Chapter 490 Chen Qian arrives

Yang Tianlei and the illusionist talked for three whole hours. A consensus was reached.

Before coming to see the illusion, Yang Tianlei has realized that it is definitely the value of the celestial crystal. It has aroused great interest from the Haitian Chamber of Commerce, otherwise they will not meet alone. And indeed, the Divine Dao Third Level’s celestial crystal is worth between 800,000 and 1 million nine yangdan, equivalent to 8 billion to 10 billion pure yang! Divine Dao Fourth Rank’s celestial condensate is around 5 million Jiuyang Dan, Divine Dao Fifth Rank can reach 10 million yangdan, even higher!

what does this mean? Two Divine Dao Fifth Rank’s sacred crystals can be redeemed for the Baisui and Bai Zhenzhen sisters of Divine Dao Third Level!

You should know that Bai Susu and Bai Zhenzhen are the best of the Swan family. Not only do you have the best appearance, but also the cultivation base and qualifications.

Although Yang Tianlei has long known that the value of these Divine Dao-class enchantments is amazing, it is not surprising. The nearly a million days of magic crystals he has now produced are enough to take back hundreds of thousands of Swan slaves!

In the end, Yang Tianlei and the illusionist reached an agreement to acquire the pill medicine required by all the Swans of the Chamber of Commerce, which was undertaken by the Haitian Chamber of Commerce. Yang Tianlei follows Divine Dao Third Level, one million nine Yang Dan, Divine Dao Fourth Rank five million nine Yang Dan, Divine Dao Fifth Rank ten million nine Yang Dan. Pay Haitian Chamber of Commerce.

Haitian Chamber of Commerce will be completely confidential.

The news of the demon crystal will never be revealed.

but. When Tianyi started trading on the day of the illusion, Yang Tianlei pushed it. The excuse that the devil crystallizes on the body of the three family members, they need to wait for them to arrive before they can start trading.

Through the exchange with the illusion, Yang Tianlei also understood “Nine Heavens”. The meaning.

After entering Divine Dao, especially Divine Dao Seventh Rank, Yang Tianlei basically groped forward on their own, and the perception of the cultivation world remained at a superficial level. So “I can’t easily see a True God Realm cultivator, and Yang Tianlei will certainly not miss the opportunity. In the illusion, “Nine Heavens.” . Outside of time. He is already curious. Therefore, after the transaction was settled, Yang Tianlei began the “problem” that made the illusionary look idiot.

such as. Your Chamber of Commerce is the largest Chamber of Commerce in the Magic Sea Star field. How is the vice president just a master of Divine Dao Ninth Rank? Where is Nine Heavens? What is outside Nine Heavens? Why does True God Realm’s master seem to feel very little? A series of questions that are common sense for the big family discipline.

However, although speechless, the illusion has answered him one by one, and it has made the illusion that “Yang Tianlei is indeed from the original horoscope” and also believes that the real existence of Juan Tianlei is Ruan Xiyu. .

When I left, the illusion and deliberate account of Yang Tianlei. “Be sure to bring Ruan Xiyu to see her.”


After Yang Tianlei left, the illusionary directly launched a more powerful communication magic weapon than the Starry Sky Mirror. True God Realm’s thoughts spurred for a few minutes, and there was an image in front of her. He fell to the ground and shouted with respect and excitement.

“Hey, I haven’t contacted my mother for a long time. What’s the matter? The dispute within Nine Heavens” can’t help you… .

An ethereal figure gradually became clear. A kind-hearted middle-aged woman, like sitting cross-legged in the clouds, with a ray of sunshine, surrounded by countless stars, is just an influence, and it exudes aura that is strong to no margin. If Yang Tianlei is here, “it will definitely open the mouth again with shock, not only the aura of the middle-aged woman, but the face of this middle-aged woman, even like the illusion, Ruan Xiyu, as if carved out in a mold. Generally “just a little older.”

“Not the mother… I have news of the little girl!”

“Little girl?,. The beauty of the original smile, suddenly startled, beautiful eyes suddenly shined out of the light. There is a hint of excitement: “Hey, you really? ”

“Well! The children and the younger sisters are back in Nine Heavens.” A thousand years ago, the nephew completed the reincarnation of the world. Four hundred years ago, the young girl’s aura suddenly disappeared. The nephew searched the entire Nine Heavens, but I can’t find the little girl aura again, but today…

“I sensed the rain of the aura?.

“No… I still can’t sense the little girl’s aura, but today I meet a generation of innate talent, a child who is only in his early twenties. It is Divine Dao Eighth Level Peak of Realm, and he wants to talk to him. The pen transaction, I did not expect that when he saw the nephew, he said that her Taoist and the discipline are exactly the same. And the star field he belongs to is the star field where the young girl was located 400 years ago, the beginning of the star! .

“How is it possible? Your life is created by the mother. If the rain is still inside Nine Heavens, you should be able to sense it… Is it raining now just ordinary people?”

“The nephew originally thought this way, but the child said that the younger sister is already Divine Dao four Fifth Rank” and even the Sixth Rank realm, he said that he has not seen the younger sister for a long time. So I am not sure.” The illusion said.

I heard the words of the illusion. The beautiful woman seems to have pondered for a moment, saying: “Hey, you still don’t interfere. The mother used to explore with a big push. Her reincarnation is her catastrophe. It is also a big chance. Since she has already reached the Divine Dao Four Fifth Rank, she has not awakened her reincarnation. “Recovering the real body. It is very likely that the life mark has changed. You haven’t seen the rain yet?”

“No. The child said that Rain is now retreating in a mysterious place, and he will bring it to the children.”

“That’s good. Dear, remember, see you, but don’t interfere with her anything, unless she really fails, then she will reshape her life mark, know?”

“Yeah. I know, mother.”

“There is one more thing, my nephew, you have to be prepared. Recently, your Nine Heavens are very angry. At most, there will be no more than a hundred years, and the robbery will surely come. Your merits are not high enough. Be careful.

“My nephew understands…

“Come here!

Back to Haitian Inn, Yang Tianlei stepped into the quiet glass bottle, and when he read it, he gathered all of Ling Xi and others.

“Now start the law of time and space, um. We officially started cultivation! Susu, 贞贞, two thousand Divine Dao Third Level celestial crystal, you begin to retreat. tempering the body and mind! Go! Yang Tianlei waved will The two women were included in a separate space of Ming Xuan Treasury.

“Tianlei, what are you doing? Ling Xi asked a little curious. When seeing the True God Realm powerhouse illusion, Yang Tianlei naturally did not dare to let the minds of Ling Xi and others show the slightest, so” Ling Xi does not I know what nerves Yang Tianlei sent back. I can’t wait to start cultivation.

“True God Realm’s big day robbery is more terrifying than we think, and this day’s magic crystal is a great item for tempering the flesh and mind. Big brother I have nothing.” But your physique is obviously not good. You must be steady and steady, and you don’t want to have any accidents when you are robbery! . . Yang Tianlei explained: “Senior Sister, Linger, Little Bai, you one thousand thousand Divine Dao Fifth Rank celestial crystal, first tempering” Brother and Ling Xi got Divine Dao Sixth Rank and give it to you! Ming Xuan Treasures 2-Layer’s small layer and small 2-Layer, you can enter at any time, tempering and experience combination, but less than Great Perfection, even if you understand the barriers are not allowed to advance, know? go with! . .

Yang Tianlei waved again with Feng Ling’er, Fan Ling’er and Little Bai, and suddenly became a streamer, and fell into the Ming Xuan treasure house.

“Ling Xi” we first enter the small 4-Layer, refining some Divine Dao Seven Eight Levels of the Devil’s Crystal” and then start tempering, go! Yang Tianlei said, then pulled Ling Xi’s little hand, the two suddenly disappeared In place.

The reason why Yang Tianlei is so eager to cultivate is completely stimulated by the True God Realm powerhouse. In particular, it communicates with the illusion. After asking a lot of questions, the confidence that has just swelled by the victory of more than 20 masters has been completely defeated. !

Yang Tianlei feels like a cockroach in a chain. I thought I jumped out of a well. I saw the Lang Lang sky, but I did not expect this sky, it is still a larger well.

He is still sitting in the sky!

I thought that I would like to touch the origin of the truth. It will take him a few years to realize “but today’s communication with the illusion, but let him understand” wants to really reach that step, he has to go a lot!

Although the illusion did not say, but Yang Tianlei faintly felt that even True God Realm, I am afraid not the end of the cultivation!

Probably because of the illusion of appearance, Yang Tianlei did not have any restraint in front of her. So, I took the courage to ask the question about Earth again, but I heard that Yang Tianlei was arrogant…

What does this mean? Explain that there is no information about Earth at all within Nine Heavens. Nine Heavens. It is the space of all known star fields, including the Promise Star Field, which is called “Nine Heavens” by True God Realm’s powerhouse. According to the interpretation of the illusion, the vast universe is deep. There are thirty-three days.

Nine Heavens, just the 9-Layer for thirty-three days!

Thirty-three days is just a plane in the vast universe. How many planes are there in the real big universe? Even the illusion is not clear. .

Six days.

Chen Qian, Ji Lanlan, Zhao Yuan, Ji Yunyun and Chen Ting flew for six days in the Star Tunnel. Finally came to the sea star of the magic sea star field.

“Bastard, where??.

At the moment when he came out of the starry sky tunnel, Chen Qian said directly to Yang Tianlei through the starry sky mirror.

Within a million miles. The Starry Sky Psychoscope does not require much thought at all, and it does not need to be sacrificed to communicate.

“Xiao Qianqian, come? Brother, I will pick you up in person!. Yang Tianlei, who has been mad cultivation for a few days under the law of time and space, estimated that when Chen Qian and others came, they have already come out from the quiet glass bottle. It has already arrived at the transfer station.

A streamer, Yang Tianlei appeared in the lightning of the five people.

“Xiao Qian, long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful… Ji brother, Zhao brother, Xiaoyun, Xiaoting, many thanks many thanks”.

Chen Qian looked more tall and masculine than four years ago, but still is the kind of wretched and sloppy Yang Tianlei, I really want to worry about it now. It’s just a big crowd, and it seems that many cultivators are watching them intently. But it makes Chen Qian not too loose self-control.


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