Qin Official

Chapter 209 Be a useful person

In front of Li You, Heifu was very excited and almost incoherent when he heard that he had reached heaven to listen and was praised by Qin Wangzheng.

But after leaving the county captain's mansion, he had another opinion about the words Li You relayed.

Perhaps in the king's eyes, all people in the world are objects and tools of different values. Those that are useless to him in building an empire are small thorns that can only be used to burn fire, or oak trees that are tall but not useful. Wood used in China.”

Although oak trees are tall, if they are used to make boats, they will sink in the water; if they are used to make coffins, they will rot quickly; if they are used to make utensils, they will be easily damaged; if they are used to make doors and windows, the grease will not dry; Pillars are susceptible to insect erosion.

Therefore, thorn oaks are all useless trees and cannot be used for anything.

Only catalpa wood can be used to build Guangsha, and he is a useful person in the eyes of the King of Qin.

Although Zhuangzi seems to have said that catalpa wood is easy to cut and will only last long if it is useless, this sentence is outdated and not suitable for this era.

The Qin State was a harsh society similar to Sparta. It did not raise useless people. The most typical example is that although Qin law stipulates that it is a crime to drown an infant, if the baby is born with missing limbs, he is destined to be a disabled person when he grows up. , then he can be killed after being verified by the government...

In the eyes of Qin people, this may be the greatest kindness to children. Therefore, Heifu rarely saw disabled people such as Quasimodo and Little Devil in Qin. Their survival rate in this era was much lower than others from birth.

The same is true on the battlefield. People who are considered useless will be sent to fill ravines. Therefore, in this country, everyone must work hard to make themselves useful, assume social responsibilities, establish achievements, and get promotions, so that they can be compared with others. The family lasts forever.

Now I have finally caught the eye of King Qin and become a useful person.

After laughing at himself in his heart, the clerk leading the way also stopped, pointed to a small courtyard and introduced: Zuo Bing Cao Shi, this is your courtyard.

After all, Cao Shi, the left soldier who served as Heifu, was an official with four hundred stones. He was on the same level as the county magistrate and county captain. He had his own courtyard to live in, so he didn't have to crowd in the dormitory with ordinary county officials.

While guiding Mr. Hei to the small courtyard with lights on, the clerk said with a smile: Other people always bring a few maids and ministers to serve when they go to work. That gentleman Feng Jing even brought twenty or thirty people with him. People have to enter the courtyard three times to stay. Cao Shi, the left soldier, was lucky, but he only brought one coachman with him...

Heifu smiled awkwardly. Although he was already a government official and his family had a hundred thousand yuan, like many nouveau riche, he had no background. Not to mention the servants and maids, in fact, even the coachman is hired. After Hei Fu is sent to the place, he will return to Anlu. Hei Fu plans to ride a horse on his own in the future. Anyway, Ying County has a very military significance. Heavy, many people travel alone...

Fortunately, there are officials like Heifu who come to work empty-handed, so the prefecture will arrange some servants and maids to take care of daily life. Heifu cannot be busy with official duties for a day, and after get off work, he has to go home and cook by himself. Let’s eat...

The clerk knocked on the door, and the door opened. Inside was an old official slave with gray hair and a slight limp. He was holding a torch made of hemp. Seeing that the real owner of this place had come, he quickly greeted Hei Fu. Got in.

Heifu took a look with a torch and found that the courtyard was not too small. The stables alone could accommodate four or five horses, and his carriage and two horses were big enough.

Facing the courtyard gate is a house with a brick and stone structure, a house with two interiors. Although it is small, it has all the internal organs. But in the front yard, in addition to the small house where the old official slave who was responsible for cleaning the door lived, there was a vegetable bed surrounded by a fence, a covered well, and a small toilet next to the empty chicken pot. At the far south is a kitchen, which is fully stocked with pots, bowls and pans.

The backyard is where Mr. Hei lives. There are three or four brick houses. Except for one room, which has been cleared out and covered with new couches and bedding, the rest are still empty.

Zuo Bing Cao Shiqie will stay for one night.

The clerk apologized and said, Two servants will be sent to Zuo Bing Cao Shi tomorrow.

Heifu didn't care either. He had long been used to it in the army. What's more, the main house where he lived had beds, tables, and a wooden screen, which was more decorated than the house in his hometown in Anlu. Quite a few points.

After the clerk resigned, Hei Fu asked the old official slave outside to close the door and scanned the small courtyard again. If nothing unexpected happened, this would be where he would live in the next six months.

No matter what, let's settle down in Ying County first! If you want to continue to climb up, you have to keep showing your 'Zicai' ability in front of Li You!

However, just today's prediction that Wang Jian will attack Chu with 600,000 people is enough for Li You to look at him with admiration again, right? Heifu also had to control the heat and not show too much, otherwise it would be bad if he scared Li You.

It was still early to go to bed, so Heifu chatted with the lame old official slave and found out that he was from a local hidden official and was only temporarily sent to guard and clean the yard.

Zuo Bing Cao Shi went to his post alone, so he doesn't need too many servants. There are two servants to take care of your daily life. I will go elsewhere tomorrow...

Hei Fu nodded and thought to himself: Wait a minute, if this happens, won't I end up living a decadent life of a man and two women?

On the second day, when Hei Fu got up, the coachman and the old official slave he hired to watch the door left one after another. Hei Fu didn't want to wait for the little official to send the official maid here, so he put on his clothes.

I received the Yin Shou robe yesterday, so I went to the Bingcao Office to have a face-to-face interview...

Heifu is wearing a new official uniform of crimson and black leather, which means that he is an official under the county lieutenant. He wears a double-plate long crown on his head, which means that his title is an official. There is a leather belt hanging around his waist with a copper hook. There is a small copper seal of Heifu in the bag. The black ribbon is exposed outside the bag and hangs down naturally. The officials of Qin State rely on the number of the ribbon, the color of the ribbon, and the color (ornament) of the ribbon to distinguish them. grade.

The military officers in the county code have the rank of armored soldiers, so the soldiers and thieves are all under the jurisdiction of the county. Therefore, it is still the palace compound where Hei Fu visited yesterday. The guard at the door knew that he was a senior official when he saw his dress, and he immediately handed him over. Thank you, and then led him to find the location of Bing Cao.

When Heifu walked into Bingcao's courtyard, everyone looked at him curiously. Just as Man said, his name had already spread among Bingcao and the entire county and county official's office.

The soldier's name was Jiang Hua, and of course he did not dare to neglect Heifu, a confidant who was personally recommended by the county captain. He warmly welcomed Heifu's arrival, and introduced him to the history of the soldiers, officials, assistants, etc.

Zuo Bing Cao Shi has just arrived. The county captain has granted you permission to take a rest for two days. It doesn't matter if you come back to take up your post the next day.

Bing Cao Peng Jiang Hua had a beautiful mane, and then said that today the right soldier Cao Shi was ordered to inspect the arsenal, and he would be able to see Heifu when he comes tomorrow.

The purpose of Heifu's visit today was to visit his immediate superior and get to know his colleagues, so as not to make him feel that he was neglecting Canada just because he was Li You's confidant. So after getting familiar with the environment here, chatting a few words with the clerks and clerks, and knowing where I would work after I officially took office, and the general business, I saw the afternoon and got off work with everyone.

When he rode his horse through the city wall and returned to his home a mile away, he found that the clerk from yesterday had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

When did you come? Heifu asked casually.

Zuo Bing Cao Shi, I have just arrived.

The clerk smiled fearfully and asked the two maidservants behind him in dark soap-colored clothes to salute Hei Fu.

I have seen Zuo Bing Cao Shi...

There was a sharp voice and a weak voice. Hei Fu dismounted and looked around, just as the two women raised their heads.

But I saw that the official maid with the sharp voice was a woman about thirty years old. She might have been a bit pretty when she was young, but now her skin was yellow and there were deep laugh lines on her cheeks. She was also trying hard to show her face to Hei Husband. laugh.

The maid on the left was much younger, a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. Her appearance was beautiful and upright, which made Hei Fu's eyes shine. But after all, she is a maid serving people. Her skin is not delicate, it is only much whiter than the woman next to her, and there is a small mole on her left eyebrow. Different from the flattering smile of the woman beside her, this woman just raised her head slightly without a smile on her face, as if she was arranged to serve someone in daily life, which made her very reluctant...

Just when the clerk was about to introduce the names of the two girls, the girl suddenly paused again and said to Mr. Hei:

I dare to say to Zuo Bing Cao Shi that my hands and feet are clumsy and can only be used for pounding rice and washing clothes. I cannot serve the superiors. I hope Zuo Bing Cao Shi will dismiss me! Let me continue to be a concubine!

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