In Leijing Mine, batches of miners are working hard in an orderly manner.

"Uncle Li, it's time to hand over the shift next month." A disgraced young man smiled.

"Hey, we can finally go home, our old waist is about to break." Uncle Li was also in a good mood when he talked about the shift.

I haven't seen my wife and children for more than half a year, but I miss them very much.


Just as they were talking, a large amount of thunder suddenly erupted in the dark cloud that covered the top in the distance, and they all fell.

For a time, even the mines where they were located were shaken.

The two looked at each other while holding on to the rocks beside them.

"here we go again......"

For the past six months, Lei Ze has been twitching from time to time, erupting like this.

It looked very scary at first, but after watching it more, it became accustomed to it.

Anyway, they are several kilometers away from Leize, and their mines are not in danger.

At an angle they couldn't notice, there was a thundercloud inside Lei Ze.

A bright white thunderbolt fell from it and smashed into the black water below.

In the sea, the energy of the thunderbolt attenuated and dissipated, revealing a dark figure.

Barely able to see from the burnt face outline and stature, it was Wang Yu.

"It's sour..."

After a long while, Wang Yu, who was floating on the black water, coughed two mouthfuls of dirty blood and murmured in a hoarse voice.

After another day, the body refining method was able to refine the raging thunder energy in the body, and the injury was repaired.

Take a breath, shake off the scabbed dead skin on the body surface, revealing the more tender and good meat inside.

Wang Yu looked at the palm of his right hand.

There is a jade-like stone like a pebble, and the whole body is white. Even if he observes it with his current vision perception, this stone has no trace of impurities.

There is a huge amount of thunder essence contained in it.

Undoubtedly, this pebble-like substance was the previously inferred natural treasure, the Heavenly Thunder Soul.

In the past half a year, he has tried to fly into the cloud many times. After several failures, he finally succeeded.

There is no need to say much about the value of Tianlei Soul. With it, even if he is not in Lei Ze in the future, he can always extract the thunder energy from it to practice his body refining method.

Don't be confined to this desolate place.

After detaching from the cloud, the stone that Tianlei Soul transformed into has also become much more stable, and is no longer in a state of discharge all year round.

Wang Yu returned to Lei Ze, took the storage bag, put on his clothes again, and then pondered this piece of heavenly thunder.

When he injected his mind power into it, the huge thunder energy within it soon became active.


A group of thunder light appeared, and the electricity caused Wang Yu's arm to turn red instantly.

He didn't seem to notice it, he didn't frown, and he increased his mental strength to try to guide.


The thunder light then flourished, covering him completely, and at the same time, a thick thunderbolt was released from his palm, suddenly traversing thousands of meters, and almost blew a small hill not far away!

The mind power dissipated, and the thunder light stopped.

Although the material on Wang Yu's body was tough and not easy to damage, it still became tattered under the violent destructive power of the thunder.

"You will have this kind of power after a small test. If you activate all the thunder energy inside, I am afraid that the destructive power can be improved several times or even dozens of times.

But there are also problems. This pure and incomparable thunder energy can only be activated, and it is difficult to truly control it. While killing the enemy, it is inevitable that oneself will be affected.

Even if you kill 1800 enemies, you will also lose 800. It seems that you have to use it with caution in the future..."

After trying, Wang Yu came to a conclusion while changing his clothes.

Looking at the thunder of this day again, after consuming a part of the thunder energy, it independently absorbs the thunder energy from the air environment to supplement it.

Because of the Lei Ze environment with strong thunder energy, the speed of this replenishment is quite fast, and it will be refilled in a short while.

This is quite worry-free, and Wang Yu does not need to worry about its battery life.

Then try to extract the thunder energy from it to practice the body training method.

The method is also quite simple and rude, that is, control the mind and spirit to guide, and pour the thunder energy into the body.

The injected mental power is weak, and the activated thunder energy is relatively small, which will not cause too serious damage to his body.

And the more mind power is injected, the more thunder energy will be activated.

Wang Yu's control of mind power has reached the extreme, and it is quite easy for him to grasp it.

"It's worth it!"

After a few days of trying to control it, Wang Yu was quite proficient in using this Heavenly Thunder Soul, and only felt that it was worth the money.

It was worth it even if it took so long.

"Calculate the time, it's almost time to face the Nancy Empire." Wang Yu secretly said that he had plans to leave.

After staying here for more than a year, now that Tianlei Po can give him enough thunder energy, which is comparable to Tianlei, he has no reason to continue to stay.

During this period of diving here, I have gained a lot.

Many of the innate tactics he has saved have been successfully deduced and mastered by him.

One of the most important is the feeling of the day!

The second is his Xiantian realm cultivation base, which he finally cultivated to about the middle of Xiantian realm not long ago.

If he stayed on Zizhu Peak for more than a year, I am afraid that the progress of this cultivation would be much faster, but even so, his cultivation speed is still as fast as a rocket to outsiders.

On the other hand, the next level of body training requires too much proficiency, and the difficulty of breaking through is beyond imagination.

He relied on Lei Ze's thunder energy, and after accumulating it for so long, his proficiency was still a lot worse. It was really water mill work.

But he knew that every breakthrough in the Body Refinement Technique would bring about a huge qualitative change to his physical strength. Even if it took a long time to accumulate, he would not slack off.

Just like the set of stone tablets that concealed the birth and death of all things, he would also take some time every day to deduce it, waiting for the mysterious veil of this set of exercises to be revealed one day.

"Consolidate the cultivation base for a few more days, and then go back to Broken Star to take a look." Wang Yu thought so.

The war was imminent, and he did not dare to neglect everything related to the national fortune and the old man Baihe.

Half a day later, Wang Yu, who was still practicing cross-legged in Lei Zenei, suddenly stopped, dissipated his energy and slowly opened his eyes.

There was nothing at the boundary of Lei Ze, but under his perception at the level of heaven and man, it was certain that an aura was approaching.

In a short while, within the horizon, a mass of black fog gathered at the boundary of Lei Ze, forming a black-robed figure, which appeared silently like a ghost out of thin air.

So quietly looked at Lei Ze in front of him.

"Thunder energy is dissipating..."

But this is not his concern. Inside Lei Ze, a figure is slowly walking towards him.

Stepping on the water, but not touching the water, the pace is not slow or slow.

"Is it found me? It is indeed sharper than that old guy in terms of perception."

The man in black robe stared at the figure approaching on the water, confirming that it was the target of his trip.

It's just that he didn't expect that before he made any move, the other party had already discovered him in advance.

Wang Yu stood still a hundred paces away, also looking at the person who came.

It's not that there are no people who have approached Lei Ze in the past six months, but most of them just passed by, and few came to Lei Ze.

After all, this is a forbidden place for life, and there is no reason to stay here.

The Heavenly Thunder Soul above the clouds, not even the real person Zizhu knew about it, otherwise it would have been taken away and given to Miaotong as early as tens of hundreds of years ago.

After Wang Yu had the vision of heaven and man, he realized it just now.

If the other party is not for Tianlei Soul, then it is possible that he is coming for him. At this sensitive time when the war is about to start, it is difficult not to let Wang Yu think about it.

"This aura is a bit strange, it doesn't look like the ancestor of the East." Wang Yu secretly said in his heart.

He has seen Dongfang Jingchen before, and he still has some impressions.

"Who is Your Excellency, and why are you here?" He opened his mouth first and asked tentatively.

The man in black robe did not answer, and suddenly his figure turned into a few black qi and dispersed.

Wang Yu frowned, sure enough, there was a problem, so he turned on the battle state.

In his vision, a few strands of black smoke dissipated, and strands of smoke circled around him and gathered again.

When it was about to take shape, Wang Yu pulled out a knife and chopped it down.

Activate Erqiao and use two natural meanings to attach to the knife. For this unknown enemy of unknown origin, he has always tried his best!

When the knife fell, the two true meanings of thunder and water were poured out.

Compared with a year ago, because of his comprehension of the method of feeling the heaven and human beings, after sympathizing with the heaven and the earth, the strength of his mind and spirit has greatly increased, and the power of the sword of true meaning has also become stronger, and the two true meanings are even more handy.

Now that he is the enemy of Innate Realm Consummation, it will definitely be uncomfortable to suffer this.

The black smoke seemed to sense the threat and accelerated the gathering speed in vain. Thinking about it, he never thought that the other party could see through his secret technique so quickly.

Before he could fuse his body shape, he could only condense an arm full of scales, with four thick and rounded knuckles at the end, and long pointed nails in the shape of barbs.

These are not human arms and palms!


Wang Yu's knife slashed on this arm, and two mixed sword intents penetrated this strange arm and the remaining black energy that was still rolling.

The next moment, green and yellow juice burst out from the arm.

Wang Yu's heart sank sharply, although he slashed the opponent with a knife, but the result was not as direct as he expected to slash the opponent's arm and cut the black air.

On the contrary, his body was numb from the shock of the shock, and the Fanxing Saber was still firmly stuck on the strange arm, and he couldn't pull it out for a while.

The hardness of this strange arm is simply unimaginable.

Looking at the reshaped mysterious man, Wang Yu's whole body exploded with chills.

"Real level!"

The opponent may not have the cultivation realm of a real person, but the physical strength has definitely reached the real person level.

A sound of breaking the air suddenly came from under the black robe, and Wang Yu's heart jumped, his whole body burst out with blood, and blood surrounded him.

Struggling to pull out the star knife from the opponent's arm, it collided with the thing that came from the sky.


After a series of sonic booms, Wang Yu flew out through the black water.

The void-breaking thing looks like a huge brush with a chain, black and yellow, and the tip is like a needle.

The speed of the attack was extremely fast, that is, Wang Yu, who was in combat, saw the sudden attack of this thing.

"Early Innate?"

The mysterious geek glanced at his arm, and the gap was broken in half.

It is something that ordinary warriors in the Innate Realm can't do, can a little disciple in the Early Congenital Realm do it?

"Information error..."

The geek originally wanted to kill Wang Yu in an instant and leave quickly. After all, the other party in the intelligence also had a real-life master who might come after him at any time.

But I didn't expect Wang Yu's insight and reaction ability to be so strong that he didn't succeed just now.

"Forget it, as long as you don't step into the real world, the result will be the same."

The weirdo thought about it, and his figure moved. This time, he no longer used the secret technique to transform the black smoke, but rushed straight to Wang Yu.

There is no need for anything else, just push it horizontally and crush it and kill it.

At his level, he really only fears real-life powerhouses at the same level.

Under the real people are all ants!

However, when he started to speed up and was about to rush in front of Wang Yu, the dazzling thunder light engulfed Wang Yu first, and the next moment, a thunder column thicker than a water tank shot out from Wang Yu, who had turned into a thunder group.

In an instant, the black water was plowed to open a huge gully, directly engulfing the mysterious weirdo who was close at hand.

The twisted and weird cry was heart-wrenching, with some kind of madness.

As if he was afraid that he would not die, Wang Yu did not hesitate to increase the output, and the Leizhu increased into a diameter of several feet and a width of more than ten meters!

Under the baptism of the majestic thunder energy, the eccentric was completely paralyzed and could not resist or escape.

It lasted for a full thirty seconds, and the thunder pillar that destroyed the sky and the earth just stopped.

The black waters that turned over the river and the sea also calmed down, and a large amount of black water was sprinkled like raindrops.

The thunder light dissipated, and Wang Yu was once again covered in blackness and shaky.

He also doesn't remember that this is the first time he has been electrocuted. Anyway, he adapts quite well, and he has tried many times to get used to it.

This time, in order to ensure that he can kill the enemy, he directly and fully activated the thunder energy in the sky thunder, and he did not dare to be careless until the energy inside was exhausted.

And this newly acquired treasure really did not disappoint him, and the power that erupted in an all-round way was stronger than what was rumored.

Directly killed the real-life powerful enemy face to face, and not even the corpse was left.

Oh, no, I remember that there was a flying head that sank into the black water.

Thinking of this, Wang Yu's face sank, and he immediately forced himself to dive into the black water. In order to prevent the other party from dying, even if there was only the last head left, he would have to find it and confirm it to prevent future troubles.

Just as he went into the water to look for it, a ray of light in the distance came straight to Lei Ze, and the speed was as fast as the blink of an eye, and it reached the sky above the black waters.

The glow of the rays dissipated, and it was Immortal Zizhu who had arrived.

When Wang Yu realized that something was wrong, he had already sent a message to his master.

Real Zizhu heard the news and heard that there was a real-life enemy looking for Wang Yu, that's okay!

Immediately, they flew from Wuzong's inner door without stopping.

On the way, he was worried, and when Lei Ze arrived, he couldn't see Wang Yu's whereabouts, and even frowned, his heart was dull.

Release the senses to the fullest, and it took a while to find traces from the bottom of the water.

Soon, Wang Yu grabbed a head and surfaced.

"Teacher!" Seeing that Wang Yu was still alive, Master Zizhu breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really worried that he was late, so he could only collect the corpse for the little apprentice who had high hopes.

"Master, I'm fine." Seeing that it was the real Zizhu, Wang Yu knew that he was completely safe.

The injury on his body has begun to recover and is innocuous.

"Master, what exactly is 'he'?"

Wang Yu immediately presented the monster's head that he was holding in his hand.

The head is full of five hairs, a piece of baldness, half of the skin is yellowish, and the part of the back of the head connecting to the neck is dark brown.

There are two tentacles on the top of the head, two huge silver eyes, like a salted egg cut in half.

The mouth has a large bulge with two rows of fangs.

He did not expect the mysterious person under the black robe to look so strange.

It doesn't look like a normal person at all, it's more like some kind of mutant monster.

When he found it in the water, he was startled.

But combined with some of the weird limbs that the other party had revealed before, the arm with scales and claws, and the bee stinger that grew on his body.

It seems that these have already explained the abnormality of 'he' When Master Zizhu saw this head, his expression was not surprised, but suddenly became extremely solemn.

"It turned out to be these demons, how could it be..."

"Devil?" Wang Yu listened to Zizhu Zhenren's tone, as if this weirdo who was killed by him had a special identity.

"It's a long story at this time, and it's also related to that burrow. I need to hurry up and go back to the Ming Sect first, and you can go back with me." Immortal Zizhu said immediately.

Wang Yu hesitated for a moment, and then said truthfully: "Master, my homeland is about to suffer from war. I can't just sit back and ignore it. I have to go."

"Huh?" Master Zizhu looked at Wang Yu, and said after a few seconds, "Yes, but you also know the rules of the sect. You can't kill innocent people indiscriminately and slaughter them. If war is unavoidable, you must minimize casualties as much as possible."

"Disciple knows!" Wang Yu nodded solemnly.


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