Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 181: fading the apotheosis

Wang Yu will never forget the shock when he first saw this deep-sea giant.

After being huge, it can be compared to the terrifying body of an island, and the flames that can burn everything.

It was like a monster crawling out of purgatory in the abyss of the sea.

This is the real feeling left in his heart at the beginning.

But now, when he saw each other again, his feelings were different.

There is no fear of confusion at the beginning, and there is a little more prying and scrutiny.

In his vision, the sea area in front of him has completely turned into a sea of ​​flames.

He also saw the whole figure of Xiaohong in the flames.

It is indeed like an octopus that has been magnified countless times, and it is red all over.

There are also two big eyes, and they look a bit cute, and the image is not as fierce and ugly as imagined.

The most important thing is that the sense of threat brought to him is not so strong.

Although Xiaohong has a body with the strength of the innate realm, but does not match the cultivation of the innate realm.

The destructive power is too strong, but it does not exceed the scope of the innate realm.

Looking at it now, this deep-sea giant is not so scary.

Xiaohong's tentacles swayed continuously, and they could stretch thousands of feet away, which was quite exaggerated.

Anyone who was hit by his tentacles, except those ancestor-level characters, died or was disabled, and most of them were burned by the flames.

It shows its hospitality as a landlord.

There are thousands of powerhouses in the Qi realm, but they can't do anything about this giant. Under the flames, it is very difficult for them to get close to Xiaohong.

It seems that Xiaohong's body has also been strengthened a lot compared to the original, and it is difficult for the energy of Xingqi level to penetrate the flesh on its tentacles.

On the contrary, they were in a mess, and they were scattered by tentacles when they lost their formation.

"Hmph, Bai Xuan, this is your trump card!"

Dongfang Jingchen slowly got up, surrounded by innate energy, walked in the air, and came to the air in a blink of an eye.

Raising his hand, a golden innate energy shot out, and it slammed directly on a tentacle of Xiaohong's flamboyant strength.

The power of the innate energy is completely different, and the tentacles are cut off in an instant.

Half of the tentacles nearly a thousand meters fell into the sea, blasting a large wave of water.

Xiaohong was in pain, and countless tentacles carried the fire to the east to clean the dust.

Dongfang Jingchen's face was completely unafraid, and a large piece of golden fighting qi rose up around his body, like a golden sun.

Countless golden sword lights shot out, and Wang Yu could clearly see that it was the innate tactics of Xuri Peak.

Obviously, this Eastern ancestor came from Rising Sun Peak.

The innate battle technique on the Wufeng peak is fierce and tyrannical, but it is in perfect harmony with his golden battle.

Combining the two, even Xiaohong suffered a loss.

All the tentacles were cut off, screaming in pain, and finally dived to the bottom of the sea in fear.

"I want to run!" The cold light in the eyes of Old Ancestor Dongfang did not disappear, and he held a long sword like a golden wheel.

This sword is a sure-kill sword, and he intends to kill Xiaohong directly.

At this time, a sword light slashed into the sky, the same innate energy, the same sword power and dominance.

It collided with the sword, and a huge roar burst out.

Some of the empire's powerhouses in the surrounding Nancy realm were injured by the aftermath, their internal organs were damaged, and they spewed out blood, and their expressions were full of horror.

The other party actually has a powerhouse in the Innate Realm!

"How come you are still alive!" Dongfang Jingchen looked at Wang Yu who appeared in shock.

With that one shot, he should be sure of everything. Wang Yu, who had cultivated at the early stage of Xiantian Realm, had no chance of surviving.

What happened?

Could it be that his master on the Purple Bamboo Peak rescued him?


There is nothing wrong with Wang Yu being in Lei Ze.

In his opinion, Wang Yu should have been instantly killed in a single face-to-face, but only if there are no bones left.

No matter how powerful Zizhu is, it is impossible for him to arrive in time.

For a moment, Dongfang Jingchen's mood was a little chaotic because of Wang Yu's appearance.

Seeing Dongfang Jingchen's reaction, Wang Yu immediately determined that the eccentric person had nothing to do with it.

"Capturing alive or beheading directly..." Wang Yu was already thinking about how to deal with the ancestor of the imperial family in front of him.

He has confirmed the opponent's cultivation base through the shot just now.

Late Congenital Realm.

It is not weak, but it is not difficult for him to deal with it before reaching the Great Perfection of the Innate Realm.

It can be seen that the identity of the strange person is no trivial matter. If he is captured alive and handed over to Wu Zong, he will surely be able to interrogate more information.

Wang Yu always felt that things were not easy.

"Forget it, it's a headache for the real people above to catch it."

The real Zizhu called the strange man a devil, and the conversation changed.

As a demon, Dongfang Jingchen, who colluded with it, entered Wuzong, and the end was probably more bleak than Wang Yu's beheading on the spot.

After making up his mind, Wang Yu said lightly, "You've got a problem."

Dongfang Jingchen immediately thought of the terrifying results after the incident was exposed, his pupils trembled violently, and a ferocious look appeared on his face, no longer the calmness that he had before everything under his control.

There is only one idea in mind.

Must kill him!

He didn't know that Zizhu Zhenren had already met Wuzong with a weird head.

As long as the investigation is carried out, no matter what, it is impossible for him to die peacefully.


He used the secret technique of pressing the bottom of the box, and the fighting qi turned into golden flames and continued to rise, and his white hair was also dyed golden.

At this moment, his breath seems to have reached the Innate Perfection Realm!

It's like a second-stage transformation of a Saiyan.

Rolling up a huge storm, he took the initiative to charge Wang Yu with his sword.


Wang Yu's face was calm, and he had already entered the fighting state. Seeing that the ancestor's movements were not so fast.

The strength shown is not as good as that of the direct-born senior brother of Tiangu Peak at the previous exchange meeting.

Innate Saber Technique · Lightning Flash!

Electric light appeared all over Wang Yu's body, and the next moment he dragged a stream of electricity toward the east.

From a distance, it looks like a ball of thunder and a golden sun collided in the air.

Everyone's attention has been shifted to Wang Yu and Dongfang Jingchen.

From the innate ancestor of the imperial family who shot and injured Xiaohong, and then to Wang Yu's appearance to fight, it all seemed to happen in an instant.

So that the direction of the war situation has become confusing.

The focus is no longer on the battle between the powerhouses of the two empires.

Qinggang, Baihe and others are very clear that the key lies in Wang Yu and Dongfang Jingchen.

A huge impact erupted in the air, and the golden flames and the dazzling white thunder complemented each other.

In the end, the thunder pierced Jin Yang, and a broken arm was thrown out.

The eyes of Nancy's generals were splitting, it was actually the arm of their innate ancestor!

The blood splattered, and Dongfang Jingchen was terrified. He never expected that Wang Yu had already possessed such strength not long after he became a pro-passer.

Wang Yu held the blood-stained star knife and looked at each other.

Rumors are just rumors after all, and after taking off the deified coat, this emperor of the imperial family is just an old cultivator who is about to die.

Qi and blood have declined, and even if he has the strength of the Innate Realm, he is not Wang Yu's opponent at all.

The strength of the opponent is placed in Wuzong, but it is just an ordinary deacon, and it does not even meet the standard of an elder.

Dongfang Jingchen suddenly grabbed Dongfang Jingxin not far away.

There was only one hand left on his heart.

"Old, Patriarch?" Dongfang Jingxin didn't know why, but was inexplicably flustered.

He couldn't help thinking too much, and a congenital energy entered his body.

The next moment, he only felt severe pain all over his body, his internal organs and meridians were all shattered by this innate energy!

Looking at the face of the elder brother of the same family in front of him, it was a hideous face he had never seen before.

"Brother, help eldest brother escape!"


The next moment, Dongfang Jingxin's entire body burst directly, turning into a large cloud of blood.

Dongfang Jingchen then squeezed the tactic with one hand.

The blood mist turned into black, and while covering the eastern clean dust, it also distorted the space.

Wang Yu frowned slightly, and then slashed out again.

This time, he not only attached Lei's true meaning, but also used the water bridge in his body.

Innate Swordsmanship·Leitao!

The fusion of two true meanings belongs to an innate warfare method in the way of nature.

It can be swordsmanship, swordsmanship, boxing...

Its core is the combined release of two true meanings.


As soon as the knife was fired, the knife gas turned into a sea of ​​thunder, which appeared in the air and engulfed Dongfang Jingchen in an instant, and along with it, the rest of the strong Nancy who could not escape not far away were affected, and there were hundreds of people.

It was all black in front of him, and he was electrocuted and lost consciousness. Like a dumpling, he fell from the air to the bottom of the sea.

"No!" Dongfang Jingchen tried his best to roar, but it was useless, his whole body was paralyzed, and his secret technique had to be terminated.

Wang Yu didn't know what kind of strange technique the other party used, but it seemed to be related to space. After all, it caused abnormal fluctuations in space, but the forward swing was too long and he was forcibly interrupted.

With a big hand, the innate energy enveloped the unconscious Dongfang Jingchen.

After confirming that he was really fainted, Wang Yu still safely interrupted the opponent's remaining hands and feet, and then infiltrated his innate energy into his body.

As long as the other party has a change, he can deal with him at any time as he dealt with his own younger brother.

In addition, five rune shackles were wrapped around him to ban him, and after thinking about it, he threw a special Danfeng poison pill into his mouth.

"Tsk, sure enough, catching this trick alive is much more troublesome than beheading it on the spot." Wang Yu casually carried Dongfang Jingchen and complained in his mouth.

Only in this way, he can rest assured that the prisoner.

Then, his eyes fell on the remaining strongmen of the Nancy family.

His sight made them fall into an ice cave. Most people's heads were full of chaos, and their faces were a bit dazed and fearful.

"This, how is this possible..." A strong family man murmured, his voice dry.

In Nancy, like a god, the supreme innate ancestor was defeated by a young man and carried like a chicken.

In their hearts, it was as if the fact that they had always believed in, suddenly became confused.

Those disciples and generals of the Eastern Emperor Family, even more as if their beliefs had collapsed, could not accept the scene in front of them at all.

With full confidence, no one expected such a plot to unfold.

In fact, even Elder Baihe and the others did not expect that Wang Yu would defeat Dongfang Jingchen so easily.

He even captured the other party alive, and he was unscathed, who would dare to believe this.

The old man Baihe was even more inexplicable, as if he had been playing a game for hundreds of years, and after all the hard work, he finally reached the final exciting boss level.

As a result, Wang Yu cleared the game in two understatements, as if he was open and hung up.

Although the ending was perfect and what he had always dreamed of, what was going on with this emptiness in his heart...

They didn't even have time to make a move and had no sense of participation.

Wang Yu alone is enough to push everything horizontally and crush all enemies, so what else is needed from them.

"Really, it's too strong..." Kuangge swallowed and said with some difficulty.

The same Thunder Blade, but Wang Yu has far surpassed his current level.

Even the innate sword technique that finally incorporated the two natural true meanings made him completely incomprehensible.

Wang Yu raised the knife and faced the group of strong Nancy.

Among them are generals in the army, as well as ancestors of aristocratic families, all of them have a very high status in the country.

"The imperial power of the aristocratic family has come to an end, if you all stop here and cooperate with the reform of the system, you can ensure the continuation of your respective families.

And if you are stubborn, then I will send you to Huangquan! "

Wang Yu's voice was cold, and his words had a lot of weight, which made these ancestors of aristocratic families feel rather powerless.

"Everyone, don't believe his nonsense, there is only one way to surrender, and he can't let us go, the only way to survive is to fight together!"

An ancestor of the Dongfang family immediately shouted when he saw that his camp was undecided.

He knew very well that there might be a way out for other aristocratic families to surrender, but only their Eastern Imperial Family could not survive.

So he had to jump out the call and pull the others for a last-ditch effort.

At least in terms of numbers and combat power, they still have the upper hand.

Wang Yu's eyes immediately fell on him, and he said lightly, "You are very brave."

Raising his hand with a knife, the innate knife energy came in a flash, beheading the ancient ancestor of the East.

Such a stern and decisive means made those who wanted to respond to swallow the words in their throats.

"Is there anyone else so brave?" Wang Yu looked at the others.

There was a commotion in the crowd, many people looked at Wang Yu, and looked at Dongfang Jingchen repeatedly in his hand.

This group of powerful family members seems to finally realize that the Nancy Empire that has always been around is about to change.

The end of the family, a new empire will take its place!

No matter how unwilling they are, it is difficult to change anything.

Under the deterrence of Wang Yu's powerful combat power, they knew very well that their immediate move would determine whether the century-old family behind them would be doomed.

The old man Baihe and all the strong campers came to Wang Yu's back and stared at them.

"Is it true that as you said, as long as we surrender, you will give our family a way out."

After a few moments of confrontation, there was finally an ancestor of an aristocratic family.

Wang Yu didn't answer, but looked behind him and gave up his seat.

After all, Xinghaiguo does not respect him, and he is not the real ruler of Xinghaiguo, he is only in this camp.

The Huairou family, coexisting with it, is also the result of the old man Baihe and Liu Xinjian's negotiation.

Liu Xinjian stood out from the crowd.

He is the real decision maker.

"Our aim was to set things right, but we never said we were going to kill every family.

What I need is for your family to return to its rightful place, to coexist with ordinary people, instead of squeezing people and monopolizing everything..."

What Liu Xinjian said is very methodical. In short, it is to deprive the family of the power of life and death and re-establish a real government agency.

The ancestors of the aristocratic family were speechless for a while, and did not express their position directly.

Wang Yu was a little impatient waiting on the side, and the innate energy in his body began to churn.

It seems that just killing one is not enough.

Although Zizhu Zhenren asked him not to kill indiscriminately, in his opinion, it was necessary to make these people in power give up their minds completely, and some means of killing chickens and showing monkeys were still necessary.

"Our Liu family has accepted it." The Liu family's ancestor suddenly expressed his position and accepted Liu Xinjian's Huairou conditions.

One side made a statement, and the rest of the family who swayed left and right gave up their struggle, and also accepted Huairou under Wang Yu's watch.

As a result, the final decisive battle that should have erupted fiercely ended in such a harmonious situation.

"I didn't expect these noble families to give up their monstrous rights so easily. I thought there would be a lot of unwise swearing resistance."

Lei Dao Kuangge still couldn't believe it, and muttered as he looked at the dejected disciples of the aristocratic family in front of him.

"What's the matter? In the hearts of the ancestors of these aristocratic families, the continuation of their respective families is the most important thing, and they have no choice if they compromise." Qing Gang folded his arms and said lightly.

He doesn't like these ancestors of the aristocratic family, even if they have surrendered, but the arrogance and domineering of the former family still disgusts him.

"If Xiaoyu and the innate ancestor were both defeated, it might not be so easy, but now Xiaoyu has easily defeated the innate ancestor of the emperor's family without any damage, which makes them see no hope. Dare to resist."

Xiao Shengmu added with a chuckle, seeing the ancestors of these aristocratic families very thoroughly.

As long as there is a little bit of hope, there will always be people who want to fight hard, but Wang Yu doesn't give them the slightest hope of a comeback.

"Sure enough, the thief caught the king first." Fang Fatty touched his chubby belly and smiled, "It's great to be able to quell this war without fighting."

The old man Bai He glanced at a few people, shook his head and said, "Don't be too happy, although thanks to Xiaoyu, the most difficult part has been passed, but it does not mean that the next time will be easy.

The huge Nancy Empire dominated the entire Broken Star, no less than in the early days of Xinghai Kingdom, where the hegemony of the family was deeply rooted and far-reaching, and the various aspects involved were quite complicated.

At that time, the handover of power will inevitably face many obstacles. If you want to completely control the entire main star of Nancy, you will need long-term planning and hard work. Don't let it go. "

Qinggang, Kuangge and the others listened, and immediately nodded solemnly.

Think it's a huge engineering they have a lot to do.

"Don't worry, master, you have already reached this stage, and the chain will never fall." Mad Ge assured with a smile.

The rest of the senior brothers also nodded.

Of course, those Wang Yus will basically not be involved. He has already completed his part of the task, and solved the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Nancy family, the innate ancestor.

Next, including He Duoer, Lawful and Song Qi, they will return to Wuzong to concentrate on their cultivation.

The three of them naturally hope that one day they will be able to leap through the dragon gate, step into the inner gate of Wuzong, and become a powerhouse in the innate realm.

At present, He Duoer is the most hopeful to realize the innate law of life.

Of course, there is only hope.

Everything has to wait for her cultivation to reach the perfect state of Qi.

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