Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 304: The might of the sky

Under the shocked eyes of the monks in Xuankong Temple, Gu Shaoshang's avatar was blown up by Gu Shaoshang.


Flickering golden dots wafted in the wind in the sky.


Gu Shaoshang closed his fists and stood upright, suddenly his brows moved, and he reached out and grabbed from the air.

"A hair?"

The palm was spread out, and a golden hair lay quietly in his palm.

"The sky."

Gu Shao's thoughts flew in his heart.

The clone turned into a hair has such a tyrannical strength, how powerful is the Qiongtian martial artist?


Gu Shaoshang folded his palms and cut off his thoughts.

With all the heavens and the world, Gu Shaoshang did not think that the Qiongtian martial artist was unattainable.

It's not arrogance, but the Dao Heart built by his three worlds and more than a hundred years of practice.


The tattered black robe danced, and Gu Shaoshang stepped towards Kun and others.

With the bones and muscles of this group of monks, even if they were injured by the punching force of the violent monkey king, they should have recovered a little in a short period of time.

"Thank you, Shaoxia Gu for taking back the scriptures of this temple!"

When Gu Shaoshang approached, Kun and others all stood up and bowed to Gu Shaoshang.

The monks were really sincere, if it wasn't for Gu Shaoshang to intervene, the King of the Apes would be blown up on the spot.

Even if everyone is lucky enough to survive, they can only watch him take the "Buddha and My Unique Sutra" away.


Kun Xiang clasped his hands together, giving a slightly unreal illusion.

A few months ago, although the boxing technique of the young man in front of him was tyrannical, it was still different from his own, or even lower.

In just a few months, he was able to defeat the incarnation of the Violent Ape King in one fell swoop.

Even if there is a reason why the incarnation of the violent ape king consumes too much power, this progress is too terrifying.

Kun Xiang asked himself that among today's Dayan, he is considered to be the best of the heavens, but it is difficult to imagine such a huge increase.


Gu Shaoshang calmly accepted the great gift of everyone, took out the purple animal skin that recorded the Buddha's Unique Sutra from his chest, and handed it to Kun Xiang.

For the monks and monks of the Hanging Temple, the Sutra of Buddha and I alone is the inheritance of the ancestors.

To Gu Shaoshang, it was nothing.

As early as when he fought with Xiang Kun and Gan Gang before, he had already recorded the projection. As long as the mirrors of the heavens are repaired, they can naturally be manifested.

"You are going down the mountain at this time, and you have never shaved, presumably you don't want to enter my Hanging Temple."

Kun Xiang took the secret book with both hands and said with a sigh.

It was a pity in his heart that such a talented person could not be admitted to the Xuankong Temple.


Gu Shaoshang nodded, looked at the monks who were covered in bruises and wounds, and said, "You'd better be careful. It may not be that simple for the King of the Apes to seek the only Buddhist and Demon Sutra."

Before, Gu Shaoshang also thought that it was Kun Wu himself who wanted to steal the Sutra of Buddha and I, but after seeing the incarnation of the Violent Ape King, Gu Shaoshang felt that things would not be so simple.

However, this is just Gu Shaoshang's own guess, and he just mentioned it lightly.

"Thank you to the patron Gu, the poor monk province."

An old monk behind Kun Xiang stepped forward, put his hands together and bowed slightly.


Gu Shaoshang nodded. He said this because he was considering the face of studying in the Hanging Temple.

Whether they take it to heart, Gu Shaoshang can't care so much.

Shaking his hands slightly, Gu Shaoshang turned around and walked towards Kunwu amid the complicated emotions of the monks in the Hanging Temple.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

The old monk looked at Gu Shaoshang's retreating back, and felt a lot of pity.

"It's not necessarily a blessing for such a talented person to stay in my Hanging Temple."

Another old monk saw it clearly, shook his head and said, "It's hard to raise a true dragon in shallow water, no matter what kind of adventures there are, at this moment, he is already a master that Dayan can count on."

These monks knew clearly that the black-robed youth was already concentrating on combat power at a young age, and the secrets in it were a bit terrifying.

"Let's stay away."

Kun Xiang put his hands together and said nothing.

Gu Shaoshang jumped up too fast, if there were no secrets, it would be impossible.

However, there are too many people on the vast continent who have come across fortuitous encounters.

It was more than 20 years ago that a young man who had worshipped the Swordsman Sect had achieved success in just a few years, and several elders of the Swordsman Sect who coveted his secrets were killed by him.

"That's right, stay away."

The monks nodded.

There are too many great powers on the vast continent, and it is unknown that the black-robed youth may be the disciple of an old monster who has traveled around the world.

It will be fun if you encounter a qiongtian, or even the power of the illusion world.

"Go back to the temple. This time, the King of the Apes intends to steal the scriptures. Perhaps, it's time to wake up the Patriarch."

The old monk looked sad and said.

Kun and the other junior monks looked at each other in dismay, but did not make a sound.

Although I know that there are still ancestors in the Xuankong Temple, I was shocked when I heard it for the first time.

All the monks were covered in bruises and wounds, turned around in unpredictable mood, and set foot on the road back to the Xuankong Temple.


The monks of the Hanging Temple went away with mixed feelings.

Gu Shaoshang paced to the **** Kun Wu.

This half-demon had previously resisted the arrows of the Qi Zong old man, activating the incarnation of the King of the Apes and consuming a lot of vitality.

During the battle between Gu Shaoshang and Violent Ape King, the blasted gravel hit like a sieve.

Even if the demon clan's body was stronger than that of the human clan of the same realm, they only had one breath left and lingered on.

"Haha! Haha! You ruined my father's plan, he won't let you go."

Hearing the arrival of Gu Shaoshang, Kun Wu struggled and laughed.

There was a sneering light in his only remaining eyes, and the blood clots all over his body burst open again.


Gu Shaoshang didn't say much, he leaned down, raised his fingers together, and pressed lightly between his eyebrows.


The power of the sea of ​​consciousness surged and poured into Kun Wu's eyebrows, searching for his memory with the technique in the hands of the Great Soul Search.

"you you!"

Kun Wu's body suddenly moved, and he let out a shrill scream.


A warning sign suddenly came from Gu Shao's heart, and his heart jumped slightly.

He let go of his palm suddenly, leaned back, and retreated several feet away.


A golden light flashed, and Kun Wu's head suddenly burst open.

The red and white liquid was thrown in all directions.

"Masters above the concentration level have already been exposed to the power of God, and there must be a ban on the violent ape king in their minds."

At this time, Shen Wuxia gently shook the folding fan and stepped forward.

Behind him, the old man who shot the arrow before followed with a look of fear.

"It's really not easy to steal the scriptures from the King of the Apes."

Gu Shaoshang sneered slightly, and at the same time that he understood the trouble of this matter, he deeply felt the cruelty of the Violent Ape King.

Even in the hands of his own son such a vicious prohibition.

"In the 100,000 mountains next to Dazhou, there are also countless demon clans. In their eyes, half demons are the most degrading things."

Shen Wuxia sighed slightly, and there was a hint of disgust on his handsome face: "Monster clan, they are all inhuman things!"

Gu Shaoshang stood with his hands down, his eyes flickering uncertainly.

Before searching for souls, he did not find anything.

In those pictures, Gu Shaoshang saw the brutal and **** side of the demon clan.

A half-demon, in the eyes of the demon clan, is indeed inferior to an uncivilized beast.

"Brother Gu, what are your plans in the future?"

Shen Wuxia closed the folding fan and smiled slightly.

Concentrating with Qi Zong's defeat, he can be regarded as a figure in Tianjiao in Da Zhou, and he naturally has the heart to make friends.


An eagle croaked in midair.

Anger swooped down and landed on Gu Shaoshang's arm.

"Of course, a horse travels the world!"


In the depths of Daming Mountain, the green mountains are stacked one after another, and the peaks rise from the ground.

Countless beasts roared, and birds chirped incessantly.

Among the continuous mountains, a strange peak rises from the ground, with a height of tens of thousands of feet. The mountain is green and steep, and there are countless monsters.

Halfway up the mountainside, everything was shrouded in clouds.

The summit is even more distant.

At the mountainside, a huge palace rose from the ground, countless figures flickered, and endless demonic energy was transpiring, breaking through the sky.

Beneath the palace, in the huge valley, millions of apes and monkeys are intertwined, occupying the most advantageous position on this mountain.

Here is the palace of a demon king in Daming Mountain, the king of violent monkeys.

Just when the avatar was blown up by Gu Shaoshang with a punch, in the hall, the violent ape king, wearing a golden armor and a crown, suddenly stood up.

The billowing demonic energy roared and filled the entire hall.


"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

In the main hall, countless monsters knelt down on the ground, kowtowing in fear.

Among the Qiongtian-level demon kings within a radius of one million miles, the brutal ape king can rank in the forefront.

He was angry at this time, and in the hall, whether it was the Qi Zong-level demon or the concentrating-level demon clan, they were all terrified.

"very good!"

The Violent Ape King's sharp voice cut through the sky, and in the pale golden eyes, everything that happened before was vividly remembered.

In the end, it was fixed on a young man in a black robe.

"Genius of the human race? Dare to spoil me!"

His heart was full of anger, and he lowered his head and glanced at the little demons who were kneeling on the ground.


disappeared into the hall.


The next moment, his voice and shadow appeared in the sky.


He roared up to the sky, and his eyes were filled with real anger.

Stab it!

He raised one arm and pulled violently in the void, peeling off a huge scroll depicting the picture of endless mountains in the void.

It is completely different from when the incarnation was This picture of the sky covers thousands of miles in an instant.

The mountains, rivers, and even the grass and trees are clearly visible!

He suddenly probed his arm, and the fluffy palm suddenly became huge, covering the sky and the sun.

Immediately, in the void, the scroll of the picture was fluctuating like the surface of the water, and the palm suddenly penetrated into the scroll.


In an instant, his palm was withdrawn from the scroll.

In its huge palm, a tiny mountain is held up impressively.


A golden light flashed in his eyes, breaking through the void, and in the endlessly distant sky, he saw a young man in a black robe walking across a horse.

"The mere ants dare to provoke the might of the sky!"


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