Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 347: Indifference

"I'm afraid it won't agree."

Dayu shook his head and said, "The nine cauldrons are very important. If they fall into the hands of Dugu Xingye, I'm afraid there will be a big mess."

"Then there's nothing to say."

Gu Shaoshang didn't force it, and closed his eyes slowly.

Seeing that Gu Shao was injured, Dayu could only shake his head and disperse his figure in the air.

After all, every time he came out, he had to consume the world's heritage.


Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged on the edge of the cliff to breathe.

This is naturally not to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but to discharge the exhaust gas when grinding the hole.

On the vast continent, after Qi Zong, opening 12 acupoints is the early Qi Zong, opening 36 is the middle Qi Zong, opening 81 is the late Qi Zong, and it takes 365 masters to complete. The acupoints are connected at the same time.

But this does not mean that there are only 365 acupoints in the human body, but that the life span of Qi Zong is limited. Sixty main acupoints and countless auxiliary acupoints are cultivated.

Opening up all the acupoints in the whole body should be the category of the peak of the sky, but it is not necessary to open all the acupoints to improve concentration.

Otherwise, with Gu Shaoshang's attitude that every acupoint must be polished to perfection, I am afraid that there will be no day of advanced concentration.

Gu Shaoshang learned from the memory fragments of the old man Chasing Dao that even if the sky is strong, not every one of them can open 129,600 acupoints.

At the very least, the old man who chased the Dao only opened up all the acupuncture points in his body after he advanced into the illusion world, possessing a terrifying power that transcends the mundane.

The polishing of the acupoints is not directly related to the promotion of the concentration realm. With Gu Shaoshang's background, once 365 acupoints are opened, the concentration can be advanced at any time.

However, the realm of concentrating does not mean much to Gu Shaoshang, because he has already opened up his spiritual consciousness, and only when his spiritual consciousness grows to its peak will naturally condense a "god".

His wild vision is naturally to open all the 129,600 acupoints, and the combat power surpasses the sky in one fell swoop!

After that, he painted his unique picture of the sky with "God".

This is the difference between Gu Shaoshang's "Golden Badge of the Beginning" and the practice of the vast continent. It is enough to advance to the sky without being promoted!


The cold wind howled, and Gu Shaoshang fell into deep contemplation on the edge of the cliff.

The biggest problem in front of him at this time is naturally Dugu Xingye, which is comparable to Qiongtian. According to Gu Shaoshang's estimation at this time, even if he uses all the means, if he uses the magical power of his own life, the hope of winning will also be reduced. Only four percent.

The gap between the powerhouse of Jiuding World and Dongxu is too great, beyond imagination.

Then, if he wants to defeat Dugu Xingye, when his cultivation base is temporarily insufficient, he naturally has to start with supernatural powers.

For this magical power, Gu Shaoshang has been deducing it with his light brain for ten years, and he is only one step away from completing it.

"Come on, come on..."

In the snow, Gu Shaoshang's voice drifted in the wind.


"Ha ha!"


"The fist must be tight, and the force must be loose!"

On the mountainside of Divine Axe Mountain, within the gate of Divine Fist Dao, is a huge square that covers an area of ​​several thousand feet.

At this time, more than 7,000 outer disciples of Shenquan Dao were practicing boxing under the guidance of a young man in a green shirt.

"My God Fist Dao is the strongest sect in the world, you must cherish this great opportunity."

The young man in the blue shirt had a loud voice that could be heard in the entire square.


The strong wind was blowing, and the sound of thousands of people shouting and practicing boxing was about to break through the sky.


On the white jade-like steps, Gu Shaoshang stepped forward with a flat face. Behind him, Tantai Qinger, who was wearing a white Luo skirt, followed every step of the way.

She is a little more graceful than ten years ago, her beautiful face is as white as jade, and her whole person is like that warm white jade, which makes people look ashamed.

Gu Shaoshang walked by slowly, without disturbing the disciples to practice boxing.

In ten years, the disciples who were the first to accept it naturally left the teacher's door long ago, walking on the Duanmu Continent, and even the entire Kyushu world.

This is known from the source power that he continuously obtains.


The young man in the green shirt walked over quickly, bowed down and said, "Disciple Wang Longwu, see the Master."


Gu Shaoshang nodded.

In the past ten years, he has only had two named disciples, one is Wang Longwu, and the other is Fu Dao.

After Tantai Qinger, these two people were the fastest to be promoted to the virtual realm.


Gu Shaoshang waved his hand and stepped down the mountain gate.

At the foot of Divine Axe Mountain, there are many pedestrians in the past, and the official road at the beginning has also widened a lot. Even under the God Axe Mountain, there are many luxurious mansion buildings, which are very prosperous.

Back then, Nanshan City and Shenquan Town were already connected, occupying a huge area.


Walking down the mountain, Gu Shaoshang moved his sleeves and robes, and glanced at the magic fist way on the axe mountain.

Although Gu Shaoshang did not spend a lot of effort in the way of God's Boxing, but after being entrenched for many years again, it is not that he has no feelings.

"Master, why do you have to challenge the Emperor Xuantian of the Shinto League?"

Tantai Qing'er bit her lips lightly, her eyes flashing like water.

She didn't know much about it. Today's Divine Fist Dao has long dominated the entire Duanmu Continent. Countless people have learned the martial arts secrets of Divine Fist Dao. Even if members of the Divine Dao Alliance come to Duanmu Continent, they will not dare to provoke Divine Fist Dao at all.

Under such circumstances, there was no need to risk his life to challenge the Emperor Xuantian.

"The little girl has grown up and knows to care about her master."

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, and gently stroked Tantai Qinger's head with his palm.

Everything is as it was ten years ago.

"As a teacher, you will not do anything you are not sure about."

He smiled lightly, his face calm.

The compromise of the world's will was faster than he imagined, but in half a month, he handed over all the remaining nine tripods to him.

The goal of this world has been achieved, and naturally it is time to challenge Dugu Xingye.

He is naturally very interested in this powerhouse who came from the mysterious world of magic weapons.

Is this a coincidence, or is it the main temple? He wanted to know.

Tantai Qing'er's eyes flashed and she stopped talking.

She has lived with Gu Shaoshang for ten years, and naturally knows how domineering her master's temperament is.


Gu Shao moved slightly in sadness, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked up at the sky.

Boo! Boo! Boo! ~~~

Several clear chirping sounds cut through the sky, and the air flow rolled, blowing away the clouds in the sky.

In the extreme distance, a golden light flashed and swayed across dozens of miles in the air.

Tantai Qing'er looked up and saw that, from a few miles away, a giant eagle with golden light all over its body roared. .

A slight chirping would tear the sky apart, spreading his wings slightly, full of contempt and domineering.

As it slowly approached, within a few dozen miles, all people, horses and even camels could not stop their hearts trembling. Under the tyrannical breath, all beasts were crawling on the ground, letting their masters. No matter how you yell, you don't move.


Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, stepped a little under his feet, and flew high into the sky.

"Master wait for me."

Tantai Qing'er let out a soft cry and walked on the same footsteps. Following Gu Shaoshang's footsteps, she stepped on her angry back.

Impressively, it is already the cultivation base of the Void Realm!

Boo! ~~

There was an angry and excited cry, and the sharp tweets were filled within dozens of miles.

"alright, alright!"

Gu Shaoshang gently stroked the angry Ling Yu, gently comforting her.

Anger stayed at the Mother of Phoenix for ten years, and in the next few years, it crossed the entire Kyushu world, devoured all the monsters with dragon blood in the world, and finally activated the blood.

Although he has not yet advanced to Samsung, he is only one line away. Compared with Gu Shaoshang at this time, he is only one line away.

"Anger is stronger than that phoenix now!"

Tantai Qinger smiled slightly.

She used to ride anger when she was young, and she naturally recognized it at this time, and she is now a person who can advance to Dongxu with only one line.


Angrily chirped softly, indicating that he recognized her.

"Angry, go, go to Kyushu!"

Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged on his angry back and said lightly.

The anger spreads its wings, setting off a hurricane, and in an instant, it reaches a mile away, and it flashes again and again, but after a few breaths, it is no longer possible to see the gate of Shenquan Dao.


While the air flow was floating, Gu Shaoshang and the two left the Duanmu Continent with an eagle, set foot on the North Sea, and approached the Kyushu Continent.


Kyushu Continent, Youzhou, God Emperor City, Shinto League Hall.

The hall of the Shinto Alliance, and even the entire God Emperor City, which was once destroyed under the thunder, has been restored to perfection at this time.

However, in the huge Divine Emperor City, there was almost no one at this time. Under the gloomy weather, it looked like a ghost town.

In the hall of the Shinto Alliance, Dugu Xingye's expression was indifferent, and a trace of blood flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Below it, a bald strong man in scarlet armor and a big man in cyan armor were kneeling on the ground with tears in their eyes.

These two are the original Hong Tiancheng, the two elders of the Shinto Alliance at this time, You Shijin and Zou Tianchang.

"God Emperor, what are you trying to do?! Where is my Shinto League 380,000 Erlang?"

Yu Shijin, who was wearing a red armor, roared and asked.

Dugu Xingye was lying on the top of the hall, his face was indifferent, neither happy nor angry, but there was a ruthless light in the depths of his eyes.

"Dugu Xingye! You tell me! You tell me!"

Seeing Dugu Xingye not answering, You Shijin stood up and roared, "How many of them are your senior brothers? Are they your juniors? Where did you get them?!"

Zou Tianchang's expression changed, and he dragged You Shijin with one hand, but was thrown away by him.

"Uncle You, do you really want to know?"

The indifferent voice echoed in the empty hall: "Then I will send Shishu to see them."

The voice suddenly became indifferent. In the hall, a hurricane suddenly erupted, and a large hand protruded from the hall. As the faces of the two changed wildly, one hand was placed on You Shijin's head.

"Dugu Starry Night!"

Zou Tianchang roared wildly, and suddenly pulled out the long knife from his waist, turning it into a hob wave, and was about to slash at Dugu Xingye's big hand.


Amidst Zou Tianchang's mad roar, You Shijin's head shattered into pieces.

Red, white, all over the place in an instant.

And until the moment when he exerted his strength, Yu Shijin's face was still full of disbelief.

He didn't expect that the child he had grown up with would actually poison him, so much so that, without using the power of his hole, he was scratched by Dugu Xingye's head and crushed the Niwan Palace. .


Yu Shijin's headless corpse stood still for a moment, then fell to the ground with a bang, and the blood flowing under him turned into a small stream.


There was a buzzing sound in Zou Tianchang's mind, and for a while, his eyeballs were congested, and he looked at Dugu Xingye in disbelief.

"Ah! You bastard! Beast! I'm going to kill you!"

He suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared, and the battle armor was surging, and he went straight to the throne of the main hall, Dugu Xingye with an indifferent expression.

Above the long sword, the power of the scarlet world was surging endlessly. Under the violent force, the entire hall was trembling, making an overwhelmed wailing sound, and it was about to collapse.

"A thousand knives are endless..."

Above the main hall, there was a slight shock, and Dugu Xingye's indifferent and ruthless voice sounded slowly.

clang clang ~ ~

Countless knives resounded throughout In an instant, it seemed as if tens of thousands of knives had been fired, and the momentum was endless, one knife after another, and ten more after ten...

Countless sword lights rushing and rippling like a big river, and in the dark hall, a silver sun suddenly rose.

Under such a mad and tragic knife, all the tangible and intangible substances in the hall dissipated under the light of the knife.

"You devil...!"

Zou Tianchang and his figure were like Qiao Shi, instantly submerged by this endless knife light.

Leaving only a shrill and inexplicable cry, it dissipated in the hall, and there were no bones left.


With a soft cry, the long knife was returned to its sheath.

In the dark hall, a sigh sounded: "Original force..."

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