"This time, I don't believe that the Queen Mother can still keep up her airs!"

Li Hao sat in the taxi heading back to school. He lightly patted the car he just bought and couldn't help but slightly smile.

After returning to his dorm, Li Hao impatiently took out his cell phone, opened the mysterious dark WeChat, and contacted the Queen Mother.

"Esteemed wangfei, this one is here to bother you again."


After receiving Li Hao's message, the Queen Mother's heart was slightly startled.

He had given Li Hao three days to prepare himself. He thought that he would definitely rack his brain and think of a way to obtain some of the rare treasures in the world to curry her favor, but he didn't think that news would arrive so quickly.

"Could it be that he gave up so quickly?"

As she thought of this, the corners of the Empress's mouth slightly curled up, feeling somewhat disappointed.

The Celestial Emperor has a very high opinion of Li Hao. He said that he might be someone that Daofather Hongjun thinks highly of, with his entire body covered in chaos. In the future, he might be able to become the number one Saint King since ancient times.

The Queen Mother muttered to herself. She had already lost the interest to continue interacting with Li Hao.

If one wanted to transcend the mortal world and enter the sage realm, just having outstanding talent was not enough. As the saying goes, not only were there talents, one must also have an unyielding will. If one's mind was always wandering and knew when to retreat, then no matter how talented one was, it was impossible for him to become a saint, let alone the number one sage king since ancient times!

However, just as the Queen Mother was about to use her mind to delete Li Hao, she suddenly received another message.

"Esteemed wangfei, I'm afraid I've already completed your task. Please prepare to release Hundred Flowers Fairy!"

Li Hao's tone was full of confidence, causing the Queen Mother, who was prepared to delete him, to stop out of curiosity.

"You think you've finished what I told you?"

With regards to Li Hao's confidence, the Queen Mother was extremely doubtful. Honestly speaking, it had only been half a day, but she didn't think of anything that would satisfy her. How could this mortal kid be confident?

"Could it be that you've already obtained the rarest treasures in the mortal world and are prepared to offer them up?"

The Queen Mother replied with a hint of disdain, "But you must be mentally prepared. Even the rarest things in the mortal world may not be of much value to me."

"Since this one dares to bring it out, I am naturally somewhat confident."

Li Hao quickly replied, "I've heard that the Empress recently seems to be dissatisfied with the drawing that the Divine Brush Ma Liang drew for you. I wonder if this matter will trouble the Empress?"

When the Queen Mother heard the news of Li Hao's arrival, her eyebrows creased slightly. Finally, she became slightly interested.

She naturally guessed that it was Chang'e who told Li Hao. However, since she expressed her dissatisfaction towards the Divine Brush Ma Liang in front of Chang'e and the Celestial Emperor, she naturally wasn't surprised that the news would leak out.

"Does he have a way to resolve this matter?"

The Queen Mother thought for a while, then thought, "If this Li Hao really can solve my problem, it will be a beautiful thing."

She was very clear about the painting technique of the Divine Brush Ma Liang. Even though the drawing was slightly off from her own body, it was definitely the best painting technique in the immortal world. Its level far surpassed that of the Eight Immortals' Uncle Cao, and if she wasn't an extremely strict person, she wouldn't be dissatisfied with the Divine Brush Ma Liang.

Even Ma Liang's superb drawing skills couldn't stand her picky eyes. What kind of virtue or ability did Li Hao have to be able to do that?

She did not believe that a boy from the lower realms could be better than the Divine Brush Ma Liang!

"The Divine Brush Ma Liang's drawing skills are superb. He can even draw ordinary objects to turn them into real objects. Why? Even he was unable to meet my requirements, could it be that Fellow Daoist Li Hao is confident in his painting skills? "

The Queen Mother replied with a deep sense of doubt.

Naturally, it is impossible. Ma Liang's drawing skills are known to be godly, so naturally, I find it difficult to follow him, but he also cannot satisfy you. I think it is simply because the color and luster of the drawing is inferior to that of your own self, your appearance cannot be completely restored even if the painting in Ma Liang's hand is a godly brush, right?

Li Hao spoke with confidence and confidence.

"That's right."

The Queen Mother nodded. In her heart, she secretly felt that Li Hao was truly perceptive. With just a tiny bit of information that Chang'e revealed, he was able to deduce so many things.

"But I have a unique magical equipment that can do what even the Divine Brush Ma Liang can't!"

Li Hao replied confidently, "Furthermore, you don't need to waste as much time and effort as you would need to draw. All you need to do is lightly press and your face will be perfectly reconstructed. It's absolutely the same!"

"There really is such a magical equipment?"

After the Queen Mother heard Li Hao's description, her heart trembled, and she was greatly moved.

"Of course there is. If you don't trust the Empress, please take a look."

After replying to this line, Li Hao asked Huang Ning, who had returned to his room, for a favor. He recorded a short video of Huang Ning using a camera and sent it over to his mother.

"Chang'e, Queen Mother, Haozi, the girls you're chatting with right now all have very unique tastes!" "What's the name of each of these websites?"

After filming the small screen, Huang Ning didn't suspect that he was the one behind all this. He even ruthlessly looked down on the names of the empress and the others.

Li Hao couldn't help but think, luckily the Queen Mother and the others didn't hear, otherwise, Huang Ning would definitely be in deep trouble!

"I wonder what this little thing was created from …"

The Queen Mother received a video from Li Hao and was shocked by the miraculous effect of the video!

"How is it? I wonder if it suits your wishes? "

Li Hao asked again.

"I have to test it myself."

Empress Dowager Wang was incomparably cautious, but her voice still contained an extremely stifled excitement.

Li Hao did not hesitate and directly opened the red packet function on WeChat in the Three Realms without saying a word. He then hid in the bathroom and sent the red packet to the Queen Mother as a red packet.

With the Queen Mother's self-esteem and status, even if she obtained the power of the auction, she wouldn't do something like destroying the bridge after crossing the river.


With a flash of light from the Queen Mother's hand, a brand-new photo appeared. She called over the servant fairy beside her and took a picture of her as Li Hao had done in the video earlier.

"Buzz …"

Very soon, a photo was taken from the photo. It was exactly the same as the goddess. There was no deviation at all!

"Do you feel any discomfort?"

Empress Dowager Wang looked at her and asked with rapt attention.

"Reporting to the Empress, this little deity did not feel that anything was wrong."

The goddess shook her head.

"You take one for me, just like you did just now."

Empress Dowager Wang placed the stand in her hand into the hands of the fairy, sitting upright on the phoenix chair.


The fairy accepted the order, adjusted her angle, and took a picture of the Queen Mother.

Very quickly, just like before, a new photo appeared in the hands of the fairy. It was as if the Queen Mother had entered the paper, whether it was her makeup, appearance, or appearance, they were all the same as when she had taken the photo.

"There's actually such a miraculous treasure!"

The Queen Mother's eyes were filled with splendor, and she no longer held any contempt towards Li Hao. She smiled and said, "Prepare the decree, release the Hundred Flowers Fairy!"

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