The meal between Li Hao and Zuo Fei Fei Fei lasted from around 12 in the afternoon until it ended at 4 in the afternoon.

At the beginning, the relationship between the two of them had also become more familiar. Perhaps this was what it meant to be close to each other at first sight, but not long after, they acted as though they had been friends for many years.

After leaving the west cafeteria, Li Hao prepared to return to school. Zuo Fei Fei, on the other hand, wanted to return to the company and quickly get someone to draft out the contract for Li Hao to see.

"You really don't want me to give you a ride?"

Zuo Fei Fei Fei sat in a champagne coloured Porsche 911, pressed down the window, and asked Li Hao who was standing by the side of the road and getting ready to take a taxi.

"Don't worry about it. It's not like you're going to the school or the company. I'll just take a taxi back."

Li Hao shook his head.

"Other people are all eager to stay with me for a little longer, but why don't you cherish this opportunity?"

Zuo Fei Fei looked at Li Hao with a resentful gaze, then said: "Li Hao, why don't I chase you instead! "How about it?"

"What kind of joke is this!"

Zuo Fei Fei's words made Li Hao's heart skip a beat, but he still had a smile on his face as he said, "You're a dignified White Rich Beauty, coming to chase after me. I'm afraid that the moment I go out in the future, I'll be beaten to death by your loyal supporters …"

"Alright, I won't tease you anymore."

Zuo Fei Fei made a face at Li Hao, then stepped on the accelerator.

After bidding farewell to Zuo Fei Fei, Li Hao went back to school in his car and found that all the treasures in the room were gone.

Li Hao took out his cell phone and saw that there were five missed calls!

Chen Xi had called two people while Zhang Kun, Lin Wei and Huang Ning had each also called one other. However, he was having an intense conversation with Zuo Fei Fei Fei and his cellphone had been muted, so he didn't notice it.


Li Hao returned a call to Chen Xi.

"Li Hao, you're done talking?"

Chen Xi's voice came over the phone. Before she could say anything else, Lin Wei's voice faintly came from the side, "Look, I told you. Haozi, this boy, who values his relationship above his friends, will definitely call Chen Xi back first!"

"Uh, are you with my roommates?"

Li Hao asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I just happened to bump into him. He's chatting with Starbucks next to the school right now."

Chen Xi said, "Are you coming over? "At the same time, I went to grandpa's house for dinner."

"Alright, I'll be right there."

Li Hao nodded, hung up the phone and walked out of the school.

Starbucks, which was located at the back door of the school, was a good place to chat. The environment was not bad and the expenses weren't high either.

Li Hao pushed open the door of the Starbucks. Suddenly, the cool and refreshing air in the room assaulted him. After looking around, he quickly caught sight of Huang Ning, who was talking excitedly.

"What are you talking about? So happy? "

Li Hao walked over and asked with a smile.

"Chenxi is listening to our romance about your relationship!"

Zhang Kun smiled and said, "Now that you're here, just confess it to me."

"What's there to say about the history of my relationship? Su Ling was my first love. I broke up, it's gone."

Li Hao twitched his mouth, then pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Huang Ning was just about to tell you some last-minute story, saying that this is your favorite love story when you were with Su Ling. How about it? Do you want to tell me about it? "

Chen Xi looked at Li Hao with a smile. She rested her head on her hands and asked with interest.

"It's a long time ago, so let's not talk about it."

Li Hao shook his head and laughed bitterly twice.

"But I really want to hear it!"

Chen Xi smiled faintly and said, "Huang Ning said it was a very sad and beautiful story, but I feel like his words won't be as nice as yours."


Huang Ning, who was lying on the side, was stupefied. He clutched his chest as he said to Zhang Kun: "It really is a society that looks at faces. Quickly send me to the hospital, my heart is broken."

"Haozi, just tell me about it. It's about time to put an end to Su Ling's matter. It's a good thing that you've completely decided on that failed relationship in your heart."

Zhang Kun winked at Li Hao, indicating that he should agree to Chenxi's request.


Li Hao nodded. He took a deep breath and looked into Chen Xi's expectant eyes. His eyes became misty, as if he was immersed in the past.

"The story of the young man who came after him originated from Zhuang Zi. Chatterbox. Stealing Metatarses. "

Li Hao's voice was calm, like a trickle of water, gushing out from the heart of the field, retrograde along the river of time.

"The end of the life and the girl were born under the beam. If the woman does not come, the water will not go, and they will die with the beam in their arms."

"He was talking about a man called Tailson during the Spring and Autumn season. He made an appointment to meet his beloved girl under the bridge, but the time was up, and the Tailor's promised life did not wait for his beloved lady."

The light in Li Hao's eyes was as gentle as jade, and his voice was softer than the waves. It was filled with a faint sadness.

"Later on, the flood came, but Dusheng was still bitterly waiting under the bridge. No matter who tried to persuade him, he wasn't willing to leave. He tightly embraced the beam and pillar under the bridge and allowed the flood to submerge him."

"In the end, he didn't even wait for the girl he had promised to meet. She died just like that, holding onto the pillar of the bridge."

Li Hao sighed.

Everyone quietened down, and even Huang Ning, who loved to play the most, stared blankly. Chen Xi stared blankly at Li Hao, her bright eyes revealing bits of sparkling and translucent light.

In Chinese history, there was the first person who died for love.

It was stupid, but it was very touching.

Actually, compared to the flood that destroyed the village, the long wait was like a flood of despair that engulfed and devoured the entire village.

Observe and give up in a single thought.

How easy is it to give up? How many times in his life would he give up?

However, the Tailor stubbornly chose to persevere.

It didn't matter if he was stupid, naive, or lying to himself!

He just didn't want to give up. He desperately clung onto that small bit of hope in that flood of despair.

The image of Su Ling's voice and smile appeared in Li Hao's mind, then disappeared like a bubble in a flood. There was once a resplendent ray of light on a sunny day, but in the end, it exploded, leaving nothing behind.

He wrapped his arms around himself and hugged tightly onto his oath.

However, a vow was a blessing for two people at the same time. A vow from one person was never more than a tragedy.

Perhaps the girl she was waiting for had met another real child; perhaps she had married someone else and was a couple; or perhaps she had forgotten her engagement with her.

Love right is love, love wrong is youth.

Li Hao swallowed the last bit of bitterness that appeared on his lips, his misty gaze becoming clear once again.

"When we graduate, I'll marry you!"

Su Ling's voice echoed in his ears, but it gradually became fainter and inaudible, like Yue Er's shadow in the lake. He wanted to clench his fist tightly, but when he stretched out his hand, it shattered …

A green agreement might not be able to withstand the torrent of reality in the end. It would be flooded, leaving nothing behind.

Maybe a lot of people are still clinging to the pillars of their fantasies, but in the end, we're just touching ourselves.

"Goodbye, Su Ling."

Li Hao closed his eyes and whispered in his heart: "I don't hate you, and I don't love you anymore."


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