Chapter 219: The Special Cheongsam!.

Looking at Song Qian’s sleep, the sweet smile on her face appeared.

Ye Ling’s heart was unusually satisfied.

After stretching out, Ye Ling closed the door and walked out gently. Looked at the time on my phone.


It was still early, and Ye Ling was ready to let the mother and daughter sleep a little longer. After thinking about it, Ye Ling went back to her own home first.

After putting dirty clothes in the washing machine, I went into the bathroom and took a shower. After doing it all.

Lying in bed brushing up will catch the sea video.

Seeing that the time was almost half past six, Ye Ling changed into a long sleeve and returned to Song Qian’s house. Inside the room, there was silence.

Just as Ye Ling expected, the two women were still asleep. Ye Ling smiled lightly and walked into the kitchen.

I made dinner. Two dishes and one soup.

The dish is a slaughtered pig dish and a scrambled egg with chili ham sausage, and the soup is egg flower soup.

Ye Ling wanted to make some other dishes, but there were basically no fresh dishes in this à la carte market, so he didn’t go. Putting on the apron, Ye Ling took out pig blood, sauerkraut, pork belly and frozen tofu from the refrigerator. Song Qian actually wanted to make pig-killing dishes a few days ago.

The materials are all bought.

But because I went to Sanya, this matter was not resolved. Pig-killing dishes are not difficult to make.

Wash the sauerkraut, cut it into thin strips, and then cook the sauerkraut shreds, ginger slices, green onions, and pork belly cut into large pieces in a sand pot and cook them together with bone broth. After boiling, skim off the foam, half-cook the pork belly, take out and cut into large pieces and continue to cook.

Finally, the frozen tofu cut into large pieces and the dried noodles made with boiling water are put in, and basically they are all together. The stew is almost done, and finally the bloody intestines will be released.

After a while, the aroma came from the room.

Ye Ling also took advantage of this time to make scrambled eggs with chili ham sausage. This one is simpler.

Chili peppers, ham sausages, eggs, put together and stir-fry a few times to get out of the pan. Ye Ling saw that the dish was almost done.

After thinking about it, he walked into Song Qian’s room first.

He cried softly, “Wake up and eat, Sister Song.” ”


Song Qian sighed and turned her body to the other side, still showing no sign of waking up. Ye Ling smiled faintly, the mother and daughter were really the same look.

Even sleeping in bed is the same.

“Wake up, Sister Song.”

Ye Ling cried again: “If you sleep again, you should lose sleep at night.” ”


Song Qian sat up somewhat reluctantly, rubbed her eyes, and saw Ye Ling. Pounced into his arms.

“Husband, people are so sleepy.”

Song Qian said.

Ye Lingguan smiled and said comfortingly, “Then when you finish eating, your husband will sleep with you.” ”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“Well, I’m not lying to you.”

“You slow down first, I’ll go and tell Hideko to get up.”

Ye Ling continued, “She still has to go to school tomorrow, and she has to be sleepy tomorrow if she doesn’t get up again.” ”

Song Qian was a little reluctant to Ye Ling’s chest.

But still let go.


Ye Ling touched Song Qian’s head and walked out.

After coming to Qiao Yingzi’s room, Ye Ling was not so gentle, and directly washed her hands with cold water and reached down the back of her neck.

“Ah, it’s so cool!”

Qiao Yingzi jumped up from the bed in an instant.

After seeing that it was Ye Ling who pranked her, he picked up the pillow and threw it at Ye Ling.

“Ye Ling, I fought with you!”

Ye Ling couldn’t count, this was already the first time Qiao Yingzi had hit a stone with an egg.

“If you don’t get up again, I won’t leave you food.”

After Ye Ling controlled Qiao Yingzi, she gave her a brain melon and then walked out with a smile. Only Qiao Yingzi himself sulked at the pillow.

Punching and kicking, “Stinky Ye Ling, bastard Ye Ling, I will kill you, kill you!” ”

Play for a while until you get tired.

Fang just went to the bathroom to wash his face, and then walked out.


After seeing Ye Ling on the table, he stubbornly turned his head to the other side. I ate silently.

After a big bite of food, Qiao Yingzi’s already hungry stomach grumbled.

“Eat slowly, no one will grab you.”

Song Qian looked at Qiao Yingzi’s wolf-devouring appearance, and was a little helpless, and reprimanded him with a cold face. The girl’s family, how not at all reserved.

Qiao Yingzi chewed and swallowed slowly, while eating, he said: “Mom, the dish you made today is really delicious, especially this pig-killing dish, especially the next meal.” ”

“Yes, if it tastes good, you can eat more.”

Ye Ling clipped a piece of frozen tofu to Qiao Yingzi and looked at her with a smile.

“Well, my mom’s cooking is better than yours.”

Qiao Yingzi ate the frozen tofu in one bite and said fiercely again: “Much more delicious than you!” ”

The smile on Ye Ling’s face became even stronger.

On the contrary, Song Qian said with some helplessness: “Tonight’s dish was made by Ye Ling.” ”

Qiao Yingzi’s chopsticks paused in mid-air, thought about it for a moment, and then said, “I tasted it carefully again, and it seems that it is not so delicious.” ”

Ye Ling looked at Qiao Yingzi’s extremely embarrassed expression and laughed. Qiao Yingzi was even angrier, but Song Qian did not dare to get angry.

He could only turn his grief and anger into appetite, and he took a big bite of rice, as if he was eating not rice, but Ye Ling’s flesh and blood. Hum!

Ye Ling or something, the most annoying!

Qiao Yingzi secretly glanced at it with the afterglow, smiled and thought so in his heart. After eating.

Qiao Yingzi went back to the house to write his homework, while Ye Ling accompanied Song Qian downstairs to consume food. She is not like Qiao Yingzi, how to eat is not fat.

Song Qian’s requirements for her body are almost strict, and she must exercise more when she eats more. After walking downstairs for a while and warming up, Song Qian began to run and jump rope.

Ye Ling also followed Song Qian’s movement for a while, and recently his exercise time has also been shortened in a straight line, and he will only practice for a while when he is in the courtyard.

However, he rarely returned to the courtyard.

That place was too far away from either shuxiang Yayuan or Ode to Joy. Going back and forth is inconvenient.

And what Ye Ling couldn’t stand most was that the road conditions were too crowded. In some time periods, it is really difficult to move.

It was uncomfortable to think of his car accelerating for more than two seconds from 100 kilometers, driving at a speed of more than a dozen steps. Ye Ling pondered whether to buy another residence.

“Sister Song, you said I bought a private estate on the outskirts of the city, what do you think?”

Ye Ling looked at Song Qian, who was resting beside him, and said, “Don’t you like flowers and plants, just be able to have a place to use.” ”

“Wouldn’t it be a little too extravagant?”

Song Qian is a little undecided, she actually likes the manor, and the slow pace of life will make her very comfortable. However, a manor also needs at least a few hundred million to come down, which is a number that Song Qian does not dare to think about.

“You just have to tell me if you like it or not?”

Ye Ling shook Song Qian’s hand and looked into her eyes, not letting her think wildly.

“Well, I like it.”

Song Qian nodded.

“That’s it.”

Ye Ling’s face showed a happy smile, as long as Song Qian liked it, it was enough. As for the money?

Ye Ling said she didn’t know what money was.

In Sanya these days, he signed another small target. In the case of his cash in the card, let alone buying a manor, even if it is buying dozens, it is no problem. Ye Ling planned to do this tomorrow.

Modu Industry and Bao’s Group have not yet moved, ye Ling also can’t help but sigh, these two old guys are really able to endure. In a day, they lose millions.

After so many days, they are about to lose tens of millions.

But they just didn’t make any moves, and seemed to be planning to let these billions die here. Survive with a broken arm.

However, they were not in a hurry, and Ye Ling was even less anxious. Ye Ling believed that one day, these two old guys would ask for him as a mysterious investor. That day was the day these two old guys fell into the abyss.

Besides, even if Modu Industry is not in a hurry, isn’t the Bao Group in a hurry? Especially the bag is different, his son can just go to jail.

If there is not enough funds to open up the relationship, Bao Yifan’s prison in this decade can be said to be doomed. When he comes out at the age of forty, people will be basically abolished.

Bao Yi would never let this scene happen, and he would definitely use all means to fish Bao Yifan out of the university. About eight o’clock.

Ye Ling and Song Qian were almost moving, and the two held hands and returned to the unit. Just after Ye Ling kissed Song Qian in the corridor and prepared to go home.

At this time, Song Qian suddenly grabbed Ye Ling’s clothes from behind, and said with some twists and turns: “Can I go to your house to take a bath, I am afraid of disturbing Ying Zi’s study.” ”

Ye Lingwan smiled. Afraid of disturbing Hideko’s studies? I think it’s another picture!

Ye Ling looked at Song Qian playfully and quipped, “It’s not impossible to come to me for a bath, but your clothes are so sweaty, it’s impossible to continue to wear it.” ”

Song Qian was stunned, thinking that Ye Ling hated the smell of sweat on her body.

Hurriedly said, “I… I’ll go back and get another one. ”

Ye Ling wrapped her arms around Song Qian’s waist and said softly, “You don’t need to change it, I just have a set of clothes at home that are very suitable for you, you will wear that one in a moment!” ”


At this time, Song Qian could not understand Ye Ling’s thoughts, and nodded shyly. She carried Song Qian into the room and took a Mandarin duck bath.

Ye Ling took out a piece of clothing from the study and placed it in front of Song Qian’s body.

“Just wear this one, I bought it specifically according to your model.”

Song Qian opened her clothes and took a look.

Immediately his face turned red, he looked at Ye Ling, twisted and said, “Husband, can you change one for me?” ”


Ye Ling immediately refused, and then said, “This is something I bought for you on purpose, and it will definitely look good after you put it on.” ”

“That… That’s OK! ”

Song Qian bit her lip and was about to go to the bedroom to change clothes.

Ye Ling pulled her aside and smiled, “Old husband and wife, I haven’t seen anything, just change it here!” ”

Song Qian’s face became even redder.

However, he didn’t say anything, and in front of Ye Ling, he changed into this dress. After changing, he also turned around in front of Ye Ling.

Ye Ling looked at Song Qian, who was wearing a special cheongsam, and the four words of disaster and the fall of the city came to mind.

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