Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1578: Zulong is dead! (5000 characters large

Heart Demon blinked, not too surprised.

Although the Lord of Nightmare is a nightmare born in the hearts of all sentient beings in the heavens of the world, his state of mind is inherently chaotic and evil, but this does not mean that his state of mind is fragile.

In fact, those who are in the prime of life may have to weigh the pros and cons, but there is no reason to be greedy for life and fear death, and to retreat after seeing the truth.

The Lord of Nightmare's intention to retreat is naturally his means.

It is a pity that although he has risen with Gu Shaoshang's promotion, it is not enough to manipulate and influence a Wuji, even the Nightmare Lord who has died once and has not reached the peak after returning from calamity.

"Heart demon?!"

The Nightmare Lord glanced at the sea of ​​​​heart, and saw a strange and distorted existence that had been born in the dark place of the sea of ​​​​heart.

"When did a little heart demon dare to attack this seat?"

The Nightmare Lord was furious in his heart.

Inner demons are born in all the dark atmosphere, any cultivator will inevitably encounter these strange things, but for the existence above Daluo, inner demons are nothing.

Any Daluo is a person with tenacity of mind, and a person with a mixed essence, even cuts off all false self and touches the existence of the essence and true self.

But it was incredible that this demon of mind could actually influence his thoughts!

You must know that before he became Wuji, he had resisted for thousands of years under the temptation of the supreme and free heart demon master under the throne of the demon ancestor.

How can this little devil be?

The Nightmare Lord's thoughts moved, and an immeasurable stalwart demon **** appeared in the sea of ​​​​heart, like the faces of all living beings.

He looked at the obscure place under his feet, and he couldn't see the little little devil, and grinned:

"No matter where you come from, you will never be saved if you come here!"

"Be careful with the devil?...Dog things, dare to underestimate your grandpa Gu?!"

In the dark place of the Nightmare Lord's heart, the inner demons intertwined with the dark demons slowly got up from the throne of the Seven Emotions, showing their true appearance.

Wearing a black robe hunting, his face is flawless as sacred, but his eyes are as red as blood, containing endless violence and evil.

Showing its inner demons.

"That is......"

The moment he saw the true form of the inner demon, the Lord of Nightmare was shocked:

"You're Gu Shaoshang?! Your heart is magical? No, how could it be you?!"

The Nightmare Lord was terrified.

Of course, he knows all the means of the inner demon, and will conjure up the most feared existence in his heart to break the mood of others.

But based on his state of mind, it is impossible for the supreme and free mind demon master under the throne of the demon ancestor Rahu to conjure up an illusion that he could not recognize at this time.

This inner demon is actually Gu Shaoshang's method?

Is it the means he left behind when he shattered the Realm of Infinite Nightmare in the first time and space? !

"Whatever you are..."

After being startled, the Nightmare Lord burst out with endless violence:

"To die!"


The Nightmare Lord came out, and the mighty demons evolved into endless demons, rolling down like a tide, rushing towards the demons in their hearts.

The heart demon suddenly stood up, flicked his black robe, and his body swayed up, becoming sky-high in an instant.

The Nightmare Lord's seemingly endless sea of ​​heart suddenly set off an endless wave, and countless memory pictures were shattered.

For a time, it seemed as if all gods, all demons, ten thousand immortals, ten thousand Buddhas uttered a mournful and mournful sound that charged towards the Nightmare Lord.


The inner demon stepped out one step, and the infinite strange meaning was already rolling in like trillions of billions of galaxies. In an instant, the inner demon was already immeasurable, surpassing the master of nightmares.

Immediately, the heart demon gave a strange laugh and stepped on it with a slam, shattering the endless sea of ​​hearts:

"Are you big?! Call me Daddy!!"

"you wanna die!!!"

The master of the inner demon was furious, and the magic swept the sea of ​​​​heart, creating an infinite nightmare world, and this inner demon must be crushed!


Just when the Nightmare Lord and the inner demon were fighting each other, Bashan City, upstairs of Linke, was empty for some time.

It would be wrong to say that there was no one there. Near the stairs, Meng Qi didn't know when he came here. He was cautiously looking at the boy who was standing by the window, trembling and exuding an incomparably terrifying aura.

"...This is a Wuji. If it wakes up, the problem will be a big one."

Meng Qi held the Ten Thousand Realms Amulet and couldn't help scolding someone in his heart, sending him on any dangerous mission.

This is really the best way to practice. Meng Qi feels that his mood has improved a lot.

"I'm tired...Is this old man going to kill me and let Xiao Sang remarry?"

As a rare brain-opener in the heavens and the world, even under such circumstances, he couldn't help but think about it.


At this time, someone from downstairs came up, came to Meng Qi, bowed slightly and said:

"Bashan City has been relocated, and many living beings have been gathered into Lantianhou City."

"Brother Ba Xian does things, I am naturally relieved."

Meng Qi restrained countless distracting thoughts, with a faint smile on his face, knocked on the table and let Chen Baxian sit down:

"So, just wait for a few seniors to come and bring this great master to Renhuangtian."

"Emperor Yuan praised it."

Chen Baxian had an eagle-eyed look at the wolf, but at this moment, he appeared to be gentle and elegant, and sat down next to Meng Qi.

"But I don't know, where did this person come from, and is it worth so much effort by Emperor Yuan?"

Chen Baxian glanced at the body of the Nightmare Lord, who was standing still, and frowned slightly.

He could feel the terrifying aura contained in the young man's body. It seemed that an old antique had returned from a calamity, but it didn't seem to be worthy of the Emperor Yuan's attention.

After all, the old antiques following Yuan Huang at this time are not ten or eight...

"This person came from outside the domain..."

Meng Qi held the teacup in one hand, took a slow sip, and tapped the table with the other, lightly:

"Don't underestimate this person, this person's cultivation level may not be as good as that of the vast demon emperor, and he is also in the same realm. This emperor also spent a lot of effort in order to trap him..."

"The existence of the same realm as the demon emperor?!"

Chen Baxian's face trembled, and he was horrified.

It has been tens of thousands of years since he returned from calamity, and he is very aware of the evolution of the vast vastness from ancient times to the present.

In ancient times, he was killed by Gan Cangwu in the Sky Rift Valley in the first battle of the same rank. At that time, Gan Cangwu was nothing but the innate sacred peak. Later, at the end of ancient times, Gan Cangwu had already ascended to the top of the sacred and became a worthy man. Compared with the invincible existence of the ancient eight emperors.

In the Middle Ages, the heaven and earth were suppressed with one force, and thousands of sacred gods from all ethnic groups would look up to him. If he hadn't suddenly been seriously injured and dying, there would have been no soil for the rise of the demon clan in the Middle Ages.

And that demon emperor, in any case, was the invincible existence that killed Gan Cangwu, and must be comparable to the supreme existence of the ancient eight emperors.

In the same realm, this young man is actually so strong?

Chen Baxian sucked in a breath of cold air, looking at Meng Qi, who was calm and breezy, she couldn't help but be convinced:

"Emperor Yuan's divine might is invincible, and I admire him extremely!"

No matter what means Yuan Huang used to contain this invincible existence, it all proved its strength.

As expected, he is the creator of the Universal Knowledge Talisman. He roamed the Chaos Sea alone, and crossed the heavens to the vast giants.

"It's nothing."

Meng Qi's heart was dark, but he didn't show it on his face, he just sighed:

"If it weren't for the suppression of the vast world, this emperor could have taken this scorpion to the emperor's heaven. It's a pity, it's a pity..."

"If it really exists like that, not to mention that it is not dead, it is fallen, and we must not be able to touch its physical body..."

Chen Baxian was ashamed.

He used to be a sacred peak, and he naturally knew what realm it was to go further. With that kind of existence, the innate sacredness that his body was already heavy couldn't bear.

"Brother Baxian, why should you be ashamed? With your talent, you will definitely break through that level and become a supreme giant in the future."

Meng Qi reassured him that he was being suppressed so badly at this time that he had to beat these old antiques in this way.

"Difficult, difficult, difficult."

Chen Baxian sighed, he thought he was within reach in his previous life.

Only after returning from the calamity did I realize that although the threshold was close at hand, it was also far away.

"Okay, okay, there is no need to say more about such dejected words. This time you help this emperor get rid of this disaster, and this emperor will definitely help you."

Meng Qi smiled, and without looking at Chen Baxian's grateful expression, he waved his hand and said:

"You and a group of fellow Daoists will leave Bashan City for the time being. You are not suitable to stay here for the future."

After coming to Cangmang all these years, in the end let him be obedient to all the old antiques who have returned from the calamity. Of course, the Wanjie coins are also spent like water.

Chen Baxian nodded and stepped out of Bashan City.

"Huh?! This is..."

The moment he left Bashan City, Chen Baxian inadvertently glimpsed a few figures, and his heart was shocked.

Among the several figures that came together, one of them was a man with a high crown and an ancient appearance, he had seen before!

That is one of the ancient eight emperors, the Thai emperor!

And it is self-evident that the identity of the other people who walk side by side with him after recognizing the Emperor Tai is self-evident.

"They really did come back... No wonder Emperor Yuan didn't let me stay. If I stayed, I would definitely die today!"

Chen Baxian was horrified, and at the same time he was secretly grateful to the Emperor Yuan, he gave birth to great terror.

I didn't dare to look carefully, so I took a step, escaped millions of light years, and left Bashan City far away.

"Under Meng Qi, all seniors are polite."

Upstairs in Linke, Meng Qi also seemed to have sensed it, stood up and cupped his hands to welcome the arrival of the Sixth Emperor.

"Fellow Daoist is polite."

"This time I have troubled fellow Daoists to run and work hard."

"Fellow Daoist is polite!"

As the voice drifted, one after another, elegant, condensed, or detached figures stepped into the Linke Building.

The Thai emperor's eyes fell, looking at the Lord of Nightmare:

"This breath is the same as in the battle of Chaos Heaven, and it really is the Lord of Nightmare!"

"A generation of infinite giants, suspended animation into the vastness of me, must have something to ask for, but fortunately the high priest left the means, otherwise when the two worlds meet, he will suddenly attack, and the harm will be great."

Nong Huang, who was dressed in sackcloth, took a deep look at the Nightmare Lord with a solemn expression.

A Wuji, born from the hearts of all sentient beings, is unimaginable if a disaster strikes at one time.

"Don't delay, take this person to the ancestral temple. Although the sun is hidden, the ancestral temple is enough to suppress a Wuji that has not yet recovered to its peak."

Emperor Ying stepped forward and pressed one hand on the shoulder of the Nightmare Lord.


At this moment, the stagnant body of the Nightmare Lord suddenly moved, and the dark pupils suddenly opened, and he gritted his teeth:

"You...what are you?!"

"Not good! This old devil is free from restraint!"

Meng Qi's heart skipped a beat, and he pulled out the sword. Is there any way for this Nightmare Lord to get rid of his inner demon?

"What if you wake up? You can't escape this time!"

"I never recovered, and neither did you. You can't escape today!"

"Nightmare, hold your hands!"


The moment the Nightmare Lord opened his eyes, the other five emperors also moved in unison.

Within a square inch, twelve arms held the Nightmare Lord's body in unison, and his body suddenly pressed up, binding him completely.


The Nightmare Lord's eyes widened in anger, and he, who had not yet escaped the grip of the inner demon, had no time to fight back, and was restrained by these six old things.

"Ashamed, ashamed."

The Emperor Tai squeezed the Nightmare Lord's neck with a 'kaka' sound, and said goodbye to Meng Qi with a smile.

Then, the six of them joined forces to hold the Nightmare Lord in mid-air and carry it away...

carried away...

"...Why did the painting style suddenly change?"

The corners of Meng Qi's mouth twitched, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He thought that as soon as the Nightmare Lord opened his eyes, an earth-shattering battle would inevitably occur, and he was ready to escape.

Who would have thought that these six emperors would strike together, and stacking Arhats would generally overwhelm the Nightmare Lord to the ground.

Pulling the arm, pulling the arm, pulling the thigh, pulling the thigh, and strangling the neck, the Lord of Nightmare was carried away...

Such a battle of Primordial Yuan is really unique.


"Shameless old thief!"

"Six shameless old thieves, An dare to deceive me like this!!!"

"If this seat gets out of trouble, it will definitely slaughter your vast human race!!!"

Above the vast ninety-nine heavens, in the great world of the ancestral temple, the voices of resentment containing endless demonic intent shook the world and were extremely harsh.

"The old men are really sturdy..."

On the old tree, the bald-haired bird is amazing.

"Yeah yeah......."

Under the old tree, Turtle Changsheng stuck his head out and looked at the Nightmare Lord hanging above the sky, and was also very stunned.

"That's still waiting for you to get out of trouble."

The Emperor Tai sat in the void and looked at the Nightmare Lord who was surrounded by six people:

"I'm waiting for six people, no, I'm waiting for eight people for nothing, just a lot of time, enough to suppress you to a thousand calamities..."

Tairi is everywhere, but without the blood of the ancestors, he lost control. If he wants to suppress a Wuji, he naturally wants the six of him to suppress it together.


The Nightmare Lord was still scolding, his face suddenly turned one side, and a dark red color suddenly appeared in his dark eyes:

"Dog thing, you have no future..."


Somewhere in the endless chaotic sea, there is a seemingly ordinary multiverse.

In this multiverse, innumerable time lines are interwoven vertically and horizontally, and the infinite parallel universe is like a cornerstone carrying an indescribably huge palace.

But it is where the imperial capital of the Great Han Dynasty is located.

Since leaving the Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm, the Great Han God Court has been settled for billions of years before it settles down.

"In the chaotic sea, it is quite unbalanced."

On the observation deck, Ma Mengqi, dressed in a silver robe, sat leaning on the high platform, looking at the fire of war in the endless chaotic sea through the observation deck, with lingering fears.

The battle in this Chaos Sea is too terrifying, and the multiverse where the imperial capital of the Han Dynasty is located has been affected. Among the many multiverses under the jurisdiction of the Han Dynasty, there are no less than ten directions that have been blown away.

This kind of battle is too terrifying.

Even if it is him, his heart is very heavy and his mind is tense.


Suddenly, Ma Mengqi's expression changed, and in the chaotic sea, a crimson streamer came across the boundless chaos!

Before Ma Mengqi had time to react, that crimson streamer had already approached the multiverse where the Great Han Divine Court was located!

Its speed far surpasses the innate gods and demons!


At this moment, the multiverse where the Great Han God Court is located suddenly trembled. Infinite icy patterns came from the nothingness through countless parallel universes, and the timeline came, rolling like thousands of galaxies, pouring back into the Great Han. in the court of gods.

In the next instant, the multiverse where Dahan Divine Court is located burst out with endless dazzling divine light, shining brightly in the chaos!

But it was that crimson streamer that triggered the defense mechanism of the Great Han God Court!

"Enemy attack?"

Between the masterpieces of light, one after another silhouette stepped out from the criss-crossing timeline.

"Meng Qi, what happened?"

The first person had a face like a crown of jade, his ears dropped to his shoulders, and his demeanor was graceful, it was Liu Xuande.

"Gong Xuande, a crimson streamer came from the depths of chaos..."

Ma Mengqi looked ugly:

"But I don't know if it was affected as or there were enemies!"


The universe roared, and countless parallel time and space were all in one shock.

It wiped out all light.

In the next instant, Liu Xiu appeared in front of the crowd with a calm breath in her regular clothes.



Seeing Liu Xiu, everyone was inexplicably relieved.

For hundreds of millions of years, Liu Xiu has surpassed his ancestors and became the first person in the true sense of Shenhan.

"It's not an enemy attack, you don't have to worry."

Liu Xiu comforted everyone, and slowly spread the palm of his hand.

When everyone looked at it, they saw that Liu Xiu's palm seemed to be a red-bottomed gold border, like a brocade cloth like an edict.

"How can it be?!"

Before the brocade cloth was unfolded, Liu Xiu suddenly grabbed the palm of his hand, almost crushing the brocade cloth!


As if ten thousand thunders were fired in unison, and the world exploded, the entire multiverse jumped in unison, almost torn apart.


Liu Xuande, Ma Mengqi and others suddenly changed their expressions. With Liu Xiuzhi's calmness, even when the battle with Immortal Qin was at its most critical, he never saw it change color.

What was recorded on the brocade that made it change color?

At this time, the entire Great Han Dynasty was shaking, showing how shocked he was!

"Reliance, what happened?"

Liu Xuande calmed down and stepped forward to ask.

Liu Xiu's face was cloudy and uncertain, he hesitated for a moment, but still handed the brocade edict that was almost crushed to Liu Xuande.


Liu Xuande flicked the brocade cloth, and the big words of the supreme will above the decree flowed down:

"This robbery ancestor dragon died!!"

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