Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 331: Scourge

"Too oppressive?"

Dugu Xingye's eyes flashed, and he glanced at the three emptiness experts in the hall lightly.

"This emperor, instead of discussing with you and others, make a decision!"

The faint voice swayed in the hall and set off hurricanes, blowing the robes of the three of them.

"The time limit is three years, all get out of the Kyushu mainland, those who violate the order, die!"

"Now, go away!"


The turbulent wind was turbulent, and the three of them didn't even have time to speak, only to feel an overwhelming force that could not be resisted, and flew out of the palace gate involuntarily.

Kaka Kaka~~~

The three of them staggered back ten feet in the square outside the main hall, and the white jade-like floor they stepped on shattered.

"Brother Qin, what do you think?"

The one who spoke was a young man in a yellow coat with a long knife on his waist, but this handsome young man had white hair on his temples, and he was obviously not young.


The long sword on Qin Shiqi's back was buzzing, and his mood was extremely agitated: "The strongest! The strongest!"


He let out a long sigh and glanced at the middle-aged man carrying the knife: "Brother Huang, there is no other way but to back down."

"Mr. Qin will go back to the Ying family first, and Brother Huang should have made plans earlier."

After saying that, his eyebrows twitched endlessly, and he left.

Obviously, even if he is as arrogant as he is, under the absolute power of Dugu Xingye, he cannot raise hostile thoughts.

"Donor Huang, it's better to go back and prepare early. My Mani Temple has only one way to retreat."

The old monk's long eyebrows were white, and the old man was almost dying. He sighed and said something, and slowly left the hall.

"God Emperor, God Emperor..."

Huang Tianqin gritted his teeth, his anger fluctuated, and he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Yuhuangmen is the oldest sect on the land of Kyushu. Whether it is the Qinling Heavenly Emperor unifying the world or the Sakyamuni Patriarch preaching, they are all courteous.

He never imagined that the Emperor Xuantian, who was less than forty-nine advanced to the strongest, would be expelled from Kyushu together with all the sects including Yu Huangmen, Mani Temple, and Ying family!

However, even he did not have the courage to resist.

He took a deep look at the Daomeng Hall, turned around and left.

Qin Shiqi and the others left angrily, but Dugu Xingye didn't care.

He lay reclining on the throne, looked at the sky outside the hall, and smiled lightly: "What can you do to me?"


In the hall, the airflow rolled and moved, and a chilling air rose up.

Ka Ka Ka Ka ~~~~

The paved stone slabs were cracked, the beams of the main hall were cracked, and strands of shocking power circulated and oscillated in the main hall.

An astonishing scene happened, no matter the tiles, wooden pillars, bluestone floors and even all kinds of sundries in the main hall were suddenly shocked, and then turned into powder!


There was a gust of wind between the heavens and the earth, and the hurricane swept through. In an instant, the powder formed by the entire hall rose into the wind and disappeared without a trace.

Only that throne, standing in the open space.

Dugu Xingye sat on the throne with a golden sword, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his palm lightly held the sword and the sword that was inserted obliquely on the throne.


Rolling thunder rolled from the horizon, and the black clouds in the sky suddenly pressed down, covering the entire city of God Emperor.

In the entire Divine Emperor City, no matter human or animal, down to the ants, up to the Void Realm and even the Void Realm warriors, all felt the majestic murderous intent that spread from the sky.

"What happened? Lord God Emperor?"


"God **** it?"

The entire Divine Emperor City was full of mourning, and countless people and animals couldn't bear the chill in their hearts and ran away one after another.

"Heavenly Murder?"

Dugu Xingye slid his fingers over the two Qimen swords, and there was a faint sneer on his face.

Since he came to this world, since he was a baby, there have been bandits who swept the mountain village, and both parents died, a series of things that happened later.

All revealed that this world is hostile to him, all things in the world, and even spiritual energy are enemies. When others cultivate, they only need to practice step by step and absorb spiritual energy to become stronger.

And he, every step of cultivation, is robbing heaven and earth. If it weren't for his high realm in his previous life, he would have died thousands of times.


Under the pressure of black clouds, it seemed that they were gathering at the head of God Emperor City, and the sky and earth were suddenly dark, as if it had turned into night in an instant since noon.

One after another purple electric light danced between the black clouds, and the sound of thunder rumbled, as if it was exploding in the ear.

In the city of God Emperor, there was chaos.

"Are you angry? So what? How did the mere thunder and lightning hurt me?"

Dugu Xingye stood up, pulled out two peculiarly shaped swords behind him, held them upside down, and walked towards the square.

In the face of this terrifying thundercloud that seemed to be suppressed by the gods, he was calm in his heart, without the slightest unease.

Just as he couldn't hurt "Heaven" no matter what, the sky at this time couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

Whether it's a meteorite falling from the sky or a thousand thunders, since he stepped into the powerhouse, he no longer counts as any obstacle.


As he walked, a purple thunder suddenly fell in the sky, and the dim sky suddenly lit up!

The space above the entire God Emperor City was shaking and collapsing. Wherever the huge thunder light passed, the space was silently divided into two distinct halves.

This thunder had accumulated in the dark clouds for a long time, and its power was extremely restrained, and it smashed above Dugu Xingye's head in a flash.

The moment the thunder light lit up, in Dugu Xingye's body, a big sun seemed to rise, and an overwhelming and tyrannical force burst out.

The huge knife gas cut through the ground, penetrated the soil layer, and was covered in all directions, as if to destroy all the substances in it.


A soft screeching sound resounded in the entire God Emperor City.

"One shot at a time..."

The indifferent and hollow voice sounded, and the odd-shaped long knife in Dugu Xingye's hand slowly lifted.

The most simple and direct, no fancy knife, with unparalleled domineering, single-handedly slashing the sky, extremely fierce.

As the sword rose, the sky and the earth were suddenly flooded with sword energy, the cold light surged like a thunder wave, and the countless sounds of the sword suddenly turned into one, welcoming the purple thunder light slashing down.


As if the sky was torn apart, the entire God Emperor City was trembling.

The billowing sonic boom exploded like a substance, sweeping through countless stones, and the soil raised several dozen feet high.

The entire square sank in unison, and suddenly turned into ruins within a radius of several miles. In the city of God Emperor, countless houses collapsed in the huge shock, and countless people and animals were wailed and died on the spot by the sonic boom.


Dugu Xingye's knife-wielding arm was flushed red, and the white robe on his body shattered, revealing a crimson armor.

chi chi~~~

Rays of thunder light flickered and danced on the red armor.

If the people of Emperor Yu's Sect were to do it again, they would definitely be able to recognize that this armor was the most powerful armor that was circulated in Emperor Yu's Sect!

In the hands of Dugu Xingye.

"The knife cuts the wind, the sword cuts the cloud, and the wind and cloud are disrupted..."

Turning a blind eye to the red arm, Dugu Xingye's voice sounded in the huge thunderstorm and gust of wind.


The long sword was unsheathed, the swords slammed together, and in the clanging sound, the sound of a river flowing suddenly sounded between the heavens and the earth, and the sword instantly turned into a sea of ​​swords and waves.

In the sky, all matter was completely wiped out, only that purple thunder light penetrated the sky and the earth, slowly pressing down in the sea of ​​swords and sword waves.


At the moment when Dugu Xingye's sword was pinched, the purple thunder and lightning swayed instantly, and he was slammed away.


Within a radius of dozens of miles, there were countless large and small potholes on the ground, and countless broken stones and broken wood, violently shaken and turned into powder.

On the ground behind Dugu Xingye, a thick fissure with a width of 100 feet spread all the way to infinity, turning the entire God Emperor City into two halves.

"The power of heaven and earth..."

Dugu Xingye's scarlet battle armor "chichi" kept beating with electric light, and his long hair stood straight.

He faintly looked at the huge crack behind him and exclaimed: "It's really amazing..."

Even if he is already the strongest in this world at this time, even if Emperor Yu is reborn and Taibai is still alive, he will not take it seriously, and he is still secretly amazed by the power of this world.


Xu Shi knew that Dugu Xingye could not do anything, and the thunderclouds in the sky slowly dissipated unwillingly.

"The power of heaven and earth is really fascinating..."

Dugu Xingye lowered his arms, and the sword instantly sank into the small world inside his body.

The time for him to become a Xeon was too short. Not only did he not have his own armor, but the two swords were also warmed up for a short time. Under the bombardment of the sky, the damage was severely damaged, and it may not be able to be repaired within a few years.

However, he doesn't care, in this world, he is the strongest, even "Heaven" can't kill him, who can help him?


The edict of the Emperor Xuantian quickly spread to the entire Kyushu with the scourge of God Emperor City, and many aristocratic families restored the battle situation at that time through various channels.

At the moment, in shock and horror, he finally died.

The terrifying power of the supreme powers that they had not seen for thousands of years was finally recalled by them.

All the major sect families are slowly gathering their power, managing their assets, recalling the master children, and discussing the way back.

Although Kyushu is the most prosperous in this world, there are vast prairie outside Kyushu, and there are endless archipelagos overseas. No sect or big family will fight recklessly with a supreme power when there is still a way out.

Because they know that if there is no other supreme power, even if the entire Kyushu population of 300,000,000 people swarms, they will only be killed by everyone.

The most prosperous center of Kyushu, Yuzhou, a mountain range outside Yucheng City.

Emperor Yumen, in the seventh floor of the temple.

Huang Tianqin, who was wearing a yellow robe, sat cross-legged on the futon with an ugly face. In front of him, Yu Tonghai and Liu Xia, the two masters of the Yuhuangmen, were also gloomy, as if they were about to drip.

"Patriarch, my Emperor Yu's Gate has stood in Kyushu for countless years, can a mere child with a yellow mouth force us to retreat?"

Yu Tonghai gritted his teeth, extremely unwilling.

On his side, Liu Xia was much calmer than him: "It's useless to talk too much. This time, the Emperor Xuantian ordered that all the sects should be withdrawn from Kyushu. There are only some small families who are not in the mainstream, and the small sects can stay."

"Instead of complaining, we should think about where to back down."

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