Chapter 643 Opening Up Underground Space

Since Lin Yuan had been under everyone’s attention, this smile made Aunt who secretly followed Lin Yuan shook his mind.

These Aunts only feel that they are clearly here to watch an All-Star game, how come they seem to have become mother fans unknowingly.

Lin Yuan didn’t expect Master Hong Shen to bring himself a huge surprise so quickly.

The city of the sky now, that is, Lin Yuan has the first true four-star creator in his hands.

Master Hong Shen, who was promoted to the four-star creator, no longer needed to be successful, but could perfectly make up for Lin Yuan’s shortcomings.

Master Hong Shen’s Ascension spirit level ability and Lin Yuan’s current ability are superimposed, making the sky city equivalent to having a five-star creator sitting in the town.

Lin Yuan said to Master Hong Shen.

“I’ll send you an address in a while, and you can go directly to the address when you are ready.”

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuan found that Zhang Xiaobai had also hung up and was looking at himself in surprise.

Lin Yuan only heard what Zhang Xiaobai said happily and anxiously.

“Lin Yuan, I have to leave the Hall of Glow now, Xin Ying and the others are awake, I have to go and see them.”

Lin Yuan didn’t say that he would go with Zhang Xiaobai this time. Originally, Xin Ying, Tan Ran, and Lu Pinru were sleeping.

All the burdens fell on Zhang Xiaobai.

But now Xin Ying, Tan Ran, and Lu Pinru are awake, not to mention, the fact that the Extreme Club Association alone needs to be discussed and faced by the four.

“Go, Xiaobai, I am waiting for you at the Dome Club.”

Zhang Xiaobai was startled when he heard the words!

This is the second time Lin Yuan has invited himself!

Having joined a commercial club such as the Extreme Club Guild, Zhang Xiaobai understood that he wanted to form a club guild with Lin Yuan’s resources and strength.

Even when recruiting reserve players, there are still better choices than others.

If Lin Yuan recruited himself for the first time, Lin Yuan helped Own as a friend after knowing Own’s situation.

The second time he recruited himself showed that Lin Yuan really hoped that he could join the Dome Club guild, even if his current strength was far behind.

Regarding Lin Yuan’s recruitment again, Zhang Xiaobai was already in love with the arena, and naturally there was no reason to refuse.

Zhang Xiaobai patted Lin Yuan’s shoulder vigorously, and said.

“I will ask the three of them later, but no matter what the three of them plan, I decided to join.”

After Zhang Xiaobai left, Lin Yuan’s phone rang again within a few minutes.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuan stood up and said to Liu Jie.

“Brother Liu, add two more pairs of bowls and chopsticks on the table tonight, and there will be two more people in the manor.”

Liu Jie heard the words and said.

“Wrapped on me, it happened to be that I was making a seafood dinner tonight, and I made the platinum-level sub-bone fish that I bought before.”

Lin Yuan feels that today is definitely a great day, double happiness is coming!

Lin Yuan not only received Master Hong Shen, a four-star creator, but also Duan He, who possessed imperial combat power, came to the royal capital.

The All-Star Game is still going on, because most of the lucky viewers selected afterwards chose the challenge, it is really nothing to see.

Originally, I looked at the All-Star Game because of the whim of Chuci.

Now that Chuci has played the challenge by himself, even after watching it, Chuci feels somewhat lacking in interest.

Therefore, everyone returned to Guiyuan Manor before the end of the All-Star Game.

Wen Yu, the big housekeeper, arranged it in the two rooms on the third floor next to Hu Quan’s room.

Not long after returning to the manor, Lin Yuan received calls from Master Duan He and Hong Shen at his front and back feet.

Lin Yuan didn’t expect the two to arrive together.

Lin Yuan personally walked to the door of the manor and brought Master Duan He and Hong Shen into the manor.

Duan He is an imperial powerhouse, and Master Hong Shen is a four-star creator with a natural vision of Bufan.

I saw Bufan in this manor all at once.

The new year is in the cold winter, and the trees outside the manor are withered, but inside the manor is like a colorful summer.

Since Duan He knew that Lin Yuan was the apprentice of Master Yue, Master Hong Shen knew that Lin Yuan could readily take out the spiritual materials from the lord-level mythological spirit creatures, and had already seen Lin Yuan’s wealth.

Therefore, there is not too much surprise on the face.

But when he entered the house, he was still stunned by the furniture made of completely jade-like wood and the three mountains and rivers Yongshou carp in the red sandalwood longevity aquarium.

Duan He had the privilege of visiting the main house of the top power before.

The main houses of those top powers are nothing more than that.

Moreover, the huge murals on the wall of the sceneries are extremely luxurious, and the whole house reveals a warm feeling.

After dinner, everyone quickly became acquainted with each other.

Even Duan He who lives in the city of Diancang, has eaten all kinds of sea creatures.

So I have to sigh the chef’s craftsmanship for this dinner.

After the meal, Master Hong Shen looked at the room Wen Yu had cleaned up for him, and then at such a clean house.

Master Hong Shen thought for a while and said.

“Young Master, the old man has gotten used to it. Living in this house is afraid that everyone will be annoyed by all people.”

“The old man sees that there is an open space next to the Young Master manor. It is better for the old man to buy the open space as a cultivation base in the Young Master manor.”

“Moreover, these two pieces of land are so close, there are no other people around, we can open up the underground space of these two pieces of land.”

“The underground is humid and warm, with rich soil and water elements. It is the best environment to cultivate plant-like spiritual things.”

“There are so many rare plants in the Young Master Manor. When seeds are born in the future, the space opened up in this underground can also be used.”

Master Hong Shen said this mainly to avoid being restricted by Life habits.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the intention.

When Master Hong Shen heard Lin Yuan’s ears, Lin Yuan’s eyes lit up.

Although the space in Guiyuan Manor is very large, the guild base of the Dome Club Guild will be established later.

It directly occupied the open space north of Guiyuan Manor.

In addition, the expansion of the artificial lake will occupy unavoidable land.

If you have to use the open space to the west to build a spirituality cultivation base, it seems that the layout of the manor is a bit compact.

And Master Hong Shen’s idea undoubtedly solved this problem perfectly.

What made Lin Yuan even more pleased was that Master Hong Shen’s idea of ​​opening up an underground space was very feasible and imperative.

Lin Yuan has a golden lotus plant upgraded from a lotus flower.

The space opened up underground directly solves the problem of cultivating golden lotus plants.

And the underground space is connected to the inside and outside of the manor, which can be well controlled.

The secrets of the underground space will not be detected and leaked by the intentional forces.

The space corridor that will be erected from the manor to the Shenmu Federation in a few days can also be set up in the underground space.

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