Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 209: all things are born and die

Since then, in Blue Star, it is rare to see the figure of the Supreme Human Race again.

Even the Zizhu Tianren who had just stepped into the realm of heaven and earth disappeared, and he couldn't even find a few close friends.

Only a few insiders know that these supreme leaders have already entered the worm gate and went to the other side of the small galaxy world to explore unfamiliar galaxies and extract star veins.

Even if this would cause other planets to collapse in advance, they would not hesitate.

Everything is only for the continuation of the human race.


Cultivation has no time, and time seems to freeze here on the bottom of the Beilai sea.

As soon as Wang Yu entered the sea, it had been six years before he knew it.

In the first year, he explored the time dragon keel, and in the following five years, he has been immersed in the rock mass where the keel is located, and has conducted a long dive.

It is long, but for Wang Yu, who is immersed in it and cannot feel the passage of time, it does not feel boring.

There is even a sense of time passing by in a trance.

For monks above the real world, it is common practice to retreat for ten or eight years at a time.

After all, they themselves have a long life span, and in the real world, it usually takes several years to break through the bottleneck in one practice.

In their eyes, if they were cultivating in five years, it was really just a flick of a finger.

Wang Yu crossed his knees and closed his eyes. The energy fluctuations on the body surface were sometimes silent, sometimes violent, like the beating of a heart, ups and downs.

The surrounding high-density energy frantically poured into his body at this time.

This is the magic of keel.

These high-density elemental energies are actually the huge keel that continuously absorbs the core energy, unconsciously condenses and transforms it, and finally releases it to form an energy blowout.

This seems to be a characteristic of the keel itself, which absorbs energy and converts it into its own needs.

However, this time dragon has died, so the transformed energy has nowhere to be placed, and the energy is allowed to be released on its own.

The resulting space distortion is nothing more than the fact that the energy released at one time is too large and the density is too high.

After absorbing enough energy, Wang Yu's body completed another round of sublimation.

In the past five years, the cultivation base has directly crossed the early, middle, and late stages of the real world.

Then stepped into the real world and completed it!

It only took five years to complete the cultivation realm that others may take hundreds of years to achieve.

Of course, there is a huge contribution from the proficiency panel, but more of it is the huge energy benefits brought by this time dragon keel.

Makes his proficiency accumulation speed exponentially faster.

At the beginning, he thought it would take more than ten years to reach the cultivation realm, but now it has only been completed in the past six years.

This is all brought about by the keel.

Wang Yu consolidated the cultivation realm after a breakthrough, and the surging True Qi in his body looked extremely exaggerated.

If the previous true energy was regarded as a lake, then now it is a vast ocean.

True Qi circulates freely and grows endlessly in the body.

It gave Wang Yu a very heavy sense of weight.

It seems that just by mobilizing this huge infuriating energy, it can move mountains and reclaim the sea and destroy everything.

Wang Yu knew that this is the feeling that will appear after the cultivation realm reaches Consummation.

A sense of completeness and invincible expansion.

If the state of mind does not match the current cultivation, it is very likely that he will be lost in the rising power, gradually unbridled and rampant.

"In this way, the realm of heaven and man is only one step away."

Wang Yu was in a good mood, and passed the news to Zizhu Tianren and the old Sect Master and others.

Let them rest for a while and wait for him for a while.

With the combat power that his current cultivation base can burst out, in fact, he is already confident that he will be able to fight against those lion eagles.

It is no longer just as 0.5 combat power as before, barely playing a supporting role...

But just like this, in Wang Yu's opinion, it is not stable enough.

Since he has waited for five years, why not wait for a while, let him complete the last step of transformation and officially enter the realm of heaven and man.

At that time, if we fight against the alien lion and eagle, the initiative will be on the side of the human race!

"The speed of your cultivation is really nothing to say, even if you look at the time of the Ziwei human race.

That group of arrogant geniuses back then didn't have the speed of you, as if there were no bottlenecks. How did this happen? "

Qi Ling has been accompanying Wang Yu all the time. Seeing that Wang Yu has ended his practice for a short time, he can't help but be amazed.

It also saw some clues.

In Wang Yu's cultivation, there are almost no bottlenecks that can stop him.

There is no such thing as polishing the cultivation base, looking for opportunities, and repeatedly hitting the bottleneck.

It can be said that it was a smooth journey, no surprises and no dangers, and the cultivation was completed step by step.

That's right, it's bland.

It seems that Wang Yu's ordinary cultivation aptitude is able to achieve the perfect cultivation level of a real person, which is beyond the reach of countless human geniuses.

And until this stage of cultivation, Wang Yu still didn't seem to be under any pressure.

No one can see where his limits are...

"Then, next..."

Ignoring Qi Ling's confusion, Wang Yu then called up the proficiency panel.

Look at the column of skills and exercises.

The first position is the method of birth and death of all things.

Now this mysterious art, he has deduced to the end, this is also one of the achievements of his five years of deep cultivation.

With the growth of the cultivation base, the deduction process also showed an accelerated state, so the deduction process was also faster than he expected.

"Get it in full control today!"

Wang Yu thought about it like this, and without delay, he felt that his mind and spirit had recovered, and immediately went into the final deduction.

The method of birth and death of all things, this is a profound art that is completely different from the exercises he has practiced before.

Even the way of cultivation is completely different.

This is a mysterious practice under a brand-new cultivation system!

Therefore, he has no reference and is completely groping on his own.

While exploring this mysterious art, it is also the process of him exploring this new power construction system.

Compared with the clear and clear cultivation system of the current human race, this profound art is more illusory.

Control the birth and death of all things in the universe!

This is the idea of ​​this mysterious art, which can be said to be quite grand, even exaggerated.

The idea is this, to set an unattainable goal, so that Xuan Gong itself is constantly approaching and perfecting this characteristic.

As for whether it can really be as invincible as it is intended?

All I can say is that you don't need to think too much...

If this profound art can really achieve its purpose, how could the Ziwei people be destroyed back then, and how could the family that inherited this profound art have withered and disappeared to this day...

But no matter what, this mysterious art is one of the ancient inheritances of the old Ziwei people.

It can make him cultivate the power of the universe that Qiling said, a kind of cosmic source power!

And this is a power that even Heaven and Human Realm has never mastered!

Wang Yu didn't know its specific power, but listening to Qiling's tone, it was enough to explode the current human race cultivation system...

He was curious.

Quickly deduced in my mind, the proficiency of the exercises is also increasing.

When all the deductions came to an end, in an instant, huge paintings appeared in Wang Yu's mind.

Amidst green mountains and green waters, flowers are clustered together.

A man in a white shirt and a green shirt walked out of the mountain stream.

Wang Yu's perspective was behind him, and he couldn't see the man's face clearly, but he felt that the man was tall and floating like a fairy.

With one hand behind his back, he stepped into the beautiful flowers and plants.

"What's the situation?" Wang Yu found that his consciousness was always following the man in white and blue shirt in front of him.

Clothes were hunting, and suddenly there was a chill in the air.

The man took another step.

His pace was slow and gentle.

However, when the soles of his feet fell, several young grasses on the side suddenly turned yellow and withered quickly.

Taking another step, more than ten flowers nearby withered.

In the third step, the entire sea of ​​flowers suddenly became barren.

In the fourth step, the mountains and rivers behind collapsed, and all sounds were silent.

When the man took the fifth step, the scene turned sharply and came to the dead and dark cosmic space.

Wherever the man went, the stars dimmed and perished, and the universe lost its last brilliance.

Time seems to have lost its meaning at this moment.

Only the man remained the same, taking his last step.

Like the Creator, renew the light of the dead, dark universe.

The stars are condensed again, the planet is not destroyed, the mountains and rivers are still there, the flowers are blooming, and the struggle is bright.

Wang Yu was shocked and seemed to have a clear understanding, but he was more shocked by the images imprinted in his mind.

It's just that I feel that these pictures are implicitly reasonable.

But his comprehension is really average, and it is simply whimsical to want to comprehend something from it.

Wang Yu did not force himself, and tried to calm down his agitated mind.

The next moment, the picture was split and re-turned into seven giant paintings.

Each pair has the man in the white shirt and blue shirt in it.

From the moment he took the first step, the flowers and plants withered, then the mountains and rivers collapsed, the planet died, and finally came back to life.

These seven giant paintings are what he has deduced to the end.

The seven paintings are the entire contents of this set of profound arts, representing the seven profound arts realms.

His eyes fell on the first giant painting, the first step the man took.

He tried to comprehend, and the proficiency value above his head began to jump.

+1, +2, +1, +2...

The slow comprehension progress is slower than the crawling of a snail.

After half a day, the proficiency of Xuan Gong did not increase by 0.1%.

It was not until Wang Yu's concentration was difficult that he got out of the state of enlightenment.

After returning to the body, I immediately felt dizzy.

His mental energy was severely drained.

There is no doubt that comprehending this set of exercises requires extremely high mental strength and comprehension aptitude.

Otherwise, it would not be so difficult for him to comprehend, and his proficiency in Xuan Gong would grow slowly.

This profound art is really not something that ordinary people can cultivate.

The good thing is that although his proficiency has grown slowly, at least he can still grow.

As long as you can accumulate proficiency, the rest is just a matter of time.

If you can’t do it for one year, it’s two years. If you can’t do it for two years, it’s five years or ten years.

He can always cultivate this profound art!

Just like the other cultivation methods he has cultivated along the way, the secret techniques of warfare are generally...

Time is his best friend.

"Have you deduced the method of birth and death of all things?" Suddenly, Qi Ling exclaimed.

Wang Yu nodded, "It's just a bit difficult to cultivate to the first realm."

"Don't worry, even in the past, this profound art was notoriously difficult to cultivate, and the threshold of comprehension alone blocked most of the children of the Chu family.

If you can deduce it, it proves that your comprehension aptitude is already at the top level of the contemporary age.

Not much else to say, as long as you can cultivate to the first realm of profound arts and master a power of the universe, you will be enough to gain a foothold in the surrounding galaxies! "Qi Ling said excitedly.

If Wang Yu cultivated the first cosmic power, it would also be of great help to him.

It only needs to stay in Wang Yu's body, and this cosmic power can help it slowly repair itself!

Now it is completely tied to Wang Yu.

"The first realm..." Wang Yu murmured.

Right now, his top priority is still to break through the cultivation realm of heaven and man, complete the final rebirth, and forge the human body.

Perhaps after breaking through to the realm of heaven and man, and then cultivating this mysterious art, the accumulation of proficiency will be faster.

Just when Wang Yu was about to rush into the realm of heaven and earth, he sent back a message from the old sect master and his master Zizhu Tianren.

In addition to congratulations to Wang Yu for going further, there is also bad news.

The lion-carved alien race has rapidly evolved some kind of sensory tentacles in the past few years.

The role of the Shenyin Talisman gradually disappeared in the lion sculpture.

The Insect Sect was also strictly guarded, and the old Sect Master, Zizhu Tianren, and the Human Emperor who were still in other galaxies could not return for the time being.

In addition, two god-level lion statues were born in the lion eagle alien race.

Add the remaining six digits before.

At present, the entire lion carving alien race has eight god-level lion carvings.

This is undoubtedly quite unfavorable news for the entire human race.

At the same time, this also means that Wang Yu has to interrupt his cultivation at any time. Once the insect gate changes, he will go to the mine star to jointly resist the possible invasion of the lion eagle alien race with the Pope and the witch.

It's a pity that these lion eagles are very vigilant and have never been singled out, otherwise they can plan to try a wave of attacks.

In addition, as a sixth-level rune, the Divine Invisibility Talisman is still too difficult to make for the current human race, and the success rate is too low, making it impossible to play.

In the past few years, resources and manpower have been devoted, but only three qualified Shenyin Talismans have been produced.

Unexpectedly, the fourth one has not yet been produced, and the rune of Shenyin is invalid in front of the few god-level lion carvings.

As a result, the Terran also fell back into a passive state.

Hearing this, Wang Yu could only sigh inwardly, knowing that it was impossible to be so smooth all the time.

Several Human Race Supremes have been traveling through the Insect Gate and fighting against the lion-carved alien race for several years. Although they have the upper hand with their strategies, the other party will not always be helpless.

Now that the three old Sect Masters are blocked in other galaxies, the days of the final battle between the two sides are not far away.

In addition to this In the past five years, the old Sect Master and the others have indeed gained a lot.

As far as he knows, eight secondary low-grade star veins, three secondary middle-grade star veins, and two second-level high-grade star veins have been found.

Most importantly, they found a first-class hidden star vein.

The minimum requirement for activating the keel is three hidden star veins, and now it is one third completed.

That's exciting enough.

Several months have passed since then.

"It's almost, it's almost, it's done!!"

Under the surging high-density energy of the keel, Wang Yu finally filled up the last bit of proficiency in his cultivation.

Feeling relieved, I could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

There is a full cultivation progress bar, and there is nothing missing.

At this moment, there was no epiphany, the excitement of gaining the Tao and ascending to heaven.

Some are just a sense of accomplishment under Dzogchen.

Starting from the town of Broken Star Island, he has practiced for more than 20 years.

In the eyes of other cultivators, this may not be a long cultivation time, but it is the longest and most focused thing that Wang Yu insisted on before and after the time-travel.

Now, he finally wants to ascend to the supreme position of the human race like his master!

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