Qin Official

Chapter 236 Deterrence

In the past few days, although the Chu army has retreated, Qin's reinforcements have continued to arrive in Chaling. Some came from Jiangling and Ying counties, some from Zhijiang upstream, and even more from Jingling, Huarong and other places. .

For some reason, Lieutenant Li You did not send them back. In this way, by the end of April, the Qin army in Jiling had more than 7,000 people...

On the one hand, it is to put pressure on Chu State, on the other hand, it is to implement Heifu's deterrence strategy.

The Ba people were undoubtedly very surprised to see the Qin army gathering more and more. Although the total number of Ba people in the entire Yidao tribe was 20,000, they were scattered in various places, dotted in the ravines, mountains and forests, making it difficult to assemble. At most, they gather around Wuluo Zhongli Mountain during sacrifices, but such a situation is rarely seen once in ten years.

Therefore, when Fan Qin gathered all the men from various tribes together in early April and had 4,000 men, the Ba people of Yi Dao thought that this was probably the largest army in the world. Both Qin and Chu wanted to win over each other to please themselves. I can’t help but feel proud of myself...

This is because the Yi Dao is isolated from the outside world and the roads are impassable. The local tribes all think that they are the masters of this land and do not know the vastness of the country of Zhu Xia Guan Dai.

It was not until today that their three views were refreshed. The Ba people of Yi Dao have never seen so many people, horses and weapons in their lives. Seeing that the Qin army was gathering more and more, and the camps were getting bigger and bigger, the rulers of several tribes asked Xia Zi who could speak two languages ​​to tentatively ask Heifu, how many soldiers were there?

Although ten thousand people have gathered, they are only one-tenth of the soldiers in Nanjun!

Heifu asked Xia Zi to translate his words exactly as they were, in order to scare these country bumpkins who had hardly been out of a hundred miles radius of Yishui.

Although Nan County has 100,000 soldiers, it is only one of the more than 20 counties in Qin State with a smaller area and smaller population! Do your calculations, how many soldiers does Qin State have in total?

That was a number beyond the imagination of Lord Ba. They couldn't help but look at each other in fear.

The Chu State envoy boasted that Chu State had millions of halberds. It seems that Qin State is two or three times more powerful than Chu State!

After being surprised by the quantity first, they immediately felt the quality of the Qin army.

Early the next morning, after eating and drinking, the Ba people who had fallen asleep were hurriedly woken up by their tribesmen. They were stunned when they came out of the tent.

But they saw that the huge Qin army had gathered outside the city. The golden drums and flags were bright, the soldiers were riding in cars and horses, and the soldiers were all wearing armor and holding sharp spears.

As the flags of the generals at the top of the city were waved, the sound of golden drums continued throughout the field. The dark square formation of the Qin army began to move towards the Ba people, with their spears flattened and their swords hitting their shields, frightening everyone. The king is half dead, but he still thinks that the people of Qin have betrayed their trust and are going to kill him!

It wasn't until Heifu came to tell the princes and chiefs on Li You's order that this was the Qin army practicing military formations, and at the same time the formations began to turn around, the princes and chiefs took back their thoughts that were raised in their throats...

The sound of the golden drum is clear and the sound of the drum is powerful. According to the sound of the golden drum, the Qin soldiers from all over the country use one drum to organize the troops, two drums to practice Chen Chen, three drums to attract food, four drums to strictly control, and five drums will do. Flags... They advanced or stopped, attacked or retreated, and from time to time they made sounds of killing. Several voices gathered together, soared into the sky, and resounded throughout the land!

The Ba people were used to being loose, and they had never seen this scene before. They were all dumbfounded. Even if one of them concealed his surprise a little better, he could not help but hold the willow leaf sword tightly in his hand, for fear of those orderly arrays. The formation suddenly came towards him.

When the Ba warriors confront a Qin soldier, they will feel that they have the upper hand, but when the Qin army shows its terrifying collectiveness, the scene is shocking.

The rulers suddenly felt that what they did in Wuluo Zhongli Mountain was the right thing to do. No wonder Bazhong tried his best to persuade the tribes to return to the Qin State. Presumably he knew the true strength of the Qin State...

Heifu looked at this scene and was very satisfied. This martial arts performance basically achieved the effect he wanted. In his opinion, although the Qin State implemented a gentle policy in Yi Dao, it forgot to teach them one thing, and that was to recognize the gap in strength between the two sides.

The barbarians, Rongdi, grew up in a cruel environment, and mostly believed in the principle that the strong are respected. Now I want to tell them that the strongest person in the world is Qin!

The more convinced they were by Qin's power, the easier it was for them to obey and put away their thoughts of rebellion.

The first day was like this, and the training on the second day was just like yesterday, and it stopped at night.

On the third day, Li Youcai formally summoned the princes of the Ba people. At this time, the already frightened princes came to the city and all knelt down, not daring to raise their heads to look up at Li You. Facing Li You, they sternly ordered them to surrender. Even the murderers who personally killed Qin officials and Qin soldiers before leaving the country dare not disobey...

Hundreds of Ba warriors who had been hailed as heroes earlier were pushed out in this way. They would be escorted to Yidao and beheaded on the banks of Yishui River! To comfort the hundreds of Qin officials and people who died in the ambush!

At the beginning of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the plum rain season arrived. As the heavy rain swept across both sides of the river, the contest between Chu and Qin in Nanjun came to an end temporarily. In such weather and fighting, one's own side would have to be overwhelmed by the heavy rain before the enemy could come. Beaten to pieces.

The tribes of the Ba people also dispersed one after another, but Li You left three thousand soldiers to garrison in Jiling, and sent another thousand men to stay and guard Yidao. The rest of the people returned north one after another.

They either boarded the boat from the mouth of Youjiang River next to Jingling, or walked to the mouth of Jiangjin, thirty miles to the north, to cross the river. They still used the clumsy method of slowly transporting them to the other side on the Nanjun Navy's large boats and sterns.

There was a small boat but a large number of people, so everyone had to wait for a long time at the ferry. Heifu looked at this troublesome transportation method and made a suggestion to Li You.

County Lieutenant, although Jiangling and Jingling are not far apart, they are blocked by the river. Whenever the Chu people invade, they have to recruit large and small ships. It takes several days to transport the army, and the opportunity is often lost.

When I was in Wei last year, I often heard that the armies of various countries built pontoon bridges on the rivers to allow soldiers to cross the rivers quickly. I wonder if you have tried building pontoon bridges on the rivers?

Floating bridges are not uncommon in the north. It is said that as early as the Zhou Dynasty, King Wen of Zhou built a floating bridge on the Wei River in order to welcome his bride from the Central Plains. Now the Qin State has made Xianyang its capital, and there is a permanent floating bridge on the Wei River, connecting Xianyang and Xianyang in the north of the Wei River. A series of new palaces in the Weinan region.

There are also many pontoon bridges on the river. For example, in the 50th year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin Dynasty (257 BC), the River Bridge was first built in Pujin, and later it became the permanent Pujin Bridge. The Yellow River Tieniu Bridge The story must be familiar to many people.

So Heifu was thinking, if there could be a River Bridge on the Yangtze River, wouldn't the Qin army's military control over the south bank of the river be much strengthened?

After hearing this suggestion, a military officer beside him burst out laughing. Li You and Heifu looked over and asked him why he was laughing.

The lieutenant hurriedly bowed down and said, I just thought that the water surface near Jiangling was wide and there were thousands of boats missing, so it would be difficult to connect them into a pontoon bridge. What's more, throughout the ages, southerners were good at boats. So in the past, Chu State and Wu and Yue fought on the Yangtze River and Huaihe River. Officials carried heavy boats, and ordinary soldiers took off their armor and swam across the river, but few people heard of building pontoon bridges...


Li You scolded Wei Shi: In the future, if the king has conquered Huaibei and Huainan, and continues to send generals to invade the areas east of and south of the Yangtze River, with hundreds of thousands of people crossing the river and carrying them on ships for more than half a month, it will still take more than half a month. The pontoon is more convenient...

Li You kept Hei Fu's advice in mind, thinking that it might be useful in the future, and then they boarded the ship and slowly sailed towards Jiangling with the paddles...

During this period, I also received a mail from the county governor.

Heifu knew that after the incidents in Yidao and Jiling, Governor Ye's plan to travel to the county was ruined. Li You went out to help, so he had to stay in Jiangling to stabilize the situation. He didn't know what happened when he sent the letter at this time. ?

After Li You opened the letter in front of everyone, he couldn't help laughing and said to Hei Fu and others:

The governor wrote a letter saying that this time our army defeated the Chu offensive and put down the Yi Dao rebellion. He should be honored and honored for the soldiers, and he would bring the officials and the people of the city to welcome us on our triumphant return at the dock!

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