Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 335: 49 acupoints


Gu Shaoshang's figure shot back in the sky, his eyes shone with golden light, and he looked solemnly at the purple thunder light gathered in the sky.

He was full of doubts, and the world will of Jiuding World was too active.

You must know that the activity of the world's will itself will consume the world's heritage, and if it is too active, it means that the world begins to decline.

He didn't know that in the thirty or forty years since Dugu Xingye arrived, the world will of Jiuding World has fully recovered.

The will of the world has no thought, but instinctively erases everything that is not good for it.

And Gu Shaoshang's capture of Jiuding has already touched its bottom line.

If the will of the world is in a deep sleep, naturally there will not be such a big movement, but the existence of Dugu Xingye makes the will of the world in Jiuding World always activated.

The night sky suddenly lit up.


The sound of thunder roiled the sky, and while Gu Shaoshang pondered, he moved slightly, turned into a purple piece of training, and roared head-on.

The huge thunder dragon roared, and the space trembled where it was said, and the scorching air swayed.


Under the scorching thunder, Gu Shaoshang took a deep breath, and a golden light shot out from his nostrils.

It was a small-finger laughing golden bell, which suddenly swelled in size in the wind, turning into a golden bell about the size of a mouthful, and slammed into the thunder light that split up and down.

The moment the golden bell flew out, the dignified expression on Gu Shaoshang's face did not diminish, and he pressed his palm down to hold the hilt of Jing Zhongyue's sword on his waist.

He knew in his heart that with Xiaocheng's golden bell, he would never be able to resist this thunder light.


The golden bell was in a stalemate for only a few breaths, and it was shaken into golden spots of light in the sky.

But at the same time, the purple thunder light also dimmed for a moment, and then the light burst out, covering Gu Shaoshang.


The clothes and the hair all over his body instantly turned into a mass of fly ash, and Gu Shaoshang's pale golden eyes were solemn.


The long knife suddenly came out of its sheath.

The extremely sharp knife sound broke through the ubiquitous thunderstorms in the sky, and a yellow knife light turned into an instant through the entire thunder light.

The yellow-purple rays of light entangled in an instant, and burst out.


The rolling air waves swayed like water waves in the sky, and there were scattered thunder lights everywhere in the sky.


Gu Shaoshang's complexion changed, and under the thunder light, his fair skin became scorched yellow and pitch-black, and then, the dandruff fluttered in the wind.

The golden light in his eyes skyrocketed, and his body suddenly burst back like a cannonball, smashing heavily into the mountains.

After a while, the thunder in the sky disappeared, the air flow returned to calm, the dark clouds dispersed, and the faint moonlight shone on the top of the mountain and a dark silhouette.


Gu Shaoshang shook his body slightly, and the necrotic black skin rustled down, revealing his fair skin.

"The power of lightning... is indeed terrifying."

He took a deep breath, and the power of that lightning burst was absolutely comparable to a strike from the sky, instantly shattering his golden bell, and even his sword light could not be completely smashed.

If he hadn't smashed the thundercloud before, I'm afraid the power would be even greater.

Dang bang~

The Jingzhongyue in his hand broke apart and fell to the ground, turning into a mass of iron powder, which was scattered in the wind.

Even after the baptism of Tianlu, Jing Zhongyue was only a two-star long sword, and he couldn't bear the full force of his slash.

"Thunderbolt can actually train the body?"

Gu Shaoshang smiled, took out his clothes from the nine tripods in front of his chest and put them on, with a slight smile on his face.

With his current physique, even if that thunderbolt was comparable to a blow from the sky, it was impossible to kill him.

And he found that after absorbing the power of thunder scattered in the body, his body strengthened slightly.


He jumped up and swooped toward the mountainside cave.

Although he won one Jiuding this time, the will of the world has blocked the remaining Jiudings, and he could not find it for a while.

Then, the only way is to take the road he envisioned before, forcing the will of the world to hand over the Jiuding!


For the next few months, Gu Shaoshang silently confirmed the fist intent with Li Taibai's sword intent under the stone wall.

Qing'er, on the other hand, practiced martial arts based on the pictures in her mind. In a few months, she stepped into the acquired realm step by step, and her strength greatly increased.


On this day, after Gu Shaoshang defeated Li Taibai's sword intent with a punch, the picture in the jade bib suddenly turned, turning into a young man in a white robe with a free and easy smile.

"Later, if you can see me, it means that you are at least in the Void Realm. Then, as a senior, I have something to tell you."

The young ghost sighed slowly: "Perhaps, you won't know my name either."

"Tell me a word?"

Gu Shao moved in sadness.

Gu Shaoshang was not surprised by the phantom left by Li Taibai.

This mountain wall was originally a jade bi that was cultivated by his power, and it is not surprising that he left behind something.

"Actually, I'm not from this world. I come from a world called Datang, and I came from a broken void."

The figure said to himself: "After I came to this world, I was discovered by the world will of this world."

"Perhaps, the will of the world has never seen an existence like me from a broken void. It has just been watching me silently, watching me travel through many continents, watching me become stronger again, and become a superpower."

The smile on Li Taibai's face gradually disappeared, and strands of sword intent rose up: "It wasn't until the moment when I was about to shatter the void and leave, that I discovered that the world's cultivation system hides a great secret."

"That is, the deeper you perceive the power of heaven and earth, and the more you are bound by heaven and earth, the more difficult it will be to break the imprint of heaven and earth on you! Even if you get away with luck, you will only come to another world."

Li Taibai's phantom trembled slightly: "And that side of the world, the spiritual energy is much thinner than the Kyushu world..."

Under Li Taibai's narration, Gu Shaoshang's brows slightly stretched out.

Li Taibai was shattered and left, and found that he was still under the fence of Jiuding World.

It's like an endless loop, and it's hard to leave this fence no matter what.

If he is a native of Kyushu, he may be constantly broken and consume his own strength until after his lifespan, all his strength will return to heaven and earth.

But he is a traveler, and he knows more about the outside world than anyone else in this world. In the end, after leaving the jade here, he is determined to give it a last shot.

His story came to an abrupt end here, and whether it was successful in the end is unknown to Gu Shaoshang.

The phantom gradually disappeared, leaving only a sigh, which reverberated in Gu Shaoshang's mind: "Wu Lin, Long Ying, Kou Zhong, Wu Zu......, Li Bailai... ..”

"Martial ancestor?!..."

Gu Shaoshang's eyes widened suddenly.


The midwinter on the island is much colder than on the mainland, but the goose feather snow covered the entire Mingyue Island with a layer of silver.


In the howling of the cold wind, a figure stood halfway up the mountain, sighing again and again.

The cold wind blew, and the white hair on Tianhong's head fluttered, and his heart was in a mess: "Why hasn't he left? Why hasn't he left?"

As the Sect Master of Sword Tower, the uncrowned king on Mingyue Island, he has not been so imitating for a long time.

At this time, all the gods and jade were left behind by him, and he worried in his heart that if the black-robed man in the cave could not leave the stack, then the Sword Tower was on Mingyue Island Mountain, not the highest level.

There will be people on their heads.

Yo~~ Yo~~ Yo~~

When he was hesitating, the sound of an eagle suddenly sounded in the sky.

He looked back and saw a giant eagle roaring up from the top of the mountain, and the black-robed man he was worried about sat on the giant eagle and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"He's finally gone!"

Tianhong breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked into the cave to check the immortal jade bi.

But he was stunned to find that the entire mountain wall had disappeared!



The air turbulent, Gu Shaoshang and Qinger sat cross-legged on the back of the giant eagle.

Tianhong's thoughts, he naturally didn't care, even if he knew, he just smiled.

Just like the dung beetle, worried that humans will **** its dung ball, the difference in vision creates the difference in thinking.

In the eyes of Gu Shaoshang, what is a Mingyue Island?

"Master? All the meridians in my body have been opened up! Next, can I practice the exercises in the "Cihang Sword Canon"?"

Qinger sat cross-legged beside Gu Shaoshang and asked.

Under Gu Shaoshang's continuous supply of Lingmi, the full-value root bone finally exerted its terrifying power.

But within a year and a half, this girl who just turned ten years old has already practiced Neijia Boxing and opened up the meridians all over her body!

On the Kyushu Continent, he is already considered a first-class master, who can lift 10,000 catties of boulders with one arm!

With this kind of progress, even Gu Shaoshang, who had expected it for a long time, still felt a slight fluctuation in his heart, and deeply realized the power of "Golden Chapter of the Beginning".

Even though Teng Qingshan carried the memory of the master of Neijiaquan, it took ten years to open up the meridians in his body!

A little girl with no knowledge of martial arts, in just one and a half years, surpassed Teng Qingshan's ten years of ascetic cultivation, how terrifying this is.

And this is where the power of the Golden Seal of the Absolute Beginning lies.

"Let's save for a while, your cultivation base is entering the realm too fast."

Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes and said lightly.

The full value root bone gives her a cultivation speed that surpasses ordinary people, but it cannot give her a fighting consciousness that surpasses ordinary If she cultivates the secrets of inner strength at this time, advanced innate, even the weakest innate in history .

"Yes, Master."

Qinger glanced at Gu Shaoshang in awe and nodded obediently.

Although she is young, she is indeed the eldest daughter of a big family. She naturally has the common sense of cultivation, and she naturally knows how amazing her cultivation progress is at this time.

What a terrifying existence is her master.


Gu Shaoshang focused on the acupuncture points in his body.

Since he was struck by thunder a year and a half ago, he used the pure thunder power to open up ten acupoints again, pushing the number of acupoints in his body to as many as forty-nine.

Finally, he condensed the magical powers of "God Emperor's Fuji Sword" that he had practiced for many years!

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