The Tianzhong restricted area was cleared, and another restricted area in the fantasy world was captured by Tianjiao.

The entire fantasy world channel once again caused an uproar.

How Cang Qiong and others cleared the Forbidden Zone dungeon, other players don't know, but they know how tragic the appearance of the genius who came out of the tomb was.

Wenming and Zhongtu had no intention of concealing the information.

They spread the word about what happened in the dungeon, and soon, everyone knew about what happened in the Tianzhong restricted area.

According to the latest information, Yilos was left in the restricted area forever. The powerful Wanling species Humonghuo and Zhongtu were also killed once. The person who killed them was Li from the Winged Human race. Li and the two Wanlings were killed. The spirit seeds made enemies.

When the blade flowed out, half of the body was still in tatters.

Only Li, it is said that this guy stole all the trophies in the Amanzuka restricted area and became the biggest winner in the restricted area.

Challenging the penalty area, the final result was tragic.

But no matter what, the identities of these geniuses have been recognized by the players in the fantasy world.

Ever since Cang Qiong and others came out of the restricted area of ​​light, an unwritten rule has spread among the players in the lower realm. Since Tianjiao refers to the strongest group of people, naturally only those who can clear the restricted area are worthy of the title. The one above is a proud one.

While Lu Cang was fusing the divine base in the tavern, he was buying the latest information from the information dealers around him.

"Sure enough, they are not hiding." Lu Cang saw the world notice that they were leaving the restricted area and had already judged the situation in the dungeon.

In every restricted area, there are bosses both inside and outside.

The surface BOSS is generally weaker, and the inner BOSS needs special means to activate. To know this information, you need to know the details in some missions.

In fact, in nearby maps and in some missions, NPCs may occasionally mention things about the restricted area. The mission information of these fragments is the key information to unlock the BOSS in the restricted area.

During the kill, the BOSS will drop a precious and unique prop, which cannot be obtained by killing the BOSS on the table.

Just like the Forbidden Zone of Light, if you miss Sirio of Darkness, you will no longer be able to obtain Darkness Coagulated Blood, and Leng Qingying will completely lose the opportunity to obtain the Original Darkness Void Body.

"But isn't Basariu dead?"

"Sure enough, there has been another change. The reason why we didn't die is probably because we saw the announcement about our clearance. The only impact we received in the short period of time after clearing the dungeon was this world announcement." Lu Cang simply deduced in his mind.

Lu Cang took a light sip of beer, and Shenji completed the fusion at this moment: "It seems that the target is us."


Li was followed by Renliu. Both of them used their own methods to hide their identities and sat down in a tavern in Silent Desolate City.

After sitting down, Basiliu asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Gather information first."

"Qianqiong and the others must be very powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to clear the Forbidden Zone of Light. Although I don't know how strong the Forbidden Zone of Light is, if it is close to the difficulty of the restricted zone we fought, their strength is definitely not much weaker than ours."

"Even, we have to be prepared that they are much stronger than us."

Li held her chin up and ran her fingers across the panel in front of her.

"In the fantasy world, strength is only part of it, brains are the most important."

"As long as you have enough wisdom, even if your strength is only one percent of the opponent's, you may not be unable to defeat the opponent." Li pointed at her head and said with a sweet smile.

"You tell me this, aren't you afraid that I will learn from you?"

"Not afraid."

"Why aren't you afraid?"

"Because you are stupid."

Just as Basariu was about to say something, Li's eyes shone slightly: "Oh, this one is called the Brave One. It's very interesting. He actually has the legendary arrogance. No wonder he can clear the Forbidden Zone of Light."

"Arrogance? What is it?"

Li: "Knowledge has to be paid for. If you want to know, give it something valuable in exchange."

Blade flow is silent.

"Xiumi, the orc clan has passed the inheritance of the Bow God."

"Zuya, the original embryo of Bailian, eh... is quite powerful."

"White Deer, the Witch of Destruction, extremely large-scale magical destruction."

"Leng Qingying, assassin, fast, good at shadow combat, no special features."

"The sky's characteristics are unknown, but it is suspected to be omnipotent in all aspects. It has defeated the arrogant and fearless warrior many times in the arena. It is highly dangerous."

After listening to Li's inventory, Renliu couldn't help but ask: "Where did you get all this information?"

Li looked up, with confusion in her eyes: "I have my own intelligence agent, don't you?"

Blade flow was silent again.

This, it really doesn’t have that.

"The best breakthrough point for their team should be Xiumi and Bailu. Archers and mages have the weakest combat effectiveness if they are approached."

Li passed the information to Blade, who glanced at the information.

"The one named Brave and Fearless looks dull. He doesn't seem very smart. Shouldn't we break through from him?"

"He has an arrogant attitude. Do you want to break through from him?"

Li knows about the arrogant posture. If he hits him, he will get invincibility and shock. If you hit him, it will be useless even if Wuseless Thoughts takes 10 billion damage.


Li responded: "Invincible from the front."

Basiliu: "Is it that strong?"

"Then you go and touch it yourself?"

Basiliu remained silent.

"Yeah~ I already know the general information."

Basiliu: "Shall we act now?"

"So, your thinking is too simple. Of course it is not advisable to act rashly. Use your brain." Li pointed to her head.

"They are probably in Gaotian City now, and the restricted area of ​​light is nearby. Let's go there first to look for opportunities."


【Gaotian City】

Lu Cang had already sent a long letter to Xin Baiyue, telling Xin Baiyue what she wanted to know.

The brave and fearless man has put on a new handsome red and white shirt. The golden-red cloak is flying in the wind. He carries two giant swords on his back, one named [Humility] and the other named [Arrogance].

Bai Lu wears a plain white dress with countless details of stars and moons on it. She wears stars and moon, and a white mage hat is tilted on Bai Lu's head. She is slim and exquisite. At first glance, she is no longer a fledgling. A beginner in magic, he already feels vaguely like an archmage.

It’s not just a change in clothing, it’s also a change in temperament.

Leng Qingying completed the fusion of original darkness and incorporeal body. She wore a black tight-fitting suit that was completely close-fitting and perfectly outlined her curves. If Xin Bai Yue was not counted, Leng Qingying had the best figure among all the people at present.

This change of clothes was proposed by Lu Cang. Leng Qingying’s situation was quite special and she needed a special combat uniform to fully display her abilities. Lu Cang bought [Night Clothes] specifically for Leng Qingying in a hidden underground clothing store. Clothing is equivalent to its own skin, which can change color at will and change with the change of its owner's status.

Leng Qingying can now turn into nothingness and escape into the shadows. The original dark void body is quite special. Unlike the invisibility skill, her clothes will not change when she turns into nothingness. This is also a small disadvantage of self-developed physique, so Leng Qingying could only wear such clothes.

Therefore, other members also took this opportunity to put on a new suit of their own.

Xiumi took this opportunity to go to Luluwei's church to receive the uniform of a Sequence 10 inheritor. Now Xiumi is regarded as the high priest in the Luluwei divine system, and has a very high right to speak. .

The Sequence 10 religious uniform is a soft cloth intertwined with forest green and sky blue. It doesn't cover much, and a large area of ​​skin is exposed, which only makes it look lighter. At the same time, Luluwei's religious group also gave Xiumi 1.2 million gold coins and 15,000 1 platinum quality enhancement stone, 2 pieces of platinum quality equipment, and 2 four-star skill books.

This treatment directly shocked everyone who had no organization.

Is this...the inheritor? No wonder it was a smooth journey.

As for Zuya, Zuya changed the film to a new one. Under the instigation of Brave and Fearless, it is now a red stone.

Everyone in the guild has completely integrated the divine base and has a weak divinity.

Moreover, Bai Lu and Xiumi also had six-star skills. Bai Lu raised the six-star skills to level 5 in one breath. On the other side, the brave man Wuwei opened his double swords, and Leng Qingying opened the original dark void body.

Everyone's combat power has been greatly improved.

After gathering, the brave man Wuwei saw Lu Cang and asked Lu Cang excitedly: "Boss, I'm ready! When are we going to get the god's throne!"

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