Qin Official

Chapter 223 Huangdi Neijing

The turmoil that happened in Lantai Palace during the Shangsi Festival spread quickly in Jiangling City. Just as the sons of noble officials such as Qi Xia and Huang Tian were slandering Heifu, scolding him for being vulgar and ignorant of style and ruining everyone's elegance. The county magistrate's office issued such a decree:

The Qin Dynasty has been studying the laws of the Shang Dynasty for more than a hundred years. The laws and regulations come from the same place. The people in charge of their own affairs work hard on agriculture and industry, and the scholars study the laws and regulations to eliminate prohibitions, and the country is governed.

However, the students in Nanjun today do not learn from the present but imitate the ancients. They do not recite the Dharma but learn poetry and poetry. Although they do not violate the laws, they are not in line with the behavior of good officials of the Qin State.

As for the poems written by Qu Ci and Chu, most of them were written by officials from Jing Dynasty who were in exile. Many of them contain words that lament the country of Jing and slander the rule of Qin. At this time when Qin and Chu were hostile, if they were allowed to spread, they might confuse the head of Guizhou.

From today on, all government officials and school disciples, regardless of public or private gatherings, are not allowed to practice Qu Ci Chu Fu. Anyone who disobeys the order will be stripped of their official position!

This decree caused an uproar in Jiangling City. Qi Xia and others were stunned, but they could only lament and quietly put away the collected poems. After all, family and official position were more important than this little hobby. At the same time, they secretly slandered: Isn't this what Mr. Hei said that day? The county guard is from the Central Plains after all, and is fluent in eloquence, but how can he be as arrogant as that reckless Mr. Anlu?

Heifu also heard about this, but just smiled indifferently. He had said that day that Qin Chu was an enemy country, and if he openly gathered a crowd to publicize the poems of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan, there would definitely be problems, so he turned the table and left. Sure enough, after hearing about this incident, the county governor tightened the control of public opinion.

However, Governor Ye was also a sensible person. He only strengthened control in the government offices and schools, allowing officials and disciples to understand their identities and responsibilities, but did not interfere too much with the people.

Heifu couldn't care less about this matter, because he was immediately surrounded by busy work...

In mid-March, in Ying County, a courtyard belonging to Bingcao was filled with thirty or forty men of varying ages. The old ones are over forty years old, and the young ones have just reached their thirties. There are doctors from Jiangling and Ying counties, as well as county officials, and a few petty officials still wearing soap clothes. A few days ago, there was a Shangsi Festival gathering. Tang Jue, who was dumped on the spot by his lover, was also among them.

Although they have different ages and identities, they have one thing in common, that is, they all have titles and can read and write. Everyone was sitting in this big room, listening attentively to the lecture given by the doctor Chen Wujiu...

Dr. Chen, who was taught by the imperial physician, had a unique teaching method. He asked one of his young apprentices to take off his upper garment and stand in front of everyone with his hands stretched out. Dr. Chen held a bamboo stick and pointed at the young apprentice's body. .

The human body is covered with blood vessels up and down, left and right, front and back. There are 28 large blood vessels, and the whole body is 16 feet and 2 feet long!

The large blood vessels are distributed between the muscles and interstitial structures, which are deep and not visible; the small blood vessels are distributed under the skin and can be seen. The above blood vessels are all connected to each other and end again.

When people ingest food, the dregs are removed from the intestines and stomach, and the essence is absorbed, which is then transformed into blood in the lungs to provide nutrients to the body, limbs, and lungs. Therefore, in the internal meridian, blood is also called nourishing qi.

Blood has to flow, like the flow of a river, like the circulation of the sun and the moon, it never stops and has no end. The essence of blood flows in the blood vessels, irrigating the five internal organs internally, nourishing the body externally, nourishing the whole body, and so on. Just like the laws of movement of the sun, moon, heaven and earth!”

Except for a few doctors, everyone else suddenly realized. They looked at the blood vessels on the back of their hands and thought thoughtfully. They had not received medical training in the past, so they did not know these mysteries of the human body. At this moment, it was as if a novel world had been opened before their eyes. door.

And Hei Fu, who was sitting at the back of the room and listening, also nodded secretly.

It is indeed a wonderful book left by doctors. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic even puts forward the theory of blood circulation.

Although this medical book is pseudonymous to Huangdi and Qibo, it was not written in one moment or written by one person. It may have been written by the leader of the medical family, Bian Que of the past dynasties, during the three hundred years of their generations practicing medicine. , based on the summary of countless patients, it is a pity that the origin of this school of thought has been severed, otherwise the future prospects are promising.

Professional matters should be left to professionals. Although the internal manager also made some mistakes, Heifu recently wanted to keep a low profile so that he would not appear so omniscient and omnipotent, so he would not rush to correct his mistakes.

Chen Wujiu only talked about a little content in Suwen and Lingshu, but the theory in it alone was enough for this group of people. After all, they were just medical soldiers used for first aid on the battlefield, and they were not doctors. .

After educating everyone about the blood vessels and blood of the human body, it is self-evident why people who are injured and lose too much blood will faint or even die from shock.

At this point, Chen Wujiu took out a knife and cut his little apprentice's arm! In an instant, crimson blood flowed out, but the young apprentice just grinned, not daring to show any dissatisfaction.

Trauma will not only damage the skin and tissues, but also damage the blood vessels and allow blood to flow out. If left unchecked, the blood will continue to flow until the blood clots. At this time, bandaging is needed.

After saying that, Chen Wu Jiu skillfully picked up a newly made linen bandage and quickly wrapped the wound for his young apprentice, and the bleeding stopped.

And if some large blood vessels are injured, the blood will spurt out. If it is not bandaged, you will soon die from excessive blood loss! As medical and emergency personnel, what you have to do is to help the injured soldiers wrap their wounds in time! Save his life!

At this time, the bandaging technique is crucial, which is also the significance of the bandaging techniques Heifu demonstrated to Chen Wujiu.

Fortunately, in the era of cold weapons, most injuries were open injuries caused by sharp weapons rather than penetrating injuries in the era of hot weapons. Therefore, many injured people suffered from bleeding leading to shock and fainting. If they were unlucky enough to injure their head or lungs, it would be impossible to save them.

After teaching for a whole morning, Chen Wu Jiu's class was over. He hurriedly packed the medicine bag and took his disciples out. Hei Fu knew that Chen Wu Jiu had been keen on looking for wild hemp in the countryside these days, and then let him The poor little apprentice tried to eat the flowers and leaves...

Hei Fu and Chen Wu Jiu divided their duties. Chen Wu Jiu was responsible for teaching these thirty or forty people medical theories and techniques for bandaging wounds, while Hei Fu was responsible for teaching them military discipline and precautions on the battlefield.

In the afternoon, when everyone gathered at the school grounds of the county soldiers, looking at the people of different ages, tall, short, fat and thin, Heifu seemed to have returned to the scene when he first participated in the guard training. However, everyone in front of me has a title, is literate, and half of them have served in the military. It is not difficult to restore order to them.

Before the training started, Heifu told them a story...

There was a doctor who claimed to be good at treating external injuries. One of the generals was trapped in the battle, and the arrow penetrated deep into the abdominal cavity and asked the doctor to treat it. The doctor took the copper scissors, cut off the shaft of the arrow, knelt down and asked to leave. General Pi said: 'There is a cluster in the abdomen. , it needs to be treated urgently.’ The doctor said: ‘I am good at treating external injuries, but under the skin, there are internal injuries, so don’t blame me’!”

After hearing Hei Fu's story, everyone couldn't help but laugh, and then shook their heads, saying that the doctor was really quibbling, there could be such a deceitful person in the world.

However, Heifu told everyone that what medical and emergency personnel have to do on the battlefield is to be like the trauma doctor above, just to save the life and stop the bleeding. As for how to treat wounds and how to make the injured recover, that is what the trauma doctor can do. The lives of his subordinates.

This is why Heifu divided the medical and emergency personnel into two, with one half assisting the military doctors in treating injuries in the field hospital, and the other half accompanying the army into battle, so that they can have a clear division of labor, improve efficiency, and facilitate management.

But no matter which one it is, it must undergo standard military training. Because they are not facing ordinary patients, but living, shouting and hysterical soldiers! The area where they appear is not a peaceful city, but a battlefield full of fighting!

Heifu imagined that the medical soldiers would not wear armor and would only carry daggers for self-defense, but they would be equipped with two more things than ordinary infantrymen, namely an ambulance bag stuffed with more than ten rolls of linen bandages and a stretcher.

When they set foot on the front line with the army, the medical soldiers, led by the hundred generals and the camp commander, stood in a row with the military judge. Until the end of the battle, they must remain motionless under the military flag until the army defeats the enemy and advances forward. Then they can go to the area where they were facing each other, find their own wounded soldiers, bandage them, put them on stretchers and take them back to the camp. .

Considering that the wars of this era were different from the skirmish lines of later generations. They were positional wars that paid great attention to formations, and they often fought for hours. Therefore, the medical soldiers were repeatedly emphasized by Heifu that rescuing people was their duty, but the premise was that, Destruction of the array is absolutely not allowed!

Military law states that those who act indiscriminately will die! You are no exception.

Only when the generals of the medical corps and the commander of the camp give orders to come forward for rescue can they move forward. Otherwise, it is likely to disrupt the array and become a black sheep.

Therefore, everyone first needs to undergo standard golden drum and bell flag identification training, which lasts for half a month. By the end of March, everyone had reached the standard of ordinary soldiers in lining up and changing formations. They marched with drums beating, marched with low flags, and retreated with gold. He followed him to the left, followed him to the right, and sat down while beating the golden drums.

In addition, Chen Wujiu's medical theory class was also completed, and everyone began training on the techniques of bandaging wounds and stopping bleeding...

In early April, this group of freshly trained medical soldiers received their first inspection by County Lieutenant Li You. Li You was very satisfied when he saw that he could recognize the golden drum, never move rashly before the order was given, and was also methodical when bandaging people.

Heifuzhen reported: County Lieutenant, we will train for another month. By May, we can spread the people to various counties and train ten people each. Then during the autumn harvest, Nan County will have hundreds of medical and emergency rescuers! On the day of the expedition, spread this news throughout the army, and the soldiers will no longer have to worry about anything, and their morale will be greatly boosted!

Heifu is full of confidence. He wants to complete this matter as soon as possible and get a new appointment: so that he can also participate in training soldiers. When he attacks Chu again, he hopes that he can at least be a leader who can command a thousand people!

After hearing Heifu's request, Li You shook his head: You have other things to do. After the busy farming season ends in April, not only Ying County and Jiangling, but also various counties will have to recruit troops for training. This matter The relationship is so important that the county governor decided to visit the county in April to inspect various places, supervise their agricultural work, and see how the composting and fertilization techniques in various places are being promoted, as well as the promotion of water pots. At the same time, he also inspected the military personnel and arsenals of each county. This required the soldiers to send people I’m going with you, and this person is the right choice...

Li You patted Heifu on the shoulder and said helplessly: The county magistrate seems to value you very much. He personally called your name and asked you to accompany him to the county. The time will be the day after tomorrow!

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