

At this time, Heifu saw that there was no one around, so he lowered his voice and said, But I have a clue here, which may be useful to the thief Cao Yu...

Tang Qian was a little surprised: Oh? What did Zuo Bing Cao Shi find?

Heifu smiled and said: It has nothing to do with the Jiangling case. It is about my hometown Anlu. I suspect that there is also an inner circle in Anlu County! It has been secretly collaborating with the Chu State!

Tang Qian was overjoyed. He urgently needed the results to be handed over to Li You, so he urged: Please ask Zuo Bing Cao Shi to explain in detail.

This clue involves a key witness, Hu Gong Douran of Chu State who was captured last year. He once mentioned that there was an old minister of the Ruo'ao family in Anlu County who had correspondence with him, but he did not say who it was! Now that I think about it, , that person is probably a person within the Chu State, who has been leaking the truth of Anlu to the Chu State.

This happened! Tang Qian was a little surprised and asked, I wonder where Dou Ran is now?

Heifu said: Two months ago, I asked the warden to send a love letter to Nanyang County and transfer Dou Ran to Nanjun to investigate the matter thoroughly. Just today, after I left the county governor's house, I went to the warden again and found that Dou Ran has been taken to the county jail and is preparing for trial tomorrow! I will serve as a witness and confront Dou Ran to force him to tell the name of the interrogator! Once confirmed, I hope that the thief Cao Yu can help me bring him to justice. He is arrested and brought to justice!

ps: I recently studied the salaries of various positions in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and reset the number of stones for each position in the county: two thousand stones for the county guard, two thousand stones for the county captain, six hundred stones for the county magistrate, and three hundred stones for each chief officer. Cao Zuo Shi's level is more than two hundred stones, and Hei Fu is currently at this level. The previous setting was too high.

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