37-3. Professors are progressing too fast.


The next lecture is Professor Maria’s .

In the first semester, it was good because it was a theory class. But why deep and not basic? With light curiosity, I headed to the outdoor class.

“Mr. Helm.”

“Why is that? Miss Ariel.”

A place where maple leaves and ginkgo trees are colored. A red-haired wizard climbed the back mountain and called my name.

“Were Mardol and you… So close? Why do you keep holding hands?”


As expected, Ariel is nicknamed the quick-witted cat.

Because things like tree roots and rocks are dangerous, all we have to do is hold hands and lead them. Even if you’re wearing heavy gloves, you can get hurt.

From noble mtl dot com

“Because the road is rough.”

“Right, right..”

I answered confidently and Fine looked down with his head down as if he was embarrassed. I think I like holding hands, so I’m doing it.

“Aren’t the two of you walking hand in hand?”

Sighing, he replied back. Right now, Ariel also sticks to Kainel’s side.

Even childhood friends do that, but is there a law that says we shouldn’t do that?

“This, this… I’m afraid that the leopard Kai might fall!!”

“I’m doing this because I’m afraid you’ll have a hard time, Ariel.”

Ariel, a tsundere, couldn’t express her sincerity well, so her face turned red, and Kainel gave a sly line even though he knew why.

Looking at it, a question I had felt before began to come to mind.

‘He resembles me.’

These days, Fine’s reaction is strangely strange. Are your feelings gradually returning? Her cold and blunt side began to melt away.


“Uh, uh..? Why.. Richt..?”

It’s like the Tin Woodman who got his heart back. His obsessive side in the north has disappeared without a trace, and he goes like that every time he calls his name.

You must differentiate between obsession and love. No matter how inseparable the feelings are, it is necessary to think about them at least once.

‘Other men would have said yes when I asked them to kiss me….’

I am the Black Knight. If the other person does not know love, I have no intention of taking advantage of it.

To be honest, seeing how the reaction was amazing even after making the sound of kissing cheeks in the hot spring, he’s a naive wolf who doesn’t even know how to kiss. It gets in trouble if I don’t stand by my side.

That’s also a naive wolf who often sees only strange things in books.

After coming back from the North, I made up my mind. Although she ran away because she directly destroyed her bleak future as a nameless saint.

Because Fine was so active, we needed a way to respond.

‘If she knows her true feelings of love….’

Since it is in the game, there is a very high possibility that we will grow apart, but there is a chance of one in ten thousand that he will choose me.

Now, just running away won’t solve the problem.

Like Fine saved me when I was a saint, little by little I began to change.

“Walk carefully. Even if you go slowly, I will match your steps.”

I squeezed and opened the hand that was holding Fine’s once. I was wearing glass gloves, so I only felt a hard, smooth texture, but that was good.

Because she was a character I liked only through the monitor. Who would she hold the hand of the person she loved unrequitedly and walk every step of the way?

“Licht… Don’t play around…”

She stopped Fine, who was gradually speeding up. A red maple leaf lay lightly on her shoulder and she brushed it off with her hand, which was tucked in like a bookmark.

“I was trying to get this off.”


Suddenly, Fine’s body trembled as if it had bounced off. It sounds like you are afraid of the touch of a man. It was like this when I did the makeup of Quer.

Except for me, I can’t see any interaction with other men.

The characters who looked like close friends were all women, like Sophitia and Chartines. In the case of Nex or Kainel, it feels like an older brother or friend.

You’re right, seeing as Locke got angry when I introduced him as his boyfriend.

‘..But I’m glad I didn’t get hated.’

If Fine takes off her glass armor and attends her academy, she will surely have her male students trying to take her. It was because Kainel was barely blocking the flirtation that came to the elf Ariel.

There was a man who was said to be the eldest son of an aristocratic family, and a handsome man who flirted with him and asked to go out with him just once.

At that time, I kept repeating to myself, ‘Bite Yellowy!’ As I watched the blonde-haired hero deal with it.

If it was the prettiest Fine by my standards, it would have been more. It hit her bones that she would not be any less.

“It’s all over.”

As I walked slowly, thinking about other things, I could see through the trees the clearing in the forest where classes were held in the first semester.

“Welcome. Students.”

As we made our way through the woods and arrived at the class, a pink-haired dryad standing on the podium started talking to us.

“Hello. Professor Maria.”

“Oh, I guess everyone has become a little more honest with their feelings?”

Professor Maria covers her mouth when she sees me and smiles. The hamster spirits around her came out and ran to Fine’s feet.

“What do you mean….”

“Everyone is holding hands right now. Like two pairs of lovers.”

Professor Maria smiled as she looked at her warrior couple and Fine. Are you saying that while holding hands and walking? Fine startled and hit her hand.

“Me and Richt.. Are not lovers..”

“Hey! “Professor, you are too playful!”

Before Kanel and I could make an excuse, we were blocked by their words. The moment you turn your head and see the blonde-haired warrior.

‘Let’s just stay still. Cainel.’

‘Yes, I will.’

We sent an unspoken signal as our eyes met. Even though he didn’t use transmission magic, he could feel his inner feelings. It’s rare that Fine and Ariel are both shy.


Within minutes of Maria starting her class, she came to understand why this class had been renamed ‘Intensive’.

“Starting from this lecture, with the permission of the head of Aureus, I can show off the magic that responds to the spirits!”

Asha must have gone back to her family and had a conversation with her son. The love level displayed on the status window has risen to 46%.

‘Maybe Nex confided to her mother that the spirit had grown.’

Even if permission for her betrothal to her second-generation saintess, Chartines, was postponed until later, there was progress between her mother and her mother. Because she confessed to the past that she lived only by deceiving.

“He is also your vice principal. She’s back at the academy this semester, so we might run into her sometime!”

If you see a woman with golden hair, you should run away. Because she touched her trauma by talking carelessly about other people’s family circumstances.

But she eventually covered her up and left her wounds festering. Because her parents are mirrors that reflect their children, they often make the mistake of identifying themselves easily.

A small hamster climbed onto the backs of the students’ hands with something in their mouth.

“Tada! When the hamsters hand out scrolls, put them all in the center of their chests….”

Maria took out a small scroll of parchment with a magic circle engraved on it from inside her bosom. Similar to what Nex did on my back before, but with a different shape.

“Yongchang, please shout 「Be reborn from the flames」!”

Sensitive magic as a group. It’s definitely a ten-year-old with the nickname of the living sun. I never thought I would give you such warm support.

Fine likes my spirit because it’s cute, so I’ll give it a try even if I collapse like usual.

“Be reborn from the flame.”

As I held the scroll to my chest and chanted the chant, a ball of black hair popped out in front of me.

It’s bigger than the last time I saw it…. No, he looks fat because he has a lot of hair.

The spirits of the other students around were also coming out one by one. After all, Kenel and Ariel are dogs and cats.


“Nice to meet you. Black.”

Surprisingly, there were no side effects in my body. Is it because he shares a magic circuit with Fine?

Perhaps it was happy to see me after a long time, the Pomeranian spirit was panting with its tongue out. Standing on two short legs, he vigorously protests to be touched.

“..It’s black.”


I had no choice but to gently touch the fur to appease the spirit, and Fine, wearing glass armor, approached me.

“So cute..”

Then, Kkamangi ran into Fine’s arms as if I wasn’t even the owner.

I realized that there was a part that I missed in the past when I became a cold meal.

‘..The spirit sees through the masterpiece.’

As a point to be aware of when playing PVP, I saw it as if it had flowed somewhere. I passed it on because it didn’t apply to me who didn’t hide my identity.

Because it was always me when I was wearing black armor or a knight’s helmet.

Also, I missed the part because I fainted whenever I pulled out the spirit. This guy must have known that Mardol-I-Pine was before me.

A black bird lying flat on the ground and showing signs of submission. Her ears lie completely flat and look like seals.

“Whoops, Kkamangi doesn’t look like Richt.”

“Is that a compliment..? That..?”

I started to look down at Fine because I could hear his giggling laughter today.

“Like this, I hope Licht listened to me well….”

Creepy. The eyes that touched Kkamangi’s stomach had lost their vitality. I instinctively felt that she was touching me as a projection of her owner.

‘Yandere route..?’

There were times when the North imprisoned me. I thought for a moment about what would happen if they tried to capture me using even the power of the princess.

“Kkamangah. Don’t lick it… It reminds me of what I did with Richt…”


As the spirit licked the glass helmet, the itchiness returned to her eyes.

Good job. Fortunately, he was the one who turned off Fine’s switch.

She imagined that if she did something wrong, she would be branded as a criminal who touched the princess and live only by Fine’s side forever.

‘It might be better.’

I shook my head at the momentary bad thought. It doesn’t matter if your body can’t go out comfortably even in the town square, but Fine’s image will be ruined.

At least, if Fine doesn’t want that to happen….


At that moment, I felt something grab my crotch and turned around.


A spirit with a white wolf-like figure and a fox-like charm was biting my clothes. It looks like it belongs to someone I know.

Unlike Kkamangi, the size seemed a bit large. Is it the difference between a dog and a wolf?

“..Can I do this?”

As I slowly stroked the head of the white-furred, golden-eyed wolf, a rose scent resembling that of someone came out. A spirit that rejoices even by making noises.

Didn’t dogs hate having their hair touched? Ears completely lying down, like crows.

As I carefully scratched his chin, the platinum wolf rubbed his face in my hand.

“Hayang-ah… Don’t do that to Licht..! I’m embarrassed!”

As expected, Fine’s was correct. She shouted as she saw Whiteyi following me vigorously wagging her tail.

Black and white. I liked it because the naming method was cute like Fine.

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