Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 354: kowtow

"Shen Wuxia! Give us the medicine pill!"

Blocked in front of Shen Wuxia were two young girls in red clothes with bright eyes and white teeth.

The two young girls had outstanding looks, more like twins, frowning and shouting angrily.

A wry smile appeared on Shen Wuxia's face, and said, "The two senior sisters of Die Liangu, if you give this bottle of medicinal herbs to you, will you be able to keep it?"

His sense of consciousness is sensitive, and he can naturally detect the sound of thunder roaring from a distance, and I don't know how many people are surrounding him.

I knew that I couldn't keep this bottle of medicine pill, and I didn't plan to resist it.

"Humph! You don't need to worry about this! Our master is already on his way, and with her old man's strength, she can naturally keep it."

The slightly older red-clothed girl shook the whip in her hand and said with a cold face.

"Elder Zhen came here in person?"

Including Shen Wuxia, the expressions of several people present changed immediately.

This elder Zhen, whose name is Zhen Yueluo, is one of the top ten god-level masters in the Great Zhou Dynasty. The Supreme Elder of Butterfly Love Valley has reached the peak of martial arts, and is a master of Qiongtian level.

"Shen Wuxia! If you don't hand it over, don't blame me for not giving your sister face!"

Xie San's face turned cold and said in a cold voice.

If they waited until all the Vaulted Heaven-level masters entered the field, then where would they still have a chance.

Immediately, the long sword on his back vibrated gently, and the sword flowed, tearing apart the sky.

On his side, above the golden eagle, the little Hades Fang Qidao stood with his hands behind his back.



The air was rolling, the sound waves were oscillating, the vast sea was blowing sand, and several figures came forward, surrounding all of Shen Wuxia's retreats.

Although there are not many people coming, all of them are masters of the realm of concentration.

Several concentrating warriors also looked at each other later, and clenched their palms, ready to shoot.

"Two senior sisters, I wish you good luck."

Shen Wuxia finally let go of the fluke in his heart completely, flipped his palms and tossed, the true energy wrapped in the white jade porcelain bottle turned into a silver streamer and threw it towards the two girls in Butterfly Love Valley.

The white light on the jade bottle was flowing, and at first glance, it was not ordinary, and faintly, I deliberately saw the light of the elixir with purple air.


The moment the porcelain bottle came out of his hand, there was a roar between the heavens and the earth.

Shen Wuxia's body trembled, turning into a silver streamer and flying through the air.


The two girls in Butterfly Love Valley snorted coldly and shook their long whips at the same time, and took the porcelain bottle into their arms.

Before he could check it out, his expression suddenly changed.

I saw the infuriating qi bursting all around, and everyone shot almost at the same time.

The air within a radius of dozens of miles vibrated violently, and large strands of sand and dust rose up to a height of tens of hundreds of feet like a roar of giant dragons.

In a few breaths, this place turned into a battlefield.

But perhaps it was because of the scruples of the upcoming Vault of Heaven-level martial artist, the attack deliberately avoided the key point of the two, so the two of them waved their long whips in the air, and they were still able to support it!

"Shen Wuxia, you can't go!"

Xie San's cold voice sounded, and he jumped down from the giant tiger.

The long sword broke through the void in an instant. The shrill screeching sound of the tearing debut.

call out! call out! call out!

That sword turned into thousands of silver snakes flying around, swaying like a shower of stars in the sky, shrouding Shen Wuxia's body, and every starlight hitting his vitals.

"Thank San! When I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Shen Wuxia's body turned in the air, and a stream of silver light burst out of his hands in an instant!


The sword light that danced like a silver snake was suddenly swayed by the flying streamer, and it disappeared with a slight movement in the air.


Xie San's sword eyebrows twitched, the acupuncture points in his body vibrated, hundreds of stars lit up, and he flicked his fingers together, turning into phantoms in the air.


The sword qi is vertical and horizontal, and the whistling turns into a giant sword that is condensed into reality, and bursts out with a whistling!


During the turbulent sword qi, Shen Wuxia's figure trembled slightly, turning into a stream of light and breaking through the air.


There was a loud shout from high in the sky, and a giant blue-black palm descended from the sky, shrouding Shen Wuxia with a bang.

"Fang Qidao! I've handed over all the medicinal pills, don't force me!"

Shen Wuxia gritted his teeth, and the white robe was torn apart.

Chasing and killing along the way consumes too much. At this time, his strength has fallen to the bottom, and it is difficult to resist.


The giant palm fell heavily, setting off monstrous sand waves, and the strong wind howled, forcing Shen Wuxia to retreat again and again.


Fang Qidao was suspended in the air, his expression indifferent: "How about forcing you?"

Amidst the blue-black infuriating energy all over his body, there was a faint sound of ghost crying and wolf howling, and his black hair was flying like a demon.

Although Shen Wuxia handed over the porcelain bottle, no one except him knew the exact number of medicinal pills, and who knew whether he was carrying it privately?


Shen Wuxia took a deep breath, and the slightly dimmed silver flying knife appeared and hovered in the palm of his hand: "Then try it!"

A sharp silver light suddenly shot into the sky from his palm, condensed to the extreme, and filled the sky within a dozen miles.

But Shen Wuxia's complexion is not good-looking. He has used it several times along the way, killing several concentrating warriors. The consumption of Qiongtian's treasure is too great, and his current strength is not enough to exert much power.

"Shen's flying knife?"

Fang Qi's face moved slightly, and then he smiled contemptuously: "If it is in the hands of your ancestor or your sister, I will naturally run as far as you want, but, you!"

"Haha! Pick me up!"

He laughed loudly, and amidst the black air circulating around his body, a palm covered in cyan and black suddenly protruded, and suddenly pressed down on Shen Wuxia.

When this palm came out, it instantly turned into the size of mu Xu, the palm force was overwhelming, the sky was torn apart, and it carried a terrible aura of darkness, evil, madness, and darkness, as if all the evil auras between heaven and earth were gathered together in this palm. between.

There was a sudden darkness between the sky and the earth, and a series of roars of Yin wind rang instantly within a radius of ten kilometers filled with blue-black infuriating energy!

His palm is not his own ability, but the terrifying power of the heavenly treasure "Hand of Hades" he carries!


With the palm of his hand, the ubiquitous air between heaven and earth was condensed into a piece of substance, tightly wrapping Shen Wuxia within it.

In the face of this palm, there is no chance to escape at all!

The Pluto Sect is different from any sect. Its cultivation methods, the condensed picture of the sky, and the treasure of the sky are all its founders, the founder of the Pluto!

And the blue-black palm behind him is the treasure of the sky in the Pluto Sect. If the entire Pluto appears, it is the power of the illusion world!

The blue-black demonic energy was so gloomy and vast that it could not penetrate even divine consciousness.

The mighty enveloped Shen Wuxia and slowly pressed down.

"Fang Qidao!"

Shen Wuxia gritted his teeth and let out a low roar, about to launch a flying knife to kill him.

The power of this Pluto hand is even stronger than his flying knife. When he consumes too much energy, he may not be able to resist it!


Suddenly there was a huge explosion from the rear, and the billowing air created countless sand waves.

Shen Wuxia's heart jumped, and when he looked back, he saw a golden streamer burst out from several miles away!

That streak of golden light became more and more prosperous, and it traveled across several miles in almost an instant. The billowing air waves behind it dragged the sand waves and raised a huge curtain that was dozens of feet high!

hold head high! !

A golden-yellow blood gas turned into a golden dragon with a thickness of several ten feet, which instantly swept away the pervading demonic gas and rose into the sky.

Shen Wuxia couldn't think about it at all, when he saw that under the rapid restraint of the golden blood, an indifferent figure appeared.

It is Gu Shaoshang!

Only after he came out of the world in the mirror did he realize that in the entire oasis, all the outsiders had disappeared.

When I came to the desert to search for Yueyu, I found Shen Wuxia who was embarrassed and fled.

After that, it was hidden to one side, and at this time, seeing that Shen Wuxia couldn't resist, he suddenly jumped out.


The moment Gu Shaoshang jumped up, countless starlights suddenly lit up in his body, countless acupoints oscillated in series with each other, and infinite power erupted.

In an instant, he squeezed the fist marks with his five fingers, and slammed into the huge palm force in the sky!


In the void, there was a deafening loud noise.

In the sky, Fang Qidao's complexion suddenly changed, and he saw a golden light suddenly appear under the giant palm, and then it exploded into an unparalleled giant force!

"Who is this?"

His face changed wildly, and he only felt his giant palm shaking, as if a huge dragon was pressing under his palm, and he could hardly hold it!

The powerhouse of unknown origin, with a punch, almost touched the tyrannical power of Qiongtian!

"Whatever you are, die for me!"

He shouted loudly, and there was a roar of thunder in his body.

His face was instantly pale, and he could clearly see strands of black air flowing under his skin, and his eyes instantly turned into a pitch-black color, without any whites, which was extremely terrifying.


The blue-black palm suddenly increased in strength, and suddenly pressed down!


In the golden light, Gu Shaoshang let out a sigh, and the fists condensed to the extreme between the five fingers flowed, and a tyrannical shock burst out in an instant, penetrating the heavy demonic energy, and collided with this huge palm!


A huge mushroom cloud suddenly spread out from the place where the fists and palms meet, rolling in all directions, golden blood energy and blue and black devil energy colliding with each other, making a series of explosion sounds.


The airflow was turbulent like smoke and dust, and golden light suddenly appeared.

Gu Shaoshang's figure circled and lifted up the huge palm, his body shot out, and he punched Fang Qidao.

He watched the battle from the sidelines before, naturally not to watch Shen Wuxia's jokes, but to deduce how to deal with these heavenly treasures in his heart.

The power of these heavenly treasures is even more powerful than Xuantian Evil Emperor's full-strength blow, and his strength at this time is still slightly insufficient.

For a moment, he still deduced his flaws.

Although the power of the Heaven's Treasure is great, it is naturally impossible for warriors in the contemplative realm to use it. As long as it takes over the moment of its explosive power, the moment its power flows, it can turn over in an instant!


Fang Qidao's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't have time to think about how this person bypassed Qiongtian's treasure and made a violent move.


When the fists and palms met, Fang Qidao's complexion immediately changed, and he felt an unimaginable force exploded at his fingertips.


In the turbulent air, Gu Shaoshang's black hair fluttered, his hanging left palm whistled like a blast, and the air shook like the surface of the water, hitting the stiff Fang Qidao's chest heavily.


Fang Qidao flew upside down at the same time, and a blood mist spewed out, like a cannonball flying out of the land, rolling in the sand sea one after another, pulling out a deep ravine.


The sand waves fell, burying it deeply.


The rigid Qiongtian Treasure instantly shrank into a blue-black light, and was about to shoot at Fang Qidao.


Gu Shaoshang danced his sleeves and robes, spread his fingers, and held it in the palm of his hand.

Even a piece of heavenly treasure, after losing control, it is impossible to get rid of Gu Shaoshang's suppression.

Screaming and being suppressed by his infuriating energy, he was thrown into the Jiuding space.

"Brother Gu!"

Shen Wuxia breathed a sigh of relief and walked to Gu Shaoshang.

He pointed to the place where the battle was ten miles away: "You came too late. In that porcelain bottle, there is an elixir that can activate the divine body."

"What kind of medicine? Can it actually stimulate the divine body?"

Gu Shaoshang raised his eyebrows.

In order to activate the ancient sacred body, he spent decades, and countless elixir emerged. At this time, there is an elixir that can activate the divine body?

"I don't know exactly."

Shen Wuxia smiled bitterly and said, "Anyway, as soon as I saw the medicinal pill, a strong urge arose in my heart. When I woke up, my body was already activated, and I was surrounded by people."

As he said that, he shook his head with lingering fears. Obviously, it was not that simple to escape all the way.


The two talked for a while, and the sand sea exploded in the distance. Fang Qidao, who was in a state of embarrassment, coughed up blood again and looked at Gu Shaoshang with resentment: "What a dog, dare to attack!"

His black royal robe shattered into pieces, revealing the armor engraved with the head of a ferocious ghost.

"You are also worthy of my sneak attack?"

Gu Shaoshang hunted in black robes, his eyes were slightly cold: "die!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly took a step forward, and the strong wind turned into a golden streamer, dragging the billowing air to raise endless dust and sand, instantly spanning several miles away.

He glanced at Fang Qidao with an indifferent expression, raised his arms straight up, and squeezed his fists together with his five fingers, pressing down like a mountain.

Without the Treasure of the Heavens, he dared to shout at him, it was simply not knowing whether to live or die.


The fist mark came across the sky, and Fang Qi's eyes flashed a trace of mockery, where there was a trace of anger and resentment.

He suddenly put on a strange fear, bent his knees, and fell to the ground: "Pluto... kowtow!"

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